Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • bhindma
    bhindma Posts: 3 Member
    Yup, me too, at least! My goal is to loose 55lbs by my 55th birthday. Walking the school track and counting calories. It's good to see I am not the only one with so much to loose, it seems overwhelming and impossible but I know it can be done Beth
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Friday fitness: 30 minutes in the gym - so back on schedule/track :smile:
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    I just wanted to stop in and say hello. I hope everyone is doing well, I hope to have enough time to read past post tomorrow. We have a lot to do here tomorrow, getting ready for SANDY..... Gas up the cars, food shopping, now that's going to be hard, buy food that doesn't need to be refrigerated. We will make it work, this isn't the first time and I'm sure it will not be the last. My daughter made me laugh with "what will happen if SANDY is still here on Halloween? Can we go trick or treating the next day? " I told her she will get to eat the candy that I buy. :bigsmile: Have a good night everyone, see you all tomorrow.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Butterfly - you can keep working at finding your calorie level and when the holiday food tempts you just remember that one day of holiday won't ruin your program if you get right back to it the next day.

    Christine - that has happened to me so many times I type my answers on notepad and then copy and paste so that when the stupid MFP burps and looses it. I can copy and paste it AGAIN.

    Robin - wish you were closer I would love to see your new digs.

    Cath - yeah for Luna!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Cath - so happy you have better news for Luna. Hope her bronchitis gets better rapidly.

    To those with SANDY bearing down on them - I hope the storm heads out to sea and you are spared all the horrors of a hurricane. My prayers are with all of you on the NE coast.

    So happy this morning to wake to a clean house AND only slightly aching muscles - I was sort of apprehensive about that! Did not realize how pervasive the dust was ! OMG :noway:

    Fitness - will grocery shop and wrestle them into my apartment and put them away. Only second time I've done my own grocery shopping - woot!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, :happy:

    So enjoyed reading all of the posts feeling caught up now. Yesterday was a fun but long day. Went to work like normal but after wards enjoy helping with a Halloween Dance this is for young adults that have special needs.(my daughter's support group) it was so much fun watching them have a good time. We have various games plus dancing which they all love and take part in how ever they can. I wish I was more computer savy I'd post pictures. We did the limbo, the chicken dance line dancing. We who were there to help out with would take turns being out on the floor. Helping those who needed help encouraging the shy ones, I don't think I sat down till I got in my car. By the time I got home my feet and ankle was so swollen they are still hurting today. I will take it easy today a bit :-) but in the end it was worth it.

    @Christine sure sounds like you have a very nice weekend plan. Enjoy it!! Plus I agree with you I too think for me its slow & steady wins the race.
    @Christine-- that has happen to me before with posts get ready to hit reply and it disappears.

    @Robin that is good news that you got the doctors with the release. I know you are ready to get going but take it easy to start.

    @Cath -- Yay fpr Luna good news!

    @ those in the path of Hurricane Sandy take care and keep safe praying for you all.

    Friday fitness is
    Yesterday I got lots of exercise in with the dance. didn't record it in MFP my diary.

    Walk Bella at least for 30 minutes a day
    swimming this weekend.

    Pretty simple plan.

    Saturday NSV will need to see how it goes first to post that. Maybe later.

    Wishing everyone scale and NSV victories this week. :flowerforyou: Take care of yourselves :drinker:

    Liz :drinker: :drinker:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    My daughter made me laugh with "what will happen if SANDY is still here on Halloween? Can we go trick or treating the next day? " I told her she will get to eat the candy that I buy. :bigsmile:

    hey, you gotta have priorities lol
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning, just a quick check-in as I need to run to the gym (not literally) and then meet someone to work on a project.

    Saturday Success~Weight was the same this week but I checked measurements, lost another inch in my waist and another one-and-a-half inches in my thigh, I just measured hips last week and they were the same this week.
    GOOD news about our little Luna! Her chest x-rays were sent to a specialist, and the experts say she DOES NOT have an enlarged heart!!! They say she has chronic bronchitis...two weeks of two antibiotics and a med for cough, and she should get better! A lot of tears were shed at our house this week, but now we are shedding tears of JOY!!! ~ Cath:bigsmile:

    Terrific news!!!

    Lots to do today, but will try to check back later. Have a fabulous Saturday!

  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Happy Saturday
    Finalyl got caught up on posts, so let the comments flow...
    for those craving carbs- 1 thing that helps me is to mix some complex carbs with protein. My personal fave is fat free refried beans with cheese and salsa. It helps with the carbs and the extra fiber can't hurt. Although I will admit sometimes it just doesn't cut it and its piece or toast or 2 with some peanut butter

    @Liz- and everyone else who is feeling depleted- we all have days or weeks like that but its vitally important that you take some tiem and refill your own lamp or you won't be in any position to give any kind of quality help to anyone else! My biggest hurdle witht hat is reminding myself that taking to time for me is necessary not selfish.

