Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    So many people are writing about image issues and weight loss. I was telling someone I know tonight that I still have trouble seeing myself as thin or wasting away. So many times we are use to seeing ourselves the way we once were therefore we need to work hard to change what we see. Let's try to find the positives and focus on those this week. I still find it easy to buy into all the compliments and start to believe it but then I don't work as hard either to keep losing weight. I do understand what you are feeling and we can work on this together. We are changing our minds just need to change along with it.

    Truth- TOM came to visit yesterday and it has knocked me for a loop the last two days. I have been in carb craving mode and basically gave in to the sweets. Today was cookies and more cookies plus pizza for dinner. I can't worry about it now but at least I am feeling better at this time. Needless to say I am drinking more water tonight. Did not exercise today because I had a meeting after work.

    Focus on the positive- the pants I brought yesterday actually went on last night. I was afraid they would not fit. They did but are a little tight. I will keep them and work harder to fit into them easier. I love the color and the pants can't wait to wear them in public.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    11,505 steps/70,809/400,000 Halloween challenge. How's everyone doing?

    A-fib behaving today--yay! Right foot--not so much--boo!

    Worked a half day, Activity Day girls at my place (kind of like Brownie scouts), cleaning/decorating for houseguests that are arriving Sat.--I am tired! No wonder I've been stressed. That's a woman's life, right?

    I'll just be brief for the next few days due to in-law invasion.

    Robin! Hip hip hooray! I am happy and relieved for you. Prayers were answered, right?

    Skinnyjeanz--said it before and will again, TEACHERS ROCK (and work so very hard)! Just reading your list of goals is exhausting.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--WOOHOO!!! So happy for you! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    @laurie--thanks for the pep talk--I feel the same way about the compliments. Today while walking into school a colleague said I was "getting smaller and smaller." I haven't lost an ounce in months, and it's almost annoying when I hear it and know it isn't true. Of course, I didn't say this--I graciously accepted the compliment "thanks, I haven't lost much in the past few months, but I'm still working on it." She said that I still look smaller whether I've lost more weight or not. I guess that's good, but I know from measurements that I'm not any smaller. :ohwell:

    @jana--thanks--I know you're right--we WILL get through it. I also love casual friday--more for the comfy kicks than the jeans. My feet are so much happier on fridays!

    Grading goals:
    1. 21/49 AP essays
    2. finish re-reading The Awakening (um, by tomorrow!) got through more than half
    3. x/22 I/D clause practice
    4. x/22 ACT practice tests
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
    6. x/58 V for Vendetta archetype charts

    I removed the tasks I'd already completed so my list looks more manageable. Got through 7 more essays and may try to do a few more tonight. First, I need to do a double session of core work.

    Hope to get through about 10 more essays during the school day tomorrow so I have <20 for the weekend. Ugh! I know I can do it, but it's SOOOO hard to make myself grade during the school day on a Friday.
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    I've been so good! But my sodium today was THROUGH THE ROOF! *sobs* :sad:

    Trying to drink my water like a good girl (I slacked off the other day), and watch my calories.

    I went out last night for "wing night" with some work friends and I didn't gorge myself. I got three of one kind and three of another. I logged them and was still under calories for the day by 28 cals.

    I really haven't been eating a lot of carbs ... which I think is pretty good for me. I am very scared, though, that one of these days I'm going to over do it. I don't have any cravings or anythings, surprisingly (maybe because I just haven't had them?).

    No alcohol, no sugary drinks, low carbs. I do need to add more veggies, AND I need regular exercise. I walked the other day, but I need to be doing at least a LITTLE something every day. I want to build my stamina and muscles and cardiovascular health so I can feel better! :)

    My Thursday Truth: I wanted to eat horrible, horrible things today. I was tired and cranky. But then I was walking from the back of the store and caught sight of one of the kids who had recently lost a ton of weight and I felt guilty for considering it. I thought to myself, "Bigger picture, Meg" and I got something healthier than what I'd been considering. I'm tremendously proud of myself because before I would've just said, "*kitten* it, I'm gonna do it."

    I'm rambling. Sorry. Going back to read now!
  • QBMontana
    QBMontana Posts: 11 Member
    Truth - I ate too many calories today because it was easier. Well it's not really easier. Not being able to paint your toes, or tie your shoes, or run a race, or for that matter do the things you would like to do is not the easier path. It's difficult to look in the mirror, so I don't. It's difficult to apply for a job when your self esteem sucks and believe someone else sees value in you. It's difficult to feel like you are not physically O.K. I will remember this next time I am at dinner with friends, or going through the drive through window.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today went better.

