Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Thursday Truth - I haven't been working out as much as I planned on this month since my truck was in the shop and we were down to one car, however, I am getting up earlier and getting to work earlier which means I can leave earlier and work out when I get home.
  • If no one minds, I'd like to join the group. :) Got a 100 lbs to lose and need the accountability. Today seems like a perfect day to start off here because....

    Thursday Truth - I ran today for the first time in years. It was only 5 minutes, but that's really something for me. Got home and guess how I celebrated? With ice cream. :embarassed: I really need to work on my means of celebration.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    If no one minds, I'd like to join the group. :) Got a 100 lbs to lose and need the accountability. Today seems like a perfect day to start off here because....

    Thursday Truth - I ran today for the first time in years. It was only 5 minutes, but that's really something for me. Got home and guess how I celebrated? With ice cream. :embarassed: I really need to work on my means of celebration.
    I know it isn't funny, but it gave me a laugh. I am so tuned into food as a reward that I can totally relate. We all have a lot of changing to do!

  • Oh why did I go to that site and calculate my stats? This is the one test where I wish I wasn't above average. :laugh:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    If no one minds, I'd like to join the group. :) Got a 100 lbs to lose and need the accountability. Today seems like a perfect day to start off here because....

    Thursday Truth - I ran today for the first time in years. It was only 5 minutes, but that's really something for me. Got home and guess how I celebrated? With ice cream. :embarassed: I really need to work on my means of celebration.
    I know it isn't funny, but it gave me a laugh. I am so tuned into food as a reward that I can totally relate. We all have a lot of changing to do!

    I still have to chant "You're not a dog, you don't need to be rewarded with FOOD." When I do something good or right. :P
  • I know it isn't funny, but it gave me a laugh. I am so tuned into food as a reward that I can totally relate. We all have a lot of changing to do!

    Wish we could put in a computer chip and automatically replace all our bad habits with good ones.
  • I still have to chant "You're not a dog, you don't need to be rewarded with FOOD." When I do something good or right. :P

    Ooh, that's a good one. I'm going to have to remember that next time.
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I don't think I've posted here but I've read this thread for a while now.. So I start like this:

    My MFP SW was 240 lbs.. I gained 3 lbs when a close friend died and we all went into "feed the grief" mode, I think. It took a week for me to realize what I was doing to my body and I jumped with both feet into MFP and my weight loss for real.

    A week after I got back into MFP, I noticed the weight loss and I have kept it going.. From 1-30Sept, I did Jillian Michaels' "30 Day Shred" DVD, *every day*. And now in Oct, I am working on alternating between "Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism" and "No More Trouble Zones". Here's my Oct info:

    Oct SW: 226.6 lbs
    BMI: 41.4 %
    Neck: 14.4 "
    Waist: 43.25"
    Hips: 51.25 "
    Chest: 39.75 "
    Bust: 48.5 "
    Thigh: 27.75 "
    Bicep: 15 "

    Oct GW: 215 lbs
    Christmas GW: 199
    Final GW: 130

    Thur: truth - I am afraid.. I am sick today which doesn't happen often to me, not severe enough to keep me home from work anyway, and I can't do my workouts today. I can barely walk from the bed to the bathroom, or to my desk without pain. I think it may be strep throat but it could be something less.. no insurance and not enough $ to go to the dr's means I just have to tough it out. I am crossing everything I have that tomorrow I can be well enough to do my exercises and get back to work. Here's to hoping.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nareena- I hope you feel better soon. Try gargling with salt water for the throat, it may help and take some vitamins. Give your body time to rest and heal itself- take a break from exercise for a day or two.

    Tina- I am so happy that your parents are supporting you with college.

    Kelly- love the picture of your stow away.

    Welcome to all the new people, you will love this group.

