Stretch Receptors?

MyWishfulShrinking Posts: 56
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I've read about stretch receptors in your stomach, that signal to your brain when your stomach is full. I also read that if you've been eating larger portions for a while they get stretched out, therefore it takes more food to feel full. I also learned that if you eat smaller meals more frequently you can get them back to normal so you feel fuller on less food. My question is: Is it possible to already feel full on less food after just 8 days? I'm kind of worried because I would usually be able to down so much food. Now that I have been trying to lose weight I find myself full on littler food. Is it normal after only 8 days?


  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    I don't think the amount of time that has passed has anything to do with it
    once you stop eating on automatic, and pay attention to portion sizes
    you find that you are full on much less food, I know I did
  • I think it's possible to feel full on less food after less than 8 days. As soon as I drop down my portion sizes I notice that I am getting fuller sooner. It's probably more of a mental thing of finishing everything on my plate. When the plate is finished, I believe that I should be full, so I use a plate that is half the size of my normal one, providing me with the correct portion size and I still get the feeling that I am full.

    But, I have noticed that if I would try to eat more food after a few days of eating small portions, I just cannot do it because I get full far too easily.
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