Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday-

    Let's see this weekend I chilled with my son on Saturday. We went to REI and The Gap to buy gift cards. LaurieK I thought of you when at REI and saw people rock climbing the wall. Both of us looked at each other and said that would be fun to try. Sat night me and my son chilled at home watched a movie and eat pizza(only 2 slices for me). Robin we watched Tyler Perry's Medea's Witness Protection. Sunday just laid low at home and did much of nothing except laundry.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    Good morning - all best wishes to you as we approach the last couple of weeks of holiday temptations. May you stay healthy and reasonable in your choices.

    @Tom----SHARP DRESSED MAN! :wink:

    @Holly---sounds like a great time with your son. Kind of amazing that Tyler Perry can be both Madea and Alex Cross......hummmm. I've seen Witness Protection but not the James Patterson movie.

    @kah68---you do need time before making the decision about the border collie. The loss is too great to get over quickly. You could get a lot of walking/running in if this collie is as high energy as some that I've seen.

    Meanwhile, 7 mile walk yesterday and some paperwork cleaned up (which made me giddy). I can see part of my desk now. Yeah!

    Gotta run
    no, make that gotta walk.



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    We went to my Work Christmas Party last night. It was at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino's Night Club called Vanity. It was Rat-Pack themed. It was fun and I did not drink or eat too much. That was my first time clubbing :laugh:


    awesome haha. i love it. you kind of look like a member of ZZ Top :laugh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - I'm glad you found an outfit that worked- I'm happy to act as Stacy London anytime - I LOVE that show and wish she'd visit me - I desperately need her help with my wardrobe - wouldn't that be a dream come true?
    Oh, and husbands and delegating the phone calls to the wife - after 20 years that's a funny story!

    KarenLeona - Very impressed with your dedication to exercising your knee - persistence will pay off in a well-moving joint. Lets hope your Holiday decorating gets more fun for you. :flowerforyou:

    Hyzaarc - stacie - glad to see you back! HUGS! Your photo looks great! Size 20 to size 16 is a fabulous leap! WOOT! Good to know you are still logging and following the thread. Keep it up!

    Liz - that deep cleaning of the house is good, vigorous exercise - I hope you logged it.

    Tom - the Rat Pack Lives - and if ZZTOP needs another member - you've got the job!

    Boho - 1 lb. away from ONDERLAND - I'm so excited for you - YOU CAN DO IT!

    Kah - sorry the knee is giving you fits. Glad your trainer backed off and is letting it heal. I'm so sorry to understand you're dealing with lonliness with out your babies, and considering adopting your uncle's dog. Tough decision. I'd only take the dog on a trial basis where you could have the dog for several days and just see how it goes. I took in a dog once and although I loved it I found I had some difficulties with its claws being so much sharper than cats claws and the skin on my arms being so tender that the dogs claws kept making me bleed. Something I didn't anticipate at all. I had to give the dear sweet dog back after just two days. Sad time.

    Queen - glad you and your son had another good time together - I do admire Tyler Perry - he's great!

    Lin - giddy over seeing a clear spot on your desk? Girl you are easy to please! I'd love to watch you on Christmas morning!

    How are everyone doing on their 25 walks for the Holidays? :flowerforyou: I'm somewhat behind but I have more walks under my belt than if we didn't have the challenge!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Lin & Robin~Thanks for the advice. I always thought I might get a dog someday, but always thought I would have a small one (poodle mix like a maltipoo or cockapoo). I love big dogs but just feel my townhome is better suited for something medium-sized or smaller. My uncles dog is about 40# and rather docile, as border collie's go - she's very sweet and is perfectly happy laying next to you. I think she would be a great running companion. She was his wife's dog, they formed a pretty tight bond as her health worsened over the last few years. He is on the road a lot and thinks its unfair to the dog - which it is, but at the same time I may not be the best resolution either as I tend to get home very late during the week. Also, I'm not ready for a new pet - I still miss both my girls so much. I may be ready by the summer, though. So for now I will take care of her at my house when he goes out of town - just play it by ear. I have to think about what she would be like with a cat also, as I don't ever think I can be a home without a cat - they are so easy to take care of, entertaining & loveable. :smile:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    We went to my Work Christmas Party last night. It was at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino's Night Club called Vanity. It was Rat-Pack themed. It was fun and I did not drink or eat too much. That was my first time clubbing :laugh:


    awesome haha. i love it. you kind of look like a member of ZZ Top :laugh:

    You look like you had fun and toots your comment made me chuckle.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today is a good day! I checked my weight again today so I could compare it to the dr. scale when I went in for my semi-annual checkup. I was down another 1.7#. Couldn't resist logging it, even though yesterday was my official weigh-in day.
    The dr. was very pleased with my weight loss and my blood work numbers are the best that they have been in 10 years!:happy:
  • lmackbethl
    @kelley - i agree with lin & robin (and you) that it's probably too early to adopt, but it should be nice to have some company around while your uncle travels. you might also consider fostering a cat or dog... especially over the holidays, lots of pounds look for people to take a pet home for a bit... unless fostering would be too difficult... as for the little/big dog debate, mine are medium-sized (@45 pounds) and do pretty well in small spaces while i work, but are capable of going for long hikes and (when the older was younger) swims. not sure whether small dogs make great exercise buddies, but it depends on what sort of adventures you hope to have, i guess
    @holly - glad you got to spend some qt with your son this weekend... i know that has been scarce since the bf and kids moved in.
    @lin - i understand your giddiness! i made some slight progress on my mail pile this weekend and feel wonderful about it!
    @kaye & allison -- congrats on the losses!!
    @tom - looking good!!! and nice job staying on program with party treats around (to you too allison)!

    well, my first day of work was today, but it was all-day orientation -- videos, philosophy, core values, hippa, meet this person and that, etc. they were really pushing the assorted candies and chocolate-covered pretzels, but i wasn't even tempted, yay! tomorrow is another all-day training in therapeutic crisis intervention, de-escalation and restraint (sigh). the next day, on-line courses in infection control, privacy, patient's rights, etc., then finally i get to spend a few hours with my new charge!! then monday begins a two-week break! i am seriously easing into this job! :laugh: On another note, I am super-happy to report a 2.4 pound loss for the week, and that puts me just 2.3 pounds from my end-of-year goal - twoderville. i suppose that whether I reach it before or (slightly) after 1/1/13 doesn't really matter. regardless, I am really going to strive for before!!! i think i will hit my 25-walks for december (i'm also counting wii workouts), and am very glad to have that goal!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hey everyone. Mowmow that food looks really delicious. Did it taste as good as it looked? I love the picture Tom. You look so cool all dressed up with that nice long beard. I havent really done much weight loss wise the last couple of weeks. I am kind of fluctuating with one pound so haven't bothered to change my ticker. Why is it that most of the time I dont really have much problem with my new eating habits but once in a while I have to work really hard not to go completley crazy. I cant even say it is hunger. I just wnat to eat everything in sight. Now that I am really trying to think about it before I eat I dont think I ever really ate out of hunger. It is kind of a sobering thought to realize that. Doing ok today. I had my smoothie for breakfast and prelogged my dinner since I knew what it was going to be and that the count for it would be kinda high. So now I know what i have to work with for the rest of the day. I am trying to talk myself into working out right now. I am a little stiff from decorating my moms house last night. Logically I know if I work out it will work the stiffness out but it is such a nice convenient excuse to just curl up on the couch :tongue: Nope going to at least stretch and do some calisthenics. Have a nice day everyone and dont gorget to drink up :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    MyM0wM0w -That dish you made looked great!
    skinnyjeanzbo -I think a lot of men think the way your husband does, I would just say once again, that’s okay you can call her and make the arrangements yourself.
    lizmil79- I would like some snow for Christmas, but after that it can all go away! lol It’s good that you go some “deep cleaning done” you still burned calories and got a clean house, it’s a win/win! Gotta love it.
    Morgori -Your looking great, and it sounds like you had a nice night.
    BohemianCoast -Congrats on your lost! Your doing great, I can’t wait to hit 200.
    kah68 -Enjoy your vacation. Maybe you can dog sit your uncle’s dog, when you feel ready and see how it goes. I love my dog more that a lot of people I know....only a pet lover would understand that.
    grandmakaye44- Great new about the loss and your blood work being so good, happy and healthier New Year!
    lmackbethl -Congrats on your loss and best of luck with the new job.

