ohpampered1 Member


  • MyM0wM0w -That dish you made looked great! skinnyjeanzbo -I think a lot of men think the way your husband does, I would just say once again, that’s okay you can call her and make the arrangements yourself. lizmil79- I would like some snow for Christmas, but after that it can all go away! lol It’s good that you go some…
  • Hi everyone, sorry I have not been around for sometime now, I have been using MFP on my cell phone and can't read the message boards. Between work and being a mom taxi, I don't get much time to get on the computer. I have been doing good with weight loss. Something that really helped me out was having a protein drink every…
  • Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers, you all lifted my mood and make me feel I had friends pulling for me! I have good news we got our power back last night! We were all so happy. We still have a lot of things to deal with, I need to go food shopping for all new food, and I am afraid of buying bad food....and the…
  • Day 7 with no electric or heat or gas, due to Sandy. My poor 17 year old son had 4 slices of pizza today at work, he didn't know if we were going to eat tonight. I had to turn my head away from him so he would not see me cry. I can't wait until things get better, we are all eating what we can when we can. We got FEMA meals…
  • I just wanted to stop in and say hello. I hope everyone is doing well, I hope to have enough time to read past post tomorrow. We have a lot to do here tomorrow, getting ready for SANDY..... Gas up the cars, food shopping, now that's going to be hard, buy food that doesn't need to be refrigerated. We will make it work, this…
  • Just had to share before I go to work. lost 3 pounds since her last weigh-in! Ohpampered1's lost 16 pounds so far. Wow MFP is really working for me, better than any diet I have been on! Have a good day everyone.
  • Tuesday goals, I would like to get more walking in, this week. If my knee can handle it, then so can I. @kittyx2- Welcome, and best of luck with all of your journeys. You found a great place to come and get support, I just had my 20th day here and I can truly say these fine people are the best! :flowerforyou: @Kaye- Cathy…
  • @Mnwalkingquee- I'm glad to hear your ok from your fall. Uneven sidewalks can be so dangerous. @Imackbeth- Congrats on your loss and I hope you get the job. @Aug, I'm glad your surgery went well. For all of you have been sick or just not feeling well, I'm wishing you better tomorrow's. :flowerforyou: Monday check-in Well I…
  • Hehe, I felt the same way, and you are right I'm a very visual person. I think you cracked the code to pintrest! @Kah68- 1 1/2 in less in the hips!! Great job. :smile: @CathEsh- I have to keep telling myself all the weight I gained took many, many years to add on, and I need to be fair with myself and know it going to take…
  • Now that you know about the stroke don't take it personal at all. My mother had a massive stroke at 52, I love her with all of my heart, but she has anger issues too. She take a lot out on me and my family. I have to keep reminding myself, yes this is the woman who played with us as kids and sang, would have us all jump in…
  • I have photos of my man Shemar on Pinterest! lol Thanks for all the support on the cupcake and also my out to dinner choices. I ate that cupcake today and it was sooooo good, I even stayed under my calories for the day by a hair! :drinker: @ Robin- I hope the Prednisone will work fast for you. Did you ever take it before?…
  • You cracked me up with belts are your friends! You are right and I need to get one, I'll be thinking of you when I get one. lol @naceto- it sounds like your having the time of your life, enjoy!:smile: @lizmil79- you gave me a few really good choices, thanks for your 2 cents, it's worth a lot more to me. :happy: I hope your…
  • I will go back and read everyone's post but I need some guidance....My birthday is Saturday and I am stressing out over food, my kids ask me were I wanted to go for dinner. I said "let me get back to you" :frown: Tomorrow will be hard as well, I work in a special ed. class, we teach the children to hopefully take care of…
  • @skinnyjean- I wish I could get some hand-me-downs. I learned today at work, that I need to buy a belt, I almost lost my jeans! :blushing: I weigh in tomorrow. @MyM0wM0w- I hope everything will work out soon, and that you will not have so much stress anymore. :heart: @Lauriek70- Sorry to hear about your dad, I'm glad he…
  • @trhjrh06- It sounds like you had a great day of shopping with your friend and to fit into regular's! WTG @2s_lr- I Hope things are ok with your job. @skinnyjean- It's sounds like you had a great three day weekend! @Robin I'm glad your going to the Doctor's tomorrow, I hope they can help you with your arm and the pain, you…
  • @Monachris- Your granddaughter sounds so sweet. When my daughter was young she use to name her dolls after the person who gave the doll to her, so she would remember. We had a lot of baby girls dolls with the name Bob (My brother) lol @Jana-it's so sad that people can be so mean and insensitive. I'm glad your boyfriend was…
  • Congrats on the regular size blood pressure cuff, and a pint away from 5 gallons. Do you know how many people you have helped out? You are an unsung hero! I will you all the best in quitting smoking, I did it before I had kids, I remember how much better I felt.
