Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    usernames- I know this guy who thinks he is very original. He calls other people by the oppsite of their nick name, my husband Gregory is called Gory and I'm called Garet. The funny thing is there are so many nick names for Margaret but my mom would not let anyone call me by them, except for my brothers and sister call me Muggs.

    Thursday Truth/ Wednesday Wish: I wish I was better at written communitcation. But the truth is I'm not, but I'm reading and supporting you all.
    Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and pain free Thursday!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Username: mine is my initials TRH and my husbands initials JRH and the year we married 2006. Pretty simple lol

    Thursday Truth: I am VERY upset with my sister-in-law (my brother passed away but I still call her my SIL) Either way my mom calls her to ask if a certain day next month would work for a family tradition we always do. She said well if Kalissa (my 7yr old niece) doesn't have to have surgery it should Mom's like um what surgery? Well apparently my niece's lymph nodes are all swollen, and for weeks/months they have been trying every medication they can to get them to go down it isn't helping. She's going to see an oncologist on Monday...a cancer doctor!!!!!! Her doctor thinks it could possibly be Hodgkins disease. And my Mom or any of us wouldn't have known if my Mom hadn't called her! I'm sorry I know she has a new life and everything but they are STILL my parents grandchildren and my nieces. We deserve to know this information! I'm so worried now. My little kali bug is only 7! But I won't jump to any conclusions and really freak until the test results come back.

    Ok so I DID IT!!!!!!!!!! I got up at 4:30AM and did W1D2 C25K!!!!!!!!!!! And I didn't have a hard time getting up! I feel great this morning too! Will do it again tomorrow morning as well. Now the weeks my Husband works Wed-Sat it's going to be tougher cause that's 3 mornings in a row of 4:30am lol but i'll get used to it! Just proud I got up and didn't hit snooze!

    Have a terrific Thursday!


    Way to go, Tina! :flowerforyou: I'm sorry to hear of your niece's medical situation, I pray that the tests have good results. I'll keep her in my thoughts an prayers. That is really insensitive of your SIL, I hope she finds a way to communicate better with your mom - those are her grandchildren, after all. Sending healing vibes to your niece...
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Username: mine is my initials TRH and my husbands initials JRH and the year we married 2006. Pretty simple lol

    Thursday Truth: I am VERY upset with my sister-in-law (my brother passed away but I still call her my SIL) Either way my mom calls her to ask if a certain day next month would work for a family tradition we always do. She said well if Kalissa (my 7yr old niece) doesn't have to have surgery it should Mom's like um what surgery? Well apparently my niece's lymph nodes are all swollen, and for weeks/months they have been trying every medication they can to get them to go down it isn't helping. She's going to see an oncologist on Monday...a cancer doctor!!!!!! Her doctor thinks it could possibly be Hodgkins disease. And my Mom or any of us wouldn't have known if my Mom hadn't called her! I'm sorry I know she has a new life and everything but they are STILL my parents grandchildren and my nieces. We deserve to know this information! I'm so worried now. My little kali bug is only 7! But I won't jump to any conclusions and really freak until the test results come back.

    Ok so I DID IT!!!!!!!!!! I got up at 4:30AM and did W1D2 C25K!!!!!!!!!!! And I didn't have a hard time getting up! I feel great this morning too! Will do it again tomorrow morning as well. Now the weeks my Husband works Wed-Sat it's going to be tougher cause that's 3 mornings in a row of 4:30am lol but i'll get used to it! Just proud I got up and didn't hit snooze!

    Have a terrific Thursday!


    maybe she didn't want to worry anyone until she knew more. i might do the same thing. especially if i was the person in question. i'm not sure what i would do if it was one of my children, but i suspect i wouldn't tell anyone until i knew.

    good job getting up and doing the right thing this morning!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Quick Hello, before name is a mixture of two of my favourite things celtic are and hippos...actual name is Ruth,

    Ruth is my middle name

    Ruth is my mother's name. :smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Marsha, I'm a shrink, so that part was straightforward. I'm also talented at sustaining focused -- rapt, even -- attention (ex: I can keep up through a 3 hour meeting every Tuesday from 9-12, folks). And the wordplay on "shrink-wrapped" just amused the heck out of me. Much cooler than my actual name, which is Sara. The number is one I've used since college. It's from the book Fahrenheit 451, which I read and loved in high school.

    I'm teaching F451 right now--love it!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Username: mine is my initials TRH and my husbands initials JRH and the year we married 2006. Pretty simple lol

    Thursday Truth: I am VERY upset with my sister-in-law (my brother passed away but I still call her my SIL) Either way my mom calls her to ask if a certain day next month would work for a family tradition we always do. She said well if Kalissa (my 7yr old niece) doesn't have to have surgery it should Mom's like um what surgery? Well apparently my niece's lymph nodes are all swollen, and for weeks/months they have been trying every medication they can to get them to go down it isn't helping. She's going to see an oncologist on Monday...a cancer doctor!!!!!! Her doctor thinks it could possibly be Hodgkins disease. And my Mom or any of us wouldn't have known if my Mom hadn't called her! I'm sorry I know she has a new life and everything but they are STILL my parents grandchildren and my nieces. We deserve to know this information! I'm so worried now. My little kali bug is only 7! But I won't jump to any conclusions and really freak until the test results come back.

