Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Happy Birthday Susan2396!

    I went to the Doctor's yesterday and had 3 Ultra sounds. They were not so bad to terrible but I guess it is the results that count so I'll wait for those. Still need to get the Eco cardio heart one next week and a nerve test on my numb feet.:frown: I ate poorly between test s and KFC for dinner:noway: . Sodium was over 4000:embarassed:

    My BIL is moving to CO and we are all going over to his house to eat and wish them well. I will probably drink some whiskey which will lead to bad things:ohwell:
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Saturday success: I managed to exercise every day this week except Friday.

    Saturday UN-success: I was down to my lowest weight since joining MFP last Saturday then up 4 pounds by Monday. I was down 3 pounds today, so I'm up one pound. :grumble: Soooo, I'm trying to take Susan's advice and eat less and move more!

    @trhjrh06 ~ I was told by the financial aid lady at our college that there are student loans out there, and pretty much anybody can get them. (My daughter gets them, and I got them when I went back to school.) Good luck to you! Also, you are getting close to getting under 220! Good for you! How exciting!

    @nzenczak ~ I'm a doggie lover, too! Your Halloween Pooch Party sounds like fun!

    @skinny ~ All that grading! Being a special education teacher, I don't have nearly the grading that you do BUT I do have IEP's and SPED Progress Reports to work on this week! Ugh!

    @Morgori ~ Congrats on giving up the smokes! Hope it is getting easier for you!

    @MyMowMow ~ Thanks for posting the benefits of quitting smoking. I sent it to my daughter who quit 2 months ago!

    @Christine ~ Congrats on the good news you received from the doc! Yay!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Birthday Susan. Best wishes for the year ahead.

    Morgori- Hang in there and don't give into the urge to smoke while drinking. I know you can do it.

    Success- I had a great day and not a bad week. Weight is down a little but I am still above my lowest weight. This weekend I have been craving carbs and sweets but I am still exercising. That is no excuse and I know this craving is due that TOM. Tomorrow I am suppose to go on a bike ride in the morning then I might head out to the Renn Fest. tomorrow is the last day until next year. It truly depends on how long I am biking since I like to get there when it opens and stay until it closes. My favorite activity at this event is to have my fortune told and then to catch the shows.

    This will be a very busy week coming up so I will do my very best to get in the exercise. I am being observed this week so that will add another level of stress to my week and two additional meetings. Monday night we are celebrating birthdays of two co-workers and I am baking the cake. Oh well, I will be good if I don't self-sabotage myself this week.

    Work Week-
  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Saturday Success- I made it through the week logging each day :) and went to a baby shower today and only had a quarter piece of cake...and didn't crave having any more than that.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Morgori -Hang in there. you CAN quit smoking. :smile:
    Butterfly - oh me too. I have zero motivation now that the weather has changed. I gotta get off the couch :yawn: or loose the progress that I have made. :ohwell:
    Robin - It can be so discouraging when it seems like your body is "the enemy" follow doctors orders get well and then start again. You can't push a sick/injuried body without paying for it ususally with weight gain. Wish I could tell you how to be patient, but I flunked that class.
    Christine - Congrats on wowing your doctor. :flowerforyou: Great feeling to know that you are making such great strides.

    I went out and had a great night with my Dad. I went almost 400 over on calories and weight 3+ pounds this morning. :noway: I did have an NSV though. I got out my "western wear" and the tooled leather belt that I haven't worn for years, I put it on and was able to fasten it in the third hole...nice! SO now I have 5 pounds to loose by the end of the month, )#(%& 'scuse me, but I am mad at myself for not exercising.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @angelika--congrats on fitting into the belt--what an awesome NSV! Also, is your petanque season over?

    @butterfly--great job getting back on track!

    @laurie--good luck with your observation. It is my off year which is nice b/c we just started a new evaluation system. I'm glad they will be working out the kinks before I'm due for observation.