    @Lin, I think maybe I was more bother by my eating things wasting calories on things I don't really even like. The other part is my sleep has been so poor lately I just blew things out of portion. :tongue: sorry.

    @Robin that is great news so happy for you !!:smile:

    @Christine glad you are feeling better today.:flowerforyou:

    @purpleposies-- I too went over my sodium numbers so drinking lots of water. :drinker: :drinker:

    Thats it for now going to bed soon. Hoping for 8 hours of sleep.

    Wishing everyone a good night.
  • QBMontana
    QBMontana Posts: 11 Member
    I too have seen that, I am at 300 now. What my life story is and has always been is that I take care of everyone else first and me last. I make sure everyone has what they need but I neglect myself. I have worked jobs where I was working 50 to 60 hour weeks that were hard managing the catering side of a busy BBQ restaurant. Even with that kind of drive, I only gained weight. I quit drinking diet drinks and gained 30 pounds because I went to Lemonade. It is mind boggeling to me. I know there are reasons my body is fighting the weight (subconcious) but conciously I don't want them and I want to break free so I maintain my struggle and perservere. We can do this. Eye's on the prize.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    :smile: Oh me again my bad my ankle is hurting but still managing to get my walks in not as good as I should some days. this Saturday I am in a noncompetive run/walk and will take my time and enjoy the walk. I haven't done this since my daughter was a baby. My ankle has been as is for a long time I am trying to not let it stop me. Mind you there are times weather changes swelling I am off my foot for almost a day.

    My Thursday truth is blank right now will come back to it. Hopefully a good night's sleep will help me have clarity. :wink:

    Thanks Liz
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots - when is your appt?

    tomorrow at 9:30.
    >Shakin' those tail feathers<
    >Happy dance<
    Saw my doctors today and the good news is I am cancer-free - WOOT WOOT WOOT! I just have to be checked once a year, no treatment, no nothing!
    And my first post-op appointment went great too. ALthou I cannot do things like vaccuuming and lifting, my surgeon released me to swim! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!! I am so happy I am:

    >shakin' those tail feathers<
    doin' the happy dance! :love:

    great news! shake it.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Had to share! Huge NSV for me tonight! I actually got to take a hot bubble bath. It's so embarrassing but I haven't fit in a bathtub in years! Even if I had a nice big tub getting up and down into the tub posed its own issues.

    Was very exciting and fabulous!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks!! I've been on MFP for 7 weeks and so thankful to have found this thread. These folks are so encouraging and supportive with all positivity. I'm slowly trying to add some personals, but haven't quite got the hang of it plus the thread moves pretty fast.

    @QBMontana - You're not alone. I've gone through so many battles with my weight. For whatever reason, things are finally clicking. I'm so excited to see the loss I've had so far. I'm still eating the same (for the most part), BUT it's all about portion control, tracking every single bite and exercising every single day. Weight loss is different for everyone, but I'm down 27 lbs. I feel GREAT!! A huge part is the support from my friends on this board. Plus, check in every single day. It's key to have positive support.

    @Aug - I tried to post on the last thread, but locked out of the topic. So I had to write back here. You CRACK me up. You're real and tell it like it is, which is refreshing. Unfortunately, the Ronald is cheap and that's what draws a lot of people there. It's not the quality or nutrtion that's for sure. I just watched the chicken mess being pressed into nuggets and it was a lovely pink color - sooooo gross!!! Keep the post coming - love them!!

    @Walkingqueen - I've been meaning to post to say CONGRATS!! After a pretty messy divorce and financial ruin 8 years ago, I was able to buy my first house on my own 1 1/2 years ago. It was so exhilirating as a single mom to know I did it and didn't need any help. You're going to love your freedom and the joys of home ownership.

    @Naceto - I'm so happy for you. I guess when my time comes I'm not sure how I'll approach it either. I became single through a tough divorce, but just focused on raising my then 2-year old son now 10. Every focus has been on him and my career. Now my focus is my health. I really haven't opened myself to that yet, but maybe one day. I can understand wanting to take it slow, but enjoy every slow minute!!! You deserve it.

    @Kah68 - I may have to check out the metabolism thing as well. I changed mine to 40/30/30 and the first week went pretty well. It definitely made more sense then where I was before, but I'll check it out and let you know how it turns out. Enjoy your day tomorrow!!!!!