    Truth- The last couple of weeks have been extremely busy and hard for me. Work is keeping me very busy with little down time and then after work I have been busy with other activities including working out. I finally let some of the frustration out at work today when the guidance counselor stopped by my room to ask a question about an assignment that a student had to redo but I did not have a chance to regrade yet. My response was that MOM should be happy that he had the chance to make up the assignment that he should have completed in class but was to busy talking to complete. Yep- I am still frustrated and it just makes my choice to skip one grade level of meetings easier. Needless to say, i was so down at lunch that I purchased cupcakes out of the vending machine today. I am taking the night off from exercise as well. Tomorrow I will work late just to get myself out of this hole and get my self organized for the coming week. Bright side- my intern will be teaching the 8th grade classes next week- down side, the students are not exactly where I need them to be right now. They will survive but she may have trouble.

    Sorry, I am venting as my level of frustration is reaching its peak.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and finds something fun to do.

    Now, I am off to drink some more water- What about you???:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Thursday truth: although I am in this for the long haul I *often* feel I cannot make enough progress in real hard scale-related numbers to get where I need to go. I have another year now as I found out this week my health insurance will be available for the next calendar year (at an increased price but available). Then who knows. I feel I need a normal or close to normal BMI and to be off my HP medicine in order to shop for medical coverage for a retired under age 65 person. Those goals are like a voyage to Mars for me.

    Does anyone have any experience in talking to their doctor about stopping medication for high blood pressure? If so, what were the circumstances? If that's not too personal, I'd appreciate some advice.

    Never have had blood pressure so can't speak from that side of it. BUT I can give you pointers from the other end.

    When you bring it up, just have a well thought out reason and be polite about it. It's really frustrating to get someone who stopped their medications just "because I don't like to take pills." If you can come in with real reasons that you honestly discuss, that'st the best way.

    I have to say though....I hope you think hard about the pro's and con's of the meds. No one likes to be on pills (doctors included). But uncontrolled high blood pressure is one of the worst things you can do to your self. If you are just wondering if you need them anymore due to weight loss, that should be a great and positive conversation with your doctor and a trial off should be doable. But do keep in mind that if it doesn't stay in a normal range you really should go back on the meds.

    I had a good night. I got off early and went on a 12 mile bike ride. Took 70 minutes - but that included several stops to enjoy the fall colors!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I don't blame you for being frustrated--it's really annoying when you bend the rules for students and they (or their parents or the admin) act like they were entitled to that break. I had a student take two weeks to make up a writing assignment b/c he "kept forgetting." Then a few days later he asked if it would be graded and posted soon b/c his parents were questioning the missing grade. I told him I meant to grade it but "kept forgetting." :tongue: I can be really evil sometimes, but it's the only thing that keeps me sane. :devil:

    @holly--you really do have a lot on your plate right now--I wish I had some sage advice for you, but all I can say is I hope you figure out a way to balance it all. :flowerforyou:

    @aug--I hope the carpal tunnel surgery goes well and relieves your pain.

    @mara--I checked out that sight and it made me sad b/c I'm above 55% of US and 87% of world. :cry: Then I decided to plug in my heaviest weight to see where I would be if I hadn't lost the 50+ lbs and I would have been above 97% of US and 100% of world. It made me feel a little bit better to know what could have been if I had done nothing to get healthy.

    @doug--great NSV!!! Getting smaller always trumps getting lighter! :drinker:

    @robin--thanks for the article!

    Welcome to the newlings and I'll catch up with the rest of you later!

    Thursday Truth:
    Not weight related. While cleaning the gutters last week, DH noticed some shingles on roof were so disintegrated that there's bare wood showing through. We called in roofers and they tried to get us covered through insurance for hail damage, but it was declined. Bottom line is we need to shell out almost $4k for a new roof. :sad: Now I will need to spend the weekend figuring out how we will pay for it.
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    HELP! :explode: My husband is trying in every way to SABOTAGE me. Sunday night it was Ice cream, (I said no) Last night he came home with donuts (I said no). My husband asked if he could make dinner tonight. How many wife's would say no. He made homemade Macaroni and cheese. I said yes and wanted more! I still stayed under my calories for the day, but I didn't feel good about eating the dinner after. :grumble:

    I'm sorry you aren't getting support at home but good for you still staying under calories. One of the things that really helps my willpower is working out at least every other day. When I work out, I feel like I want to fuel myself for my work out and the day after I'm riding the high from my good work yesterday. Using willpower all the time can be exhausting so the more you can control your meals the better.
    My realistic wish is to work hard on myself and realize that I have self worth so I don't feel like I need to make the first wish anymore. :)
    Just for the record, you already have worth. You just need to discover it. There is nothing like accomplishing something to make your worth more obvious. Loving someone who doesn't love you is so not worth your time. When you find someone who loves you for you, you won't even remember this guy.
    As for the nutrition question, I track carbs, protein, and fat. My nutritionist set me at 40/30/30.
    Had my check in todayand lost 3lbs, better results than I had hoped for, but I will take in anyday. I made wheatgrass juice in my Vitamix blender yesterday and drank it and I seemed to have more energy. I froze the rest so I could have some each day without havng to process. I ran report on my carbs and I was consuming around 140 per day but still staying within my goal. In the past few days, I have been able to reduce that figure to under 80 carbs per day. I was within my calorie count yesterday and treated myself to to Godiva chocolate. I ate very slowly and really savored the taste.
    Congrats on the weight loss!!!!!!
    Thursday Truth::: So I told my Mom about me most likely going to college and she told my dad. I didn't tell her not to tell but I was going to wait. Well they are both happy for me. Mom says she will miss me being here (which I am still going to work here through college) but she knows how long I've wanted this and is happy for me. But my dad talked to me this morning and told me that he is proud and happy for me and that he thinks it's the best thing for me and my family. SO that's a huge weight lifted.

    Congrats Tina! I'm so glad your parents are happy for you!

    Pampered, Bohemian - Thanks for the encouragement on the boss situation. I'm taking steps to make things better and I'm trying to stay positive in the meantime. I just hate confrontation so much so things have been really challenging for me.

    Thursday Truth - I have let the stress of the week get to me more than I would like. I've been eating (and drinking) at maintenance this week. I was glad to see that I hadn't gained when I weighed in tonight but I was a little disappointed for not making any progress this week but the week isn't over yet so on I go.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    I tried waling up and down the steps which are outside. They are about 5" and I held onto the rail. I was able to do 50 which surprized me. Will do water aerobics tomorrow. Have had difficulty getting my walks in because it is getting darker earlier and mealtimes interfere. Will strive to do better tomorrow, better walk earlier.

    Got off track on calories today because at last minutes went out to eat. Did make fairly wise choices, no desserts or real fatty foods. And yesterday I was way under. Don't want to get complacent and start cheating. Really want to accomplish this goal because I've had so many failures one sucess will go a long way towards building my self esteem.

    Thought I was going to have cancel Water Aerobics tomorrow because I am keeping my great granddaughter and don't know if she can handle the nursey at the gym, but my hubby offered to watch her while I am at gym and then he will go walking, as he is able to do that at anytime. I have my granddaughter all week, so I will need to find a workaround.

    soulful sally. Welcome aboard, We are all on a journey to better health. Five minutes is more than you ran yesterday. It's a start. You don't have to choose ice cream next time

    MowMow - I like your quote. I used to keep little articles of jewelry and makeup to give myself when I did something positive.

    NareentheGyp - Goldenseal herb is a natural antibiotic, but I would wait to see if this is strep. Gargling is a good alternative for a few days. Also Vitamin C. Remember to be kind to yourself. We can't be 100% all the time
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi all...
    Just getting back up & around - still very sore.
    Didn't do well on my vacation, so my numbers are stalled.

