how may days to walk??

I've walked for 4 days.....i was away all day today, and got home later than expected. Is it wrong that I am taking tonight off and will resume tomorrow afternoon?? I just feel so guilty :sad:


  • rosalie_g
    I don't think one day will kill you. I think it's recommended to walk at least 3 days a week so if that's the case you already did 4 so you're ahead of the game. Don't feel guilty you'll be okay.
  • jcompton3821
    I am a walker too...I HATE to exercise and it's about the easiest thing I can find to do and everyone says it's one of the best exercises you can do so....on days when I can't walk or it's raining I try to do my 20 mins in low impact aerobics. I do some exercises I've seen on TV in my living room and it makes me feel better and not so guilty. Even 5 mins would probably take some of the guilt away. It's probably not that big of a deal that you take the day off anyway though...your body may need the rest!!! :wink:
  • rlsturgeon
    i do in home walking. It's a three mile walk and at then end she says if you can shoot for 3 days and then build up to 4 and then up to 5 you will be do amazing.. so I think that at least 3 days a week is good.. its hard to stay motivated when you are doing it 5 or more days a week.. hang in there!!!!
  • proudloser
    If it's making you feel that guilty then just get your butt in gear and go do it. Even if it's not as long/far but do it anyway. And if you don't, do something at home instead. But if you do neither don't let it ruin your efforts so far. So many people get off track becuase they feel guilty by not doing something according to their diet plan and from there say forget about it...I messed up here so I may as well eat this, or not go tomorrow, etc. Good luck and just stay on track!!!!!!!
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    I've walked for 4 days.....i was away all day today, and got home later than expected. Is it wrong that I am taking tonight off and will resume tomorrow afternoon?? I just feel so guilty :sad:

    Its not wrong and you shouldnt feel guilty. That is how we convince ourselves to quit. You do not have to exercise everyday. some people do (find that doing it everyday helps make it a priority) and some people dont (choose a day off to rest and relax).
    But - are you really being honest - you were away and you got home later then expected . ok. So? Why is that a reason not to exercise (Im not criticising at all - just thinking about what MY excuses always are and how I try to get myself out of them). As long as you are really unable and not just making an excuse not to - then dont feel guilty.
    For me - when I feel guilty its because deep down I know I could have done it but I just didnt.
    Remember lifestyle change - things get in the way (of our plan) we have to be ready to adjust and not get off track.
  • madmama
    madmama Posts: 123 Member
    You need to take time off once in a while. I walk everyday but that is because my dog needs to walk everyday. When it comes to exercising, I take 2 days a week off. Don't feel guilty about days off.
  • krg918
    krg918 Posts: 36
    If there is still time today, do it today. If not, get moving tomorrow and try adding time/distance (which ever you go by) to each of your walks this week.:wink: Keep up the good work and you'll see progress in you weight loss and your exercise habits!!:bigsmile: