How often do you weigh in?



  • ChristaS
    ChristaS Posts: 49 Member
    I weigh myself daily (and only "check in" when I have lost weight) Shhhhhhhh!

    me too lol
  • terri0027
    terri0027 Posts: 51 Member
    I weight about 3 times a week but record it on Modays, loss or not. When I lost weight before I quit weighing which was a huge mistake. I just read that you can catch the slip ups if you weigh in once a week at least once you've met your goal.
  • I'm becoming a scale-a-holic. i used to only weight once a week, but now that i'm exercising and eating right, i love seeing my weight go down.
  • I generally weigh in once or twice a month. I also measure myself a couple of times a month. Helps keep me sane! Usually, the only time I will weigh myself twice within a short amount of time is if I weigh in and just KNOW the next morning that...ahem...a few things changed during the intervening time...(i.e. poo) :happy:
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I weigh in every thursday but I tend to check my weight every day to every other day.
  • Usually once a week.
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    I weigh every single day
  • if you could wittle it down to once weekly, you'll love yourself a lot more. you'll actually see a loss instead of a discouraging gain or standstill. mine is sunday morning, before anything to eat or drink and in underwear. same scale, same time approx with same clothes. don't obsess, just use as a gauge.
  • I check every morning when I wake up, but I 'weigh in' and measure every Monday morning.

    That is a great idea! I should only officially record it once a week but I guess it's ok if I weigh in more than that. Why didn't I think of that?????????????!
  • if you could wittle it down to once weekly, you'll love yourself a lot more. you'll actually see a loss instead of a discouraging gain or standstill. mine is sunday morning, before anything to eat or drink and in underwear. same scale, same time approx with same clothes. don't obsess, just use as a gauge.

    yea i usually do it first thing in the morning with just underwear on too.

    i try not to obsess but its hard
  • emott84
    emott84 Posts: 108
    I usually weigh in only once a week - Wednesday mornings! (I think I choose Wednesdays because I feel like it's far enough away from the indulgences of the weekend, lol)

    I do only check-in at a loss though!
    Luckily, every time I've weighed myself, there's been a loss (so far, it's still kinda early-ish days for me and this lifestyle thing) so I haven't hit plateaus or anything yet. Not looking forward to that. :S
  • mybutterflower
    mybutterflower Posts: 90 Member
    I weigh myself daily (and only "check in" when I have lost weight) Shhhhhhhh!

    Me too! :laugh:
  • I weigh myself on Friday mornings. In the past, I have weighed everyday but have noticed that I get too obsessed with the number on the scale. For me, it's just easier to do it once a week now.
  • i am trying to weigh once a week at a scale at the gym. using the same scale. i had to throw my personal one in the trash becasue i kept obsessing over it weighing like 5 times a day!!!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I "weigh in" on tuesday mornings, only because that was the day I started my weightloss journey. I record it whether I lose or gain. I do tend to weigh myself every morning tho because I like seeing where I am at. I am trying to cut that back to only stepping on the scale on tuesday mornings but its rough lol!
  • I weigh myself every time I go to the bathroom, and since I drink a lot of liquids, that's a lot of weigh ins. I think that's obsessive though and am annoyed with that behavior a lot of the time. However, since I mentally mark so many weights, I get a feel for the weight fluctuations, and have a good idea of the overall weight trend, not just a weight at one point in time.

    Previously I weighed myself only once every month or two, and my weight never changed (I wasn't dieting though), and I thought that was much more relaxing -- I could think about things other than my weight more!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    I weigh myself once or twice a week. Since joining up here, the two groups I found will make that Tuesdays and Fridays, probably in the morning. I have started with a trainer who weighed me, but not sure how often he plans to check. I look at the numbers, but the way my clothes fit (or don't) is a bigger deal to me.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I check my weight probably once a DAY no lie! lol. I do it every morning. However, I only record when I actually lose weight. I am going to be dogsitting for someone over the weekend and I told myself I WOULD NOT bring my scale and he doesn't have one!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I check my weight daily, but only log it after my "official" weigh-in at Weight Watchers on Friday evenings.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    My weight fluctuates pretty frequently. I know that it will discourage me if it goes up, and if it goes down I feel the temptation to binge on something because "I'm doing so good". As a result my "rule" is once a week, Sunday morning as soon as I get up (its the only day I always keep a normal schedule- sleep all night, wake up early morning- because I go to church).

    That said, I weight myself 1 or 2 times besides that, but only my Sunday weight is logged. I can't resist!! Especially when I know I've been so good the day or days before!!

    My scale does my body fat % so I log that weekly to. I know that isn't very accurate, but its about seeing it go down. Measurements every 2-3 weeks.
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