    @cath--I don't envy all of the paperwork you spec. ed. teachers have--I think I would rather grade.

    @morgori--great job not smoking all week! I'm so proud of you!:drinker:

    @liz--you have a kitchen in your bedroom? :wink:

    Well, I was able to meet my goal of finishing one class (minus one paper b/c the student didn't format it correctly--I won't grade it until he reprints is double-spaced). Tomorrow I plan to head out early to start grading my other class--the quarter end Friday, so I need to get caught up. Updating my grading goals:

    Grading goals:
    1. x/27 AP essays
    2. x/22 2 paragraph responses
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. x/59 Thoreau essays
    5. read section 3 of Montana 1948
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Skinny -- lol :laugh: I was like what than I went and re read my posts ohwell:ohwell: ! I met I organize the closet in our bedroom and than deep clean the kitchen.

    Hopefully that will clear up the confusion for you! :wink: lol

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member

    @Toots and @ Christine it seems like we are all in agreement no game for us that takes hours and makes us feel like its work. lol

    well, clearly some people like them. look at the popularity of games like Risk and Axis and Allies
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Toots-- That is true look at my DH and his friends spending the weekend playing those games. They love them i can say for sure with the number of them that he owns.

    I like the fact that he does its what makes him who he is, I don't hate them I just enjoy other games more.

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Birthday Susan2396!

    I went to the Doctor's yesterday and had 3 Ultra sounds. They were not so bad to terrible but I guess it is the results that count so I'll wait for those. Still need to get the Eco cardio heart one next week and a nerve test on my numb feet.:frown: I ate poorly between test s and KFC for dinner:noway: . Sodium was over 4000:embarassed:

    My BIL is moving to CO and we are all going over to his house to eat and wish them well. I will probably drink some whiskey which will lead to bad things:ohwell:

    Thank you!!!! Very sweet of you. Definitely keep us posted when you get the results back. Yikes on the sodium. Definitely try to stay under tomorrow. As far as the whiskey, NO SMOKING!! You can do this!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday success: I managed to exercise every day this week except Friday.

    Saturday UN-success: I was down to my lowest weight since joining MFP last Saturday then up 4 pounds by Monday. I was down 3 pounds today, so I'm up one pound. :grumble: Soooo, I'm trying to take Susan's advice and eat less and move more!

    @trhjrh06 ~ I was told by the financial aid lady at our college that there are student loans out there, and pretty much anybody can get them. (My daughter gets them, and I got them when I went back to school.) Good luck to you! Also, you are getting close to getting under 220! Good for you! How exciting!

    @nzenczak ~ I'm a doggie lover, too! Your Halloween Pooch Party sounds like fun!

    @skinny ~ All that grading! Being a special education teacher, I don't have nearly the grading that you do BUT I do have IEP's and SPED Progress Reports to work on this week! Ugh!

    @Morgori ~ Congrats on giving up the smokes! Hope it is getting easier for you!

    @MyMowMow ~ Thanks for posting the benefits of quitting smoking. I sent it to my daughter who quit 2 months ago!

    @Christine ~ Congrats on the good news you received from the doc! Yay!

    First of all, congrats on the exercise this week, which was GREAT!!!

    I know saying "eating less and moving more" is easier said than done. I've known that for years, but never really listened. For whatever reason, mentally I'm ready and it's finally clicking with me. It's been years of yo-yo dieting, every kind of diet plan, starvation, bingeing, etc. . . I've finally accepted this is my new life. This includes portion control, exercise, positive attitude and a great support system is what I'll need for a very long time and I'm OK with that. I know it's tough staying off the scale, but everything fluctuates so easily. I really focus on my total monthly loss. With that said, my weigh-in is normally on Friday's. I'll do a quick check on Monday's, but other than that I try to stay off the scale. I get too emotional seeing it jump all around. Hang in there!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success- I made it through the week logging each day :) and went to a baby shower today and only had a quarter piece of cake...and didn't crave having any more than that.