    Ok so I DID IT!!!!!!!!!! I got up at 4:30AM and did W1D2 C25K!!!!!!!!!!! And I didn't have a hard time getting up! I feel great this morning too! Will do it again tomorrow morning as well. Now the weeks my Husband works Wed-Sat it's going to be tougher cause that's 3 mornings in a row of 4:30am lol but i'll get used to it! Just proud I got up and didn't hit snooze!

    Have a terrific Thursday!


    maybe she didn't want to worry anyone until she knew more. i might do the same thing. especially if i was the person in question. i'm not sure what i would do if it was one of my children, but i suspect i wouldn't tell anyone until i knew.

    good job getting up and doing the right thing this morning!

    Thank you!

    As for my SIL I understand what you're saying BUT she never tells us ANYTHING. I didn't even know my other niece was doing horse riding lessons and doing competitions! Things like that. So when something like this happens, I understand not wanting to worry anyone but we are family not just friends. Idk it's a touchy situation with her.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Mymowmow - so happy to hear your Drs. visit went so well....aren't the MFP reports handy? Glad you were able to show him your eating habits. Stayiing on the glucophage makes sense too.

    CathEsh - I had something similar to Crypto -and was so glad it was not the real deal - it IS a nasty bug - glad you were able to stay with her.

    Karen - twice around the lake - that is really superstar walking!

    Janak - sounds like heat stroke to me - was your skin dry? if so it was probably mild heat stroke and you did the right thing to stop and hydrate. You should hydrate several times while you are walking.

    Laurie -- since you can't tap dance until winter, frisbie golf sounds like a fun substitute - and a big plus that its outside activity!

    Megan - good plan to re-claim your health before you become a parent. :heart:

    Grammy - great game guessing name origin - My "real" name is Ellen, but I've gone by RobinsEgg on the internet since 1986! I picked Robinsegg because it is a pretty shade of blue and my real initials are E.G.G. and I'm so used to being called Robin I answer to that m ore than to my given name.

    Doom Cakes - you're wise to stay off your foot, and if its not all better, you must be the judge about the race............its your call. If you think you could walk it the whole distance without re-injuring yourself, I'd say go for it, otherwise, no.

    Tina - congrats on getting up at 4:30am to do your C25K - WOOT! Sorry about your former SIL keeping her cards close to her chest about your niece. Hope when you hear news, it is good news.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning all from a cool, cloudy Kansas City. Yesterday it was 90 and today the high is in the 50s, my arthritis is not a happy camper. I do love the cool weather though, so much more pleasant to take my walks without all the sweat. It has been interesting reading how people came up with their usernames, another way for us to get to know each other. Thursday truth is that I have already forgotten the names of those to which I was going to reply. I am praying for the 7 yo that her tests will show no cancer and for improved communication with the SIL. Happy for all the successes. As for my goals I have been walking at least 2x a day but times vary quite a bit since September due to Bible studies and small groups starting up again. I do try to get in at least 1 20 min. and 1 40 min. a day. Any more than that and my hips, knees and feet object. I praise God for what I can do as last winter I wasn't able to do that much. Still haven't gotten on the bike yet, but I will, just a procrastinator. Praying every one has a great day in every way.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monachris - I can relate to procrastinating on the bike thing. I'm back at the weight where I was doing things like riding a bike but I'm still worried about trying it. It's been so many years I'm afraid I'll either embarrass myself or kill myself on the darn thing. I guess I just need to gettirdone! I've had two or three co workers offer to GIVE me bikes that they had sitting in the garages and I keep putting them off.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Doom Cakes - you're wise to stay off your foot, and if its not all better, you must be the judge about the race............its your call. If you think you could walk it the whole distance without re-injuring yourself, I'd say go for it, otherwise, no.

    I can walk the distance no problem. The obstacles, potential problem. I'd just have to assess it. I'm more in this for the charity cause to leukemia research and the fun of doing something besides a video game. :) I want to start doing more benefit runs, and I was going to start it with a splash! I think I can work out, and part of my 50 day halloween challenge is simply going to the gym 3-4 times a week for the exercise bike.

    Halloween Challenge Goal:
    Bike 50 miles a week.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Quick Hello, before name is a mixture of two of my favourite things celtic are and hippos...actual name is Ruth,

    Ruth is my middle name

    Ruth is my mother's name. :smile:

    my mother's middle name is also Ruth :laugh:
    Thank you!