    @imackbethl- sorry the job interview didn't pan out as you had hoped. We always want to have the option, not the other way around. Keep at ti and I am sure something will turn work out for you.

    Robin'segg- Cognrats on the happy news from the Dr and even more importantly the clean house. Mine is a mess and in need of some TLC, then finish putting up the Halloween decorations

    MyMOwMOw- We all experience freefalls of insanity. It makes us human, sometimes I get to a point where it seems like I need to almost just ride it out and pick up the pieces after rather than continuing to fight a losing battle. That is a wise decision to tyr and jsut level off durign the holidays, 'Tis the Season of Trigger Foods!!!

    Helen- Yes you do deserve a clean a clutter free house, for me one thing that always helps get me on a cleaning binge is to watch a couple episodes of Hoarders! Nothing like reality TV to scare me into action, but whatever it takes!

    Cath- so glad you got good news from the Dr about your puppy. I am not a dog person myself but we have a cat and he was the baby for 7 years before the human children came along. Pets are the children we don't have to send off to college

    Friday fitness- Yes, I'm late, was a jazzercise class. Crazy day and made it to the last class fo the day. Today was the big one- I ran my first 10K today. It was cold but had a lot of fun, My time was n't wonderful but only 1/2 the course was on paved road, the rest was through trails and upa nd down hills. Ended up added a few mroe walk breaks than I had planned on but it was still a good experience, so glad I did it!

    Interesting thing I learned formt eh nutritionist this week, he said part of my slow weight loss is from- get this Not eating enough calories! I am in my early 40s and have never had anyone say that to me my entire life! I al supposed to be at around 1200 cal a day btu need to eat back the calories burned during exercise, so that means on a jazzercise day its about 1700 cal. I guess it makes sense but it seems like sucha foreign concept I am really having a hard time wrapping my mind around this. So I have been adding calories, supposed to have at least 90 grams of protein a day, and staying away from the scale. I am an obsessive, no better make that possessed, scale checker! That has been almsot as hard as adding extra calories. Hoping to see some smaller numbers when I get ont he scale on Thursday.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend, and is grared up for halloween. I love the holiday but its the threshold to for me wha tis the most dangerous time of the year! Haven't even bought the candy yet, need to make the treats for the kids' school parties and the punch. Its a simple witches brew- apple cider, pineapple juice, diet 7 up and crushed ice. We will be floating plastic eyes, rats, spiders and whatever gross stuff I can find- this is for a room of 5th graders. 2nd grade gets graveyard yummies ( I know it needs a better name) basically its vanilla ice cream with crushed oreos on top and some gummy worms, bugs and candy body parts on top.
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Saturday Success - I actually got online to post something today and made it to the gym twice this week despite it being one of the toughest weeks in recent memory. I ended up having an HR mediation with my boss at the end of the last week while I was in the middle of midterms. Between midterm one and midterm two, my husband fell down the stairs and broke his toe so he needed some extra care and my work load was about three times the normal load because of end of year goals and a coworker on vacation. But I survived!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    It's so hard to stay on top of everyone's post. This thread is getting long, but very good stuff!! In reading so many posts, I wonder why this week was so tough? It seems a lot of folks struggled with exercise, eating right, stress, etc. . . I just find it interesting how so many folks were struggling at the same time (myself included). Luckily, we all know this is just a phase in life and it too shall pass.

    With that said, I hope everyone has a GREAT start to the week. Tomorrow is a new day and new week. Let's all get back on track. Stay under our calories all 7 days. Let's make sure we track every single bite we put in our mouth. Let's all try to get some kind of movement in every day even if it's parking further away, grabbing a 10 minute walk or just anything so we move. We're all strong men and woman who are on the same path to healthy living for life.

    Hang in there!!!!!
  • Saturday Success....went to the gym 4 times this week !
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hello all, praying everyone is having a nice weekend. I am excited to say I met my goal of walking the Down Syndrome Walk today. I completed the walk which was 1 mile plus walked an additional hour during the morning. Next month I am planning to walk a 5K in St. Joseph with a friend. Took a free day today with my food and my tummy doesn't feel good. Tomorrow back to healthy!!! I am bushed, all that fresh, cold air has done me in. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hello all, praying everyone is having a nice weekend. I am excited to say I met my goal of walking the Down Syndrome Walk today. I completed the walk which was 1 mile plus walked an additional hour during the morning. Next month I am planning to walk a 5K in St. Joseph with a friend. Took a free day today with my food and my tummy doesn't feel good. Tomorrow back to healthy!!! I am bushed, all that fresh, cold air has done me in. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


    So proud of you!!! It's awesome to walk for a cause. I'm doing my first 5K next month. It will be a complete walk, but I'm totally OK with that. I'll be walking with a friend in the Vegas Color Me Rad 5K. I'm excited!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Christine - I can't even tell you how impressed and inspired I am by how far you've come in such a short time!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!! I missed you all the past 2 days.