    Great success!! Good for you!! Logging is key and always remember every BLT (bite, lick, taste). It all counts!!! I had ice cream cake last week and in the past would have eaten a piece 2-3 times larger, but just a little sliver and that's all I needed. You did great!!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Morning, Happy Sunday Everyone!

    Sunday Share (Sunday truth :smile: ) Today is going to be a busy one trying to finish any left over tidying before hubby gets home. He is not to fond on being organized by me but will accept it as a surprise like look what I did for you. :wink: He always appreciates it down the road and tells me so.

    My name is Elizabeth "Liz:" I was always a skinny child but as I reach high school was chubby, by 20's on my way to 200lbs. Went on a diet try the T-Factor diet were you count fat grams. I was living in NYC at time and was mid 20's so getting walking in was easy and I did loose weight. While in NYC I start going to this church and some friends introduced me to this guy . They said you already have something in common he is from one of those I states in the Midwest (I was from Illinois) So I agree to go on this casual date with him a bunch of us went to a dinner in china town and dessert in little Italy. But the biggest thing I remember was asking him so what state are you from ? He said Idaho I start laughing and told him why. We still chuckle about this today. I guess my friend could have been on "Jay walking " at that moment cause she thought Idaho was in the Midwest.

    But this small town Illinois Girl met this Idaho Guy in NYC . Were we dated and got married. i was on the thin side under 200lbs when I got married but before our 1st anniversary I was back up and over. As I was when expecting our daughter I was over 200 lbs plus. I never loss that baby fat . I just kept adding. I only had the one child.

    I have a way of never owning a feeling and telling myself be happy so I stuff and stuff. Child not normal I don't react just stuff, money issues stuff, hurts and losses , just stuff,,, my way to 350lbs.

    I did nothing about it. I could move around till the last 2 years my ankle kills me, my knees, but its really my ankle needs replacing. I could barely move around. I have friends 20 years older than me who were able to move better than me. But I did nothing just accepted it like its meant to be. Till I don't know had one of those moments in life were you do some soul searching about what do you want for your next phase in life. I realise I did not want this anymore. Why am I not trying something. So I start 1st I say just try it for a day than a week etc. It was rocky start but I did start losing. I was so afraid to say anything even to my family for I didn't believe I could do this. A friend told me about MFP. At 1st I was like maybe I am using a little notebook for tracking. But I was thinking of joining Weight Watchers cause I knew this was and is going to be a long journey. And need support My husband who always love me for me no matter what my size didn't even notice my healthy attemps. He was concern cause he just want me happy and I guess he assume food made me happy. So he was nervous about all of this. So he like we can't afford for you to go to weight watchers. I was like what but knew I need something so look at MFP again and more I learn and about these threads. I realize I could find support here.

    It hasn't been easy as I am not stuffing anymore so lot of emotions are coming to surface even confidence beginning to return. My DH isn't too sure about all of that and neither am I . Just know its day to day and am on this journey till end.

    Wishing everyone a good Sunday.

    We have church today potluck Sunday theme Pizza Party yup that's right at least there will be a salad too.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    A little about me - I've been on MFP since Aug. 2011, and this forum has been going since then, although under many different names. I have lost a total of 40 lbs. since I came here. It would be more but I had an awful relapse the first Christmas Holiday season and gained back about 11 pounds. I'd sure like to help everyone through the upcoming holiday season so that it doesn't hit any of us like that - especially the newbies. Holiday temptations can be so hard. The second Holiday season was much easier. I have been having surgery and subsequent health problems. After the latest surgery my weight jumped up 9 lbs. and I have lost that and am keeping my weight stable. I spent most of the summer on maintenance weight and am now concentrating more on watching my carbohydrates and keeping them lower to help drop more weight. We'll see how that goes by the end of the month. I'm not a scale watcher either, I do go more by the fit of my clothes.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning everyone! Guess where I am--yep, Starbuck's! I should buy some stock in this place! Thank goodness for Mocha LIGHT fraps or I'd be in big trouble!!

