Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Quick check in - back safely from our trip, did ok 3 out of 5 days, missed on the other two.
    Now to deal with the insurance/attorney on the accident, and get a vehicle. Yay (?)

    *hugs to everyone*
  • bump
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thanks for all of the b-day wishes, guys! :heart:

    Welcome to all of the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    @lin--I haven't seen a post here from Doug, but he did post that he finished it on his wall--I'm sure he'll pop in to let everyone know how he did.

    @rene--welcome back to the thread!! :flowerforyou:

    @sunshine--I used to work at a place called The Center on Deafness, so learned some ASL & USL, but I was never even close to being fluent--what a fabulous skill to have! And yes, you had ice cream, but you could have done much worse.

    @kaye--could you use your cooking skills to nourish your family with healthy fare?

    @margaret--great job on the bike ride!! :drinker: And I'm sure you will get a gold star very soon!

    @marsha--glad you have the house back to yourself!

    @toots--11 miles is awesome! The most I've ridden is about 5, though I usually do weights and some other form of cardio 1st. I've thought about doing the bike only, but I don't find it comfortable enough to stay on for more than 20 minutes.

    Mon--walk dog + core DONE!!
    Tues--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stairmaster and/or stationary bike) DONE!!
    Wed--long run outside DONE!!
    Thurs--walk dog + core DONE!!
    Friday--walk dog DONE!!!
    Sat--5k walk (Out of the Darkness) DONE!!! + walk dog DONE!! + core DONE!!!
    Sun--long run outside DONE!!!

    Sunday Share:
    I went to a Jewish baby naming ceremony today which was a lot of fun. Good food and some sweets, but I did a good job of keeping it under control.

    I looked at my driver's license earlier in the week to see when I need to renew, and it's not until 2015. My license still has me listed as 160 lbs which is what I said I weighed when I 1st got it in HS. Even then, I'm quite sure it was a lie. I don't remember what I weighed in HS, but I've never weighed below 170 as a teen or adult. My long term goal is to make my DL tell the truth--if I work really hard, maybe I'll even be able to adjust it DOWN when I go to renew it in 3 years. :noway:

    Sept. Goals:
    1. Back to the future: I've really liked setting up my exercise schedule on a weekly basis and will continue to do this from now on.

    2. Pigs Fly: I haven't done anything radically new, but I have gotten back to doing core work a few times each week and even added some new planks. Also, continue to do the stair master which was a new addition at the end of August.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Goals on grading:

    Warm up DONE 120/120 :smile:
    lab x/87 :frown: Need to get cracking
    one pagers 87/87 Done :smile:
    science fair project proposals 30/30 Done :bigsmile:

    Karen Happy Birthday. Best wishes for the year ahead. :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    reneellen- Welcome back. Your picture looks wonderful.

    Congratulations to everyone who is experiencing successes this week. We are making this happen.

    Pigs can fly- I have gone bike riding twice this month, started playing disc golf (frisbee golf) and started with a new trainer.

    Back to the Future- I don't remember exactly what I put down for this but I do realize that I need to stick with a gym routine that includes weights and cardio. I worked out with the new trainer on Thursday night and did some exercises that I have not done in a while. Needless to say I was sore in the hamstring on Friday and it continued into Saturday. Felt better today but that is a long recovery period.

    Success- I was able to fit into a size 12 pants today and was thrilled. They were not the perfect fit yet since they bunched in front. So the success is that I got into a 12 with relative comfort.

    Gym Goal for the week--
    Saturday- gym stationary bike (5 miles plus 1 mile walk) :smile:
    Sunday- bike ride :smile: (9.5 miles)
    Monday- gym (Cardio- weight) Rest day ????
    Tuesday- gym with trainer
    Wednesday- Frisbee golf this will include a nice walk around a park
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- rock climbing
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Skinnyjeansbo, I do cook healthy for my family. It is just a mind set that I have to fight. I really love making good bread and good desserts. Its hard for me not to do that. I have been doing MFP for 3 weeks and have only made one batch of zucchini bread (which I shared generously). I just really miss baking sometimes.
    I had to laugh at your reference to your driver's license. I would love it if mine told the truth, too!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    My original goals from September 1

    Stay the course- I need to workout at least 3-4 times a week with intensity not just going through the motions.
    I need to stick with this goal and amp up the intensity. This means sticking with the gym workouts while adding some new activities.

    Pigs Fly- I will try tap dancing lessons. It will mean a late night and long day but I want to try something different and it is good exercise. Hopefully, my feet will allow me to do this and my ability to be clumsy won't cause me any harm- ie no sprained ankles or knees.

    Tap dancing was put on hold until October. It will hopefully be starting soon. It will be right after work at work so that is a wonderful benefit.

    I will take measurements tomorrow to see where I stand. Do we have other October challenges?

    Miles challenge: 45 miles/ 200 miles
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Skinnyjeansbo, I do cook healthy for my family. It is just a mind set that I have to fight. I really love making good bread and good desserts. Its hard for me not to do that. I have been doing MFP for 3 weeks and have only made one batch of zucchini bread (which I shared generously). I just really miss baking sometimes.
    I had to laugh at your reference to your driver's license. I would love it if mine told the truth, too!

