Slim Fast 1-2-3 or Weight Watchers Point System

luvinlifesst Posts: 17
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I have had ok luck on both, and starting all over this time...only 3rd diet.....I am not sure which of these seem to help me more or be more valuable and nutitrious...any suggestions would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!


  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    Meal replacements are not the best. If anything do WW point system along with MFP this way you will be able to track everything such as your exercise and your food. The good old says if you put in your mouth count it. Hope this helps. Feel free to add me. Liliane
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    I have done both. I think Weight Watchers is better because you get to eat like a normal person and you get good nutrition. Slim Fast works too, but you don't get to eat that much (especially if you are only drinking the shakes) and look at the ingredients in a shake.....LOTS of sugar. Good luck!
  • I suggest you don't do either for the next month. Instead just focus on eating ONLY when you're hungry. That means only when your stomach is growling and calling out for food. When you do eat, just eat enough (of whatever you want) until the hunger is gone. You shouldn't be stuffing yourself. This plan gets you back to eating only as a need. By not limiting yourself to certain foods, you won't feel like your "dieting". It also gets you away from thinking you need to eat at set times of the day. Go ahead and track your calorie intake. Even with no foods being off limits, (and yproviding ou don't stuff yourself) you will eat a reasonable number of calories.

    After a month or two on this plan, you may find you don't need the others. Or you can start swapping out the pizza and burger for something healthier.

    This concept works well with kids too.
  • Meal replacements are not the best. If anything do WW point system along with MFP this way you will be able to track everything such as your exercise and your food. The good old says if you put in your mouth count it. Hope this helps. Feel free to add me. Liliane

    I agree. use WW with MFP, that would be your best bet.. from my experience. meal replacements only work if you don't snack, or have anything else to eat or drink.
  • Ok.. This one actually caught my eye-
    I like the slimfast meal bars and here's why. I use it in conjunction with myfitnesspal and the bars are a great way to keep check of your caloric intake and stay within the boundries of your goal.

    What they've also helped me do is seek out alternatives (for when i dont want one of those) that might be 100-200 calories. For example, an egg beater omlett with a slice of provalone cheese, mushrooms, and some bell pepper is about 200 calories.

    These meal bars are great for when I'm working and don't have time for lunch and I actually do like the taste. What I have found is that life is about alternatives- I LOVE PIZZA, but i've had it only ONCE in the last 2 months as a special gift to myself.

    I quit smoking 13 months ago and gained 20 lbs and even with me going to the gym and doing cardio, couldn't lose the weight- The slimfast bars, MyFitnessPal, and 50 min of cardio 4x a week has helped me drop 10 lbs in 3 weeks (I attribute most of it to the cardio). So, I like them, see a great value in them and as a tip, Target or Amazon has the best prices.
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    I have lost weight twice in my life (over a span of 20 years) with slim fast and last August I was set to do so again, bought the powdered mix and used for about a week and realised it was just too sweet and really not very healthy.

    So I just started counting the calories on everything I ate (simple, just a couple of minutes a day) and voila, the weight just fell off. You relearn what a healthy portion is of whatever you are eating and find out how satisfied you can be eating less.

    Good luck!
  • WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone for all the great feed back!!!! Looks like WWP is the way to go.....maybe I won't be as
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