TKHappy Member


  • Bump! :) I might have to make these when I get home today....thank you! :)
  • Have to have my; 1. Ipod 2. Running shorts with the panties attached LOL...most of mine are Nike brand. :) 3. Love my Brooks but I did invest in some Asics :) 4. My foam roller!!
  • I would suggest maybe waking up a half hour earlier and squeezing in a workout, maybe doing interval training anywhere you can squeeze it in, walk everywhere and for no other reason than to get up and moving, and make the most of your weekends (I personally would go for a 3 mile run of Saturday and a 6 or more mile run…
  • Its a strap that rest right under your knee cap, it usually has a bump in it that presses lightly just below the knee cap on the tendon there! Its used for support but its so much more comfy than wearing a full knee brace! :)
  • You could see if a patella band will help! I wear one when my knee starts aching while running, it has helped! :)
  • I just made a soup with leftover butternut squash, kale, wild rice, fresh sage leaves, vegetable broth and pepper! Threw it all together in a pan til the kale was wilting and yummy!! :)
  • Someone who speaks my language LOL!!
  • HW: 205lbs LW:124lbs CW:126lbs Goal: My goal was I made that :) now its to build muscle and run faster!! :)
  • We try to get whatever is in season...I'm going to miss my cherry tomatoes! Ours will end mid-November! Right now I am stocking up on squash, greens, carrots, beets, apples and sweet potatoes! I also like to get my honey there :) we get bread, pasta, granola, dog bones and maple syrup there on occasion! I love it because…
  • Yay!! This is exactly how I got into running, my daughter joined a run club and wanted me to train with her outside of school, next thing you know I was signed up for a half marathon LOL! I have heard great things with the Couch 2 5k so I'd look there!! Have fun and happy running!! :)
  • I use honey or unthawed (with the juice) frozen berries! I also use it in place of sour cream...yumm with added protein! P.S. I only use greek yogurt! :) I also find it does not alter the flavor of my smoothies since the fruit and such is so overpowering! :)
  • I pre-log a lot of times but I also prep my meals for the week on Sunday, weighing portions and such! :) I leave room for snacks when I do but for the most part I know on Sunday what I'll be eating M-F for breakfast, lunch and dinner...the weekends get a little hectic though!
  • This!! And all the other great tips!! I ran a mostly downhill body felt like jello when I was done and I was having trouble sitting on my bum for a couple days, my glutes felt the effects well after I got the feeling in my legs back LOL!!
  • This!! I started running this year and can't see myself stopping!! :)
  • My runs usually happen around 5am, I've been known to wear my running clothes to bed! I get up at 4:30am, eat a small a banana...stretch, shoes and out the door I go! :) It does take getting used to! :)
  • Hi :) I have been a vegetarian for a good 15 years now (I didn't always eat the much cheese and carbs). I'm now at my goal weight and trying to maintain but I love having veggie friends! :) Right now my carbs will be a little up there because of a half marathon I have in 2 weeks but normally I keep the carb…
  • I can go out in shorts and a long sleeve tech tee, sometimes capris...I am thinking about investing in a vest. :) The most important thing for me is gloves and ear warmers...I too have been known to take them off mid run but there are times that they stay put. :) I also switch over to the thicker socks. :)
  • My husband and I usually dress up in couple costumes, last year we were Lois Lane and Clark Kent! A few years back a bunch of my friends and I went as a SWAT team...a slutty SWAT team :) we had guys too...of course their abs and arms were showing LOL! This year we are still undecided!
  • I love some of these ideas! My daughter has been taking a cheese, tomato and spinach wrap with a plum, a hard boiled egg and some baby carrots! I need ideas to mix it up too! :)
  • I have to restock some things but I have: Mini cans of garbonzo beans Dry roasted Soybeans Oatmeal packets Popcorn Unsalted Mini pretzels Fruit Strips Dried Mangos and Apricots Mini Microwavable Brown Rice Bowls Tea Gum Protein Shakes Granola Almonds Pistashios Apples Sweet Potato Chips Sundried Tomatoes In the fridge I…
  • Alba w/ Vitamin E in the morning and Vaseline at night! :)
  • Anything that makes me feel like I haven't lost my youth! :) I also could lay in the hammock with a book and mixed drink all day! :)
  • Yup :) it's usually around the 3 mile mark for me! The girl I do races with loves 5k's and I'm not a fan (so as not to lose a running buddy, I do a 2 mile warm up run before I do the 5k races). I also noticed that at mile 7 I get another endorphin boost! :)
  • I'm a vegetarian and usually range between 70-110 grams of protein a day! My diary for the last week is a mess but if you go further than that you can see what I eat!! My diary is open :) I'm big on greek yogurt, tofu, cottage cheese, beans, nuts and even protein powder! :)
  • Yummy...I'm going to have to try these!! :)
  • Lots of water!! You could be getting the migraines from dehydration. Also dress like it is 10 degrees hotter than the actually temp during your runs, this way you are prepared for your increased body temp! I also try to run early in the morning or late at night when temps are cooler, but if you have to stick with the…
  • I'm turning 30 in November, I knew it would be hard for I made myself goals to accomplish! For one I wanted to be in the best shape I could possibly be by 30 (finally reached my goal weight and have 2 more months to build some muscle) and to run my first half marathon (Sept. 30, 2012). I'm also going to Cancun 3…
  • I'm a HUGE sweater fan so fall definitely falls in my favorites category! I can't wait for squash (all kinds), soups, apple picking, pumpkin picking, raking the leaves only to jump in it, Thanksgiving, walks in the crisp air, leaf art....I'm all for it!! Oh and my birthday LOL! :)
  • My husband is not on here but I will speak for him! He would say yes I got out of shape and gained weight after we got married, my ex-husband would also say the same! My first husband I had my children with and when we met I was 130lbs (not in shape so to say but decent) when we divorced I was 176lbs! I took that time…