Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Good day. 60 minutes this AM on the dreadmill at the gym. Finished a book and started a new one. Loving exercising and reading. I know one of these days I'll have to start pushing my training harder, but for now I'll enjoy my nice walk and reading my Nook. Food choices were good too. I need to start getting to bed a bit sooner, but other than that - all is good.
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Monday check-in: Shaved almost 7 minutes off walking around the lake today! Wahoo! I just started doing this walk last week so am really happy with the improvement! Training for a 5K the end of the month so i'll be walking around the lake everyday trying to increase my distance.

    Hard to believe that up until May I was pretty sedentary and now I do kettlebells 4 days a week and walk a mile everyday!

    Sorry to say I read through all the posts but forgot to open another MFP to post as I was reading. I'll do better tomorrow. For now I wish everyone a happy, healthy and awesome day tomorrow!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    I have been AWOL for a few days, but have just caught up on the logging (think I remembered everything) and on the posts.

    @Toots - I hope everything goes well at the doctors and they find the cause

    @Susan - I love doing my crochet while I am on the recline bike (or occassionally puzzles). I find doing something I love really helped me get into the habit of actually getting to the gym...even though it did prompt a few raised eyebrows when I started (the double takes were funny)

    Belated Monday Check In - I weigh the same as last week, which is amazing considering the period of AWOL

    Tuesday Goals - to review my previous Tuesday Goals, write them all down and get on with them, rather than just thinking them up....also ensure copies go into prominent areas, such as the fridge, my phone and my diary.

    So next up is the gym, as I need to get back before the broadband guy is due (new broadband install - hopefully everything goes well)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I've been on MFP for just over a week, and have been looking for a group that I could be a part of. This looks like a great one for me. I am impressed by your upbeat, positive support of one another. I need that. 100 pounds would be a really good goal for me even though it wouldn't be enough. It seems really daunting right now. I am facing knee replacement surgery in the next few weeks, so right now I am pretty sedentary.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    :yawn: Good Morning. :yawn:

    Had to change my workout up a bit this week, when I got to the gym yesterday I just wasn’t feeling the treadmill so got on my favorite cross trainer instead (love that thing). I’ve also added another personal training session on Thursday, so will change my treadmill/running day to Friday – hopefully I won’t be too tired, this is turning out to be a very busy week. Took Thursday off to have a repairman look at and/or repair my washing machine – so after my training session maybe I can catch a nap!

    @Karen~I think you are my long lost twin :laugh: – that used to be me exactly. I would start off with the sniffles, within a week it ended up in my chest and then I would be diagnosed with pneumonia. I had pneumonia 4 years in a row. Now, since I changed my lifestyle – started eating healthier and have gotten active I am rarely sick. If I do get sick, it doesn’t last long. I actually freak out at the presence of germs now – a guy sitting next to me last night was coughing and hacking up a lung, I got home gargled with Listerine for like 20 minutes and washed my hands like I was getting ready to perform surgery! :wink:

    @Toots~I’m very glad you called the doctor, I hope they can see you sometime today. My Dad has A-Fib (dx in his 60s) and has had a lot of issues and procedures/sx over the years to help keep it under control. My doctor is so fixated since it can be hereditary that she runs EKGs on me twice a year and sends me for a stress test every 2-3 years.

    @Marsha~A-Fib meds can be ineffective eventually. I’ve watched my dad got through so much – after a while he had a pacemaker implanted then had a MAZE procedure done. A couple of years after the MAZE procedure they had to turn his pacemaker back on, it’s such a stubborn condition and needs to be monitored so closely. A friend of mine actually had the ablation procedure and it worked really well for her - definitely something to consider...

  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Hello everyone! It's been a few days, with my normal weekend of fresh air, music and too much dodgy food. I did lose 2 pounds (Monday check-in) but that was the two pounds I gained last week. So overall we're sort of flat for September.

    Personals are a bit random because I got behind -- read you all though! Thinking of those with loved ones in hospital at present. And ah, Taco Bell! I lived in the US for four years between 1978 and 1982, and I *still* crave Taco Bell. God knows what they put in it. And welcome to the newlings. This is a great thread.

    @Jana -- I really find it hard to just have a couple of drinks and not let it get out of hand. I'm trying to be better at this. But last night we left the pub rather than stay on for a last drink with our friends; the extra drink wouldn't matter much; it's the Kebab Risk that's the problem.

    @Vicki -- you know, a big, rare, steak isn't that bad (depends how big...), it's all the other stuff we tend to eat with it.

    @kah68 -- actually, 1.2 lb is brilliant, especially as you're so far down your weight loss road.

    @Gloria -- well done for walking a mile without anything for balance, and doing it three times. That's brilliant!

    @Purpleposies -- happy birthday to your little boy!

    @Morgori -- That Irish pub's portions are *huge*. Much more then you'd get in Ireland. A regular bangers & mash portion is 3 sausages and mash, and really, two is enough. And that's not a shepherd's pie, it's a cottage pie! Unless sheep have suddenly developed sirloins which I doubt. I'm sure it's delicious though. Maybe you could go with a friend and share one of those meals?

