Anti Depressents and Weight gain/Loss suggestions

At 54 years old, I've recently went back into therapy for Depression and I have been on Paxil 20mg, 1X daily for about 10 years now. The Psychiatrist says I need more or a stronger anti-depressent. He suggested that he raises the daily Paxil amount but he says Weight gain and sleepyness along with Male ED (which has caused me issues as well) is the down side. He also suggested Lexapro. Wieght gain is part of my overall self image and esteem issues so weight gain is really the wrong way but again, is trying to be happy worth it?

I'm looking for other's experineces with both and how do you deal with the side affects, particulary the weight gain. I can get the little blue pill for the other problem but as I sit here overweight, finding the use of that pill is secondary at best!


  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    It makes me so angry at psychiatrists when I read things like this. It's as if they are totally oblivious to the way side effects can contribute to the problems the medication is supposed to be helping.

    I have heard Wellbutrin has a lower instance of these side effects, but it sounds like you need to find a psychiatrist who will actually listen to you and be more open to a holistic approach.
  • parachutelea
    Hi! I've been on several mental illness pils. Seroquel, Setralin, and Fluoxetine. Fluoxetine is basically Prozac. Right now I take Seroquel 50 mg and Setrakin 75 mg, as well as Atarax 10mgx3 everyday and I've noticed I don't actually gain weight, but I'm not losing it as fast as I was when I took Fluoxetine.

    But, as my doctors say, you are in charge of your own body. You can ask for another prescription and for another type of drug and he's obliged to look for something else. I don't know about you but for me exercise doesn't alleviate my problems, so I am in need of my medicine to function. I don't think I'd feel better about myself if I was skinnier, but my body would appreciate it. I think you need to realise that maybe getting fit won't miraculously make your depression less severe.

    Take care!
  • SlimSammy2012
    I am working with both a Psyhcologist (for the Cognative Behaivor issues) and the Psychiatrist for the inability to funtion on a day to day basis.
  • SlimSammy2012
    Hi! I've been on several mental illness pils. Seroquel, Setralin, and Fluoxetine. Fluoxetine is basically Prozac. Right now I take Seroquel 50 mg and Setrakin 75 mg, as well as Atarax 10mgx3 everyday and I've noticed I don't actually gain weight, but I'm not losing it as fast as I was when I took Fluoxetine.

    But, as my doctors say, you are in charge of your own body. You can ask for another prescription and for another type of drug and he's obliged to look for something else. I don't know about you but for me exercise doesn't alleviate my problems, so I am in need of my medicine to function. I don't think I'd feel better about myself if I was skinnier, but my body would appreciate it. I think you need to realise that maybe getting fit won't miraculously make your depression less severe.

    Take care!

    I agree about the "Skinny" won't make you feel better. I've been there before and as an overall issues with me, once I find that "Comfy/Happy" place the euphoria wanes and I am back fighting the issues I had that helped me get heavey.

    thanks fo rthe support! :smile:
  • SlimSammy2012
    @ Para...did Atarax make youcrazy nevrvous? I was told it does and that wouldn't be good for me..
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    Most antidepressants can cause weight gain, it is secondary to eating more though and lack of exercise due to the sedative side effects. It can not just magically make you gain weight, it does not change your metabolism. Unfortunately most antidepressants can also cause sexual dysfunction, it is a result of how they inadvertently effect other parts of the body when working. Some of the antidepressants that cause lower instances of weight gain may have even worse side effects, it is a matter of weighing the benefits against the risks because ALL drugs have side effects. Would you rather be on an SSRI, the paxil, or an MAOI? With an MAOI you can not eat anything with tyramine in it, that means no cheese at all, no smoked/fermented meats like bolgna and salami, and no beer or wine. I am just trying to say that some side effects for different classes can be very bad, even cardiac problems for TCA's which is another class of antidepressants.

    I am glad that you see that becoming thin will not make you happy, so you know the importance of taking the medication. If you are gaining alot of weight on it then try another drug and see how that effects you, because some will have less sedative/weight effects for you, it is like a lock and key situation, keep trying something until it clicks and works for you. I know that it can be frustrating, but hang in there.
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    @ Para...did Atarax make youcrazy nevrvous? I was told it does and that wouldn't be good for me..

