Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Friday Fitness: I'm doing this Halloween challenge on here since I'm a competitive type person. Yesterday I went to the gym, I'm hoping to go again today. I've been down for a bit over 2 weeks with my sore foot, but the bikes didn't really hurt it (they're just squeaky at the gym!) I did enjoy working out in the cardio cinema, it was dark so no one could see me drenching myself in sweat! I am a bit astonished though, I sweat more on a bike machine than an elliptical, but the bike says I burnt less calories.

    To prepare for weekend eating I'm doing my norm, avoiding going out to eat. Doing that to also save up money for the down payment on my boyfriend and my new place in November!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thursday Truth: More of a complaint. So after several weeks of heel pain (prob. a bone spur as it doesn't quite feel like the plantar fasciitis of my not-so-good memory), I break down and buy nice, cushy walking shoes (Brooks). They felt great, for a week, then the top of my arch (top of right foot) began to feel like a pin was sticking in it, almost a burn. My 3.5 mile walk Tuesday was soooooo painful. I skipped walking for a day and did my regular gym routine, then today I walk 2.7 miles and thought I was going to die from foot pain. OW OW OW OW OW OW. Now the top of my left foot is feeling a little wonky. It must be the new shoes. Dang, darn, *?$@&%. Wonder if the store, Luke's Locker, will take them back? On top of that, I think I might have to see the Dr., it hurts that much! My PT (and boss) suggested I ice it/them and stay off my feet. Rrrriiiggghhhtt!

    Marsha~Luke's is usually really good about exchanging shoes, so definitely go back. Did you have them fit you? Did they ask you questions and watch you walk? I've tried a couple of different Brooks shoes - the Ghost didn't work out very well, kind of made my feet tired. But in June I bought some Glycerin and they are fantastic!

    @Robin~What a disappointing phone call to receive. I'm glad they caught it early and that it is treatable. {{{hugs}}}

    @Susan~You are doing awesome!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    To prepare for weekend eating I'm doing my norm, avoiding going out to eat. Doing that to also save up money for the down payment on my boyfriend and my new place in November!

    Doomcakes - where are these apartments that come with the boyfriend in them? I want one! :laugh: :wink:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Friday fitness – I have no specific plans. Got home last night and after a lot of sitting yesterday decided I needed to burn off some frustration so did get my Fitbit up to 10,000 steps. I hope to keep at that (10,000/day) this weekend.

    @Robin – gosh darn I’m sorry to hear your medical news. And sorry you have to add an oncologist to the mix. I pray treatment is quick and pain free. My dad has lymphoma and I adore his oncologist. He is the most kind and caring physician on my dad’s long list of providers. He’s been seeing him for about 5 and ½ years now and he always focuses on my dad, his issues, and he’s just brilliant. I hope the person you see is equally fantabulous.

    @LaurieK – get out there and tap!! It sounds like a really *good* time.

    @Bigaug – apparently lots of parents hated their kids in my neck of the woods, lots of guys have the nickname Auggie with a given name of August. I don’t know if there’s a b’day correlation there or a family name that was passed along to another generation. Congrats on the new tool box. I love getting new stuff; for me that can range from a new electronic toy to the mundane---a package of new socks! (No really, I’m not kidding, I get giddy over new socks.)

    @Liz – I hope nothing is seriously wrong with your vehicle. I detest car problems!! Yeah, no one likes them but I never have any idea of where to start other than calling AAA. Stay safe.

    @GrammyWhammy – I hope you get your foot issues straightened out. I don’t have any advice whatsoever. I’m just glad when my *dogs* aren’t yelling at me. I do tape my feet now when they are really bothering me. Also do another totally unapproved thing, I put some nice soft cotton in my sock in two places that seen to rub on my right foot with my New Balance shoes. I figure whatever works…..

    @DoomCakes – way to go on the Halloween challenge!! Yeah. Super progress.

    @naceto – it is wonderful that you love walking. It is something that can just free you of everything. Very stress relieving.

    @susan – sounds like you have things pretty well into a healthy routine. Good for you.

    @ShrinkRapt – sorry but your post made me giggle just a bit when you mentioned your blood donation. I’d never thought of that as a free calorie burn. Good thought!

