Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    @sunshine--congrats on the 10k--that's incredible! And your pace was awesome--my last 5k pace was only 12:05 so you are a rockstar in my book! :drinker:

    Thank you so much! I'm glad I did it, and I don't care how slow I did it. This was my second 10K, and much different than the last one I did. :)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    the doctor wants me to go on an anti-inflammatory diet. the first thing on her list of does and don'ts is 'DO NOT COUNT CALORIES!' written just like that. and then 'Do not weigh yourself.' the diet includes all kinds of crazy things. no white bread, no sugar, no white flour or wheat flower, no soy, no white rice, no dairy no estrongenized food, no food with more than five ingredients, no high-fructose corn syrup, no MSG, no hydrogenated oils and then on and on from there. yikes. not sure what to make of this.

    i have read of other people who have been on this diet and have had great success with it. I would have trouble because it seems to take too much planning but the benefits would be great. Wishing you luck!! let us know how it goes
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    *slinks in* OMG, I cannot believe how long it's been since I've been here. Ack! :embarassed:

    Toots, that's a pretty restrictive diet. You may not want to count calories only because you can stuff yourself with the little that's left to you and still struggle to get to 1200 a day. But most folks do feel a lot better when they eat that clean. (Morgori, LOL at the "NO Diet" remark. Totally agree.)

    Karen, what a lovely story. Made me all misty. And I am also stuck at the lowest weight I achieved the last time I tried to lose. Not because I'm trying hard and got stuck, but because I mostly stopped trying and have been maintaining.

    Aug, here's hoping that you feel better after the surgery!!

    Christine, I often lose weight the same way. 3 pounds just evaporates from time to time. And my suggestion re: walking speed is that you do something you can maintain for a longer period. High-HR aerobics is good for cardiovascular health, but less-aggressive heart rate increases are supposedly better fat burners, most likely because you can do them longer and need to start drawing on fat reserves to create glucose to feed your muscles. So shoot for a pace that keeps your heart rate around 120.

    LAMYpie and MyM0wM0w: both of you have posted about realizing what you CAN do this week. It's so frustrating sometimes -- the stall-outs and self-sabotage (and other-sabotage) and cravings -- that losing sight of what you GAIN, even just from making the effort, is ridiculously easy. That's the best part of the Saturday topic. Forces all of us to think about what went WELL this week, and how far we've come. :drinker:

    So, my Saturday Success is this: I have not been working very hard at losing weight in the last 3 months. But I am clearly doing an okay job of living in maintenance for my current weight, because it's fluctuating within a 2-pound range. And when I went shopping yesterday (for that NAMI benefit dinner I'll be attending on Tuesday), I didn't find a dress I liked, but most everything I tried on was a size 16 or XL, and most of it FIT. I even bought slacks and two blouses at ANN TAYLOR!! I have been wanting to be able to shop there for YEARS (their professional clothes are so classy). :happy:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    I thought of a Saturday success that really isn't about me, but it made me so happy I wanted to share.

    It was Homecoming Week at our HS, so Friday was our pep assembly where they announce the HC King and Queen. At our HS this isn't a popularity contest. Only teachers and staff can nominate students and it's based on service, leadership, and involvement in the school community. However, once the teachers make nominations, it's still up to Student Council to determine who makes it onto the ballot, and of course the student body votes for the winner for each grade level Prince & Princess and the seniors vote for King & Queen.

    Anyway, this year our seniors voted a wheel-chair bound student who has cerebral palsy as the HC King. I supervise the senior stands and as the announcements were being made, I could hear kids all around me saying "I hope it's Casey" "It better be Casey" "Oh, let it be Casey." When Casey won the roar was deafening, and all of the kids jumped to their feet in a standing ovation for him. This is a boy who, despite his differences, has been an integral member of many activities at the HS--he belongs to numerous clubs and serves as the Stats Manager for the Boys Basketball Team. I was so proud of our students for recognizing him and understanding the barriers he struggles to overcome on a daily basis.

    To make the moment even sweeter, Casey's dad was there to witness it. When Casey's condition progressed to the point where he needed an aide throughout the school-day, Casey's dad quit his job and went back to school to get certification so he could serve as Casey's one-on-one aide. It was a huge sacrifice--he gave up a lucrative business career for a job that probably pays less than $15/hour--but he wanted to be there for his son. He's also the one who brings Casey to every club meeting, basketball game, and school activity so his son can be an involved member of the student body. It was so nice that he got to see first-hand how his own sacrifice paid off for his son.

    Anyway, even though I often complain about "those darned teenagers" I teach, this was their moment to teach me what great kids they are.

