Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    PS. How do I join this group?? I need a group where I can like.. stay on track?

    You just did! :) We're not a group. Just a thread that keeps going and going and going.

    When it comes close to the end of the thread someone (Robin) will let us know where to find the new thread and we'll continue there.

    Welcome! Keep up the good work and sodium is my hardest as well. I almost always run out of sodium before I run out of calories. :grumble:

    Well that's pretty cool! I didn't even have to do any work to join this group. I like that. ;)
    Sodium is a butt head, but so far so good. Been in the green since Saturday night!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Monday check in: I am the exact same weight I started this year with. 9 months and all I did was yo-yo 5 lbs.

    Ushkii - are you going to be bummed or at least be proud of the fact that for 9 months you were living basically in maintenance mode. You didn't gain or lose weight. And if you hadn't been paying attention, where would you have been in 9 months? Heck, you could have gained 25 pounds or something awful.

    So, I'm going to give you a little shove. Take the time and go to your reports and look at your food and calorie reports for the last 9 months and see what you can learn. Take your calorie intake down by 200 or more calories a day, but more importantly, get your carbohydrates down to below 200 gms a day, and work toward 150 g a day. That's the sweet spot for losing weight - 150 gs a day. And start exercising regularly, and recording it, and logging in here daily.

    I want to see you more often, Ushkii!:drinker:

    Thanks! You are right I gained for years. I am not going up which is great. I had lost last year and was all ready to continue but seem to have stalled. Well this is a great group and I needed your push.
  • TracySTL
    TracySTL Posts: 32 Member
    I hope you have room for a newbie here. I'm fairly new MFP, but played around with it a little before I finally committed to giving this a go.
    I am 36, live in St. Louis (Go Cards!), am married to my best friend, Brain, and we have two babies - ages 10 & 8.
    I have been overweight most of my life, and can remember back to joining weight watchers with a friend when I was just 12! That was just the beginning of a long list of crazy diets I have done, from pills to drops, all meat, no meat, etc. and I think I have just come to the realization that I might actually be abe to do this without some wackadoo weight loss gimick!

    Ultimately, I would love to lose about 150-170 lbs., but right now, I'm shooting for the first 20. I each day that I can stay on track makes me feel stronger - physically and mentally. In all honesty, after my last fad diet (hCG drops) I feel so liberated to be able to eat anything I want, as long as I account for it and can stay within my numbers. Nothing like a rediculously restrictive diet to make you feel like a Lean Cuisine is a gourmet meal. LOL

    Thanks for listening.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Tuesday Goals:

    So I'm watching Dr. Oz and he is talking about Metabolism types. I am Type C. (I have an unpredictable appetite, I crave sweets and salty snacks, and I can tend to be anxious and nervous.) It is pretty interesting to know I have a "type". I'm curious to see what he recommends as his "diet" advice and see how it correlates to how I'm eating now. :) Should be interesting to say the least.

    As of this morning, I am down 25lbs by my recording. According to MFP, I'm only down 22lbs but that is because I was so embarrased by my starting weight, I rounded it down to the lowest 10th. LOL! Now I wish I had left it so I could actually see the results!

    My mom informed me that she bought a treadmill and that she and my dad have set a goal to run a 5k with me next year at some point. I'm pretty excited about it because they are FINALLY active! :) My mom has set a goal to outrun me...So I know I need to start training to work on my speed.

    I've been begging them to get on MFP with me, but my mom said it is just too hard to work and my dad is trying to use it, but he's new to it and without me there to show him, it's a struggle. I'm hoping they get on board, but regardless of if they do or don't, I'm very proud of them.

    I'm feeling much better today, so one of my goals is to attempt to eat something a little heavier for supper and then try to go do my jog at the gym. However, if I start feeling bad I will stop and just take it easy. I can always do it tomorrow. I'm only thrown off 2 days, so I know I can make it up as I need to. :) I can always do 2 runs a day if need be.

    The rest of my goals for the week are to get my grades finished, lose another pound, and get in my runs. I know I can do it and I need to get on it.

    I hope everyone has had a GREAT day! I'll try to do personals later.

    ~ Jana
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just checking in. :smile: More than halfway done with #3--going to take a break from those to continue my re-read of The Awakening.

    Grading goals:
    1. 22/22 writing reflections DONE!!!
    2. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE!!!
    3. 30/58 F451 short answer tests
    4. x/22 parts of speech post tests
    5. 14/49 AP essays
    6. finish re-reading The Awakening (um, by tomorrow!)

    My focus will be 3, 4, and 6.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I hope you have room for a newbie here. I'm fairly new MFP, but played around with it a little before I finally committed to giving this a go.
    I am 36, live in St. Louis (Go Cards!), am married to my best friend, Brain, and we have two babies - ages 10 & 8.
    I have been overweight most of my life, and can remember back to joining weight watchers with a friend when I was just 12! That was just the beginning of a long list of crazy diets I have done, from pills to drops, all meat, no meat, etc. and I think I have just come to the realization that I might actually be abe to do this without some wackadoo weight loss gimick!

