Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Thursday truth - Stll not on track. Got nails done and shopped for NYC trip. No exercise and ate both meals out.

    Shows I love are Big Bang Theory (Love Sheldon) Shameless. Raising Hope and Boardwalk Empire. Looking forward to re-run ofr Pillars of the Earth. Read the book twice and looking forward to seeing the show twice. Ken Follet is one of my favorite writers.

    Not enough time to respond to each post, but know I am thinking of everyne and wishing you well

    Robin, I enjoyed your post. My sister told me that she recently saw a picture of herself when she was a size 18. She said she would love to be a size 18 again, but the sad part is that when she was a size 18, she felt fat and bad about herself. She said she really wishes she had enjoyed being a size 18

  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    @Kris & Karen~I'm afraid :heart: Shemar Moore :heart: is already spoken for!!! :laugh:

    I have photos of my man Shemar on Pinterest! lol

    Thanks for all the support on the cupcake and also my out to dinner choices. I ate that cupcake today and it was sooooo good, I even stayed under my calories for the day by a hair! :drinker:

    @ Robin- I hope the Prednisone will work fast for you. Did you ever take it before? Just a heads up, it could make you very hungry and cranky. I have been on it to many times to count and some times it just not pretty, but it does work wonders.

    My picks for T.V.
    Hawaii five o
    Ghost hunters
    Criminal minds
    So you think you can dance. (My daughter dances in company, and competes from NY to FLA.)

    Thursday truth- I don't think I would be doing so well if it wasn't for all of the support I get here. :heart:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Just checking in - been crazy the past few weeks. My husband had his surgery (all went great) but we lost his brother a week later and we are only just getting a personal life back that doesn't include daily trips to a doctor or hospital or family visits. I'll have to catch up later, just needed to find you all =)

    I'm so glad your husband surgery went well, but sorry to hear about his brother. What an emotional time for all of you. Glad you're OK, but hopefully things will get back to a little normalcy soon. Hang in there!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: It's good to be back. While I thoroughly enjoyed my old co-workers being in town, I'm kind of glad to get back to normalcy too. I logged every day, but just didn't have time to check in. I've hit a bit of a plateau, but I'm not too worried. I just got my 70 days in a row tracking e-mail so that's good. I'm keeping my calories under control (for the most part). I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Atlanta house is under contract (WOO HOO!!) Closing is set for 10/30. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly. So far everything has been handled and we're getting closer and closer. It will be awesome not to pay mortgage AND rent in November. Thank goodness!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Kris & Karen~I'm afraid :heart: Shemar Moore :heart: is already spoken for!!! :laugh:

    I have photos of my man Shemar on Pinterest! lol

    ohh who are you on pintrest? you can PM me if you don't want to share on here. i'm a pintrest JUNKIE. I have like 40,000 pins. No joke.
  • ncgirl1978
    ncgirl1978 Posts: 13 Member
    I dont either!!! Do you do it at the top of your stomach or at the navel or both for two different measurements?
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Thank goodness it's Friday. That's my off day from exercise. Instead of coming home and walking the dog, I come home and take a nice long nap. Love it!

    Yesterday I took a strength training class and boy and I sore today. It was a tough class, but definitely worth the pain.

    Next week, I'm adding more cardio to my routine as well as strength training by incoporating my THE FIRM dvds into my week. The last time I felt like I was in halfway decent shape I was doing these videos so I've decided to go back to them and see what results I get.

    Also, I could really use some well wishes this weekend. I'm meeting my friend and the rest of her bridal party to try on bridesmaid dresses. I currently am the fat girl in the party so this will not be fun, but I'm hoping it will provide me with some extra motivation to really commit to this journey. She is getting married in June and while I don't have time to reach my ultimate weight goal by then, I'd love to be in the promise land by her wedding (under 200 pounds). This would mean I'd need to lose 63 pounds by the wedding day, June 15th. I really feel this is doable, but I'll really need to focus to get it done.

    OK, I've rambled enough. Have a nice weekend everyone!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I’m SO glad it’s Friday, been kind of a crazy week.

    I don’t understand Pinterest – I was on there for a while, but guess I didn’t get it and eventually cancelled my account and deleted the app from my phone.

    @Andrea~So glad to hear your husband’s surgery went well; sorry to hear about his brother. What an emotional time for your family.

    @Susan, Glad to see you back and glad you enjoyed your friends. I hope closing on the ATL house goes smoothly! You may not necessarily be on a plateau, but you’re body is holding onto some excess water, etc. from when your friends were here – you will start losing again.

    Friday Fitness~Its been an okay week fitness wise, not as well as I normally do so need to step it up. Had a personal training session last night, instead of doing weights we ran outside in the heat and humidity (yep, still warm here). It wouldn’t have been so bad except that it was really humid – really wish it would cool down, I’d like to turn off my a/c!

