

  • Week 13/Day 6 - One Fitness Test to go!! Great 90 days. This blog always kept me motivated to keep it up and not skip! Thanks to all and congrats on your success too.
  • Week 13/ Day 3 - Pilates. Nearing the end and 0 workouts missed! Had to double up one day due the ice storm, but STILL losing the NO EXCUSES CHALLLENGE to my daughter and son-in-law! They haven't missed ANY DAYS - while living in Lucca Italy! Looking for the next challenge!!!
  • Week 11/Day 3 The Challenge - 11 (assist band) pullups 22 Powerstand pushups. With the burnoutout 103 pullups and 191 Pushups during the workout. My favorite workout. Run 3 miles - 26 mins.
  • Week 11/ Day 2 - Agility X: Good workout, got the heart rate up. Much better than last go at it.
  • Week 11 Day 1 - Decelerator: Will never be able to do the Crane Cracker Pushups! Have modified that one every time!! Short two mile run - enjoying great Atlanta weather this week!
  • WEEK 8 DAY 1 - Isometrix - Still on track, with program. Isometrix was a tough program, but I really enjoyed the mixture of the yoga and balance aspects of the workout. if I only watched my diet more closely I would meet my objectives - but not having much luck with that.
  • Week 6 Day 4 - Eccentric lower - back soreness has pretty much disappeared. Will be real careful tomorrow on Incinerator (when I hurt it). Will probably do Cold Start prior to it to make sure I am warmed up. Trying to get a little more "strength" in my workouts so adding 4 sets of 10 (assistance band used) of various…
  • I too have not lost weight with the plan. I do notice a difference in how my clothes fit so I must be re-shaping a little. I dropped a couple pounds in the first three weeks and have since put 1.5lbs back on. I have not eaten "per the plan" but will focus more on that in the next 8 weeks.
  • Glad to see everybody is still on track! I have kept it up and am on track but crazy weather and a busy flying schedule has made it more difficult to get the workouts entered. So I am at Week 6 Day 3 Yoga today. On Sunday I did tweak something in my lower right back above the hip doing the Renegade Row. Still sore. Feels…
  • Phranc67 - Glad you didn't hurt yourself more badly. Head banging is not a good exercise routine!! Good luck with the program and well done for bouncing back quickly (pun intended). :smile: Yoga - today, good warmup for a six hour car ride.
  • Great job. I liked the Eccentric Upper too. Nice variety of stuff
  • I know better than to bet too much! There is always something that tries to disrupt a NO EXCUSES Challenge. That is why I like the challenge for some accountability. Otherwise I too easily find a reason not to exercise some days! :happy:
  • Well due to the Atlanta snowstorm and having to spend two nights sleeping at work, I lost the NO EXCUSES Challenge with my daughter and her husband!! But I doubled up today with the Eccentric Upper and Triometrics in order to catch up. But NO EXCUSES meant just that - so there goes my $10 ;-)
  • Did my standard TinMan Yoga today! Long way to go before it is Gumby Yoga!!!!
  • Pilates today - much tougher drills to get right than I would have expected. Many modifications. Much room for improvement. Run - 3.5miles/ 8.5 pace MHR 162
  • They might be a little harder but it doesn't hurt the wrists so much! So there goes the No Pain No Gain mantra!
  • The Accelerator - Good workout. Used Powerstands for the plank and pushups to keep my wrist straight because I bruised it. Good modification if you have sore wrists.
  • Dynamix today. Was able to stay on the Challenge while out of town, but ate TOO MUCH! Back to square 2 (at least not square one).
  • CVX - 12.5 lbs. Tired today after 4 hours of sailing and 3 mile run and way too much food last night! Oh well, next week will be better.
  • Week 3 Day 2 Agility - Pre WO HR 53, Max 144, Post WO (2 minutes after) 97. I like the drills and am getting a little better each time I do them - never perfect. Can always get better. The flexibility has definitely improved since getting the disks before Christmas.
  • Total Synergistics - Today Pre WO HR 73 Post WO 128 Week 3 Day 1 Pull Up Knees - 4 Releve 40lbs Circ Crunch 9 3 Hop 20 lbs GH 20 lbs FW 10 lbs Sq Rkr 20 lbs SRP 5 lbs Working hard but not dropping much wt even though the calories are below the required. May not be eating enough! I have read about that syndrome in Men's…
  • Nothing restful about Dynamix! I stretched every muscle in my body I think. I need this more than anything. Run 3.8 miles/33 minutes Pre-WO HR 60, Max 164, Within 2 minutes PostWO 100 Dynamix. Shakeology Results and Recovery 2 P90X protein bars ( one breakfast, one morning snack)
  • CVX - 12.5 lb dumbell. Heart rate pre workout 53, Max at end of drills 153. Went for 26 minute run after - max HR 166.
  • Imagine my surprise when I got downstairs and found out it was THE CHALLENGE not CVX today. I actually like THE CHALLENGE though. My goal was 10/17.. The pullups are using the pullup assist so I can do them more strictly as the kipping hurt my shoulder in P90X so I have to be careful with too much swinging around during…
  • Hi - I am Gary (GaFez), 58 years old, from Atlanta. I am an airline pilot, former Marine pilot and am currently on week two of P90X3 (going to do CVX right now). I have done P90X, Insanity, Asylum, P90X2 and now P90X3. I am in a "small challenge" group with my son-inn-law and daughter, who live in Lucca Italy. It is just…