climberchic Member


  • How's it going? Thinking of starting soon.
  • Hey everyone!! Day 6!! How is it going? The eating is going well, but mentally I WANT sugar. Not sugar exactly but it would be nice to have a hot coffee with some amazing hazelnut creamer. That is my gateway food/drink into unhealthy eating. Once this whole30 is over I'm going to start making paleo creamer. I've tried it…
  • I agree 100%, the health benefits really are the winning aspect.
  • I'm in! I did it in the fall and did great. I have made several attempts since but always fall off the wagon. I'm in it with a family member and we are down!!
  • Great advice! Thanks everyone. The training is going decent so far. My time isn't what I would like it to be but I'm finishing my goals each day. I did have a question about Paleo and marathon training. Anybody have anything to comment on that?
  • The longest race I've ran was 8miles (several years ago) and I think I may have had a small amount of water mid way and that was it. My diet was terrible back then too so I think I will definitely take this all into consideration. Last year when I was running pretty regularly 4 a day I would usually only eat an egg white…
  • Yes! On my first Whole30 I dreamed I cheated and was devastated. I think I was on Day 21 and was so relieved when I woke up. I think it is common, but funny. Good job to everyone keeping in line!!
  • Well, fell off the wagon today! Don't ask, I'm completely ashamed. Looks like day 1 for me tomorrow! Hope everyone else had a successful weekend.
  • Hey! How did you get a pic on here?
  • Hey all! I did the whole30 earlier this year and was so happy with my results! I'm doing another, on Day 5 now. So, I guess that means I'm in for November too!! Good luck to everyone and if this is your first time, trust me, you won't be disappointed.
  • Day 11 on my second go around. Haven't been exercising like I said I was going to BUT I am still seeing major progress. I am super excited and enjoying the food I am eating. Sweet potatoes are my new fav right now.
  • Good morning All!! Another beautiful day. Feeling amazing and have discovered sweet potatos again and steamed cauliflower. (wow does cauliflower fill you up!) I said I wasn't going to weigh again until monday but couldn't resist. I mean the scale is RIGHT THERE! :) Another 1.9lbs down! I really am amazed and feel much…
  • Good morning! I did the whole30 last month and it cost $1049.00 for the month. I thought it was crazy but I ate really good, alot of organic and fresh caught fish. I'm on my 4th day of another 30 days and this time I'm going to try and keep my costs down. This total was pretty much for me.
  • Thanks llw! It is quite good. So, today is Day 3 and I weighed myself this morning. Already down 3 lbs, that really tells me it was alot of water weight. I won't weigh again until next Monday morning but wanted to check today. So far so good. This time around I feel the cleansing effects a little. I was pretty tired…
  • Hello there! Good luck to you and working out! Work really puts a damper on working out. :) I know I will be struggling with time, but going to try to make it work. Favorite recipes? Well I'm totally addicted to this salad I eat pretty much with every meal. Arugula, baby spinach, kale, radishes, red cabbage, strawberries…
  • DAY 30!!! They say that it will change your life and I truly believe that it has. I have a great relationship with food now and I crave food items that are healthy for me. The other day someone referred to me as a "clean" eater and I felt really good about that. It is nice to know what you are eating and exactly what you…
  • Personally, I think they are amazing. I've had two foot surgeries and after my second I could not find shoes that would not hurt. I did some research and found the vibrams. (Several years ago) they are great. I run in them, play softball, kayak, work out. They are so dynamic. I do have running shoes for distance as you…
  • Day 24 for me! I really enjoy what I've been eating an Monday I FINALLY started running again after months of slacking. I'm very excited about that. 6 more days and I can update my progress. How is everyone else doing so far?
  • Hey there! My diary is open, but sometimes it is slightly boring as I will eat the same thing for days. I am currently on Day 22 of the Whole30 so it is pretty strict. Hope it helps!
  • Hey everyone!! I actually started in August and I am on Day 18 right now. It really hasn't been that tough and I think it is one of the best decisions. I'm going to do another 30 when this is over but I think I'm going to get the book, It starts with food. Good luck everyone!!
  • Hello All!!! I decided that I wanted to start eating Paleo because I suffered from major fatigue in the afternoon. As a working Mom and parent of very active 4 year old I couldn't affort to be tired. I started the Whole30 on August 19th and haven't had a single day of fatigue in the afternoons. I use to get migraines alot…
  • Good morning everyone!! Here is the latest update on my progress. The eating aspect of the whole30 is going great! It really has been much easier than I thought it would be. I haven't really experienced any cravings and there are alot of sweets that I like. I'm really proud of myself with that. I did however slip up and…
  • Hey there! Nope! No weighing or measuring. I weighed the night before I started and that was it. It's hard, I won't lie. I usually weigh myself everyday. The scale is in my room I pass it every morning. I just keep telling myself that it IS changing because with my food choices it HAS to change. I know everything that I am…
  • Congrats on your weight loss!! How DO you feel?
  • Hey everyone!! So, I "sort of" started the whole 30 last Wednesday. I did great Wednesday and Thursday but then had to go on a road trip. I fell right off the wagon at all the gas stations. No worries though. I got my Mom on board and we kicked off again for a reset on Monday. I am now on Day 3 and I must say, I am super…
  • I'm on Day 3 and super happy with it. Good luck!!
  • Hey Everyone!! Been a few days. I did great Tuesday and Wednesday of last week and fell of the wagon during a weekend trip to my Mom's. No worries. Day 1 again for me today and I REFUSE to have anymore slips. I even talked my Mom and my sister into doing the whole30 with me. Tonight I had an awesome dinner and looking…
  • Hey! Thanks everyone! So far so good. Day 2!
  • Hey there! Today is my first day on the whole30 as well. How did you do today? I feel pretty good about my first day. I think I did pretty good. Didn't eat enough calories though. I will definitely need to work on that tomorrow. I have a slight headache tonight but not bad, just annoying. Good luck!!
  • Hey! Thanks. I've been doing some reading (stuck on a plane) and I think I'm going to kick start the Paleo by starting the whole30 tomorrow. Any thoughts on that?