    @Nicole -- hey, just because you don't want a LTR, doesn't mean you can't meet a nice chap for dinner once in a while. Have a nice time!

    @Camajade -- I love your birthday present to yourself! I think 'if I lose a pound a week, I'll be fifty pounds lighter next year' whenever I feel down. I reckon I'll have Christmas and New Year on maintenance...

    @Christine -- playing with kids is such a good workout!

    @Robin -- hope you're beginning to feel properly 'on the mend'. I was interested to read what you said about carbs. I adjusted my macros to take carbs down a bit but I'm wondering if I should take them down further.

    @Toots -- get your heart checked out! It's probably nothing serious, but your docs want to check it over and they're right. Do please make the appointment.

    Got back to strength this morning after a week off... did my exercises, sat down with a glass of water and fell asleep for two hours. Whoops.

    Tuesday Goals; Big one for this week is not going overboard on Saturday; we're out all day with the Morris side, dancing at about four different pubs and a couple of other places, with lots of people feeding us a variety of goodies, and plenty of beer laid on. There will, I hope, be plenty of cardio. But still.

    -- Alison
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi all!

    Best wishes to you and your heart Toots.

    BohemianCoast - I agree that those portions look *huge*. I can probably talk MsMorgori into spliting some bangers & mash. I have a feeling we will each get something and split them both though. I have never been to Ireland, my sister went and I would love to go. I think any thing that is meat and potatoes and has the word pie in it's name is worth trying. So cottage or shephard's pie will work for me :laugh:

    I am in craving mode real bad. What the heck is happening to me? I am dreaming of food. The Irish Pub is still calling my name, and last night I dreamed of my favorite restaurant in the world.:devil: I want to drive to WY right now. I can taste the Buffalo ribs and or Buffalo Prime Rib and or Elk Chops right now.

    Mixed Game Grill $39.95
    A combination of our elk steak, buffalo prime rib, and a venison bratwurst
    Velvet Elk $29.95
    Elk medallions pan seared with mushrooms, green onions, and sundried tomatoes in a red wine demi-glaze sauce, served with garlic mashed potatoes
    Elk Chop $33.95
    A thick, mesquite grilled chop
    Buffalo Ribs $28.95
    Slow roasted and basted in our own bourbon BBQ sauce, served with Cajun onion straws

    This is strange for me. I usually do not remember my dreams but lately I have been. Could eating healthy be affecting this? I read something about B vitamins help you remember dreams somewhere I think. Maybe that now I get more B I am remembering my dreams. This is getting crazy I feel like I’m right on the edge of eating like when I was 400lbs.:noway: Is it strange that none of my cravings are for sweets and that I am craving meat and potatoes? I started MFP in October of last year and so far this is the hardest it has been not to just go crazy and eat way too much. I guess the good news is I pretty much want meat and potatoes instead of chips and candy.:ohwell:
    If you ever find yourself in Jackson Hole WY, you may want to visit

    my favorite restaurant in the world.

    Please make some good healthy choices today everyone!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome Grandmakaye and all the other newlings :flowerforyou:

    Tuesday Goals:

    Monday - Friday - 60 minute swims every day with the exception of Thursday (my rest day unless I get antsy and go over anyway)
    Stay within 100 calories of my (pre exercise) calories.
    Asleep by 10 PM
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Tuesday goals - today my goal is to just calm down!! Gotta get my *stuff* together. Sooo worried, so on edge, and scared as can be. Not a good place to live! So that goal over rides all others.

    @Morgori - maybe it's the change in seasons? I use to crave more hot breads, mashed potatoes and stuff like that when Fall starts to roll around. Never have understood why. I've woken up in the middle of the night the last several nights just totally starving and that isn't normal for me either. Luckily I've just waited to go back to sleep, no food, not even a glass of water.

    Hoping everyone has a decent day. And have a glass of :drinker:



    P.S. Aug congrats on the new truck!!

    Anyone heard from Joe??
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Tuesday goals - I need to get back on track this week. More than just dieting stuff. I have been cheating lately on the reduction front, not over eating or binges but bad choices, junk choices. My housework is getting away from me, the yard work too. Workouts are also suffering. I stayed up late last night cleaning the kitchen and doing the mis en place for tonight. I overslept, and missed some of my workout. I'm letting myself become overwhelmed with all that I have to do and that will end badly. Calm down, pick the most pressing task and finish it. Make a schedule and stick to it. Get it done at my pace.

    @Vicki and Bohemian Coast - red meat is not bad for you, it's the green fuzzy meat you need to watch out for.

    @Toots - heart stuff is no joke get it looked at pronto.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Tuesday goals - I need to get back on track this week. More than just dieting stuff. I have been cheating lately on the reduction front, not over eating or binges but bad choices, junk choices. My housework is getting away from me, the yard work too. Workouts are also suffering. I stayed up late last night cleaning the kitchen and doing the mis en place for tonight. I overslept, and missed some of my workout. I'm letting myself become overwhelmed with all that I have to do and that will end badly. Calm down, pick the most pressing task and finish it. Make a schedule and stick to it. Get it done at my pace.

