Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for all the nice word of support everyone. It means a lot to me.

    on a lighter note, I have been seeing that I keep going over on my vitamin A, and also on vitamin C, This is OK right?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Praying everyone's Saturday is going well. I am having a great day even though Belle woke me up at 5:30 this morning wanting me to let her out:grumble: . I lost another 1.5 today for a total of 3.5 lbs for the week. It is funny how my body loses weight now. I will go 2 to 3 weeks the same and then I'll have a big drop. I am greatful for MFP friends for all the support and motivation to keep on this journey. I was thinking of changing my settings to lose faster but decided I had tried that kind of dieting so many times and failed because I would get so hungry I would binge and then give up. So I will continue at this pace no matter how long it takes because I can live with this the rest of my life. I guess that is my Saturday success.

    Skinny, loved the story about Casey. We had a hs here in KC that elected a young woman with Down Syndrome as Homecoming Queen a week ago. As a grandmother of a 5 year-old granddaughter with DS it is comforting to know that she will have opportunities just as her "normal" peers do. Brought tears to my eyes. Going to the website you listed when done here.

    Love you all, have a great weekend!


    Christine--I was out with some friends from work today and found out that in addition to voting Casey Homecoming King, the freshman Homecoming Prince has Down's Syndrome. I didn't realize that b/c I don't teach freshman (so don't know the boy). Made me think of your darling granddaughter... :flowerforyou:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Congrats to all who've had losses or NSV's this week! Even though I'm struggling right now, reading about these give me hope and push me to try harder.

    Skinny: Thanks for sharing your story about Homecoming King Casey. His family, friends, teachers and classmates sound like pretty special people too.

    Morgori: Boy do I get that smoke detector thing! In Feb we updated our alarms and added 6 smoke detectors (hard wired) that communicate with each other. Four times recently they've gone off, chiming "Fire, fire!". Back up batteries were replaced, but it happened again. It's probably just one bad one in the bunch, but we can't figure out which one. You should (or shouldn't) :laugh: see how we all run around in a stupor in the middle of the night. I'm betting it's the smoke alarm 12 feet up--the one none of us can get to. Wah!

    Enjoying the cold front and walked 3 miles on "stupid" foot and heel is hurting again. My fault, of course. I "fired" my podiatrist (ordered an unnecessary MRI, made a wrong diagnosis, and was totally unsympathetic about my flaring plantar fasciitis.) P-therapist taped my foot, suggested gel inserts, gave me an infrared treatment and all sorts of suggestions. He told me walking on the road and walking on the treadmill are NOT the same. The treadmill is more forgiving. The cooler weather was just so tempting. Rats. Back to the drawing board.

    Anyone out there still participating in the Halloween Challenge?

    Walked 7,957 steps today (dang foot), 178,727 steps to date, aiming for 400,000 steps by Halloween. Hope I can make it given my sore "paw."

    Have a great weekend, all. Feel better fellow hurtees (is this a word?) and watch out for the Halloween treats aisle.
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    @pampered - yes, going over on vitamins is ok. I will be praying for you and your family.

    I will try to sum up what's been happening with me. I promise to TRY not to ramble.

    I have been taking a woman from church to and from work daily. She is 63, diabetic, probably around 400 lbs, and wheelchair bound since she has one leg below the knee amputated and half of her left foot. She has a motorized chair, but I do not have a vehicle that can take it, so I have to help her into the car, then fold up her regular chair and heft it into the trunk, drive her, get it out, help her into it and into the building. I am glad I can help. I know if I don't take her, she will quit her job. But trying to get done what I need to get enough sleep, and be there on time to get her is so taxing. I had barely gotten into a good workout routine before this, and now, I'm having to change my times to allow for this new responsibility. Because of the physical strain, I've missed at least one of my workouts every week since I started driving her. I have found myself being very resentful of the inconvenience on my life. Yes, I agreed to this. No, I couldn't live with myself if I quit taking her and she quit her job because she can't find other transportation. I mean...Before this, I had only talked to the woman about half a dozen times since the beginning of the year. She had to be desperate to ask me! But couple all that with my feelings of failure as far as getting healthy, and it's made for a miserable couple weeks. My girls turned 12 a month ago, my son turned 14 yesterday, still working on the bathroom and trying to save $ for our B&B weekend in a month, black Friday and possible season passes to Silver Dollar City, and my husband has voluntarily cut back his hrs at work, so I have less $ to work with, and still try to find healthy, delish meals on a $100/wk grocery budget for 5 ppl. Haven't been on a date with the hubby in almost 2 months, other ppl (MIL, hubby, etc) changing plans on me last minute without any regard to my feelings on the matter or what I had planned. Yeah. Normal life crap has got me down. So, that's why I've been missing.

    So this week, I'll be trying to actually fall asleep before midnight, so I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed to take this lady to work, go in 2 yrs earlier than normal for my workouts through the week, try to find a cheap, yet cool way to make my son into a werewolf for a halloween party (a girl invited him!!!!!), and still find time to do normal mom stuff and time for me.

