Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    I need to lose 100 lbs - I weighed in this past Monday at 270.3 lbs. How does this topic "Need to Lose..." work? Do we just type in our SW, CW, goal wt, measurements? anything else? Looks like you all are doing well in this so I'd like to join if I can please.

    Sorry for the above question, just read finished reading a comment saying that "this is a thread - not a group" and that "anyone is welcome to make comments - you are welcome to participate. Most people here have 100 lbs or more to lose..."

    Also read the guidelines in the first post at the top of Page One:
    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)
    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    I think for now, because I just started this past Sun. Sept. 30, that I will just read through the comments ... wish you all weight loss success !!!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good early evening all! I have finished reading all the posts and just been staring at the screen trying to think of something epic to write...oh well, will leave the writing to toots!

    Tuesdays goals will be to try 2 35 minute walks a day this week and continue the wall push-ups to try to rebuild some strength in my arms. I have been so tired since I was sick a week ago, butt is really dragging, hanging in there with my walks but really having to push myself. The 27th of this month the Down Syndrome Guild here in Kansas City is having their annual walk and I plan to walk the mile this year with my family. We are Team Madi-Motion for my very active 5 yo granddaughter who is my best friend in the whole world! I am going to stick with my carbs at the setting they are now as I usually am below them and I did take my measurements and will do so the last day of the month, hope to see more inches gone by then. Have a dr. appointment next week and hopefully will figure out how come I am so tired. Also need to schedule CT scan to check on the nodule in my lungs to see if it is still growing. I just hate spending money on drs. and tests, would rather spend it on fun things like an exercise bike!

    Congrats to all those successes. Get well all those feeling bad and to all, drink up (water that is) and have a great night!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Tuesday goals update: I keep thinking I need to find ways to up my activity level but truth is I am doing good by not overdoing it and keeping at it everyday. Walking suits me quite well I think.

    All best wishes to everyone. So many of you are doing exciting new things. There seems to be a lot of energy on this thread!!

    :drinker: :drinker:

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Tuesday goals update: I keep thinking I need to find ways to up my activity level but truth is I am doing good by not overdoing it and keeping at it everyday. Walking suits me quite well I think.

    All best wishes to everyone. So many of you are doing exciting new things. There seems to be a lot of energy on this thread!!

    :drinker: :drinker:


    Lin, I am with you, I think right now walking is about all I can handle, plus trying to get some strength back in my arms. I am grateful that I can do what I can right now, it is so much more than I was doing in March and April this year. We need to take care of ourselves.

  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Tuesday Goals:

    ~ Get a schedule made so people will know what days I'm tutoring. ($25 for an hour with awesome me!) My goal is to use this money to pay off all of my credit card bills. It's going to take a while, but I'm willing to stick it out. I'm also planning on paying for a trip for myself and my hunny, but he doesn't know about that yet.

    ~ Get my workout in. Last night I walked a 5k. Tonight I have to run for 35 minutes and then I need to do my 30DS and my Bootcamp DVD's. I'm trying to burn over 500 calories a day, plus meet me walking goal of 60 miles for the month of October! (Challenge accepted- 57 miles to go!)

    ~ Continue staying strong and not eating every carb I see. I was on Atkin's before and it works, but I stayed hungry all the time. I'm not cutting out carbs completely, but I am cutting back a great deal. I'm hoping to see some scale results by the end of the week.

    ~ Get measurements posted:
    Neck: 14
    Waist: 46
    Tummy: 48
    Thigh: 28
    Calf: 18
    Arm: 14

    I'm glad to finally have time once again to post in the forum. I always miss my MFP friends when I am away because you guys are just so darn encouraging! It always makes me happy to come on and see a message from one of you or read about your successes! You keep me motivated.

    My boyfriend started working the night shift with his new job this week and it is different. As he is going to work, I'm going to bed and when he is heading home from work, I'm getting up. I don't like being on different schedules, but we are trying to make it work. He and I have plans to meet tomorrow night at the fair before he has to go to work. So excited about the fair being in town, but not so excited about all the good food I'll encounter. I might just have to have a taste of that world famous pineapple icecream or maybe a fried oreo. We shall see. At least I can walk it off. :)

    I hope everyone had a great day! I can't wait to catch up with you all later. Have a wonderful afternoon/evening.

    ~ Jana
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all hope everyone is having a great day. Mine has been nice and mellow. I got a little done around the house,spoiled my husband since he will be leaving in about a week and put on ahuge pot of homemade turkey and potato soup. I have no idea how to put it into the recipie database as I made an entire stockpot full since I will be giving some to my dad and freezing some for later. I know somewhat ironic since the challenge for the month is to watch our carbs :tongue: I guess I am more then willing to watch simple carbs but I dont think I will ever give up potatoes or fruit so I just have to find ways to fit it all in. I am not sure I have a specific goal for this week I am starting to exercise a little and watching what I eat so I think I will just keep on with what I am doing for now. Well I hope everyone has a great nite and I will see you all tomorrow.:smile:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Woohoo way to go Toots!!!! Excellent about the writing competition!:drinker:
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    bumpity bump
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Stayed under in calories. So much I was able to have 1/2 a godiva chocolate bar. It was so good. Did my weight exercises and walked tonight. Had a good day. Tomorrow I weigh in and hope I had a loss. In any event, my digestion has sure improved and that is worth the effort I have put into this.