  • Thanks for all the nice word of support everyone. It means a lot to me. on a lighter note, I have been seeing that I keep going over on my vitamin A, and also on vitamin C, This is OK right?
  • I'm not having a good day, my husband (wish I could say EX) picked a fight with me early this morning and just made me feel terrible my sons were yelling at him to stop....it was really ugly. Well I did stay under my calories today. (I didn't feel like eating) I stayed in my PJ's all day and I feel really down. I must have…
  • Happy Friday everyone! It was a beautiful day here on Long Island. I had a field trip with my class today and we had some extra time so we all took a walk down to the beach! It was so much fun. I feel like I have more energy and I'm loving it. Friday Fitness: Trying to get some walking in everyday. Taking the long way to…
  • 2nd time I'm writing this, somehow my computer went crazy and I lost everything! This time it has to be shorter. @M0wM0w- I love your Thursday truth! You go girl! @Robin- thanks for the great article, I would like to add something if you don't mind. Allergies! I'm allergic to eggs and beef, so that also effects how you…
  • First I want to thank everyone for all the support, I just read all the post and was almost crying to due to caring. I know I can lost this weight this time because I want it for me, and I have good people like all of you for support. @dobarber- WTG on finishing your race! @Gloria- Stay strong, I have been there too. You…
  • @ grandmakaye44 you hit the nail on the head, he is losing control over me with weight, he controls everything else. I'm so glad I found this board, you all are very supportive of one another and I do need that. MyM0wM0w might have a good idea, just get rid of what he brings home. :smile:
  • I would say; So tell me how you really feel, and why you think this is any of your business.
  • @ skinnyjeanzbo and MyM0wM0w- My husband and I have not been getting along for quite sometime, we have even talked about separation, but we can not afford it. He has always like me heavy, in his mind no other man would look at me. In the spring I lost over 20lbs and he accused me of having an affair (I wasn't) and boy did…
  • HELP! :explode: My husband is trying in every way to SABOTAGE me. Sunday night it was Ice cream, (I said no) Last night he came home with donuts (I said no). My husband asked if he could make dinner tonight. How many wife's would say no. He made homemade Macaroni and cheese. I said yes and wanted more! I still stayed under…
  • checking in with my measurements: Neck = 15 Waist (@navel) = 45 Torso (@narrowest) = 42 Hips = 60 Thigh = 31 Calf = 20 upper arm = 17 :blushing: This was a big step for me to take. In the past it was easier not knowing. I am committed on making this work and all the support is heart warming.
  • So it really can be done! You are an inspiration to me and I'm sure a lot of other. I read what you wrote and almost cried, I am so happy for you, and want to thank you for sharing.
  • Hi I'm a mom of three, a 20 year old, a 17 year old and my baby girl is now 12. I'm going to be 48 in a few weeks. I too just started back up with myfitnesspal, I lost a good amount of weight in the spring and my husband accused me of having an affair. My life fell a part for a few months, but now I am ready to lost this…
  • Friday fitness....none today, I was sent home from work I was only there for an hour, I got stung by a wasp last week and now I have cellulite. I went to the Dr's and got meds. but my leg is looking bad, now I'm just trying to stay out of the hospital. I have to keep my leg above my heart until it get better. On a good…