    @Vicki and Bohemian Coast - red meat is not bad for you, it's the green fuzzy meat you need to watch out for.

    @Toots - heart stuff is no joke get it looked at pronto.


    Aug~Sounds like your other half needs to chip in around there, you shouldn't have to do everything! It seems you have a bit of stress going on, could be the reason for not making the best choices - I know that happens to me when I get overwhelmed and stressed out!

    @Morgori~If its starting to cool off where you live, the weather could certainly be playing a role in the cravings you're having. We are all predisposed to "packing for the winter." Sometimes, too, the foods we eat can trigger certain cravings - I know if I don't get enough protein I crave carbs. Its weird. I also think its time to give into the Irish Pub calling your name - go for one meal, get it out of your system, and move on. :bigsmile:
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Tuesday goals - I need to stay on track this week and not let work stress get to me. I'm doing alot better where it comes to leaving work at work.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Tuesday goals: Make it through my cardio-kickboxing class tonight.. Also for the rest of the week meet my challenge of staying "green" on my sodium intake!

    PS. How do I join this group?? I need a group where I can like.. stay on track?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    PS. How do I join this group?? I need a group where I can like.. stay on track?

    You just did! :) We're not a group. Just a thread that keeps going and going and going.

    When it comes close to the end of the thread someone (Robin) will let us know where to find the new thread and we'll continue there.

    Welcome! Keep up the good work and sodium is my hardest as well. I almost always run out of sodium before I run out of calories. :grumble:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    So sorry I have been MIA!
    My friend came to stay with me from Tennessee, on Friday and she was supposed to leave yesterday but it was storming here and in Tennessee so she stayed.....darn the luck :) Either way things have been crazy! Haven't been able to really track or log. I know i haven't done the best. But today is a new day!
    Going to try and catch up on some rest tonight so I can get up and get Week 2 C25K started!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Just caught up and only have a few minutes to check-in--will do personal later.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Plan to go straight home to walk gunner, then I'm headed to starbucks to work on those grading goals. Will do core work in the evening while watching tv.

    Mon--walk dog + gym (weight machines and stair master) DONE!!!
    Tues--walk dog + core work
    Wed--long run w/dog
    Thurs--walk dog + core work
    Fri--walk dog
    Sat--walk dog + gym (weight machines and speed intervals on treadmill)
    Sun--walk dog + gym (stair master and stationary bike)

    Grading goals:
    1. 22/22 writing reflections DONE!!!
    2. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE!!!
    3. x/58 F451 short answer tests
    4. x/22 parts of speech post tests
    5. 14/49 AP essays
    6. finish re-reading The Awakening (um, by tomorrow!)

    My focus will be 3, 4, and 6.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi everyone - I was away, and couldn't check in on this board, and I'm really glad to be back.
    While away, unfortunately, I wound up relaxing my vigilance ... and put back three lbs in four days. UGH.
    Over the past few days, I've worked hard at getting back into the saddle. Diffciult, but I think I've done it.
    My goal for this week is to continue to keep my food clean and healthy, and to keep my calorie counts within my goal.
    One sip/bite at a time.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Morgori - you bring out the hedonist in me. :noway: I want some whiskey and I want some shepherds pie, and I want it now!
    Me too! I still want some bad.
    I can go tonight, but it is Girl Scout bridging night at my house whatever that is.:huh: So I could go to the Pub for Cottage or Shepherd's pie or Bangers and Mash! Since I would be driving I could not get Whiskey though.:cry: I will have to wait for MsMorgori to have a free night so I can have a designated driver. I will not drive after drinking.:drinker:

    RobbinsEgg- I hope you are feeling better each day.:flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    WOW! When I see how much some of you have lost, it really amazes me. You are all an inspiration. I am trying to get as much weight off as possible before my knee surgery, and sometimes that 1200 calories doesn't seem like very many. So far, so good. My goal is to just keep hanging in there. I can hardly wait until I am able to join all of you in exercise goals, as well. I miss going for long walks.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hi all, I am sick, sick, sick. My diverticulitis is rearing it's ugly head and I am in pain, running temp, head ache, aching all over and just miserable. Have been sleeping a lot, missed walking Belle which she was not happy about at all and doubt I will be able to walk her tonight. Waiting on call back from doc. Enough of my whining! I was able to have a first in a long time yesterday before I got sick. I walked all through Wal-Mart rather then ride a cart and then walked through Aldi's too. I was proud of myself as I haven't been able to do in at least 2 or 3 years. My food has been crazy today, missed breakfast, which I never do unless fasting, ate half of a baked sweet potato without butter and 6 oz of baked chicken at 2:30 and 5 chocolate, hazelnut wafers from Aldi's. I really crave chocolate when I don't feel good.

    Welcome newbies, I usually am more encouraging than this but welcome and come back often for support and motivation. Wishing all those stressed out that calm may be restored to your lives, praying for those in pain and cheering for those with victories both NSV and SV. That reminds me last night I actually wore a pair of pants which were 2 sizes smaller then when I first started. Yipeeeee!