    Karen, that is the sweetest story ever - are you trying to make me cry today?! :wink: You teach at an amazing school and sounds like you are surrounded by greatness (even some of those pesky teenagers).

    I had the same response!! thanks so much for posting this
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen -- you are totally going to have a different stress reliever that doesn't involve sneaking out for fast food! I like stupid video games, you know, things like Bejeweled. They help a lot when life's getting a bit hard.

    @Christine -- congrats on the scale victory -- I think your doc will be very pleased with you!

    @toots -- most family doctors aren't nutritionists, and they put people on all sorts of weird diets. Ask for the medical evidence. I have inflammatory arthritis, and I specifically asked my rheumatologist about diet. She said 'lots of people suggest lots of different things, but there is zero good clinical evidence for any of it. Just follow the sort of diet we recommend for everyone, with lots of whole grains, fruit and veg, and not too much junk'. And that's in a teaching hospital. But perhaps it's just that I'm never giving up tomatoes...

    @Katrena/Kaye -- you can do Quick Add Calories with negative calories if you know how much half the dressing is. I use it quite often. Doesn't help the macros but works for the headline figure. I'd watch out for fast food salads though -- they often have as many calories as the burgers do! What's with that?

    @Nicole-- meeting his daughter... oooh! That's serious...

    @skinnyjeans -- sounds like you've really worked out what you need for your roof. Time to look down the back of the sofa for your spare change... good luck raising the funds. And that story about Casey is just inspiring!

    @Susan/Sally -- I love the way this group shows the process over time; how to keep focused on the long haul against all the odds, and all the people going 'but you're celebrating/mourning/on holiday/working hard... so you don't need to worry about calories right now'.

    So, today I got out the Cinnabon nutrition chart to show my family as an Awful Warning. Worst case scenario -- Caramel Pecanbon and large Oreo Chillata. Remember, this is a *bun* and a *drink* -- someone might have it as a snack. That would be 2120 calories the pair. And a bazillion grams of fat. Ish. So, we aren't doing that Ever. But I am thinking about homemade Swedish cinnamon buns for breakfast on Christmas Day or maybe Boxing Day.

    Saturday success -- well, I have finished the first two weeks of Ease Into 5k! And I got a haircut and my hair and face look so much better. Plus today I ate out for lunch and had a roast dinner and a couple of glasses of wine tonight and still have hundreds of calories left! The secret? Lunch was Yo! Sushi, and we were quite restrained and careful, for 509 calories plus fizzy water. And I have run, and played badminton, and trogged round a shopping centre today, so loads of cals from all that. The roast dinner was admittedly quite a lot (750ish plus wine) but I had loads; just one plateful would have been a normal 500 or so.

    -- Alison
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Grading goals:
    1.x/26 AP test corrections
    2. x/ 10 quiz extra-credit
    3. x/22 two paragraph responses
    4. finish re-reading The Awakening
    5. 11/22 Punctuation quizzes
    6. re-read Montana 1948
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hey, anyone who's interested. Soylent Green is not apparently available on streaming Netflix BUT it is available on Amazon instant video. Not a Prime Video---$2.99 rental.

    You're making me want to watch it again! :-}

    ah, nice. i didn't even know there was such thing as amazon instant video.
    @everyone who cried when reading the Casey story--try being there!! I'm NOT a crier (garetie can vouch for me) and I was crying when it happened, again when typing the story for you guys, and yet again when I told my husband about it.

    that's a lot of crying! i am not a crier either. and i probably would have been just like you.
    the doctor wants me to go on an anti-inflammatory diet. the first thing on her list of does and don'ts is 'DO NOT COUNT CALORIES!' written just like that. and then 'Do not weigh yourself.' the diet includes all kinds of crazy things. no white bread, no sugar, no white flour or wheat flower, no soy, no white rice, no dairy no estrongenized food, no food with more than five ingredients, no high-fructose corn syrup, no MSG, no hydrogenated oils and then on and on from there. yikes. not sure what to make of this.

    i have read of other people who have been on this diet and have had great success with it. I would have trouble because it seems to take too much planning but the benefits would be great. Wishing you luck!! let us know how it goes

    yep, i'll let you know how it goes. it's a question of whether or not i can even do it, i think :laugh:
    Toots, that's a pretty restrictive diet. You may not want to count calories only because you can stuff yourself with the little that's left to you and still struggle to get to 1200 a day. But most folks do feel a lot better when they eat that clean. (Morgori, LOL at the "NO Diet" remark. Totally agree.)