    Need to drink more water
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Just caught up on posts and sounds like everyone who was sick/injured is on the mend--yay! :flowerforyou:

    Would like to do personals, but I really need to get some grading done tonight b/c I spent the afternoon at the gym.:bigsmile:

    Grading goals:
    1. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE!
    2. 2/22 2-paragraph responses
    3. ?/49 journal reflections (I think I have less than 20 of these remaining)

    Tuesday Goals:
    Get to the grocery store!!! I am doing *okay* with staying under carbs, but really could be doing better with some planning and better choices in my fridge/cupboard. My quinoa salad I eat for lunch has 48g of carbs, so if I want to keep that in my meal plan (which I do), I'll need to be strategic. Hubby made roasted red pepper bisque and had a leftover red bell pepper; I just cut that up to dip in my hummus (instead of crackers) so that should help. I also need to stay away from the smartpop I like to eat as my afternoon snack--will take some almonds tomorrow instead.

    Right now I have over 800 calories remaining, but only 4g of carbs due to my after-workout mocha light frap.:blushing: Looks like I will be having a big ol' hunk of leftover steak as my evening snack. :laugh:

    Mon--walk dog + core DONE!!!
    Tues--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stationary bike) DONE!!!
    Wed--long run outside + core
    Thurs--walk dog
    Friday--walk dog + core
    Sat--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stairmaster and/or stationary bike)
    Sun--long run outside +core
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member

    Just posting my workout goals so I can track them.

    October goals-
    Keep carbs between 115 and 130g.
    neck: 14
    hips WIDEST 48.5, BELOW HIPS Top of thighs 41.5
    waist @ naval 41
    below chest 41
    thighs: LT 23 RT 22.5
    arms LT: 12, RT 13

    Gym Goal for the week--
    Saturday- gym stationary bike (5 miles plus 1 mile walk)
    Sunday- bike ride (9.5 miles)
    Monday- gym (climbing) Went climbing need to work on the intermediate wall again was rusty tonight:
    Tuesday- gym with trainer DONE
    Wednesday- Frisbee golf this will include a nice walk around a park -Hope it doesn't rain
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- rock climbing
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    HELP! :explode: My husband is trying in every way to SABOTAGE me. Sunday night it was Ice cream, (I said no) Last night he came home with donuts (I said no). My husband asked if he could make dinner tonight. How many wife's would say no. He made homemade Macaroni and cheese. I said yes and wanted more! I still stayed under my calories for the day, but I didn't feel good about eating the dinner after. :grumble:

    How do you all deal with sabotage?

    Tuesday goals: Keep on going no matter what.

    @Patty Water has been a hard one for me too, did you ever try water with lemon or slices apples with a cinnamon stick? Maybe that will help.

    @KellyAnn Welcome I'm new to this group too. (and love it) 93lbs you must fell so much better. One day I hope to be there too.

    @MyM0wM0w I hope you are felling better soon. :smile:
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Goodness but we are moving fast, I blink and sneeze and we are on a new topic thread page (or whatever the technical term for it is) Very glad to be putting this Tuesday to bed, and a bit early I might add. Hannah has slept 2 nights in her 'big girl toddler bed" and so far minimal trauma. I have still ended up spending part of the night in her room in the sleeping bag next to her bed but it is still more sleep than I was getting when we were still trying to make her sleep in the crib. I'm turning in early so I can get a decent sleep and go jog in the am.

    Hope everyone had a good day and an even better tomorrow!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Woohoo way to go Toots!!!! Excellent about the writing competition!:drinker:

    thank you ma'am
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @ohpampered--Is your hubby doing this on purpose? Or is bringing you treats just his way of nurturing you? My husband didn't sabotage me, but he LOVES to cook, and his idea of cooking is usually high calorie fare. In the past, he would *accidentally* sabotage me, but it was only b/c cooking me yummy food was his way of showing me love. When I started MFP, I just let him know I had a certain amount of calories/day and I would NOT go over. If he cooked something super-high in cals for dinner, I just made something healthy for myself. He quickly learned to let me know a day ahead of time if he would be cooking something higher in cals--that way I could work it into my day. He also stopped pushing the second helpings. That was probably the bigger issue with us--if I didn't take seconds, he took that to mean I didn't like the food. Once I assured him that it was DELICIOUS, but seconds would put me over for the day, he backed off. Maybe you could tell your husband that you don't mind an occasional treat, but *surprising* you with junk won't work, he'll at least give you a heads-up to plan for the extra calories.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Toots -Grats, that's such wonderful news!

    @OhPampered1 - Have you asked him why he's bringing food into the house that he knows you don't want to eat?
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    @ skinnyjeanzbo and MyM0wM0w- My husband and I have not been getting along for quite sometime, we have even talked about separation, but we can not afford it. He has always like me heavy, in his mind no other man would look at me. In the spring I lost over 20lbs and he accused me of having an affair (I wasn't) and boy did the fighting get bad. We have been married for 23 years and have 3 children 20, 17, and 11. We now live more like room mates than husband and wife, I really want to lose this weight due to health problems and I would like to be able to tie my shoes! So the long answer is YES he knows what he is doing. I have made up my mind that I want to be healthy for me......he just making it very hard.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @ohpampered1, I'm so sorry that you are under such stress. It sounds like he feels that he is losing his control over you or he is very insecure. Either way, that isn't healthy. I applaud you for persisting. I am a terrible emotional eater. It would be extremely difficult for me to keep going. There are a lot of good people here to encourage you.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    The next time it comes in the house send it right down the disposal. Once he's he's had his 'treat' destroyed three or four times I bet he'll learn to finish it off in the car on the way home!:laugh:
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    @ grandmakaye44 you hit the nail on the head, he is losing control over me with weight, he controls everything else. I'm so glad I found this board, you all are very supportive of one another and I do need that. MyM0wM0w might have a good idea, just get rid of what he brings home. :smile: