katrana Member


  • If you are throwing up like that, it is probably NOT the flu, but more likely something like a norovirus. Try the BRAT diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, along with clear soup/diluted juice/gatorade for electrolytes. Saltines are good too.
  • try knitting or crocheting, it might keep your hands busy!
  • 5'9.5 here, started at 250 (including my pregnancy weight), and have fluctuated between 190-210 for the last couple of years (currently at 210) Short-term goal- about 190 so that my work clothes fit better Medium-term goal is 175-180 (weight when I got married and gets me to a "healthy" BMI.) Long-term maintenance goal is…
  • Hopefully a lot of your weight is just water weight (if you are eating healthy). It has been so hot that your body may be holding onto the extra water. I was a gainer with my son too (3rd trimester was over a HOT HOT summer, I got HUGE). I was able to lose all but 10 pounds of it with my son within about 8 weeks, without…
  • It is honestly the prepared foods that are high in sodium. Maybe try preparing your foods in the kitchen WITH your mom? Talk with her, this would save money AND be healthier for you to make your own foods! I think that is where I would begin. I am also sure you can go through your diary and see the big sodium items, and…
  • try more veg and protein to fill you up, and make sure you are drinking lots of water to help process the additional fiber. I think you could probably bump your calories up a bit depending on your goals, as long as what you are adding in are good healthy foods. I looked back over the past week and I literally didn't see…
  • I also have never rinsed mine, wonder if I have the pre-rinsed too? This recipe is pretty good and pretty easy: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/quinoa-and-black-beans/detail.aspx Ingredients 1 teaspoon vegetable oil 1 onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped 3/4 cup uncooked quinoa 1 1/2 cups vegetable broth 1…
    in Quinoa Comment by katrana January 2012
  • cook on the weekends and freeze extra portions for quick meals during the week. Crockpot is your friend- you can make stews, veggie lasagna, mexican lasagna, soups, chili, and more. Other quick meals- stir fry, fish, pasta, things on the grill (veggies, shrimp, chicken, steak). Sides for dinner- frozen veggies take just…
  • tagging for later! I like MGMT, muse, etc
  • Lentil tacos: 1 cup finely chopped onion 1 garlic clove, minced 1 teaspoon canola oil 1 cup dried lentils, rinsed 1 tablespoon chili powder 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon dried oregano 2 1/2 cups vegetable broth In a large nonstick skillet, saute the onion and garlic in oil until tender. Add the lentils, chili powder,…
  • I also believe that our bodies are programmed to gain a certain amount. I ate really healthy during my pregnancy AND exercised until about 9 months when I couldn't go more than 20 mins without having to pee and my hips/feet hurt all of the time. Unfortunately, I still gained almost 60(!) pounds. Note: I started at slightly…
  • Last time I did this, I started with the bigger size soup cans. Not sure how much they weigh, but that was more than enough! I am in! The hardest part for me has been finding time to exercise.
  • tagging to watch later
  • Well I am not sure if this works if you are on the pill because the pill messes with your hormone levels, but it might help someone else at least.... if you are concerned you might be pregnant a practically free way to tell is to chart your basal body temperature. After you ovulate your body releases progesterone, which…
  • I have been drinking hot unsweetened teas (green tea, chamomile, peppermint, etc), and they have helped me even more than water (especially now that since it is getting colder out I have been finding it hard to drink ice water!)
  • Can you get up and go for a walk for 10 minutes at work? That could help stave off the cravings. If you can't get away for that long, can you run up and down a flight of stairs, do some jumping jacks in the bathroom? etc? Anything to change scenery so you can break the temptations. Can you have a (healthy but yummy) snack…
  • please don't group all of the midwest into being terrible places for food. **Depending on where you are at**, they have some of the MOST progressive policies towards food in the country, BECAUSE people are so much closer to their food sources. Madison, WI has one of the top farmer's markets in the country. Many of the…
  • It could also be the change in weather. I know I have been really tired this week, but it is because it has been cloudy/rainy and the temps have dropped about 10 degrees from last week. Also, the days are getting longer.
  • Make things with leftovers, leftovers, leftovers! You can make some homemade soups (I really like vegetable beef) or chili and freeze it in individual serving containers. Then, just heat and eat! Similar to the chicken burritos, here is a veggie burrito recipe. I really like this recipe. You can make this ahead of time on…
  • also the sun can cause headaches if you have been spending more time outside (exercising).
  • those of you that don't like green tea- try Numi brand Jasmine green tea. It is AMAZING. I drink a cup of that every day. It is a little pricey (a box of 18 is around $5?) but it is a little "treat" for myself every morning. Some of the green teas, especially the cheaper brands, can be really bitter.
    in Green tea Comment by katrana May 2009
  • I put 2 new pictures in my profile, a "before" and a during. It seems like almost all of the weight loss was from my mid-section! :D
  • http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2399352.ece ouch, if this story doesnt give you motivation to give up the junk food.......nothing will!! Ugh those poor kids :S BTW I believe it is 14 pounds per stone, making her 406. Also, in case you are curious, wotsits are sort of like puffy cheetos. 29-stone mum feeds…
  • It could also be an ulcer- my stomach was SO messed up for a while when I was a grad student that anytime I ate certain trigger foods, I felt like I was going to throw up (*although, I almost never DID throw up). Just another possible thing to ask the doc about though. Trigger foods = chocolate, coffee/strong tea, wine,…
  • If you get netflix, you can watch a LOT of different exercise DVDs as either normal rentals or "watch it now" option. I like doing that because I sometimes get bored of a DVD after about 2 weeks :)
  • WOW 1000 calories burned a day every day, that seems like a pretty intensive goal Good luck! Keep up the good work! I am pretty sure most of the weight gain will be from water retention, .unless you somehow managed to eat an average of 2000 calories a day OVER your maintenance calories this past week.....:laugh:
  • If an MD is monitoring you, I would go by what he/she says. good luck!
  • another one: Planta Med. 2008 Oct;74(13):1656-65. Epub 2008 Oct8 Selective estrogen receptor modulators and phytoestrogens. Scientific achievements in the last two decades have revolutionized the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. This is mainly because of targeted therapies and a better understanding of the…
  • Unfortunately I can't get access to this original research article but here is the abstract: Protective effects of Asian dietary items on cancers - soy and ginseng. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2008 Oct-Dec;9(4):543-8. Dietary factors are regarded as exerting major influences on cancer development in various organ sites and in…
  • I had a really bad weekend, hope I am just retaining water but I went up 2lbs! Saturday went over to a friend's and had around 2100 calories for the day, and same with sunday. Normally on the weekends I get a lot of exercise in but I was just so TIRED that I slept a lot (plus it was hot). I don't think it was…