    yeah, agreed. i don't know what the crap i'm doing. today was the first day and i hated everything i've eaten so far :laugh:
    @toots -- most family doctors aren't nutritionists, and they put people on all sorts of weird diets. Ask for the medical evidence. I have inflammatory arthritis, and I specifically asked my rheumatologist about diet. She said 'lots of people suggest lots of different things, but there is zero good clinical evidence for any of it. Just follow the sort of diet we recommend for everyone, with lots of whole grains, fruit and veg, and not too much junk'. And that's in a teaching hospital. But perhaps it's just that I'm never giving up tomatoes...

    yeah, this particular doctor is a nutritionist, actually. not my normal doctor. just someone i went to because she's a PCOS specialist. but if it doesn't work for me, it doesn't work for me. i guess i'll just have to see. i've been laughing at my friend sam for a year because of her ridiculously restrictive diet. i guess this is just karma, even if i can't stick with it :laugh:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    Saturday success---kept on walking..........36 miles for this week. I'll take it.

    Wishing everyone well. Lots of great accomplishments in this group--a 10K (wow, I'm totally in awe), Christine great loss this week, Kelley it's great you got back outdoors. Doug, hope you're feeling better. Tom is your back healed up now? Robin, are your arms feeling better?

    For everyone in pain, praying for relief and healing.

    And I'm sure everyone is logging what they eat and drinking mega-ounces of water.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Having some success grading. moved from starbucks to a local wine/beer bar. I'm not a big fan of either, but am drinking a Czech lager called Czechzar--pretty yummy! Luckily, I burned over 1000 cals at the gym, so I can afford the 142 cals/bottle.

    Grading goals:
    1.26/26 AP test corrections
    2. x/ 10 quiz extra-credit
    3. x/22 two paragraph responses
    4. finish re-reading The Awakening
    5. 22/22 Punctuation quizzes
    6. re-read Montana 1948
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen great story- it is amazing how kids can surprise us at times. Good luck with the grading this weekend. I know that I will be grading tonight and tomorrow as well.

    Chris- Congrats on your lost. You have done a great job.

    I need to do better at not cheating or should I say rewarding myself for a hard week. This week I gave into my feelings and brought Berger's Cookies. Shortbread cookies with a thick layer of fudge on top- they are simply fantastic. I did share them with the other 8th grade teachers so that helped a lot. We did decide that they are not super bad calorie wise only 140 with all that fudge. I have one more box at work and I will share those as well. Then today, I went to the Amish market and pick up a fresh, hot of the oven cinnamon coffee cake- yum. It was still warm when I got home. I just need to stay focus and not let my emotions get the best of me.

    Success- I did stay at school yesterday and got my room cleaned up and organized for the coming week. That was great feeling of accomplishment and I even started grading a few papers. Today, I went for 12 mile bike ride and it was wonderful. Tonight I am tired but the past week was extremely busy and emotionally draining. I am also proud of the fact that I am expanding my types of exercise: it has gone from just the gym to the following: cardio-rock climbing- swimming-biking and now frisbee golf. Frisbee golf doesn't burn a lot of calories but it does provide a great reason to be outside and get in a great walk while playing a fun game.

    Saturday- gym stationary bike (5 miles plus 1 mile walk)
    Sunday- bike ride (9.5 miles)
    Monday- gym (climbing) Went climbing need to work on the intermediate wall again was rusty tonight:
    Tuesday- gym with trainer DONE
    Wednesday- Frisbee golf this will include a nice walk around a park -Hope it doesn't rain DONE:bigsmile:
    Thursday- gym REST DAY_ :wink:
    Friday- rock climbing :smokin:

    New goals for this week
    Saturday Bike ride 12 miles open trails
    Sunday- gym or swim weather dependent
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday-Rest ?
    Wednesday- Frisbee Golf
    Thursday- Rest
    Friday-Rock Climbing
    Saturday- Harvest Festival will be lots of walking that day.

    grading Goals
    7th grade labs x/30
    8th grade labs x/88
    7th grade science fair projects x/30

    Signing off tonight so I can start grading papers. UGHHHHHHH:sad:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @skinny & kelley - I am going to go for it. Thanks for the advice!

    @Alison - I know, right??? Things are moving pretty fast... but I adore him. :heart: I just hope that I don't find skeletons in his closet or he turns out to be psycho... I know in my heart he isn't psycho... but ya never really know, right?