    Anyways thought I would check in and post Sunday share before I get to the grading.

    @robin--agreed that holidays are tought, but as you well know we can get through them with some planning. You really helped me last year (my first holiday season on MFP), and I definitely want to help the newbies, so here are some tips off the top of my head:

    1. DON'T buy Halloween candy until a day or 2 before trick or treating. I know some people like to try to take advantage of sales, but are you really saving any money if you end up eating half of it? Also, the day after Halloween get rid of any leftover candy. Take it to work, give it to a neighbor with kids, drop it off at a food pantry--whatever you need to do to get rid of it. I take mine to school and give it to the yearbook staff (I used to advise the club, so I know how much they appreciate treats to munch on while they work).

    2. I know this isn't for everyone, but last year I signed up for a 5k turkey trot. It's an awesome way to start Thanksgiving Day b/c you burn a ton of calories first thing in the morning and can actually enjoy your dinner. I would highly recommend it for those of you walking or running.

    @liz--Sorry for teasing you--I knew what you meant, just having a little fun.:tongue: I'm sure there IS some eccentric millionaire out there with a "bedroom kitchen." Sounds like my DH is similar to yours--he wants to make me happy, and he used to think the way to do that was to cook me yummy foods. Now he's learning that food only makes me happy if it's healthy enough for me to eat it without guilt.

    @toots, liz, and chistine--this game talk is making me nostalgic. DH and I used to play games all the time--D & D with friends, or Risk on our own. I kind of miss it, but you're right--it takes too much time.

    Sunday Share:
    As happy as I am that I've decided to get healthy, I can't help feeling some remorse for waiting so long to do it. I know I still have a lot of life left to live, but I can't help wondering how my life would have been different if I had lost the weight in my 20's vs. my 40's. Not that it would have neccessarily been better (I've had a pretty happy life so far), but I know it would have been different. I think a lot of these feelings are just a natural part of hitting "middle age"--but I think they are heightened by the big changes I've made to my lifestyle over the past year and a half.

    Well, better get to grading!

    Grading goals:
    1. x/27 AP essays
    2. x/22 2 paragraph responses
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. x/59 Thoreau essays
    5. read section 3 of Montana 1948
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Praying everyone is having a wonderful weekend! I enjoyed my walk with Belle this morning, it was lovely, cool, but not freezing, beautiful blue sky, trees showing their glorious colors. I have been so blessed on this journey of mine. Some Sunday Share, Most know me by now, but a little for the newbies. My name is Christine, I am 62 yo and started this journey with MFP the 1st of July. I have lost 63 lbs from a high of 309 (05/01/12). I have multiple health problems which are mostly due to my gluttony and laziness. I am on O2 and have to use a walker or cane when I walk due to unstable knees, ankles and feet. When I started this journey I could not walk or stand for any length of time and when I started my walks they were short and filled with tremendous pain. I am now up to averaging 60 minutes a day and am almost pain-free. My blood pressure is way down, and I can push my granddaughter on her swing again!!! My success is due to surrendering my food to Jesus, MFP and you here! Without your love and support this journey would end in failure like all the rest of my diets did. I love you all and need you here. God bless you!