    Monday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~C25K DONE!
    Wednesday~Recovery (catch up on housework actually) DONE!
    Thursday~Training (ran outside) DONE!
    Saturday~Not sure yet, depends on weather

    Okay, back to this never ending project on my desk!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I need to give thanks this week for all the help I've had from my best bud while ill. He's been doing my grocery shopping and tinkering in my condo, changing light bulbs and stuff I just can't do for myself right now. For a 70 year old man he is the most energetic and giving man I have ever met. Naceto, I hope your fellow is half as kind as my friend.

    Will be spending the w/e at his place and may be going to see a movie, possibly ARGO. No problems with movies, we don't do popcorn or pop while there, so no temptation that way.

    Speaking of body image again, I'm reminded of my inspiration, my sister. She was heavy like me, but joined WW and Jazzercise and lost enough weight she went from a size 24 to a size 6 and became a Jazzercise instructor. But the size 6 didn't last very long. She has finally settled at a size 16 and is now, 10 years later after her journey is teaching a low-impact Jazzercize class for people with bad knees. I seriously thought she was boney at size 6, and just a little hippy now. When she was a 14 she was perfect. But she's happy with herself now, loves herself, loves her clothes, her lifestyle, and can maintain her weight easily. she is still my inspiration, and I'll be happy if I can get to a 14-16 as well.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Happy Friday!!

    I am still getting caught up on home work and I have a midterm this weekend.
    I hope to get a couple of walks in outside this weekend.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Friday! Hope all are well and motivated!
    Me? Getting there.
    I'm doing a bunch of stuff to take care of ME these days, from dr appts to buffing up the resume.
    I am going to work on coming to work early, so that I can get to the gym midday a few times a week.
    My hubby is unhappy if I'm not out of work by 5 pm, so I need to find ways to do that, instead of working overtime.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    No real fitness goals until after surgery. I do have a busy weekend planned wrapping up all of the loose ends and getting things ready for me to be gone for awhile.
    Hope everyone has a happy and successful weekend.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Friday fitness: I am moving my cube at work. Which requires boxing up 20 years’ worth of stuff. That will not be too bad. I also have to box up the Hardware Engineering Lab.:grumble: That will be a lot of work and I should count some of that as exercise. I hate to move because of the physical work involved and I am resistant to change (talk about old dog and new tricks).:blushing: I am working on being able to flow with the changes but sometimes I’m just not ready.

    MsMorgori has two of her day care kids staying the weekend with us. We will go to the Farm and get pumpkins on Saturday after my blood lab work gets done. We will also go to a kid’s birthday party Sunday. I had to watch Monster trucks with Nino when I got home from work last night he is way into trucks with big tires.:bigsmile: He is ~1.5 years old.

    I had 9 smokes yesterday.

    Hope you all have a happy healthy Friday!

  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Friday Fitness: Just wanting to finish off the week good! Going to an amusement part this weekend for a Halloween celebration. Lots of walking and running around with friends! Other than that?? Nothing too exciting! Hope to see the number go down again on Monday.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    This week's Friday fitness... zip, zero, zilch, and NADA. I did nothing exercise for the ENTIRE week. I feel like a 3 toed sloth.....

    I have my pool bag with me at work today and I would rather chew glass than go. I just want to go home and sleeeeeeeep but I'm going to try my absolute hardest not to give in.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all sorry I missed the last couple of days. No real reason just not overly motivated for anything at the moment. Oh well time to shake it off and get moving. I am going to brush up my resume and do some job hunting next week. I got my degree in medical assisting in 2011 but then my husbands schedule went insane and my son was having trouble with his college paperwork so I put getting a job on hold. I think I would like a nice part time job now. I am lucky in I dont need to work for financial stability as my husband has that nicely in hand but with my son gone now and my husband gone a lot I think I am going to want something to do outside the house. It was real interesting to read about everyones favorite tv shows. Mine are probably Top Chef, the Voice, and Bones. There are others I watch but those are always set to DVR so I dont miss them. As for body image I am always surprised by what I look like whenever I see a picture or really look in a mirror. I dont see myself as heavy as I am. I have never pictured myself skinny but more somewhere in between. When I get to the end of this journey it will be the first time since puberty that I will not be in the overweight or obese category so I cant really picture it but I am anxious to experience it and give it a try :smile: To all those not felling a hundred percen my thoughts are with you and I hope you start to feel better soon. And to everyone else have a happy friday I am going to peruse some more exercise sights and try to talk myself ino trying one of them.:tongue:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks to everyone who congratulated me on getting my family on the plan! We're saving money on groceries too. More than I'd have thought -- it turns out that the things we were snacking on were expensive.

    Ticker picture -- mine is a photo that my husband took of me playing Rock Band (I'm singing). He *loved* it; he has it as his wallpaper -- and I think I look like a whale.

    Big shows -- I'm not watching any regular TV at the moment, but I like Mad Men, Doctor Who (which we watch as a family) and, oops, Dallas. Oh, and Game of Thrones, but I won't watch that on Sky so I have to wait for the DVD. I typically watch 1-2 hours of TV a week so there's not room for a lot of obsessions.

    Body image, I'm so in to self-help on body image. I thought I was fat as a teenager...