    Thursday Truth:
    I kind of fell off the wagon--maybe not completely off, but I've been hanging on by my fingernails, knees getting scraped as I drag along behind it. Honestly, I haven't been eating right or exercising enough this week and I've just decided that I need to let it go. The end of quarter grading is killing me and stressing about going over calories and carbs won't make it any better. I've still been logging, though not as carefully as usual. I've gone over most days this week, but not by too much. I think I'm more disappointed in the choices I've made--far too many sweets.

    Friday Fitness:
    UGH! I've been terrible this week--no gym visits or long runs all week. On Thursday I walked the dog and planned to do core work in the evening. I caught myself looking at my calories for the day and almost talking myself out of it b/c I "didn't need the calories"--as if the only reason to exercise is to earn more calories. That's how I would convince myself to work out back when I started this journey, but I thought I was so far beyond that reasoning. I don't work out so I can eat more--I work out b/c I enjoy it and it makes me healthier. I was so disgusted with myself and my attitude. Fortunately, it snapped me back to reality and I my butt in gear and did my core routine.

    Saturday Success:
    Did much better with my food choices today (after another carbapalooza on Friday :embarassed: ). I also walked Gunner and burned about 450 calories raking my front lawn. Didn't get as much grading done as I would have liked. :ohwell:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 49/59 Thoreau essays
    2. x/59 Montana 1948 vocab
    3. x/59 M1948 character journals
    4. x/11 AP analysis activities
    5. prep poetry prompts for Monday
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Oh, just wanted to say I skimmed through the posts, so hope I didn't miss anything vital.

    @cath--glad to hear Luna will be ok

    @mymowmow--hope your kitty is better soon

    @robin--glad you can start exercising again

    @holly--sorry you are having conflicts with your partner about the kids and your studies. He needs to step up and tell his kids to show you some respect, but first he needs to set the example himself. Does he resent you going back to school? Is he worried that you bettering yourself will somehow threaten your relationship with him. Sometimes people fear change in their loved ones b/c they are afraid they will get left behind. maybe you can sit down and have a talk with him about how important school is to you. Let him know that you want him to continue to be a part of your life, but that you are doing this for you whether he supports you or not.

    @laurie--sounds like a rough day--glad you got through it

    I haven't heard from charlotte either :cry:
  • Saturday Success -- after my week-long travel, I seem to be back on track. I think I lost the 1+ pound I put on, but the official weigh-in is tomorrow, so we will see...

    Sunday Sharing -- I am starting to get caught up on all the house stuff I have neglected over the past months... gutter cleaning and leaf raking today, plus some deep cleaning. I'm also headed out for a quick paddle in the kayak before the storm hits. Need to take any opportunity that presents itself, because before long it will be too cold, sigh. I am so much better at "exercising" in the summer, when it feels more like fun -- swimming, hiking, kayaking -- than in the winter, when it feels like work.

    Christine -- great job with the walk! So impressed that you'll be doing a 5-K soon! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hello everyone! So many positives to read through - gotta love it.

    Christine - wow. You're really doing great!:love:
    MyMowMow - hugs to both you & furbaby. Maybe kitty is watching the faeries (mine do that... and get chased around the house by them!)

    Today for me - trying to reconstruct my father's recipe for green chili. Something he never wrote down, and I've been craving green chili for months. I tried to do it once years ago, but used round steak instead of pork (long story, but my parents always made two pots of chili when I was a kid - one red, one green. The only meat I remembered was round steak). Every recipe I've found uses pork instead of beef, so I'm going to see if that's the ticket. Roasted two chilies (anaheim), and they're sweating now. Here's hoping that I can get this right! I haven't had my dad's in many many years (he died in 1982), so thinking that maybe this is a good time to try again.

    Have a great sunday, everyone!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - I can commiserate with you about falling off the carb wagon - hope you did not skin your knees too bad! :wink: I think its an autonomic function of out bodies when cold weather really comes in, to pack on carbs, like bears before they hibernate. I'm glad we chose October to focus on carbs because, for me, it has been an eye - opener. NO WAY was I able to CONTROL my carbs this month. I went over, and over, and over, each and every day! And yet, I weighed myself, and I've had another month of maintaining my weight, and I am overjoyed . What with being on prednisone and having a humongous appetite in the evenings, I have stuck to snacks such as warm skim milk and Fiber one 140 cal. snack bars, so when I go over in calories, its over in that kind of food. I've been told I really have to boost my calcium on the prednisone as I'm at high risk of osteoporosis, so, I'm drinking lots of milk.

    Maybe we can continue the focus on CARBS for our November Challenge??? What do you guys think???

    Mackbeth - kayaking sounds like so much fun - you must be very physically fit and have a great sense of balance - woot! :love:

    Vicki - so that's what my cats used to do - watch the fairies - I always wondered what they were looking at when they'd stare at the wall...................:laugh: good luck on making your dad's chili....I can smell it all the way over here....yumm.......