  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Happy Sunday-I have always been a bigger girl, even growing up as are all of the women in my family. Growing up the youngest of six, you learned to deal with life as it came at you and to make your presence known, to stand up for yourself pretty quick. so the weight, it didn't really bother me until I started putting my life back together post divorce (from a mentally and emotionally abusive relationship) and at the doctors weight was 440 lbs and I was miserable, my legs swollen and painful, moving hurt, everything was a challenge and I know had a family to raise on my own. Sure I had lots of family support, but I was determined to get back on my feet and make my own way. Got a job, a place of our own (had moved back in with my parents during the divorce) and found TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) and joined a gym. During that process I lost about 90 lbs total...was that years 2nd place in my division of my whole state and got to get on stage at the yearly celebration convention....but most importantly during that time I met my current husband, a very loving and supportive man. What life had in store for me next would have crushed me with out that love and support. Life was going very good when I got smacked down big time...all with in a couple of months I lost my mom, my job (thanks to the economy) and house (thanks the ex and garnishments for unpaid debt from him). Nearly all the weigh I had taken off was gained back during that stressful time and even with the love and support of my husband, kids and rest of my family it is a daily fight to gain the motivation and ways to get back on track to get the weight off. I found a new job, married a wonderful man and moved to another state. My kids are all older teens now, so now it is time to take care of me....really take care of me and not just act like I am but finding excuses not to or more day, month or year won't kill me....because it just might.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots-- That is true look at my DH and his friends spending the weekend playing those games. They love them i can say for sure with the number of them that he owns.

    I like the fact that he does its what makes him who he is, I don't hate them I just enjoy other games more.


    i am totally all for my husband having hobbies of his own. even when i think they're stupid :laugh: but i actually don't enjoy them at all. if they're going to play Risk or a Catan game i will just find something else to do.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I had a terrible day food and smoking wise. I drank whiskey, smoked, ate pretty bad and stayed up really late. The good news is I am back to eating healthy and not smoking (I am pretty sure I can stop after going almost a week without any smokes). I think I needed to be bad just to confirm how much better I feel when eating healthy food and not smoking.
    I hope everyone is feeling better because of healthy eating, surgeries, exercise and living an emotionally healthy life!

    @MowMow - Within 24 hours of quitting, you have already decreased your risk of a heart attack.

    Within three weeks of quitting, circulation improves. Oxygen-rich blood once again begins to reach your heart and repair the tissue damaged by cigarettes.

    Within 72 hours after cessation, your bronchial tubes begin to relax, and air flows more easily into and out of your lungs.

    Within one to nine months after smoking cessation, the cilia begin to heal. As more cilia become active, a former smoker will often develop a cough, which indicates that the lungs are cleaning themselves.

    Thanks for this!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Just took the time to log my food for the past 3 days and while I thought I was doing fairly good, I really wasnt. Why I swapped coca cola, which I never drink for 1/2 and 1/2 tea, I will never know, but that was the least of it. I still have today and I am more aware. It is beautiful here in Orlando, we went to Universal Studios and I walked more than I thought I was capable of walking and yesterday at Disney, I was dragging. I was hurting so bad last night, I couldnt sleep. Today I lounged by the pool. We are going to a show tonight and then tomorrow we head back home.

    Seems like we are talking about ourselves today. I was small growing up. We were not nourished well and we often went to bed hungry. My father was a proud man and would not allow us to receive free lunches at school. We took a white flour biscuit with sorghum syrup for lunch each day. I remember being so hungry after lunch and before I got home, that my stomach would growl. Our breakfast was a biscuit with gravy from white flour w/canned tomatoes. We never had milk but occasionally we had eggs.

    Coupled with working in the cotton fields at a very young age, I think that is one reason my joints are in such a mess. I usually always feel that my current meal is going to be my last, but I have worked hard to affirm that there is plenty of food in the world and I don't have to eat what is available now. There will be plenty tomorrow. I am 67 years old and don't want to listen to the old messages of my childhood.

    I started gaining weight with my first child and after my third child was wearing a size 16. I have gradually moved up the scale to a size 3x, having gone up and down numerous times. The positive factors of my weight loss journey is that I have been able to stop having emotional eating marathons, where I downed huge quantities of food to assuage my feelings and fears. I have made great progess in eliminating most of my fears and when I splurge it has a beginning and end and is not a marathon.

    I am working on portion control and making the right choices, combined with exercise. After this trip, I realize I can ramp up my exercise program some, as long as I allow a day or rest in between.

    Take care and best wishes