    Thursday Truth: Really nothing to get off my chest. Everything is going really well. For once, my lifestyle change is FINALLY taking place for good. It's only taken YEARS to get to this point, but I'm here. Life is so good.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Had to share! Huge NSV for me tonight! I actually got to take a hot bubble bath. It's so embarrassing but I haven't fit in a bathtub in years! Even if I had a nice big tub getting up and down into the tub posed its own issues.

    Was very exciting and fabulous!!

    LOVE it!!!! I can't wait to do the same thing. Either my knees poke up or the twins are sticking way out. Baths are definitely not good if you're not all covered. I finally have a garden tub and I cannot wait to give it a try. I may wait a bit longer until I'm down a few more lbs myself. Awesome NSV!!!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @MyMowMOw--That is a great NSV. I can't wait for that day myself.

    @Susan2396 -- I am glad that you are having success here at MFP and its clicking. Its a great feeling!

    I can relate i can remember the feeling I had when I finally went below 300lbs it was such an excitment till I realise how far to go. But I my get mad at myself but I know this weight didn't come on over night and won't go off overnight. This is a journey and I am committed for the long haul.

    Thursday Truth is I am very overwelm by my weekend way over committed.

  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    >Shakin' those tail feathers<
    >Happy dance<
    Saw my doctors today and the good news is I am cancer-free - WOOT WOOT WOOT! I just have to be checked once a year, no treatment, no nothing!
    And my first post-op appointment went great too. ALthou I cannot do things like vaccuuming and lifting, my surgeon released me to swim! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!! I am so happy I am:

    >shakin' those tail feathers<
    doin' the happy dance! :love:

    That's great news - congrats! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    @raven - good for you about the pants and sorry you are not feeling well:heart:

    Thank you greatly. I am feeling a lot better but still slightly under the weather. It's getting better though.

    Friday fitness: started working in weights to my routine a bit to help tone some muscles a bit more. I don't know how that's working yet though.
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Thursday Truth - I've realized that I never learned basic coping skills for my emotions as a child. I spent my entire life eating my emotions and for the past 6 months that coping mechanism has been gone. It's no wonder I'm one giant raw emotional nerve right now. I'm not in a funk, I just don't know how to deal with LIFE without junk food. Now I get to learn exactly what I'm really feeling at any given moment and WHY I'm feeling that a 40 year old woman.....

    This is me as well. Yesterday my car wouldn't start so I had to get a tow and when I was talking to my dad later on about it my mom sent me a text asking why I wasn't more responsible with my vehicle maintenace (I'm usually very type-A) and it brought back all of these memories of her just making me feel so horrible growing up and treating my younger sister like a princess. Needless to say we don't talk.
  • pattynava
    @RobinsEgg: Congrats, Congrats, Congrats:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Friday Fitness: Got to get my BUTT on the Eliptical......tryingt to get everything else under control 1st....:blushing:
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed:heart:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin~That is terrific news!!! :heart: :flowerforyou: Enjoy the pool!

    Friday Fitness~Well I can’t remember where/when I last posted my workout schedule for the week, so here is how my week has played out. I don’t foresee too many obstacles this weekend eating wise or otherwise. Since Friday is my official scale day, tonight is generally my cheat night – so will either get the In n’ Out Burger I’ve been craving or something sweet for after dinner. I haven’t decided yet – I should have good calorie burn at the gym this afternoon so neither will do too much damage.

    Monday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Personal Training DONE!
    Wednesday~Recovery Day
    Thursday~Personal Training DONE!
    Friday~Treadmill (need to run today)
    Saturday~I may swim since I haven’t in a couple of weeks
    Sunday~Personal Training

    @Karen~Yep, looks like you have added a lot more grading for the weekend – I know it’s easy to get behind! I know how you feel, it seems for everything I complete at work two more things show up on my desk. :grumble: I’m glad we finished the budget, should be clear sailing until auditors come for preliminary work in November.

  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Friday Fitness: Well, i've been taking these super cool classes that my gym at school offers. They are fitness class. I do this:
    Wednesday:Hip Hop
    Friday:On-my-own lifting/running.
    **These are all 1 hour classes.

    I have successfully went to all of the class this week. I'm proud. :)
  • Sarah0335
    Friday Fitness- Get in at least an hour on the elliptical tonight!

    Schedule for coming week:
    Saturday- elliptical
    Sunday- TBD (probably workout DVD with my sister)
    Monday- Body Pump
    Tuesday- Turbo Kick and Zumba
    Wednesday- Tabata and Boot Camp
    Thursday- Body Pump and HipHop Hustle
    Friday- elliptical

    Currently not planning on a rest day. I am sure one day I will end up taking off due to something coming up, but I like to have an idea of what I could do everyday.