    I have a SUCCESS!!! Sooo Friday at work, I felt like a hobo or one of those gangster kids. My jeans were all baggy so I wore a really baggy sweater to try to cover up that... so today I went to the consignment shop to try on size 18 (you know, no W)... THOSE were too baggy too. I thought it was a fluke, but decided to try.... gasp.......size 16 jeans.......... <insert dramatic music here>...................
    YAY size 16!!!! I haven't worn a 16 in I have no idea HOW long!!! AND I tried on several other pair of size 16 that ALSO fit... different brands even! It was such an amazing feeling. The shop owner thought I was nuts, I got so excited and tried on probably every (cute) size 16 I could find of everything. I AM SO HAPPY :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Naceto - Congrats on the size 16's. That's fantastic.

    I like to say I was a size 14 for one day, tee hee hee
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--congrats on the smaller jeans--that's the best reward of all of this hard work!! also, good luck with the running--just take it slow; you really don't have to go any faster that a fast walking pace to start building your running muscles.

    @laurie--glad you are enjoying a variety of exercise. Not only does it break things up and keep us from getting bored, but I also think it helps us tone and get healthier than the same exercise over and over. Case in point--I've added the stair-climber and stationary bike (in addition to running and walking) over the past few months. I also try to switch up my weight machines so I'm not always doing the same ones. The result is that even though I haven't lost any weight, and my measurements haven't gone down, my size 14 jeans are starting to get baggy. I'm not sure how that's possible if my measurements are the same, but it's my reality--maybe I'm losing mass in places that I don't measure?

    Hope everyone has a fabulous evening!
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm not having a good day, my husband (wish I could say EX) picked a fight with me early this morning and just made me feel terrible my sons were yelling at him to was really ugly. Well I did stay under my calories today. (I didn't feel like eating) I stayed in my PJ's all day and I feel really down. I must have fell asleep today and I was dreaming of eating a lot of candy. Hehe I woke up and thought I really did eat it. Thank God it was only a dream.

    @naceto WTG size 16 jeans it must have been so much fun shopping! You gave me am idea to look into consignment shop's when I am ready, thanks.
  • lmackbethl
    @ohpampered -- so sorry :(

    Saturday Success -- Still hanging in here, logging all my food. Even though I'm not making the best food choices every day and still haven't figured out a post-summer exercise plan, I'm not giving up or doing it blindly. I think looking at the data will motivate me to re-commit...
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Pampered, I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. Just remember that all his yelling and hatefulness is something wrong in HIM, not something wrong with you. You are a sweet, beautiful, and wonderful person and if he can't see and appreciate that then there is a lacking in him. 'Cause you're just fine.

    It sounds like you have sons who love you and you just keep on learning to love yourself. The rest is moot!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    @skinny & kelley - I am going to go for it. Thanks for the advice!

    @Alison - I know, right??? Things are moving pretty fast... but I adore him. :heart: I just hope that I don't find skeletons in his closet or he turns out to be psycho... I know in my heart he isn't psycho... but ya never really know, right?

    I have a SUCCESS!!! Sooo Friday at work, I felt like a hobo or one of those gangster kids. My jeans were all baggy so I wore a really baggy sweater to try to cover up that... so today I went to the consignment shop to try on size 18 (you know, no W)... THOSE were too baggy too. I thought it was a fluke, but decided to try.... gasp.......size 16 jeans.......... <insert dramatic music here>...................
    YAY size 16!!!! I haven't worn a 16 in I have no idea HOW long!!! AND I tried on several other pair of size 16 that ALSO fit... different brands even! It was such an amazing feeling. The shop owner thought I was nuts, I got so excited and tried on probably every (cute) size 16 I could find of everything. I AM SO HAPPY :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    That is totally fantabulous!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I'm not having a good day, my husband (wish I could say EX) picked a fight with me early this morning and just made me feel terrible my sons were yelling at him to was really ugly. Well I did stay under my calories today. (I didn't feel like eating) I stayed in my PJ's all day and I feel really down. I must have fell asleep today and I was dreaming of eating a lot of candy. Hehe I woke up and thought I really did eat it. Thank God it was only a dream.

    @naceto WTG size 16 jeans it must have been so much fun shopping! You gave me am idea to look into consignment shop's when I am ready, thanks.

    Praying for you and your sons and that your husband stop abusing you and the boys!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I'm not having a good day, my husband (wish I could say EX) picked a fight with me early this morning and just made me feel terrible my sons were yelling at him to was really ugly. Well I did stay under my calories today. (I didn't feel like eating) I stayed in my PJ's all day and I feel really down. I must have fell asleep today and I was dreaming of eating a lot of candy. Hehe I woke up and thought I really did eat it. Thank God it was only a dream.

    @naceto WTG size 16 jeans it must have been so much fun shopping! You gave me am idea to look into consignment shop's when I am ready, thanks.