    @ravenlaramie – hope you have the dogs walked and worn out! Wishing you well in meeting your dance goal!

    @kah68 – we don’t have any Luke’s stores……..shoe store? Fitness in general? And I’ve never heard of Glycerin brand shoes. I’ll have to look them up. I like to hear about shoes that people totally adore. I rotate shoes sort of depending on the activity and how my feet are feeling----Adidas, Brooks, and New Balance are the mainstays with a pair of SAS from time to time.

    Have a healthy, safe weekend.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen - I feel for you on the lazy SO front. My better half used to harbor tons of resentments about the division of household responsibilities. She wouldn't say anything for weeks even months then explode and send me out couch surfing. The reality was/is that I do all the shopping, cooking, yard work, maintain the cars, maintain the house, walk/feed/brush/bathe the critters, do my own laundry (not 'allowed' to do hers because I've shrunk 2 items in 7 years - oh WAAAAAAAH!!! what a crisis!!!), and I clean the kitchen, basement, and garage. Instead of having a rational discussion with me and working out a compromise she would just flip out, "I can't live like this!" There is a huge adjustment period when you move in together, try talking to him (he's a guy talk to him like he's one of your kids, lol). Patience is a tough pill to swallow sometimes, but it tastes better than misery. These days my SO is back in college so she 'doesn't have time for household chores,' now I get to do it all, I'm the one harboring resentments.

    Friday fitness - I've done a lot of extra walking this week, but I need the structure of the gym which I've only done twice this week. I guess I lose Friday fitness again.

  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member

    To prepare for weekend eating I'm doing my norm, avoiding going out to eat. Doing that to also save up money for the down payment on my boyfriend and my new place in November!

    Doomcakes - where are these apartments that come with the boyfriend in them? I want one! :laugh: :wink:

    Hahaha xD I totally worded that wrong. I was still working on my first cup of coffee so my brain was going blah!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @kah68 – we don’t have any Luke’s stores……..shoe store? Fitness in general? And I’ve never heard of Glycerin brand shoes. I’ll have to look them up. I like to hear about shoes that people totally adore. I rotate shoes sort of depending on the activity and how my feet are feeling----Adidas, Brooks, and New Balance are the mainstays with a pair of SAS from time to time.

    Lin~Marsha and I live in the same area and there is a specialized running store here, Luke's Locker, that sells running shoes, etc. There are a couple of other speciality stores - both New Balance stores and Run On. I wore New Balance for years, had to after a torn Achilles, but then it became "too much" sneaker for me so switched to Brooks last year. My first Brooks were "Ghost," they tended to make my feet tired. My newest Brooks are "Glycerin," - I puffy :heart: them! :happy:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness::: This week is the first week in a LONG time where I worked out Mon-Fri
    Mon: Zumba
    Tues: Zumba
    Wed: C25K
    Thurs: 4:30AM C25K
    Fri: 4:30AM C25K

    So not only am I back on track and feel amazing I also pushed myself and was able to get up at 4:30am!!!

    So my friend who had the surgery and I went to stay with her, is coming up this weekend to stay with my until Monday. Well I'm nervous about doing bad food wise this weekend. I thought about going and getting snacks but that will just lead to bad eating for me. But I can't have my guest not have anything to eat. I don't know what to do! Going to just bite the bullet and pay attention all weekend and do the best I can!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member

    To prepare for weekend eating I'm doing my norm, avoiding going out to eat. Doing that to also save up money for the down payment on my boyfriend and my new place in November!

    Doomcakes - where are these apartments that come with the boyfriend in them? I want one! :laugh: :wink:

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Friday Fitness::: This week is the first week in a LONG time where I worked out Mon-Fri
    Mon: Zumba
    Tues: Zumba
    Wed: C25K
    Thurs: 4:30AM C25K
    Fri: 4:30AM C25K

    So not only am I back on track and feel amazing I also pushed myself and was able to get up at 4:30am!!!