    GrandmaKaye, so I assume by good you mean fattening and tasty?

    I love to cook as well and that was what upset me the MOST after the stroke/diabetes changed how I had to eat. I loved experimenting with fattening comfort foods. NOTHING made me happier than a big pot of homemade stew (extra potatoes) with fresh baked bread and an intricate and delicious dessert. PUtting that on the table for friends and watching them oohhh and ahhh and aking tons of baked goods to the office filled me with happiness when I'd watch the guys pig out on my goodies.

    It's taken me a few months to learn that I can still DO that. I had so much fun taking in the flourless/butterless chocolate cake and watching my big studly male co workers scarf it down and their faces after when I told him was mostly chickpeas. I love taking the crockpot in with a nice low sodium, low carb, low calorie stew (sans potatoes) and plug it in for us all for lunch.

    They still love my experiments AND my food. The only difference is that I'm making them healthier and showing them that healthy CAN be delicious and filling. I've had plenty of them ask for recipes for things so they can make it at home.
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Happy Sunday! So here's my share- I updated my picture, its from the Air Force race 2 weeks ago. I have already signed up for the next race, its a 3 race series of 10Ks, for the holiday, a Halloeween, Thanksgiving and Christmas one. I thought it sounded like fun, and would help me stay motiveated as the weather turns. I began my walking/jogging/running journey 2 years ago where i walked a half marathon with my childhood bestie. I loved it and caught the running bug and very slowly began adding little bits of jogging. It toook me almost 6 months to jog a full mile. Even mor ethan the physical changes have been the emotional lift this has given me, I so enjoy my quiet morning jogs, many days that is my only quiet moment until the kids are back in bed that night. I had always exercised but it is amazing when you find that "one" that just really does it for you. My family thinks I am a bit nuts but is supportive and truth be told I wouldn't want to share my "running time" with them anyway.

    How can it be October almost already? Wasn't the 4th of July like last week? Maybe tis just me. Also we are almost done painting, decoraitng and setting up the youngests' room.. She is all excited to sleep in her own big girl bed but I wonder if she wills till be singing that tune when its time to tuck her in? Her crib had been at the foot of Mommy and Daddy's bed all her life.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to attack the day!
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
    Happy Birthday Karen! :flowerforyou:

    Robinsegg - I hope you feel better soon.
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    wow...almost missed a full thread!

    just a bump for tonight....must start getting sleep!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member

    @sherrie--i know what you mean about 4th of july being just yesterday--this 1st quarter of the school year is flying by!

    @laurie--I believe the other Oct. goal is to limit our carbs. Thanks for the reminder--I forgot about measuring. Great job getting most of your grading done. :drinker:

    @kris--I have had a chocolate brownie made out of mostly black beans--can't remember where but it was delicious. Years ago a co-worker who was Muslim brought navy bean pie to work. It was THE most delicious pie ever!! Better than any pumpkin or sweet potato pie I've tasted. He got it from some bakery way down on the south side of Chicago (really far from where I live) that only made Halal foods (think "Kosher" but for Muslims rather than Jews). I wish I enjoyed cooking and baking as I'm sure I could find a recipe online.

    @kaye--oh, I get what you mean about the mindset thing. When we are used to tasty = fattening our whole lives, it's hard to change that.

    Setting up my exercise schedule for the week:

    Mon--walk dog + core
    Tues--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stairmaster and/or stationary bike)
    Wed--long run outside + core
    Thurs--walk dog
    Friday--walk dog + core
    Sat--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stairmaster and/or stationary bike)
    Sun--long run outside +core
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots--11 miles is awesome! The most I've ridden is about 5, though I usually do weights and some other form of cardio 1st. I've thought about doing the bike only, but I don't find it comfortable enough to stay on for more than 20 minutes.

    well, i don't do other stuff, so it probably balances out to be the same.
    Sunday Sharing - I'm not sure if anyone here really remembers me. I haven't posted here for about six months. The group got a little unwieldy and I felt like I couldn't keep up, my responses were getting lost, other people's responses to me were getting lost and I felt like a total jerkface posting something and not being able to respond. Any how, since I stopped posting here, I have been faltering in my results and I honestly believe it was because I didn't feel like I had anyone to be accountable to. Even if I do get lost in crowd again, I would rather be here than not be here.

    Since I've been gone, I've gotten married, went on my honeymoon, moved to a new home, went back to school, gained 15 lbs, lost 5 lbs, and now I'm getting back into a fitness routine. I'm off to the gym where I wil catch up on the thread. I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.

    sure, i remember you. welcome back. we're a much slower moving group now that robin decided to rename us robin's thread. now we hardly ever get new people and the people we do get are much more devoted. yay. anyway, welcome back.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @toots--yeah, but I still applaud your ability to stay on the bike that long!