    Thanks Pampered... sorry your day sucks! Your sons sound wonderful though, for yelling at him. Chin up. Tomorrow is a new day, and I hope it is much better ~hugs~
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Sorry for the delay- the beef and broccoli recipe I will have to dig up... it's not mine. However here is my chicken pot pie recipe. It's slightly technical due to the pie crust but otherwise pretty simple.

    Homemade Chicken Pot Pie

    Technical ability- moderate


    2-3 Celery Stalks (chopped)
    2-3 Red Skinned New potatoes (chopped)
    1/4 pckage Fresh Pearl Onions (quartered)
    2-3 large carrots (chopped)
    1 1/2 cp. Chicken Stock
    2-3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (chopped)
    2 tblsp Corn Starch
    2-3 tblsp olive oil
    Salt and pepper to taste
    SMALL pie tins (approximately 5in in diameter)

    Pie Crust:

    2 cp Flour
    1 tsp Salt
    2/3 cp Shortening or unsalted butter
    1 tsp Sugar
    1 tblsp Vinegar (added into the water)
    5-7 tblsp ice water

    1. Measure and sift your flour, salt and sugar together.

    2. Cut in your shortening or butter until it looks like loose crumbles.

    3. Slowly begin cutting in vinegar and water, one tablespoon at a time until the dough just begins to come together and no flour is left loose in the bowl.

    4. Wrap in cling wrap and refridgerate.

    5. Put the chicken in a large pot and cook until done. In another large pot, parboil the potatoes.

    6. Put cooked chicken into a bowl and put potatoes in a bowl and set aside.

    7. Pour 2-3 tblsp of olive oil in the bottom of the pot and dump in quartered pearl onions and a pinch of salt.

    8. Sweat onions and then add in carrots and celery- allow to sweat on low heat until tender (about 10 minutes).

    9. Add in chicken and diced, partially cooked potatoes, along with chicken stock, corn starch and salt and pepper.

    10. Bring to boil and then reduce heat and let simmer until thickened. Preheat your oven for 350 degrees.

    11. Take your pie crust out of the refridgerator and cut into 6 equal pieces.

    12. Roll into a ball and place it on a large piece of seran wrap then fold the seran wrap over, allowing several inches between the edges and your crust.

    13. Roll to approximately 1/4 of an inch in thickness and drape over the pie tin and slowly push it in until it covers the inside and over the edge of the tin
    (if it rips, take the excess you cut off from around the rim and patch the holes. It may not look pretty, but it will keep it from getting soggy)

    14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 until all three of your tins have a bottom pie crust in them while saving the excess for the tops.

    15. Fill each pie with two ladles (to allow for room for the top piece of dough on each).

    16. Repeat steps 12 and 13, except drape the dough over the top of each pie and pinch the dough together so that it's fully enclosed and then cut off the excess draped over the sides.

    17. brush lightly with a small amount of melted butter and allow to cook in oven until golden brown on top (or until top crust is flakey if you opt not to use butter)- approximately 30-45 minutes

    18. Enjoy!

    Some substitutions that you can use with this recipe is whole wheat flour instead of all purpose flour, and you don't HAVE to add in the sugar and vinegar- it's used to make a flakier crust though.

    Also for those interested:

    Simple Asian Style Veggie Rice Soup
    Technical Skill: Beginner
    Note: Nappa Cabbage, when cooked, tends to add a peppery flavor to the dish after the flavors mingle some- do not pepper liberally unless you like more of a bite in it.

    1 stalk of celery sliced
    3 Leaves of Nappa Cabbage (taken off the stem and shredded)
    2 cups of Chicken Stock
    1 tomatoe cut into medium chunks
    3 cherry tomatoes halfed
    3 cp Water
    2 tsp Poultry seasoning
    2 1/2 tsp powdered Ginger
    1 1/2 Long Grain White Rice (uncooked)


    1. pour chicken stock and water into a large sauce pan and bring to soft boil.

    2. Add in celery and rice

    3. Let boil until celery starts to become tender.

    4. Add in Tomatoes, poultry seasoning and ginger. Allow to cook on low boil for 5 min until the tomatoes become more tender and the skin begins to seperate from the meat of the tomatoe.

    5. Add in shredded nappa cabbage, salt and pepper to taste, reduce heat to low and serve immediately.

    This one's great for one of those cooler days. It's a light soup with a slight bite at the end- really good, I discovered, if you have a bit of a sore throat.

    Saturday Success: Honestly I haven't done much today. It's been one of those slooooow lazy days. My NSV for the week is even my uncle says he can tell I'm losing weight which makes me happy enough to dance.