

  • Salmon grills very nicely. Having the skin on is better in terms of having the fish hold together, but it matters only slightly. Grill skin side up for about 4 minutes and then skin side down for 4 minutes. Times may vary with the grill You can marinade for 24 hours before cooking 1T C Sesame oil 1/2 C soy sauce 1/2 C lime…
  • Changing Clocks: Since you were setting the clocks back it counts a negative one hour of exercise. If you did this every day, in 5 weeks you would gain 25 pounds!
  • I remember my dad's example of a really bad pick-up line "You don't sweat much for a fat woman"
  • For Microwave. Slice the sweet potatoes thin, I don't peel them mix with olive oil and spices (I avoid salt and use garlic powder, onion powder then choose hot (as in cayenne or black pepper) or spiced (as in cinnamon, cardamom, clove) a little sugar adds to browning, put a single layer on parchment paper in the microwave…
  • I don't have nearly as much history to overcome as you do, but I do tend to get too few calories especially when exercising. What has helped me is to add calories in ways that I never did before (candy and chips in the old days.) Now I use cottage cheese, nuts, and fruits (including dried fruits) This seems to let me add…
  • Wow -- four years of focused work ! Inspiring!
  • You can look up measuring body fat on the web, but taking the actual measurements is best done by someone with training and experience.
  • Look online for low impact exercise -- there are lots of sites. Consider elastic bands for resistance work. Low chance of injury and not very expensive.
  • Check some other websites for swimming calories. According to one calculator, swimming freestyle you would burn 2,000 calories if you swam for 3 hours and covered 360 laps (a bit over 5 miles)
  • I recommended them to my therapist. He asked why he should be reading porn and I replied that they are books about relationships and that is a part of his business.
  • Espresso Coffee -- a Bialetti Moka Express (stove top) will set you back less than $30 and is easily cheaper than pods in a very short time. Hint -- the 1 cup is very small, go for a 3 or a 6 (for two of us I use a 9 cup) A spoonful of sugar is only about 15 calories so don't sweat it.
  • Fried rice starts with cooked rice (steamed) so the issue with fried rice is what is added in the frying. If it is just vegetables and little oil is used, the calorie count is much like steamed rice. Lots of oil and a fatty meat like pork can up the count by quite a bit. We make a lot of fried rice using left-overs, only a…
  • I think you should talk to your doctor about this. Mine told me NOT to get a monitor because he thinks you can cause yourself more trouble by trying to control short term changes in blood pressure. His advice was keep on your medications and watch your diet and four checks a year will be plenty. This is NOT medical advice…
  • You are clearly debilitated by your migraines and need professional help -- ask your doctor to refer you a specialist. Cymbalta (an antidepressant) made mine stop completely BUT this is not a recommendation for a specific drug -- just to point out that a knowledgeable doctor will know of choices beyond what a family doctor…
  • Swimming is a good option since you can do it with arms only (tuck a float between your legs) Get your doctors permission before adding your legs to the work-out. It may be possible for you to wear an ankle brace so that kicking doesn't add too much stress
  • I love pickles -- I have closets full!
  • Wow! I hadn't thought about this, but a lacy garter tattoo would sure be something that my friends could remark on -- unfortunately most remarks would contain the word "senility."
  • This is a good question and I suspect that there is no single right answer. My aim is to weigh the same as I did when I graduated from High School. I was in good shape (varsity swimmer) with six-pack abs, but who knows what it will be like when I get there now?
  • Turn your bathroom scale over and read the label. NOT LEGAL FOR TRADE. That is there because the manufacturer has chosen not to meet the federal standards for scales. Hey, that is fine, but it tells you something about believability. So, that scale could send you to jail if you were selling pumpkins by the pound and yet…
  • Well, it is true that A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of lead, but remember that an ounce of gold weighs more than an ounce of feathers. Wait -- don't shoot before you Google troy ounce
  • For me -- once a week max!
  • We use a packet of Knorr Alfredo Sauce mix. 1/3 packet = 60 calories. Unfortunately not low sodium. Be careful the "zero calorie" sprays are a racket because they call for an impossibly short spay -- read the can and beware!
    in Popcorn Comment by geezer99 June 2012
  • NO, you didn't let yourself down because you are here, you are still trying, you are posting. Yes, there have been some tough months, but you have evidence that you can lose weight and no reason to believe that you can't get back on that path. So, pick yourself up, dust off your self-confidence and get back to doing what…
  • I asked my pet snake -- he said eat it and share some with your BF
    in Apples Comment by geezer99 June 2012
  • The ice cream sandwiches make a great after workout reward at 140 calories. Just bought another box this morning. Sugar? Not trying to start a fight, but to me, moderation rather than total abstinence is the key.
  • Exactly right! Each of us has to look for ways to fight our own personal demons and you have found one -- but stay vigilant, bad habits fight back at first. Cookies. You probably can't "just say no" (I can't) so an alternative is to bag each one separately and put them all in the freezer. Make Monday, Wednesday and Friday…
  • As was said above, you absolutely need a doctor who will listen to YOUR needs and is willing to try different meds (this includes older drugs that are sometimes ignored.) People have very different reactions to these drugs and so you can't just go by the experience of others. I have been happy on Cymbalta, but again, the…
  • Four trips down to the break room to see if anyone had left some goodies. They hadn't. Thank goodness.
  • Székely Gulyás (See-kay Goulash) A Hungarian dish which is like a thick soup WAIT -- you are going to read the ingredients and freak out since it calls for lard, pork and sour cream. Just substitute a bit of olive oil to wilt the onions and cut up a turkey leg…
  • Tempeh -- on Saturday we baked it and used it in a snap pea and kale stir fry. (If it comes pre-packaged you don't have to boil it.)