Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Wednesday Wish: It's a hippy wish--that everyone in every country would embrace peace, love, respect, goodness, harmony, understanding, etc, etc. Now everybody join hands and sing the Coca Cola song.:love:

    Welcome to 50 Days to Halloween Challenge Imackbeth, Doomcakes, and vinsonh42 and anyone else who needs a little push to increase activity. Despite foot and heel pain, I slogged through it. Funny how the pain faded the harder I pushed. However, NOW it's throbbing. Time for Tylenol I guess.

    Today: 10,768 steps
    Total to date: 21,424
    Goal: 400,000

    Question: Members of this thread have some interesting/perplexing/funny user names. Would any of your care to share how you got yours?

    I'll go first. I love being a grandmother--it's the best thing since....chocolate! My grands call me Grammy and I wear that moniker with pride. Everyone in my family seems to have a nickname (Gabi-Girl, Catie Cat, Mighty Max & Wonder Will), somehow I became Grammy Whammy. What's your excuse?

    aka Grammy Whammy

    What kind of foot pain do you have? I have some also! Mine is in my left foot, towards the outer side. It hurts to run on it, and put too much weight on it. The doctor says it's just a contusion but it's still there leaving working out difficult! Yesterday I jogged across the street to go walk in the park, and I thought I snapped something in it! But it was ok after walking a few laps.

    As for the name. I play on some roleplay forum site, one was a future post apocalyptic world based off a song from My Chemical Romance and one of my characters names was Doom Cake since she didn't use her real name lol. It stuck with me as well as Toxic Sprinkles in terms of those things. I don't know why, just seemed fun!
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    cath- i have had cryptospridium in the past and would not wish it on anyone!!! it is brutal and there is not much you can do but let it run its course. She if fortuneate to have you there......

    How long did it take you to get over it? She just wants to be well again!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marsha--I chose mine b/c when I started on MFP, I had a pair of cute jeans that I hadn't fit into since about 2004. They are a size 14 so they fit very comfortably now. I guess I should go buy a new, smaller pair to keep the name "honest." :laugh:

    Karen (aka skinnyjeanzbound)

    PS--I quickly learned that an unforeseen consequence of the moniker is that everyone on MFP calls me "skinny" for short--yeah, I pretty much love that!! :heart:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @marsha, mine is simply my name liz mil first 3 letters in my last name 79 is when I graduate from HS.

  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Mix of my Dad's dog's name and a nickname a foster sister gave my Dad years ago.

    Wednesday Wish - get off the plateau I'm on. That all of you would have healthy, stress-free days!

    I think I missed what the Halloween challenge is, but I've joined a September step challenge (most are doing 10,000 a day - I've chosen 5,000 a day since I was averaging about 3,200 a day). I'm at 81,199 as of the 11th (average of 7,382 a day). I'm happy with that!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Marsha, mine came about because I love monarch butterflies and my name is Christine so that made monarchris!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Question: Members of this thread have some interesting/perplexing/funny user names. Would any of your care to share how you got yours?

    my married name is anderson and ever since we were dating my husband would call me toots as a nickname. so right before we got married i changed my email addy to tootsanderson@whatever and i've been using it as a user name since.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Too funny, Nicole~its just the opposite here. I need the gym in the summer because of the heat! :laugh:

    that's how i am too. i loathe being hot. i always feel like some kind of fugue is being lifted whenever fall rolls around

    I hate being hot as well... which is why I live in Western Washington :)

    Regarding usernames... I am pretty boring :ohwell:

    My username is my first initial/ last name. Aceto is my married name... It's Italian, and I am pretty sure it translates to "vinegar"... I definitely married into the right family, as I am certainly full of something and vinegar :tongue:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    I am sorry to hear about everyone not feeling well or with sick relatives. I hope everyone gets better soon. My username is from my husband having a contracting company called j&t constructin so all the email addresses became jtconst@...... and since I have no memory that became my username for almost everything:tongue: My husband and I went to a buffet for dinner tonight and the food SUCKED so it was easy to stay in goal, lol. Everything I listed in my diary except the salad and cottage cheese I ate only one or two bites of. Needless to say we will not be going there again.:angry: Well I am off to bed so good night all.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    Quick Hello, before name is a mixture of two of my favourite things celtic are and hippos...actual name is Ruth,
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Quick Hello, before name is a mixture of two of my favourite things celtic are and hippos...actual name is Ruth,

    Ruth is my middle name
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Since Wednesday is over in about an hour, I'm a bit late. I really don't have anything I need. I'm content. With that said, we are moving offices so I hope all my boxes make it to my new space. Good news is I'll be geting even more steps. They tell me it's about 1/4 mile from employee parking to the office. I really need a pedometer.