    Ultimately, I would love to lose about 150-170 lbs., but right now, I'm shooting for the first 20. I each day that I can stay on track makes me feel stronger - physically and mentally. In all honesty, after my last fad diet (hCG drops) I feel so liberated to be able to eat anything I want, as long as I account for it and can stay within my numbers. Nothing like a rediculously restrictive diet to make you feel like a Lean Cuisine is a gourmet meal. LOL

    Thanks for listening.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Okay, so I'm just learning to do this and I quoted Tracy without actually replying. I'm sure I'll get it sooner or later. I just wanted to say that I can relate to her so much. I haven't tried a lot of fad diets, but if I had kept all of the weight I have lost in my life, I would be in the negative numbers! I also need to lose about 130#, but have set my first goal at 25#. Right now I am feeling in control most of the time. Its a good feeling. Hang in there.
  • megancouch93
    Monday check-in: I'm getting frustrated with myself. I go to the store and out places and every time I do so, I want to cave in and get all the stuff I know I shouldn't be getting. Some stuff I don't have much choice because my husband is a picky eater, and I love cooking and all, but I don't want to cook two separate meals for us throughout the day. There's no sense in that. I didn't get to exercise today, so I feel even more horrible about the food choices I've made.
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    Hi guys! :) Been working a lot (as per usual). I need to watch my sodium intake, I've been going over sometimes and not just by a little. I didn't realize how much sodium everything has! It's crazy!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Tuesday goal - getting solidly back on track. Last night was on the way (huge, yummy homemade chicken 'taco' salad, tonight, homemade fish 'tacos'

    going to let myself have one tortilla...
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    @monarchris so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well hope you feel better soon.

    @Lin I wish I could just give you a hug or bring you a bowl of soup or something. I agree the need is for you to relax somehow with all of this going on. Maybe go rent yourself a bunch of movies or get into a new book. Whatever it takes.

    @grandmakaye and all newbies welcome!!

    @skinny great job getting your goals done.
    @Toots I am glad you went to the doctor

    Today was a long day at work. Did a lot of walking. Still working on lowering my sodium intake,

    Take care have a good night.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @liz--thanks! I've been really trying to keep up with the grading but also balance it with "me" time.

    @megan--I would say it's your DH who doesn't have much choice if you are the one doing the cooking (well, I guess he could choose not to eat). :wink:

    @jana--if you want to, you can go back and change your starting weight. Click on "check-in" and then click "edit previous entries."

    @tracy--welcome! I know what you mean about really restrictive diets putting things in perspective. Before I started tracking calories, I did the Master Cleanse for 3 days--not b/c I thought of it as any "magical" weight loss plan, but just as a test of will power. I figured if I could live on "lemonade" for 3 days, 1200-1400 calories a day would feel like utter indulgence. Oh, and as for lean cuisines--I like to keep bags of broccoli, asparagus, green beans, etc. in the freezer and add a cup of whatever works to the meal. It makes it much more filling without adding a lot of calories (plus, I feel like there's always a lot of extra sauce in those meals).

    @sunshine--yeah, I've been advocating for a rigorous application process, but no one wants to be on the admissions committee...:tongue:

    @christine--sorry you are sick! :flowerforyou:

    @everyone I missed--catch you on the next round! :smile:

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well I got through those F451 short answer tests and half of the novel (I feel like I always re-read the 1st half of every novel--I'm starting to forget how they all end! :laugh: ). Didn't get to the parts of speech tests, but 3 of my 5 classes are testing or watching a movie in class tomorrow so I hope to get a lot of grading done during those periods (as well as my prep, lunch, and supervision).

    Grading goals:
    1. 22/22 writing reflections DONE!!!
    2. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE!!!
    3. 58/58 F451 short answer tests DONE!!!
    4. x/22 parts of speech post tests
    5. 14/49 AP essays
    6. finish re-reading The Awakening (um, by tomorrow!) got through more than half

    I already know it, so I'm gonna go ahead and post my...

    Wednesday Wish:
    To be super-productive throughout the day so I have time to go on my long run after work.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171

    @sunshine--yeah, I've been advocating for a rigorous application process, but no one wants to be on the admissions committee...:tongue:

    Bahahaa! Well I am glad that no one wants to be on the admissions committee! This little thread of people sounds so.. encouraging! I love it!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome Newbies - so glad to see your dedication to your lifestyle change. You'll like it here.