    Keep strong my friends! I'll try to be more active again.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    LAMypie: You are a good person, with a tender heart. Thank you for being such a fine example of service to your children and others. I've been in the same position and it IS difficult. Perhaps you and another person could share the driving responsibility??? If not, until you come up with a solution, make a point to put yourself first some of the time. Yes, get more rest (don't know where you'll find the extra hours to do that), insist that hubby carve out a few hours for a date now and again, and see if you can modify your workout routine a wee bit. My hubby's wheelchair is so heavy, my back "went out" for a couple of weeks in August. And yes, sometimes I get resentful of the alterations I've had make on my work, social and exercise schedule. (Mutter, mutter!) Believe it or not, though, others are watching and learning from you. I applaud you.

    Don't know how to make a boy into a werewolf though. :laugh: Hair clippings and make-up?

    Good luck and blessings upon you.

    Sweet dreams.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: I managed to indulge in some treats with the grandkids and still stay under my calorie goal.
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Catching up- Friday fitness I hit a goal, it was my 150th Jazzercise class for the year, and earned my "free" t shirt- free- ha ha, it only took me 10 months of class to earn it but the best part is that its a size smaller than last years. Every year they have a different t-sgirt that you can earn for attendance. I got home and tried it on and its a tiny bit snug but it fit.

    Saturday- I had my alarm set to get u[p at 5 am and run, but the wind chill was 37 and I winped out. Checked my weather app and it said it was supposed to be 50 by mid afternoon so i postponed my run. Well by 3 it was only 46 and the windchill was 41 but I knew it wasn't getitng any warmer and needed to get my rump out there. I despise the treadmill and sadly there is no force on earth that can make me run on one, (except maybe a gun pointed to my head) I need the freshair when I run. I am running my first 10K the end of this month- its the Halloween Hustle so I need to keep some training up. I jumped into this kind of backwards, after 6 half marathons I decided to try a 10K. But its a great incentive to keep my training up. I got in 6 miles total and ran 5 1/2 of them in and hour and 22 min. Not my best ratio but I have really been lazy the last couple weeks, so it was good to get back to reality and by the 2nd mile I felt great and was so glad I went out to run.

    Sunday- For the first time on over 3 weeks I slept in. Got to go to bed and not worry about having an alarm set, slept in until just after 8, not real late but when you are used to getting up at 5, it was absolutely DELICIOUS! Now for a quiet Sunday at hoem with the family. My husband brought all the Halloween decorations from storage and we are going to decorate the house. I love putting up the decorations. BUt this is also the beginnign of a tough season for me, I love love love all the holiday baking. Its going to be tough this year, not only with the dieting but we are still working at finding "yummy" flour alternative for our gluten free baking. The good news is that the gluten free is really beginning to seem more normal for us and no longer seems as monumental of a task as it had after Claire's diagnosis.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday, I know I haven't had much of a chance to reply to other posts but I so enjoy reading them and have gained so much strength and help in time of weakness, and many laughs, can't thank you all enough! Have a blessed day!!:flowerforyou:

    Oh, and by the way- Water Tag!:drinker: You're it!!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    NSV - the regular blood pressure cuff fit me when I gave blood the other day! I got a pin for 5 gallons donated :drinker:

    Monday I am going to start counting how much I smoke, the following Monday I am going to quit smoking.:smokin:

    Now I'm ready for some football!
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    NSV - the regular blood pressure cuff fit me when I gave blood the other day! I got a pin for 5 gallons donated :drinker:

    Monday I am going to start counting how much I smoke, the following Monday I am going to quit smoking.:smokin:

    Now I'm ready for some football!

    Congrats on the regular size blood pressure cuff, and a pint away from 5 gallons. Do you know how many people you have helped out? You are an unsung hero! I will you all the best in quitting smoking, I did it before I had kids, I remember how much better I felt.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Anyone out there still participating in the Halloween Challenge?

    i am, but i don' t think there's any way i'll reach my goal. i'm at about a hundred miles right now. my goal was 250 but i made my goal without considering there were days were i wouldn't be able to work out. we'll see how close i get :laugh:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Anyone out there still participating in the Halloween Challenge?

    i am, but i don' t think there's any way i'll reach my goal. i'm at about a hundred miles right now. my goal was 250 but i made my goal without considering there were days were i wouldn't be able to work out. we'll see how close i get :laugh:

    me too! I have 29 miles to go, so not likely I will make it, but I am still trying to come as close as I can. my dumb hip will not keep me down!!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everone, hope you are all having a great day. I am putzzing between the computer and some much needed housework. I am kinda stalled at the moment because I dont dare step between the hubby and the football game, lol. I am beginning to remember why I have always geard towards larger dogs in my life. Petey is adorable and quite the little lover which is what I wanted to help comfort while I made the empty nest transition but he is also yappy and hyper and a little high maintenance, lol. oh well all good things come with a price and I know when husband leaves in a couple weeks I am going to be so grateful to have him hear when I am home alone and feeling sad. Chelsie is a great dog but at 100 pounds she is just a little big to pull into my lap and cuddle. My darn cat brought fleas into the houe and I had deccided to try the kirkland brand flea medicine. Dont. all of the pets are now scratching so I get to go and buy advantix now and treat them all and then bomb the house to get rid of the damn pests. I really hate fleas. We lived in an apartment once where the whole building was infested and we couldnt get rid of them no matter what we tried. Needless to say we ended up moving. I havent been as comitted to my eating this week as I should have been. I am kind of dreading weighing tomorrow. It would be bad if I managed a loss while on vacatin and then got home and gained weight. I know there is really no one but myself to blame. I have just been kinda going along with the flow and while trying to stay under calories I havent worried to much at all what kind of calories they were. Well today is the start to a new week so time to step up and get back on track. I know I can totally do this. Congratulations to the really awesome victories I saw posted out there and I hope everyone dealing with pain feels better soon.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    grading Goals
    7th grade labs x/30 DONE
    8th grade labs x/88 DONE
    7th grade science fair projects x/30 DONE

    So excited my grading is all caught up at this point. Such a nice feeling,

    naceto congrats on size 16.

    Still working on the Halloween challenge. Most likely will not make my goals but we will see. 65/ 200. Only counting miles walked or ridden via bike. I have a long way to go. It is really hard to count rock climbing and workout with trainers. Thanks for the challenge.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, :smile:

    @pampered--sorry to hear that your day is so rough!! Keep your chin up. Praying for relief for you and your sons!

    @Lin way to go on all of the walking!!!

    @Christine-- Congrats on the loss!!!!

    @Skinny Thanks for sharing the story about Casey!

    @Raven--Thank you for sharing your pot pie recipe. Sounds good I may try it.

    @ JtConst-- My husband has the football game on too. So making an attemp of cleaning and some computer time now.

    @naceto- Congrats on size 16!

    Yesterday was a nice day with the women's conference good lessons was busy with registeration table but all went well with that too but both Friday and Saturday was very long days so spending today catching up on housework. Was able to get a nice walk in today. Making shipwreck stew for dinner. Its in the crockpot.

    Sunday Share It doesn't show on my MFP ticker but I started out at 350lbs. I lost some weight before finding MFP (really grateful to a friend for telling me) For I really feel that its this connection with mfp that's help this journey have staying power. But right now I am at 260 with 10 more pounds 250. That is still obese but it means 100lbs than I can start focusing on the next 100lbs. for i can only look at this in small numbers. It makes me ashamed that I allow myself to get this way but I am also proud of the fact this too will pass. Thank you friends for being here ! :flowerforyou:

    Have a good day,

    Liz :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just spent the w/e at my best bud's house. Very quiet time, watched our Nebraska Huskers get the pants beat off them by Ohio (oh it was embarrassing too). Played a leisurely but cut-throat game of Monopoly as we watched a beautiful autumn day change color outside. It was pretty nippy. Split a frozen pizza, but stayed under calories. Nice fall weekend.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member

    Trying to get our office straightened out before hubby gets home late tonight.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Hello everyone -

    Glad you had an enjoyable weekend Robin.

    Wow Liz, you are doing a fabulous job. Way to go.....

    jtconst---ack, fleas. So sorry you have to try to eradicate those pesky things.

    naceto---OMG, will you get mad at me if I say you sound as if you're smitten? I just love that word and don't have many opportunities to use it. It's wonderful that you've found a nice considerate guy. WONDERFUL. Take care of your hip.

    Here's hoping for a successful week for all of us.

    :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member

    naceto---OMG, will you get mad at me if I say you sound as if you're smitten? I just love that word and don't have many opportunities to use it. It's wonderful that you've found a nice considerate guy. WONDERFUL. Take care of your hip.

    @Lin - I am completely and totally head over heels smitten. :heart: So nope, I won't get mad. :bigsmile: I absolutely adore him. It is so funny that just a couple of months ago, I wanted nothing to do with him, and decided he was someone that he very obviously isn't. He is such a sweet man. His heart is so big, and his patience is amazing. I may keep him. :heart:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Congratulations on all of the successes. I am amazed by all of the huge amounts of weight that many of you have lost. I succumbed to treats on the way home today, and went way over my daily goal for first time. I guess I will just call it my cheat day and move on from here. I have a week before surgery. I hope I can lose some more before that.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hi all, can't believe the weekend is at an end already! Spent time with my KC family and got to play with my darling granddaughter. She is so funny! We play with her babies and she calls them all "Zach" because the daycare provider has a baby named Zach. My son had to change their deadbolt locks today and install door alarms as she has learned how to undo the child safety locks on the knobs and open the doors and escapes. She has no fear of anything and just runs! Will be so happy when she understands she can't do that. Didn't get to spend much time with her brother as he is a big 10 now and would rather be in his room with his legos. The weekend was good food-wise, but not so good exercise wise, just a short walk yesterday and just 1 walk longer walk today. Tomorrow will be back to my routine 2 a day plus going to spend time at a pumpkin patch with grandkids in the afternoon.

    naceto- happy you have found a sweet guy, you deserve it!
    Robin-glad you had a relaxing weekend!
    liz-you are doing fantastic and I congratulate you on your success!

    I love all of you and feel you are part of my family. Take care all and have a wonderful week.