    So my friend who had the surgery and I went to stay with her, is coming up this weekend to stay with my until Monday. Well I'm nervous about doing bad food wise this weekend. I thought about going and getting snacks but that will just lead to bad eating for me. But I can't have my guest not have anything to eat. I don't know what to do! Going to just bite the bullet and pay attention all weekend and do the best I can!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

    Woot, Tina~Great job this week! :flowerforyou: Remember that its about enjoying the company of your friend, not the food. :wink: Just pick up a few healthier choices for snacks (it doesn't have to be all fruit, pick some healthier carb options that both you and she will enjoy). Make the best decisions you can but still make it a treat for you so that you enjoy the weekend. Most of all - have fun!!! :bigsmile:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member

    To prepare for weekend eating I'm doing my norm, avoiding going out to eat. Doing that to also save up money for the down payment on my boyfriend and my new place in November!

    Doomcakes - where are these apartments that come with the boyfriend in them? I want one! :laugh: :wink:

    Me too!!! :bigsmile:
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member

    To prepare for weekend eating I'm doing my norm, avoiding going out to eat. Doing that to also save up money for the down payment on my boyfriend and my new place in November!

    Doomcakes - where are these apartments that come with the boyfriend in them? I want one! :laugh: :wink:

    Me too!!! :bigsmile:

    Haha, glad my early morning blunders brought some laughs! :D That would be some kind of business. We sell boyfriends with our apartments! It's not pimping since technically it's setting you up with someone that could be a life time partner and not just for sleeping!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning to all on this beautiful Friday morning. I love walking in the cool autumn air it is so reviving after all the awful heat we have had this summer. I have gotten all my walks in this week except for my walk last night which was rained out. Too hard to push my walker with my oxygen, hold Belle's leash and an umbrella. Friends are commenting on how much better I am walking now which is nice to hear. I know I feel better except when ART is acting up like yesterday with the rain. Lost 1/2 of a pound. Love how eating healthy makes you lose weight, who would of thought???

    Robin, sorry about the additional treatment you need to receive, praise God it wasn't cancer.

    Doom, that was a good chuckle this morning, thanks and exactly how much of a down payment do you have to make if you take the boyfriend only?

    For all those whose bodies are reminding them that they are exercising, praying the discomfort and pain goes away fast.

    Hugs to all!

  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Friday Fitness::: This week is the first week in a LONG time where I worked out Mon-Fri
    Mon: Zumba
    Tues: Zumba
    Wed: C25K
    Thurs: 4:30AM C25K
    Fri: 4:30AM C25K

    So not only am I back on track and feel amazing I also pushed myself and was able to get up at 4:30am!!!

    So my friend who had the surgery and I went to stay with her, is coming up this weekend to stay with my until Monday. Well I'm nervous about doing bad food wise this weekend. I thought about going and getting snacks but that will just lead to bad eating for me. But I can't have my guest not have anything to eat. I don't know what to do! Going to just bite the bullet and pay attention all weekend and do the best I can!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

    Yay Tina!!!! I am so happy for you finding your groove again!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @beachgirl -- seven flights at once! I'm not surprised you're puffing. It will get easier. Look after your knees though; you need to be careful if they're hurting.

    @Tina -- fingers crossed that your little niece is fine and it turns out to be nothing serious.

    @walkingqueen -- is your bf recovering from surgery? If so I'd cut him a bit of slack. You can often look completely well but your body's telling you to rest rest rest all the time. If this is what he's always like then I think you'll have to have a heart to heart about what's reasonable for each person to do. Get your kids doing chores too! Remember, they're never too young to shimmy up chimneys... or something like that...

    @Deanna -- welcome! I have inflammatory arthritis, and the good news is that I'm sure it's helped by losing a bit of weight, even though it's not a weight-related condition. Weight loss can be harder for people with medical conditions, especially if you can't do exercise for those yummy bonus calories. But lots of people here do have health conditions so I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice.

    @skinnyjeanz -- I hate it when I blow my calories and discover I have nothing left for dinner! Sometimes I'm good and do step or dance in the evening to get some more to pay for my dinner; sometimes I just accept that it's hopeless. Those big Starbucks drinks are really dangerous; logging has really opened my eyes to the enormous size of some restaurant portions.