    @mnwalkingqueen -- can you plan for late night snacking in your plan? I can see that blended families can be really stressful.
    @Kaye -- 14 grandchildren! How blessed you are. Someone gave me a link to -- which is full of pictures of people at every height and weight. I had been worrying that my target was a bit high and that I actually needed to lose more than that (it's the top end of the BMI healthy range for my height) -- but I look at the photos and all the women of that size look fantastic to me. Good luck for Monday! I'll be thinking of you.
    @Christine -- congratulations on your fantastic loss! Do you want the whole set of Sweatin to the Oldies? Because individual volumes are pretty cheap second hand on Amazon so you could just get one.
    @Kris -- look out for The Hairy Dieters, which is when cook show chefs The Hairy Bikers decided to lose some lard. So it has all the good elements of a diet show and a cooking show. Win. Ooh, just try to do a little bit of non-slothful exercise this weekend, go on. Maybe some dancing? Or a lovely kicking-up-leaves autumn walk?
    @tungsten93 -- so far I've been looking forward to running, in an odd sort of way.
    @nzenczak -- 63 pounds by June is doable, but a stretch. I'm so excited about ONEderland too; I don't think I will do it by Christmas, but I should be quite close. Maybe by Valentine's day? It's another 17 pounds for me.
    @Tom -- are you cutting down one smoke a day? Because if so that is *BRILLIANT*. You know it's more important for your health than losing weight, right?

    Fitness Friday: Well, here was the plan:

    Monday -- W3D1 of Ease into 5k -- DONE!
    Tuesday -- dance mat -- DONE!
    Wednesday -- W3D2 of Ease into 5k -- DONE!
    Thursday -- badminton if hubby isn't working, a swim if he is. Depending on how my study is going. -- neither but I had to go across London for a wedding rehearsal and that involved 45 MINS OF BRISK WALKING.
    Friday -- W3D3 of Ease into 5k -- DONE! And I did badminton as well.
    Saturday -- Badminton with the kids early b/c we have a wedding later. -- booked.
    Sunday -- probable rest day after my brother's wedding, though we will have my nephew staying so may take the lads to the park. Or a bike ride. Something of the sort. -- we have booked badminton though I may not do it.

    OK: moving these plans to Friday, what's planned for next week

    Saturday -- Badminton, and wedding ceilidh.
    Sunday -- Badminton booked, strength training, but this is totally a rest day.
    Monday -- W4D1 of Ease into 5k (with a 6 minute continuous run!), clog practice.
    Tuesday -- maybe Zumba, there's a class starting next Tuesday just round the corner from us. Quite freaked about this possibility.
    Wednesday -- W4D2 of Ease into 5k
    Thursday -- dance mat
    Friday -- W4D3 of Ease into 5k

    Have a brilliant weekend everyone! Off to the pre-wedding family dinner, and I have 1339 calories saved which really ought to be plenty.

    -- Alison
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I don’t understand Pinterest – I was on there for a while, but guess I didn’t get it and eventually cancelled my account and deleted the app from my phone.

    I think it's one of those things you either love or don't.

    Speaking of body image again, I'm reminded of my inspiration, my sister. She was heavy like me, but joined WW and Jazzercise and lost enough weight she went from a size 24 to a size 6 and became a Jazzercise instructor. But the size 6 didn't last very long. She has finally settled at a size 16 and is now, 10 years later after her journey is teaching a low-impact Jazzercize class for people with bad knees. I seriously thought she was boney at size 6, and just a little hippy now. When she was a 14 she was perfect. But she's happy with herself now, loves herself, loves her clothes, her lifestyle, and can maintain her weight easily. she is still my inspiration, and I'll be happy if I can get to a 14-16 as well.

    awesome that you have someone to look up to, as it were.
    MsMorgori has two of her day care kids staying the weekend with us. We will go to the Farm and get pumpkins on Saturday after my blood lab work gets done.

    I had 9 smokes yesterday.

    that's what we're doing this weekend too. going to mccall's the pumpkin farm. we go every year. it's super fun. kind of exhausting, though. congrats on getting down in cigarettes every day!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Happy Friday to my best buddies here! It was cold on my walk this morning, left the apt. without my sweat shirt. Nothing like being cold to make one walk faster, shaved 5 minutes off my walk and will have to increase my distance again. I have my predisone and antibiotic sitting here staring me in the face, but just haven't been wanting to take it.:frown: I just get so frustrated with making such good progress and then having to take medicine that is going to impede that progress. Oh well, I will get over it.

    Grammy, thank you for the info on the tips on the stretching. Will googling stretching get me some web sites on good ones?
    Susan, congrats on the contract on your Atlanta home, praying the process goes smoothly for you.
    nzenzak, darn, I forgot to write down what I was going to say to you, but want you to know I'm thinking of you and all my friends here and am praying for a wonderful weekend for all.

  • chefmiller
    chefmiller Posts: 7 Member
    I have to ask how long has this taken you to lose the weight? How often do you work out and how many calories do you burn in work out? and lastly how many calories do you eat. I am down 36 pounds startes in aug. And I am getting frustrated I am working out hard and just feel like it is never going to come off. And i am going to be fat for the rest of my life. I was at 336 when I started.