    Just wanted to check in my measurements:
    Neck = 13.25
    Waist (@navel) = 35
    Torso (@narrowest) = 31
    Hips = 42
    Thigh = 24
    Calf = 14.5
    upper arm = 13
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Sharing - I'm not sure if anyone here really remembers me. I haven't posted here for about six months. The group got a little unwieldy and I felt like I couldn't keep up, my responses were getting lost, other people's responses to me were getting lost and I felt like a total jerkface posting something and not being able to respond. Any how, since I stopped posting here, I have been faltering in my results and I honestly believe it was because I didn't feel like I had anyone to be accountable to. Even if I do get lost in crowd again, I would rather be here than not be here.

    Since I've been gone, I've gotten married, went on my honeymoon, moved to a new home, went back to school, gained 15 lbs, lost 5 lbs, and now I'm getting back into a fitness routine. I'm off to the gym where I wil catch up on the thread. I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.

    I found this was one board where everyone was so positive. I totally understand though about feeling lost in the numbers. There's a LOT of movement and posts. I definitely check this board, but I've built a very strong friend list. I don't have a lot, but the ones I do we really encourage each other daily. I'm not looking to have friends just to have a big number, but friends who really want to support each other. We can do this, but it has helped me so much having their support. You can too!!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    It is really hard for me to post these publicly but in preparation for the October 'Challenge of gauging our success by our measurements, by inches lost.

    Neck = 15.5
    Waist (@navel) = 46
    Torso (@narrowest) = 40
    Hips = 53
    Thigh = 24
    Calf = 16.2
    upper arm = 18 /sigh
    Body fat - 60.8

    Yikes, that's all embarrassing!

    My daily carb limit has always been set to 135, I usually allow half my fiber count over(so if I have carbs of 140 and fiber of at least 11 I don't sweat the extra 5 carbs). This month I will try to stay with the 135 and NOT allow extra for fibers.
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    checking in with my measurements:
    Neck = 15
    Waist (@navel) = 45
    Torso (@narrowest) = 42
    Hips = 60
    Thigh = 31
    Calf = 20
    upper arm = 17

    :blushing: This was a big step for me to take. In the past it was easier not knowing. I am committed on making this work and all the support is heart warming.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    It is really hard for me to post these publicly but in preparation for the October 'Challenge of gauging our success by our measurements, by inches lost.

    Neck = 15.5
    Waist (@navel) = 46
    Torso (@narrowest) = 40
    Hips = 53
    Thigh = 24
    Calf = 16.2
    upper arm = 18 /sigh
    Body fat - 60.8

    Yikes, that's all embarrassing!

    My daily carb limit has always been set to 135, I usually allow half my fiber count over(so if I have carbs of 140 and fiber of at least 11 I don't sweat the extra 5 carbs). This month I will try to stay with the 135 and NOT allow extra for fibers.

    No reason to be embarrassed--they are just numbers.

    What do you use to measure you body fat percentage? I've used a couple of online calculators as well as a handheld device at my gym. They all give me different amounts ranging from 33-38% (except for one that said 27%, but that's just ridonculous so I quit using that formula).

    Also, thanks for the reminder to set a carb goal. I have mine custom set to 40% of my daily calorie allowance which = 162g if I earn back zero exercise calories. I rarely ever meet it which is sad since it's a really generous amount. My goal in October will be to stay at or under the 40% goal.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    In the past it was easier not knowing.

    This is exactly why I went out and bought a full length mirror. Before I started this journey I lived like a vampire. NO MIRRORS. It made it much easier to hide.

    @Skinnyjeans - the military calculator.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Warning - negativity involved..... do not read if you are looking for inspiration. :grumble:

    Well, my goals for September were lost in the mix. I got so wrapped up in school and in this euphoric feeling about "the guy" that I stopped taking care of myself like I should. "The guy" is super supportive and sweet.... even though he doesn't make the healthiest food choices, he is super aware and sensitive to the fact that I want to. :heart: heavy sigh :heart:

    I also did NOT go to the gym as I had wanted, not just from fear, but from lack of time and honestly a little laziness.:frown:

    SO I am starting fresh tomorrow. Filling my plate with good for me choices, and kicking the fast food out again. I am stronger than this, and had proven it with almost three months of good logging and mostly terrific choices. I walked so much, and came so far. 90 days ago, I could barely walk a mile without a coughing and wheezing fit, and that is only when my hip would let me. Friday, I walked almost 4 miles and was a little sore, but otherwise felt awesome!!! There is no way I am giving up now.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    As an Idaho girl and the daughter of a potato farmer, I have a hard time with the idea that eliminating potatoes from the stew makes it healthier. Potatoes are very high in nutrients, including but not limited to vitamin C. They are the simplest of carbs, easily digested for quick energy. When my son was wrestling and trying to make weight, his coach recommended a baked potato to give him quick energy before a match. A small baked potato contains only 138 calories. Its the stuff we think we have to put on them, and the frying, that has the calories, not the potato.

    Thanks to those who understand when I mentioned the mindset of nourishing people with food. Its one of the languages of love, and its a hard one to get around.

    Good night, all. Here's to a successful October. I guess I will have to take my measurements tomorrow. I've been avoiding that for a long time. (I don't have any mirrors that show below the waist.)