    TUesday goal - to never repeat today - I had cookies and ice cream instead of lunch and supper. I actually feel dirty.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Wednesday wishes - that i could find a nice guy who actually wants a ltr (with me) and doesn't bail as soon as i let myself get attached to him.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots I am glad you went to the doctor

    Well I haven't gone yet. but I did make an appointment.
    @Toots - I hope everything goes well at the doctors and they find the cause

    I hope so too. I'm only seeing a nurse so I'm not sure what she can do, but that was the only person I could get in to see.
    @Toots~I’m very glad you called the doctor, I hope they can see you sometime today. My Dad has A-Fib (dx in his 60s) and has had a lot of issues and procedures/sx over the years to help keep it under control. My doctor is so fixated since it can be hereditary that she runs EKGs on me twice a year and sends me for a stress test every 2-3 years.

    well, they can't see me until Friday. But it's soon. It's probably good of your doctor anyway, at least some heart problem will never sneak up on you.
    @Toots -- get your heart checked out! It's probably nothing serious, but your docs want to check it over and they're right. Do please make the appointment.

    yes, i'm hoping it will be just like last time where they tell me it's nothing. but i'm pretty sure this time it's something.
    @Toots - heart stuff is no joke get it looked at pronto.


    and you would know.
    Toots: Sorry about that flutter. Hope you hear from your Dr. soon. BTW, a-fib can be controlled for many years with the right meds. Eventually though the meds cease to be effective. That's about where I am now.

    Coincidentally I had to leave the gym today after only 15 minutes due to my a-fib acting up. When it kicks in (that stupid flutter), I get breathless and tired, and so while on the arc trainer I simply could not move fast enough, I got clammy, and more than a little shakey. This is the first time I had to leave the gym without completing a workout in17 months! Went to the Dr.'s office for an ekg and the nurse verified I was in a-fib, but Dr. was in surgery and couldn't see me then. His office called back and said he wants to discuss options with me later this week. What that means is an ablation, which I've been fighting all year. Now that I'm back in sinus rhythm (a few hours later), I don't want to talk to him. His arguments make sense, but I am a BIG CHICKEN! :noway:

    I'll pray for you. Please do the same for me.

    Oh, having a-fib does not mean you will have a heart attack. It's an "electrical problem." I've had many cardiac diagnostic tests, and none indicate any heart disease whatsoever. The stroke factor has to do with blood pooling in one of your chambers and clotting. I take warfarin (blood thinner) to prevent those clots. One benefit of the ablation would be the elimination of that clotting risk and the Rx, which needs to be managed carefully.

    Halloween challenge: 7,168 steps today, 59,304 steps so far out of 400,000.

    yikes. i will pray for you. i wouldn't want to do that either. i think the fact every man in my family has had open heart surgery just wigs the crap out of me. but yeah, denying will not make it go away, alas. and yeah, the flutter is stupid. and i always freak out every time and it isn't because i'm actually scared. it's doing something to me like maybe an adrenaline rush or something. i also always feel like i can't breathe even though i know i can, since i'm sitting there breathing and everything.
  • mommyplus3
    Thanks for all the love everyone! =)

    Tuesday Goals:
    [ ] Cut out chocolate/candy. O.o
    [ ] Get to Curves at least 3 more times this week.
    [ ] Add more fruits & veggies.
    [ ] Get out & play soccer with kids.
    [ ] Make menu calendar.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    oh haha i do have to tell this story. when i got a call back from the receptionist at the doctors office today she asked what i needed to be seen for. i said that i had an a-fib and i needed to get in.

    then she asked me if i was going to need a pelvic exam for that.


    i said, 'not unless it's changed a LOT since the last time i had my heart looked at.' :laugh:

    your first clue that your receptionist is not a medical professional...
  • regojess
    regojess Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everyone just wanted to pop in and let you all know that I'm still here and still logging my calories. Haven't been eating too healthy but, have for the most part been staying within my calories. Try to get some exercise beyond walking for 15 min with the dogs when I can, otherwise just saying it's better than nothing.

    Donated blood today for the first time today! Always wanted to do that. Signed up again for November even. So I ate a bunch today, but miraculously came within my calories. I'm now chugging the water to stay hydrated.

    Gotta get cracking on the homework now, bunch of stuff due on Thursday, and a Math test ugh!

    Stay well!
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Quick hop in. My goal for the day was to get back on the Zumba train. Which I did, after a few months of just doing either strength exercises or no exercise. And the "easy" Zumba DVD kicked my derriere, I tell ya what. I am out of shape! So now I plan to start over with the strength training and do that 2x a week and Zumba 2x a week, at minimum. Also need to get calorie consumption down to target!

    TracySTL, welcome and Go Cards! I lived in STL for five years (2001-2006). Hard not to be a Cards fan. I still miss the MUNY and the zoo and the City Museum. And my great little brick house. They build with timber and siding in Oregon. So the old houses look much more decrepit.

    Hugs to all! And to the folks who popped in (Robyn, Garrett, etc): please come back more often!