    User name: I'm not very creative and pretty boring. First name and my street number.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    @ jana, what you're describing sounds like the blood vessels in your skin all dilated at once, which is a way of releasing body heat. Now, why they would do that is a good question. Do you sweat much? Was that a longer or more intense period of running than you're used to? Anything different about meds, water intake, etc? I'm glad you felt fine otherwise; sudden dilation of the blood vessels that feed the brain can have consequences like fainting, so it's good that THAT didn't happen. I'd say that if anything like that happens again, definitely call your doc. In the meantime, be careful of your water balance and any drugs/meds (including caffeine) you put in your body.

    Aug: you may feel like you're phoning it in, and you may be doing that to some degree, but you're still coming around and you're not happy with the idea of not giving it your best. So you're not out for the count yet, my friend.

    Marsha, I'm a shrink, so that part was straightforward. I'm also talented at sustaining focused -- rapt, even -- attention (ex: I can keep up through a 3 hour meeting every Tuesday from 9-12, folks). And the wordplay on "shrink-wrapped" just amused the heck out of me. Much cooler than my actual name, which is Sara. The number is one I've used since college. It's from the book Fahrenheit 451, which I read and loved in high school.

    Wednesday wish: that all the folks struggling with illness (peeps here, their loved ones, etc) get well soon.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Wednesday Wish: It's a hippy wish--that everyone in every country would embrace peace, love, respect, goodness, harmony, understanding, etc, etc. Now everybody join hands and sing the Coca Cola song.:love:

    Welcome to 50 Days to Halloween Challenge Imackbeth, Doomcakes, and vinsonh42 and anyone else who needs a little push to increase activity. Despite foot and heel pain, I slogged through it. Funny how the pain faded the harder I pushed. However, NOW it's throbbing. Time for Tylenol I guess.

    Today: 10,768 steps
    Total to date: 21,424
    Goal: 400,000

    Question: Members of this thread have some interesting/perplexing/funny user names. Would any of your care to share how you got yours?

    I'll go first. I love being a grandmother--it's the best thing since....chocolate! My grands call me Grammy and I wear that moniker with pride. Everyone in my family seems to have a nickname (Gabi-Girl, Catie Cat, Mighty Max & Wonder Will), somehow I became Grammy Whammy. What's your excuse?

    aka Grammy Whammy

    I'm sorry it's hurting. It is funny how the pain fades the harder you push. I get that when I'm dancing sometimes. I don't know what causes it though.

    I dunno if my username is very interesting but it actually partially is based off of a character in a story I wrote a long time ago. Her last name was Laramie which means "from the leafy grove". The first name, Raven is one of my favorite animals. They're so incredibly smart (And the subject of my all time FAVORITE poem <3).

    Challenge total today: 40 minutes of dance
    Challenge total to date: 60 minutes of dance
    Goal: 2350 minutes of dance

    btw... Anyone's more than welcome to call me Sam if they want. With the exception of my dad and my brother, it's what everyone calls me lol.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Thursday Truth: I hate that my foot hurts, that it's making working out painful. It's driving me crazy and against everyone's advice I try to go for walks and then end up agitating it worse. Truth be told, with my mud run coming up I'm terrified I won't even be able to jog five minutes... I'll hold my team back and they will hate me. I'm tempted even if my foot is healed by then to say it still hurts because I don't want to be that fat girl that ran out of breath in five minutes.
  • megancouch93
    Thursday truth: I'm nervous about starting my new job. I know that it will help me with my weight probably because it's a car production factory, but I'm nervous that I won't be able to keep going diet-wise, because I won't be able to cook unless I cook enough on my days off to where I can freeze the rest of it. I hate doing that too, because my family fishes, so we have a lot of fish in the freezer, so there's not much room for anything else. Oh well, I'll have to figure out something, the pay is too good and will help us save more to put the down payment on the house we want. =)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thursday Truth~Guess I need to confess to my epic fail working out yesterday. I was toast by 3pm, so after work went home and napped for 2 hours - felt much better though. Personal training tonight!
    Question: Members of this thread have some interesting/perplexing/funny user names. Would any of your care to share how you got yours?