    I take atarax, and I take the lowest dose prescribed which is 25mg's and it makes me so sedated that I can not think clearly. I have to take naps to even function.
  • littlemiss5foot1
    littlemiss5foot1 Posts: 75 Member
    Am i right to think that Body Image is a major factor in your depression? Past events? what do u think is the cause, like when ur having alow point what comes to your mind?
  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    As was said above, you absolutely need a doctor who will listen to YOUR needs and is willing to try different meds (this includes older drugs that are sometimes ignored.) People have very different reactions to these drugs and so you can't just go by the experience of others. I have been happy on Cymbalta, but again, the experience of others may vary.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    I take Lexapro in the evenings. My doc added 150 mg Wellbutrin in the mornings to counteract some of the side effects and this has helped quite a bit (Wellbutrin has a side effect of weight loss).
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I take Celexa, or Citalopram, and one of the side effects is decreased appetite. Its one of the newer-type AD meds. You may want to talk to your doctor about it. I have never been on anything else so I cannot compare it to anything, but it works for my issues. Best of luck!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I take Welbutrin XL (generic bupropion) 350mg once a day, and will have been on it for about 2 years this November. Initially, I did gain about 20 pounds after I started taking it. But, I also had never felt so good and so happy in my life, ever. It's been working for me ever since, keeping me balanced. If you gain weight from taking an antidepressant, it could just be because you're subconsciously eating more or moving less. I know I gained my weight because I was happy and didn't care about anything like my weight for a while, so I just ate whatever I wanted. (Ignorance is bliss I guess? lol) But when I finally did decide to get in shape and lose the weight, it wasn't just about wanting to look better, it was about wanting to live a longer, more fulfilling life for myself and my family. I finally chose to change because I finally felt like I was able to, and the medicine was, in a way, the catalyst for that transformation.

    You have to understand that with any medicine (as I'm sure you already do know) there will be some side-effects. Hopefully though, you can find one with few or none for you that works the way you need it to. The initial weight gain is nothing compared to feeling good when you suffer from depression. I'm sure you will agree with me! If you can feel better, a little extra weight is nothing in the long run, especially when you can lose that weight! :) I personally had no trouble losing weight, though it did seem to take about a month, month and a half for any significant losses to happen. I do hope you get what you need and can find a balance in your life that works. Good luck to you, and try to stay positive. :heart:
  • SlimSammy2012
    Am i right to think that Body Image is a major factor in your depression? Past events? what do u think is the cause, like when ur having alow point what comes to your mind?

    I definetely have past issues along with not only body image but self loathing/worthless ness that triggers my anger. Luckily, I am not and never was a violent person (Excluding my Hickey playing days) when my anger bubbles over. I usually am in the car and I am screaming at other drivers most of the time.

    At my low points It is useally the feeling that there is never going to be any happiness in store for me in my life. I don't know my purpose in life. I've never known "happy". Not saying I have had some funfilled laughabel moments, it is just it never stays with me for long.
  • SlimSammy2012
    Thank you all for your contributions and you all have given me some suggestions, experiences and support I knew I would get from my fellow MFPer's.

    God bless you all! :smile:
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    i suffer from depression and anxiety hence one of the reasons for using the food calculator not only to regulate the amount of calories i ingest but also works as a control mechanism, if i eat right i feel better for it and its one less reason to be anxious

    currently on zoloft 150mg seen a slight weight increase but ive put that down to eating badly during the dark times!

    keep the good fight my man add me if you want!
  • SCVSarah
    SCVSarah Posts: 231 Member
    Well first off, doctor probably knows best, but here's my experience...

    Effexor: worked great initially, lost 15lbs but then stopped working after about a year.
    Lexipro, Cymbalta: horrible reaction, was moody and angry
    Pristiq: worked somewhat, but major weight gain and then completely stopped working after less than a year
    Zoloft, Wellbutrin: Felt great and maintained weight. No weight loss/gain. I think I lost maybe 5 lbs at first with Wellburtin, but once my body got used to it, I evened out. No negative sexual side effects

    PM me if you have questions/want more info. Good luck. I definitely relate to what you are going through.
  • SlimSammy2012
    Well first off, doctor probably knows best, but here's my experience...

    Effexor: worked great initially, lost 15lbs but then stopped working after about a year.
    Lexipro, Cymbalta: horrible reaction, was moody and angry
    Pristiq: worked somewhat, but major weight gain and then completely stopped working after less than a year
    Zoloft, Wellbutrin: Felt great and maintained weight. No weight loss/gain. I think I lost maybe 5 lbs at first with Wellburtin, but once my body got used to it, I evened out. No negative sexual side effects

    PM me if you have questions/want more info. Good luck. I definitely relate to what you are going through.

    Yikes, regarding the Lexipro and Cymbalta reaction. I truly don't need more Moodyness and anger!!!! Grrrrrrr! See? :laugh:

    I'm not as worried about loosing weight but I sure don't want to gain weight!

    Thanks so much to and everyobody for their help! :smile:
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    At 54 years old, I've recently went back into therapy for Depression and I have been on Paxil 20mg, 1X daily for about 10 years now. The Psychiatrist says I need more or a stronger anti-depressent. He suggested that he raises the daily Paxil amount but he says Weight gain and sleepyness along with Male ED (which has caused me issues as well) is the down side. He also suggested Lexapro. Wieght gain is part of my overall self image and esteem issues so weight gain is really the wrong way but again, is trying to be happy worth it?

    I'm looking for other's experineces with both and how do you deal with the side affects, particulary the weight gain. I can get the little blue pill for the other problem but as I sit here overweight, finding the use of that pill is secondary at best!

    Trazodone (Desyrel) has fewer sexual and weight gain side effects than most antidepressants.