

  • Ok, so totally missed last week challenge. Wouldn't have worked for me since we went out of town. Tried to pick healthy choices, but sat in a gym all day saturday (730 am till 7pm), ate salty snacks and jelly beans all day. But my nieces volleyball team won the tournament, YAY! Then, my husband made me fix rootbeer floats…
  • Good Luck to everyone!!!! CW:188 Challenge goal Wt:173
  • We all deal with grief in our own way. There is no normal or abnormal when it comes to loss of a loved one. I am a huge emotional eater and would do and feel the same about the way i eat in difficult times. Take care of your family and yourself and worry about weight later. But, something that might help deal with the…
  • Looking for a challenge, count me in!!
  • Count me in!!!. I've ignored my weight over the last few months for several reasons (excuses), but the biggest reason is laziness. Even started meds for high blood pressure when i know diet and exercise is better for it. But yesterday, i went to try on clothes for a friends wedding this weekend (because nothing in my…
  • Count me in! So far this week 133 minutes and 1814 calories. Does 3 hours of shopping and not buying anything count??!!!:laugh: :tongue:
  • I only have 17 miles in. Didnt get any where last week. My goal @ this point is 50 miles by thanksgiving. Everyone else is doing a great job.
  • Miles for week 1= 7:ohwell: Goal for this week : 20 So far all on treadmill. Want to get out this week. Want to get all 100 by walk/run!!!
  • SW= 190 LW= 188 CW= 185 YAY! :happy:
  • 2 weeks in a row that i have been on the treadclimber 3 times/wk. This will be week 3 and i have increased my time each week. Up to one whole hour today! YAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!:smokin:
  • I've been talking about training for a 1/2 marathon after the first of the year, guess now is a good time to start! Count me in. I only have 2.5 miles so far this week. I'll catch up!!
  • Normally i would say todays goals are very reachable, but PMS:explode: is kickin my tail this week!!! Everyone is doing a great job. Keep up the great work!!!!!:wink:
  • Checking in: Wt on 10/28= 190 lbs Wt on 10/22=188 lbs. I was amazed. went out of town, dint eat so great, but drank lotsof water and walked a ton plus did my 35 minutess on treadclimber before leaving town. I did 45 minutes two other times during the week, that helped.(got a lil endorphin rush around 30 minutes, couldnt…
  • I like the chicken cheese enchilada and it comes in carb control!
  • I'm not a gum chewer either, but i get the snack attack on my way home from work. I chew sugar free gum. I start with 2 peices and when in starts to loose flavor, i add another peice. This gets me through till i get home and can eat something healthy. Try it, u might change your mind about chewing gum.:smile:
    in Snacking Comment by krg918 October 2010
  • I'll do it! Been working on it for a couple of weeks on my own. I could use the support and motivation!! Feel free to add as a friend. SW: 190 GW:160 by xmas Final goal: 150
  • I started out @ 1200 calories like everyone else. I lost weight ok with that amount when i wasnt exercising. After I started exercising, it was ok for a little bit, but then I increased my exercise and physical activity and I have come to a complete flat line in pounds lost. My trainer and a friend of mine (who is a big…
  • I am in the exact same boat as you. My scale hasnt moved in over 3 weeks. Ihave been doing cardio for 45-60 minutes 3 days a week and 1 or 2 strength/core sessions with trainer. I am way past fed up!!!:explode: I have had some "stoach and digestion issues", so i know that eventually a change in the scale should show up.…
  • Try eating sensibly on Sat/Sun then enjoy a "cheat" meal on one of those days instead of the whole weekend. You'll find that its not that hard in time, those cheat meals become less frequent.
  • Chocolate!!!!!!!! Been craving blueberry pancakes( which i dont really care for), but at 1/2 an order @ IHOP over the weekend (without syrup), craving is gone. Doesnt work with chooclate though. I also have a time of day around 1200 to 6pm on my days off!!! i am distracted at work. i usually have enough time for a lunch…
  • I weigh on those days, knowing that is gonna be over, usually not more than a couple of pounds. Then the following week weigh in is there is a bigger loss. Boosts me to keep on going!!!
  • My trainer(also a dietician) says 1gram protein per kg of goal weigjt. Meaning if your goal wt is 150 lbs(68kg) u need toconsume 68grams of protein daily. 2.2 lbs=1kg
  • Make sure you use at least 1% incline on the treadmill. I'm told that is like walking down the side walk. 0 is like running slightly down hill!!!
  • I drank alot of pepsi's. When I decided to be more conscience about my body and diet, I alllowed my self one a week. I now maybe have one a month and only on special occasions. Took my family out for dinner last weekend and drank water when everyone else had sweet tea(my favorite), that was excrutiating, but i had cheese…
  • I asked my trainer (who is also a dietician) about it itoday. He says if your exercising on a regular basis, you need 0.8 to 1gram of protein per kg of your ideal body wt. So if your goal wt is 150lbs ( 68kg)(2.2lbs=1kg) you can eat up to 68 grams of protein per day. It cleared it up for me, hope it helps!!
    in Protein Comment by krg918 January 2010
  • The protein count here is way too low. You need more protein especially if your exercising. As long as your not way over(and consistently over), you will be ok!! Keep with it, all this work is worth the payoff!!
  • Its funny you bring this up, because i have been obsessing over this all day!! :laugh: I too couldn't get my mind around the fact that when i exercised and it added calories to my daily total, how i am ever gonna lose wt if i couldnt manage to burn more calories than I take in. I work 12 hour shifts and it is really hard…
  • If there is still time today, do it today. If not, get moving tomorrow and try adding time/distance (which ever you go by) to each of your walks this week.:wink: Keep up the good work and you'll see progress in you weight loss and your exercise habits!!:bigsmile:
  • Because i cant stand to disappoint other people, i dont want my trainer to see that i have gained weight or stayed the same from the previous week. I weigh @ home a couple of days before to see where i stand. If my weight is close to where I was @ the gym the week before( a pound or 2 lighter),I work a little harder on…
  • Keep with it. I hit a plateau, but lost a pant size. The trainer measured me after 6 weeks (only went once a week through the holidays and didnt do cardio) I had lost more than 2 inches in the waist and 1 1/2 in my hips! and here I was ready to give up because i had only lost about 6 lbs. This week i have been fairly…