    I'll go first. I love being a grandmother--it's the best thing since....chocolate! My grands call me Grammy and I wear that moniker with pride. Everyone in my family seems to have a nickname (Gabi-Girl, Catie Cat, Mighty Max & Wonder Will), somehow I became Grammy Whammy. What's your excuse?

    aka Grammy Whammy

    @Marsha~I guess mine isn't very creative either - my initials and birthyear. I guess I could go by StringBean (my dad's nickname for me since I was born) or KelleyGirl, which is what all of my uncles call me (no idea why).
    Thursday truth: I'm nervous about starting my new job. I know that it will help me with my weight probably because it's a car production factory, but I'm nervous that I won't be able to keep going diet-wise, because I won't be able to cook unless I cook enough on my days off to where I can freeze the rest of it. I hate doing that too, because my family fishes, so we have a lot of fish in the freezer, so there's not much room for anything else. Oh well, I'll have to figure out something, the pay is too good and will help us save more to put the down payment on the house we want. =)

    I work A LOT and take classes at night - you factor in gym time and I have almost no spare time for anything so most of my cooking gets done on Sat/Sun. I freeze some and the rest is pre-measured and packaged into ready to heat containers throughout the week, I just pop it in the nuker and I'm good to go. What's nice is that I have almost no kitchen clean-up throughout the week. I also make a huge salad on Sunday's that lasts throughout the week. It can be done, you just need to plan. Good luck on the new job!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Tammy -- new cars are really exciting, aren't they? We have only ever bought one; it's six years old now, but it still feels like a new car to me. We do get it valeted every so often so it doesn't show all the grief from years of family use.

    @Lana -- well, that's one way to incorporate interval sprints into your exercise routine! I'm not sure it's the best for the heart though. And welcome back!

    @Christine -- bankruptcy is hard but it's better to have your affairs sorted than to have the debt hanging over you.

    @Sam -- unless it's your own kids, you don't have any responsibility for other people's eating habits, and it's very hard to fix them. Try to focus on setting a good example; once you're successful they'll want a piece of that.

    @Jana -- that sounds pretty scary, but the internet suggests that some people just go purple when they exercise, sort of like red but more so. I'd check it out with a doctor if you're worried.

    @Megan -- good luck with the new job. And eat lots of fish! It cooks quickly, you'll make space in the freezer, and it's delicious and mfp-friendly.

    Usernames -- back in the day I was always Illyria online, named after an old roleplaying character of mine. But I used to find that Illyria was often taken (and much more so now as it's turned up on TV shows and all sorts). Shakespeare's Bohemian coast is, more or less, Illyria, and nearly every BohemianCoast on the internet is me. Except one.

    Thursday Truth -- This is the first full week that the kids are back at school and there's so much I was going to sort out. But instead I've been really idle. A friend came to stay which was nice, but it meant that I spent much of Tuesday and yesterday sitting on the patio in the last of the summer sunshine chatting. With the odd glass of white wine. Anyway, onward.

    -- Alison
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    @marsha - I got my user name from my love of the beach and my birthdate, pretty boring.

    Thursday Truth - Since I've been working so much lately and not working out after work, I've been taking the stairs at work, 2 flights from the garage to the main level and then 5 flights up. I do the same going home. By the time I get to my floor I'm huffing and puffing and my knees hurt but I keep at since I know that it'll get easier at time goes on.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Username: mine is my initials TRH and my husbands initials JRH and the year we married 2006. Pretty simple lol

    Thursday Truth: I am VERY upset with my sister-in-law (my brother passed away but I still call her my SIL) Either way my mom calls her to ask if a certain day next month would work for a family tradition we always do. She said well if Kalissa (my 7yr old niece) doesn't have to have surgery it should Mom's like um what surgery? Well apparently my niece's lymph nodes are all swollen, and for weeks/months they have been trying every medication they can to get them to go down it isn't helping. She's going to see an oncologist on Monday...a cancer doctor!!!!!! Her doctor thinks it could possibly be Hodgkins disease. And my Mom or any of us wouldn't have known if my Mom hadn't called her! I'm sorry I know she has a new life and everything but they are STILL my parents grandchildren and my nieces. We deserve to know this information! I'm so worried now. My little kali bug is only 7! But I won't jump to any conclusions and really freak until the test results come back.

    Ok so I DID IT!!!!!!!!!! I got up at 4:30AM and did W1D2 C25K!!!!!!!!!!! And I didn't have a hard time getting up! I feel great this morning too! Will do it again tomorrow morning as well. Now the weeks my Husband works Wed-Sat it's going to be tougher cause that's 3 mornings in a row of 4:30am lol but i'll get used to it! Just proud I got up and didn't hit snooze!

    Have a terrific Thursday!