    @ushkii -- A few years ago I passed a chip shop that had deep fried Mars bars, often considered the height of outrageous food. I had to try one! We did split it between all four of us, so it probably wasn't actually all that bad. And I did think it was delicious, though I'm not sure I could have eaten a whole one.

    @Jana -- I'm glad you and your brother have talked it out and that you're happy for him now.

    @Robin -- What a horrid thing to find out! But they've caught it early so the treatment should be fine for you.

    Friday Fitness -- Well, I'm totally chuffed because I have both done a load of fitness and tried a new thing for September. The Conservation Volunteers do a thing called Green Gym, where you go along to help some conservation project, they warm up, do the conservation work, have a warm down at the end; have fun, burn calories, enjoy the outdoors, improve the environment, volunteer! So I walked down to our local park and worked clearing grass away from the base of young trees and remulching them. I think it was more strength than cardio and that MFP's calorie estimate was a bit high, so I've taken it down a bit. Hard work though; I need a little sleep now.

    -- Alison
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    good morning everyone hope everyone is having a great friday. First off i want to say I am sorry for our friends who aren't feeling good. I hope all of you get feeling better real soon. I am looking forward to a nice quiet day at home. It tends to be a lot of go go go when my hubby is home. He is one of those lucky *kitten* with endless enrgy who can never sit still and at six feet tall and with his metabolism maybe slowing a little now that he is forty he still only weighs 190 on a heavey day, lol. So the next couple of days are going to be a will power challenge. My kids are college age and so all their friends are getting ready to go to their various schools including my son so they had a big game night last night with all their friends. I have let them host these every few months all through their teens as it was a way for them all to get together and I knew they were being safe. Well now my house is full of leftover chips cookies candy and soda. It is a healthy eaters nightmare in here, lol. I am drinking my water right now and pretending it all doesnt exist. The good news is between hubby and kids it should only last a cuople of days. I know I can be strong that long. Friday fitness: as usual I havent made a lot of inroads in the fitnees part of this journey. I see people posting things like housecleaning and stuff but I cant really consider that exercise in my own mind. That is just a chore that has to be done and the same with things like shopping. I have done a little walking but where I live is all hills and one little hill leaves me feeling like I cant quite catch a full breath so it has been hard to psych myself to do it. I know I need to just keep trying different things until I find something I can enjoy. Here's to everyone having a great Friday :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!! Soooo it has been a crazy busy week. I hope you are all doing fabulous. I have read some really inspiring stuff on here. Great job on all of your accomplishments and for those that aren't feeling too great, I send healing thoughts and prayers. My son and I were both sick on Monday.. due to some Greek yogurt gone bad, I think. Then last night Anthony (my son) came home from football practice with a nasty cold. He is home today, so I will have to go home and give him some TLC. Poor guy. I know he is in high school now, but when he is sick, I still feel like he is my baby, who must be pampered. I am sure he loves that.

    Friday fitness: I've gotten 8.02 miles of walking in, since Sunday.... Since Tuesday (Started Halloween challenge) I have walked 5.25 miles, with 43.75 to go. My hip is giving me a little trouble, but nothing that sticks around. So I shall walk and walk and walk until my hip tells me I cannot. :bigsmile:

    You know what I haven't seen in awhile? WATER TAG! You're it! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just dropping in case my day gets even crazier.
    Fitness has been lacking all week but I am head to my usual rock climbing session tonight.

    Robin- sorry for your news at least they caught it early.

    Marsha- good luck with the feet, foot pain is the worse. Maybe the shoe store and recommend a new insole that will help with the problem.

    Good luck to everyone this week. Keep working hard.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member

    You know what I haven't seen in awhile? WATER TAG! You're it! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Naceto----I was just thinking that today as well. Off to the!!


    P.S. Just checked my Fitbit weekly tracker: 35 miles this week. Wonder if I can do that again???
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member

    You know what I haven't seen in awhile? WATER TAG! You're it! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Naceto----I was just thinking that today as well. Off to the!!


    P.S. Just checked my Fitbit weekly tracker: 35 miles this week. Wonder if I can do that again???

    Holy bananas Lin!!!! 35 miles is AMAZING!!!