    I got a new tool to help me loss more weight, a fibit ultra. I love it and find that I want to walk more and more. Today when I had lunch at work, it was really nasty weather outside so I walked the school, up and down every stairs I came across a few of my co-workers looked at me like I was nuts, (most don’t know I have lost weight) I just kept going. I feel great to be 30 lbs lighter. Have a great day/night everyone. :smile:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen-my vacation starts at the end of day on Friday. We return to work on Jan. 2. :sad: You have a nice long break so enjoy it. :laugh: It is a break but I wish it was longer. I need to get better about grading papers. I keep putting it on hold or I will do it later. I am starting to value my time at home to use as relaxation time. I am way behind in my grading right now, I just need to get myself motivated to grade the papers.

    queen- Glad you had time with your son this weekend. Maybe one day you will try the rock wall at the store. I am sure you both would try it.

    NSV- Today, I finally did a squat correctly and went all the way down to the ground. I have been working on this skill for about a year now and made little progress up until this point. Today, I just did it and everything just clicked. Hopefully, this will continue because I can play wall ball again and a few other fun games during workouts. I have also been working on balancing on one leg or the other since my balance is very bad. Luckily, it continues to improve and my legs feel like they are getting stronger.

    Well, turn out that I have developed a case of the hives. I woke with them Sunday morning all over my Torso. Luckily they are not contagious or itchy right now. I did speak to the Pharmacist and we figured out that it may be a delayed reaction tot he fever I had last week. Benadryll is the best medicine to reduce the wheels but it makes me very sleepy. She recommended Clariton in the morning then Benadryll at night. They do go away soon after I take the medicine but come back if I start getting to hot. I will see what happens in the next couple of days and hopefully it will just go away. Tonight's workout really brought them out, which is why there is connection between the hives and temperature.

    Have a good night everyone.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    @Robin I forgot the cleaning did some today. Could have logged it.

    @morgoi looking good
    @kah enjoy your vacation.
    @Imackbethl congrats on your new job.
    @ohpampered I don 't like snow either.
    @Lin great job on the walking
    @Lauriek. Congrats on the nsv

    For me today was bad help my daughter make butterscotch squares for a party she going to. There was extra but no more all 4 of them are in my stomach. I feel so sick and bloated can barely move.

    Wishing everyone a good evening
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--sorry your break is so short! that's really crummy! :grumble: I know all of the non-teachers are probably thinking we are lucky to have any break, but one week over the holiday would NOT be enough time for me to get all of my grading done and get ready for final exams. Sorry about your hives--does doc also think the swollen lip you had a few days ago is from the fever? It sounds more like an allergic reaction to me, but I have ZERO medical training. :tongue:

    @pampered--thanks! I absolutely told him "no way, you call her yourself" and he did. It's just annoying b/c he tries it every holiday--like a little kid who thinks if he keeps asking, I will cave and say "okay." Doesn't he realize I work with teenagers everyday? I'm immune to whiny nagging. :laugh: I sometimes walk the school as well--especially if it's a day when I'm stuck there until late (like open house).

    @tammy--I feel the same way as you about not eating due to hunger in my old life--I ate b/c something tasted good, or b/c I was bored, or b/c it was part of socializing, but rarely b/c I was actually hungry. I still have days when I just want to munch and munch and munch, but you are right--logging BEFORE putting it in my mouth really helps me as well.

    @lmack--glad you are almost to twoderville--I know that is a big goal for you--I'm cheering you on!! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--congrats on dropping more pounds and on the great blood work!! :drinker:

    @kelley--I think dog-sitting for you uncle is a great way to see if you want the border collie--great plan! My understanding is that they are pretty energetic as a breed, and super smart/trainable. I agree that a medium sized dog is the way to go if you want a running partner. Little dogs can't go very far and big dogs (like my gunner) get tired pretty quickly. I take him for one mile and a half lap around the neighborhood and then I have to drop him at home and finish solo. Also, get the dog "cat-tested" before you commit. Gunner is a sweet, loveable, pretty low-key dog, but he would tear a cat to pieces. He (like many dogs) just has a really strong "hunter instinct" that we would never be able to train away.

    @robin--I used to watch that show religiously! Is it even still on the air? I haven't seen it in ages. I'm doing okay on my walks--I'm counting any day I run, walk, or bike as a "walk." I will have to count it up and see where I'm at.

