

  • I have a hard time finding cardio I enjoy too. I do the Turbo Fire HIITs with CLX. What I love about the HIITs is that I can get my cardio out of the way quickly.
  • I used to hate it too, until I found something I enjoyed doing. My advice is to stretch out and try different cardio workouts until you find something you like.
  • You should do what you enjoy because then you'll stick to the program. I love yoga which incorporates body weight training. And, IMO, yoga guys are the hottest of the lot. They are strong and lean and their muscles are, IMO, perfectly proportioned. My 2 cents: Go for the body weight workout.
  • I wear underwear under workout pants for comfort, not for how it looks. I've heard horror stories of women not realizing there was a hole in their pants and, IMO, that's really putting it on display.
  • Same here. Exercising in the morning gives me more energy for the day.
  • For a completely different perspective than most here, as someone with chronic health issues, I would say use both. I find that if I don't pay attention to, or "listen," to my body that I tend to get sick. So for me it's a balancing act between pushing myself and eating enough to stay healthy without overdoing it. YMMV but…
  • And I'd love to be able to do Firefly Pose. :)
  • I'm not familiar with Body Pump, but I've done CLX. Perhaps you're just using hyperbole but at no point does the main program use 10 lb. weights for 20 reps. The three strength phases use 6 to 12 reps. And, yes, the program includes exercisers with lighter weights and bands for people who are just beginning or don't have…
  • Your analogy is way off. When asked to *perform* what? Lift something heavy? Run a marathon? Hold firefly pose? Since when is the definition of an athlete restricted to "lifting heavy"? YMMV, but IMO, cardio is essential to helping the body become "every bit as capable as it looks."
  • I love Chalean Extreme and do a hybrid program by adding Turbo Fire cardio and yoga to it. I find Chalene's instruction to be really helpful and motivating. I got into CLX through a bonus workout on one of my Turbo Fire DVDs. If you have the Turbo Fire set you should check out CLX Burn Circuit 1 and see if you like it.
  • I had two c-sections. I found that pilates toe taps really helped get me on the road to strengthening my lower abs. Once you feel stronger, you can move on to leg lifts and a full core routine. You'll want to target your lower abs, but still include varied ab and back work to get your entire core strong again. But, IMO,…
  • Ask your doctor if it's okay for you to do static lunges. I found that the static lunges in yoga really helped me build up strength in my bad knees. Though your condition sounds more serious, check with your doctor and see if yoga is acceptable.
  • I just ordered Supreme 90. I've always liked Tom Holland's DVDs so I figured I'd check it out. Planning to preview this weekend and start up next week.
  • IMO, eat if you're hungry and don't eat if you're not hungry. Personally, I find that my appetite is most affected by how hard I work out. On HIIT days, I'm absolutely starving so I try to snack healthy.
  • Have you tried HIIT? I found that HIITs helped me break through a plateau.
  • I do my own CLX/TF hybrid, and yes, my legs get real tired. Especially when I do CLX and TF HIITs on alternating days. So I cut back to one HIIT a week instead of two. Then, yesterday, I was feeling good so threw in an extra HIIT, and yeow!
  • Total body or isolated ab exercises, both approaches work. So if you hate crunches, don't sweat it. There are many different ways to build up core strength.
  • So true. It's a catch-22, many woman don't want to lose their curves (body fat percentage) so they never see much "definition." IMO, it makes the most sense to exercise for the health/fitness benefits. If you feel strong and healthy, it will give you body confidence and it won't really matter which "category" you fit in.…
  • Great suggestions! Also one of my favorites is pilates toe taps. Single leg version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlnfZBQwPaA. Double leg version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5EATvEM21Y.
  • Great comments and advice! The hardest part about working out with Fibromyalgia, IMO, was learning to listen to my body and *understand* what it was telling me. To this day, I sometimes confuse the signals. It's a very delicate balance between pushing your limits and pulling back. IMO, the pulling back is just as hard, if…
  • Congrats on your success. You look great. Keep up the good work! I agree with everyone else: Keep counting. It makes you think about what you're eating, which allows you to make good choices.
  • I'm in my second round of CLX and doing a hybrid. (My first round was also a hybrid.) This time around I'm going to double up the Burn and Push phases adding in Turbo Fire HIITs and Turbo (either Fire or Jam) steady state. I may just skip the Lean phase. On my first round, I had to go so light for the compound moves that I…
  • This reminds me of the time a woman was hitting on my husband after yoga class. (We'd arrived separately so our mats were nowhere near each other.) So after class thins out, I'm stuck just standing there waiting for this woman to stop flirting with my husband so we could leave, and she keeps throwing me dirty looks like…
  • I'm not familiar with the workout. If it's the exercise that has both legs off the floor and then scissoring your ankles (side to side) then to modify you should lift your legs high enough that your back stays on the ground. If it's Pilates scissors where you lift your legs off the floor and alternate bringing them toward…
  • IMO "lean" and "shredded" are two different looks, and the comment I replied to used the description "shredded." As for the implants, I was referencing the popularity of plastic surgery among bodybuilders, and extend my comment to men bodybuilders (as well as fitness professionals) who go under the knife to achieve a…
  • Look like a goddess… only if you are willing to get breast implants once your bosom goes bye-bye. Some folks prefer a softer look. Just because you like "shredded" doesn't mean it works for everyone else. And being "shredded" is not an indication of health or fitness IMO. It's just a look that some people think is worth…
  • Total jerk. There are many roads to fitness. Why is it that so many lifters constantly play the "my workout is better than yours" game? And, FTR, my 85-year old mother walks the dog for exercise. And, yes, it is challenging enough for her to be considered a workout. We're not all the same age, or in good health. There is…
  • ITA. Washboard abs look great on a man. On me, not so much.
  • Another vote for ChaLean Extreme. IMO, Chalene is the best motivator and instructor out there.
  • Currently I'm doing a ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire/Turbo Jam hybrid. I started with Turbo Jam (and already had kickboxing experience) so I picked up the TF moves quickly. Chalene has said that she tries to incorporate different choreography to keep things interesting which I'm grateful for because her programs, IMO, don't…
    in Turbo Fire Comment by gxm17 January 2013