    Looking to find a vehicle with the pathetic settlement that the insurance company is offering - wish me luck!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Sorry we missed last night. I was so exhuasted last night I was in bed by 9 slept till my alarm went off. Today was a good day at work. Went back to the Botanical Garden-- did a lot of walking there to pick pumpkins. Than the with the afternoon group pick the mall. More walking. One of their favorite mall stops is See's cause of the free samples. As the Lady pass them out she hand me one cause we thought she miss one. As we move away quick check dawn on us all was covered so reflex or lack of control I down it. It taste very good so much I wanted seconds, thirds..., but didn't but i am still thinking of that stupid candy. Not sure why but I have been so hungry lately. I have manage to stay under but it hasn't been easy. I know this journey isn't going to be easy. My goal is 100lbs in a year but lately I keep wondering if I should adjust my calories my goal is 2lbs a week .. need to think about it. For this should pass.

    @ Aug--hope your surgery goes well for you.
    @Robin thank you for all you do helping this thread move alone.
    @skinnyjean --yikes on the roof--Sorry
    @MyMOwMOw great quote.

    I am sorry I am missing people all of sudden my mind is going blank.

    Thursday truth is I am scare of going backwards to my old self.

  • @kjeffries -- I live in Connecticut, but you are right about the pictures -- two weeks ago I went to Oregon (where my dad grew up) to visit my aunts and cousins. My dad and I went backpacking for a few days around Mt. Jefferson. I would move to the Northwest in a heartbeat - God's Country as my family calls it!

    @raven -- sounds delicious! I would love your recipes!

    @aug - a little late, but congrats on Bama -- and it sounds like we drive vehicles that are about the same age!

    @toots - do you work overnights? or seconds?

    @ laurie, skinnyjeanz, and robin -- thanks for the carb education!

    @maradiaz -- wow! fascinating! and congratulations!!

    @mnwalking -- um, yep, that's a ton of stuff all at once. hang in there!

    @liz -- my goal is to lose @200 pounds and i'm giving myself 3+ years to accomplish that. I figure it took me many more years than that to get to where I am and each small loss gets me closer to the goal. I know we all have to do this at whatever pace works for us, but you might consider cutting yourself some slack and adjusting your goal to 1 1/2 pounds per week for a while - being hungry (and probably tired) all the time doesn't seem conducive to long-term success (at least it definitely wouldn't be for me).

    confirmation that i did the right thing in giving my notice came in the form of some really bad program decisions that will likely make my last five weeks here incredibly difficult. sigh. yesterday's wednesday wish: to find a new job rather quickly. thursday truth: i have been eating over calories and need to get back on track. craving comfort and fast foods. need to go grocery shopping and start cooking again.
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    2nd time I'm writing this, somehow my computer went crazy and I lost everything! This time it has to be shorter.

    @M0wM0w- I love your Thursday truth! You go girl!

    @Robin- thanks for the great article, I would like to add something if you don't mind. Allergies! I'm allergic to eggs and beef, so that also effects how you eat, your carbs.

    Thursday Truth: I do better with the foods I eat Mon thru Fri. The weekends are so hard, and I have a 3 day weekend coming up.

    Have a good day/night everyone.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Boy am I glad it's the end of the week and I have a three day weekend coming!

    I went to my parents last night to pick up a few things and got my FIRM steps to use. I'm going to start doing my FIRM workouts again along with my other exercise efforts. I have three dvds. One mainly cardio, one mainly strength training, and the last a combination of both. I'm really hoping with will give me at least one more high calorie burn during the week!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member

    Oh why did I go to that site and calculate my stats? This is the one test where I wish I wasn't above average. :laugh:

    Oh I wish I hadn't gone either. :sad:
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member

    It's been a hard week with getting a cold after my race and trying to recover from a foot injury from the race last Saturday SO my fitness goal this weekend is to make a feeble attempt at lifting and drinking as much water as I can. Right now I'm just trying to heal in preparation to start running and begin doing situps and pushups during the week.

    SV! Early this week or last week I said that I had weighed and was back up over 290. This week I've relaxed my 5k training and have kept to my carb-fat-protein ratios and as of this morning am back down to 284.5. That's over 5 pounds! I'm planning on keeping my water intake at this level as I heal and begin my fitness training again(hopefully next week).

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!