    As for my SIL I understand what you're saying BUT she never tells us ANYTHING. I didn't even know my other niece was doing horse riding lessons and doing competitions! Things like that. So when something like this happens, I understand not wanting to worry anyone but we are family not just friends. Idk it's a touchy situation with her.

    understood. her everyday behavior would be a much better indication
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Monachris - I can relate to procrastinating on the bike thing. I'm back at the weight where I was doing things like riding a bike but I'm still worried about trying it. It's been so many years I'm afraid I'll either embarrass myself or kill myself on the darn thing. I guess I just need to gettirdone! I've had two or three co workers offer to GIVE me bikes that they had sitting in the garages and I keep putting them off.

    I am going to give it a go this weekend, will borrow my DIL's bike. Let's see who gets it done first!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I am going to give it a go this weekend, will borrow my DIL's bike. Let's see who gets it done first!

    You will. :wink: I found one I want to buy, I'll be getting it for myself for Christmas.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday's Truth--- ***Warning This is not a Happy Post***

    Truth is I woke up this morning after a crazy dream. I looked in the mirror where I hated what I saw, then I went to work stressed out about making the closing deadline. At 2pm I felt like I have become the worst version of myself then started to wonder if letting my boyfriend move in was the best thing for ME. He and all the boys get a long great but I see a side of him that I really don't like and he doesn't seem to care that there is an issue. He is LAZY!! I work 40 hrs come home have to cook dinner, run errands, make time for all kids and do my homework....if it a class night on campus it is even worse. He was like this a little before the hospital but since being home for 3 weeks from work it has gotten worse. He is home all day watching TV and doesn't lift a finger to help out unless it talking to the kids about things they are doing wrong.
    I guess I am just stretched way to thin and I am not liking the feeling at all.

    Done with the sad post---- Good news is my job built a gym and I am so excited to use it tomorrow is the first day I can. It is only $20 a month and comes right out of my paycheck. I tried doing this without a gym and right now I just don't have the will power so gym is must for now. Oh yea here in MN the leaves are starting to change colors guess big bad man winter is around the corner.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Thursday's Truth--- ***Warning This is not a Happy Post***

    Truth is I woke up this morning after a crazy dream. I looked in the mirror where I hated what I saw, then I went to work stressed out about making the closing deadline. At 2pm I felt like I have become the worst version of myself then started to wonder if letting my boyfriend move in was the best thing for ME. He and all the boys get a long great but I see a side of him that I really don't like and he doesn't seem to care that there is an issue. He is LAZY!! I work 40 hrs come home have to cook dinner, run errands, make time for all kids and do my homework....if it a class night on campus it is even worse. He was like this a little before the hospital but since being home for 3 weeks from work it has gotten worse. He is home all day watching TV and doesn't lift a finger to help out unless it talking to the kids about things they are doing wrong.
    I guess I am just stretched way to thin and I am not liking the feeling at all.

    Done with the sad post---- Good news is my job built a gym and I am so excited to use it tomorrow is the first day I can. It is only $20 a month and comes right out of my paycheck. I tried doing this without a gym and right now I just don't have the will power so gym is must for now. Oh yea here in MN the leaves are starting to change colors guess big bad man winter is around the corner.

    I think men are starting to revert or something. Mine isn't that lazy, but he's still young and I'm training his butt. Well, ok, not really. I'm not that kind of girl. But I do have to get on him about some things or he'll be on minecraft all night (he does it to me too as I'm on wow most nights).

    Good to go on the gym thing though! That sounds promising!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    My name is the name of my level 75 Dwarf Guardian on Lord of the Rings online. I am Tom in the real world.

    I was down .8lbs. three days ago, then 2.2lbs. more yesterday and today I was down another 2lbs. I am afraid to log it and find out my scale has gone whacko. I better get MsMorgori to check if it seems right to her. I have been not losing while taking pain killers and antibiotic for my back and tooth extraction. I am hoping that somehow made a difference and that I'm now losing the weight I should have before.:laugh:
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    Oh, I love the information about user names. Mine is from my very shy German Shepard Dog, long since gone to heaven, that I named Shygur. When we got a computer and I started using email I used shygur@ and I still use it to this day. I have other emails for my face painting business and other work but this is the one I use the most.

  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi My name is Deanna and am just starting my weight loss journey on MFP, reading through some of these post am wondering if its okay i join in here, my goal is to lose 100 pounds, by my 35th birthday, i have had some struggles and started this in April of 2011, i have only lost and kept off 5 pounds, so a fresh start is what i need, i know realistically i will not make my goal by next april, but want to see how far i can get. Does anybody else have troubles losing with Fibromyalgia and Hypoglucemia?? Thank You!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome Deanna!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    cath- i have had cryptospridium in the past and would not wish it on anyone!!! it is brutal and there is not much you can do but let it run its course. She if fortuneate to have you there......

    How long did it take you to get over it? She just wants to be well again!

    took about 2 weeks for the abd cramps to stop and to get some energy back