    @lin--I'm jealous that you can see part of your desk! My desk at work isn't bad, but I can't see any of my dining room table b/c I've been piling up the papers I plan to grade over break. :ohwell:

    @holly--sounds like you had a great weekend with your son. :smile:

    @alison--I'm so excited for you and your impending move into onderland. I was right where you are at this time last year. I started 2012 at 202 lbs--honestly, I hope you drop that pound by New Year's, but it was no less sweet when it happened for me mid-February instead. :wink:

    @tom--love the picture!! :drinker:

    @liz--we are supposed to get our 1st snow this coming weekend. I'm not excited about it, but it's hard to complain given the mild weather we've had lately here in Chicago.

    @hyzzarc--great pic, and I agree with whomever said a pound a week is a great, sustainable rate of loss.

    @karenleona--glad your knee is healing so nicely! I also dislike decorating for the holidays. In fact, I haven't done it the past few years--I really don't see any point in going to all of that trouble and effort, if no one is going to come visit and see the fruits of my labor.

    Monday check-in:
    Feeling swamped with work and the dreaded procrastination is setting in. One good thing is that a bunch of my grading is journals and novel annotations. This means they are too heavy to transport back and forth from school, so I have added motivation to get them done during the school day.

    Went to the gym b/c one of my co-workers and I have a pact to motivate each other to exercise and get our grading done. I text her when I'm grading at starbucks, and she texts me when she's going to the gym. :happy:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--gym (did weights and stationary bike) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Wed--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Thurs--rest day (holiday party)
    Fri--rest day (holiday pub crawl)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. Re-read 1984 STARTED
    2. x/22 Failure essays
    3. 25/48 AP journals
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. x/59 Scarlet Letter annotations
    6. x/30 Scarlet Letter Papers
    7. x/22 vocab quizzes
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Just in !!!! I just received my Sociology grade and I got a B+ with all the craziness in personal life I am happy with that grade. Good Night Friends
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning!

    @Karen~Good point about big dogs versus small dogs (and cat "testing" too). I too often see some of my neighbors carrying around their yippy dogs (as I call them), because their little legs tire out. :laugh:

    @lmackbethl~Aren’t those first days of work full of excitement?! :wink: Awesome job on the weight loss this week! Thanks about the fostering suggestion, something I have thought about in the past – one of the local pet rescues is always looking for extra foster homes. I may consider that when I'm ready.

    Tuesday Goals~No real change to my goals right now. Waiting patiently for thyroid meds to kick in, in which I think I'm seeing some improvement already - my basal body temp has come up a whole degree - that's something. :smile: I also noticed that my lightheadedness has improved as well. It takes a full 4-6 weeks to get full effect of meds, but I like to see these small improvements.

    Just in !!!! I just received my Sociology grade and I got a B+ with all the craziness in personal life I am happy with that grade. Good Night Friends

    Awesome, Holly!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Queen - congratulations on your B+ grade - as you say with all the crazy stuff going on that is an excellent grade. You displayed a lot of discipline and determination to pull that off! Way to go!

    I didn't get a walk in yesterday but spent the entire day cleaning my house. I vacuumed, dusted, mopped, scrubbed,windexed, polished, shined, and washed the entire place and its shiny and clean all through out. Even the nik-naks are dusted and polished. What a great feeling. Now I wish I had company coming but no such thing. But I didn't even break out into a sweat! Oh well, all the moving was still great for me.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!

    Goal today is to get in a walk and 8 glasses of water.

    @Robin- Cleaning like that is just as good as a walk. It also feels good when you know your house sparkles.

    To everyone that stated sounded like me and my son had a good time. I must say that I really enjoyed chilln with my own blood for once.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin~Want to come do my house next? :wink:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Family is arriving tomorrow. My goal is to enjoy them and not obsess too much about what I am eating. I am realizing that, even though I say I have given myself permission to relax a bit on the eating, I really haven't, and I worry about going over goal. I don't want to do that during this week.
    Congratulations on all of the successes. B+ is great.
    Have a good day. Kaye
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday Goal::: Get through the holidays. I have been feeling really down and depressed lately. And my husband and I have been texting back and forth today and he said I need to start working out again because that helped. I needed to hear that. So I'm going to start again. I will just have to get up in the morning and do it. No matter what.

    My niece (the one who was in the hospital about the suicide thing) had her birthday party this weekend. SO much family showed up it was great. She had a wonderful party. And my sister and I made her tiger cupcakes and I also made chocolate cake pops dipped in melted peanut butter chips.

    The Cupcakes
    The cupcake tree :)
    The cake pops

    But either way I am really going to get serious again. I have to. I'm done feeling this way and only I can change it.