Who Runs Before work?



  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    I used to work out before work/school (I hope to start again when I'm no longer starting work at 6am)
    The only thing that worked was having my work out gear right there next to the bed. I didn't wake up, I just rolled out of bed, put it on, and left. Running is great for that because you just walk out the front door and you're good to go.

    Over time you'll find you have more energy, and sleep better, and have an easier time getting going.
  • I run before work...it's hard at first, to wake up and exercise, but once you get into the habit it gets easier to go to bed earlier and wake up naturally earlier....going to bed a little hungry helps me to wake up early. You will be glad when you are not in the mood to go run in the evenings and realize "hey, I already worked out, so anything else I do this evening is BONUS"
    Good luck!
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I run before work. It's key to set everything out the night before so you can quickly get up, get dressed and get out. I don't eat. It's hard to get up, but once you get moving it's fine, and it always feels so good to get going like that before work. I've also learned that once the alarm goes off, if I shut it off and stay in bed and reset the alarm to go off for work, by that time I'm awake enough that I don't fall back to sleep quickly, so I still miss the sleep. So I might as well get up and run.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    My runs usually happen around 5am, I've been known to wear my running clothes to bed! I get up at 4:30am, eat a small snack...like a banana...stretch, shoes and out the door I go! :) It does take getting used to! :)
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    **raises hand** I like to start my day out right! There is no easy way to get yourself up early. You just do it day in and day out until it's a habit and then you can be proud to say you are one of THOSE people. If it was easy everyone would do it:)
  • Do you all warm up before running in the a.m.? How do you work the stiffness out of your body before a run?
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    From about June til late August. I'm not a big fan of running in the dark. So, I'll flip my schedule (non work schedule) around to acommodate my running when I"m training for a half. Otherwise, I just run on my lunch or after work.

    I have been tempted to try the "sleep in the running clothes" trick. And I usually waste a ton of time getting all my *stuff* together because I'm pretty foggy in the morning. But, a good run in the morning is a thing of beauty!!
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    I used to run before work (then my schedule changed and I have to be to work at 6 a.m. so that is no longer an option) BUT when I did-it was the best way to start my day! I always felt so energized and ready to go by 8 a.m.!
    As said by another poster, I made sure everything was ready to go the night before for my lunch and work clothes and work OUT clothes! I can't tell you how many times I would lay in bed and argue with myself...
    "I don't feel good"
    "yes you do, you are just being lazy"
    "I am too tired"
    "No you are not, you are just being lazy"
    "I think it's too cold(hot, windy, rainy, etc...)"
    "No its not, you are just being lazy...now get your butt out of bed and just do it"

    As far as eating, I would down a glass of water and a tablespoon of peanut butter for the shorter runs. If it was going to be a longer run I might grab some energy bites of some sort (Gatorade makes some that are really easy and portable)

    I have also found an energy drink that has a good amount of caffeine is beneficial too, but it can have a laxative affect so I use that sparingly!

    It is mostly a mind game-you can do it, just talk yourself into it. I miss the early morning runs with the birds and flowers....afternoon/evening runs just aren't as much fun for me :grumble:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I was running before work - at about 5am most days. Lately, I've been having trouble sleeping and therefore having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. But, I'm trying to get back into that routine!

    If I can't make it out of bed, then I run at night (8pm or later). I don't like giving up family time in the evenings, so I fit it in after my daughter goes to bed.

    You just have to find what works for you!
  • ozerion
    ozerion Posts: 47 Member
    As others said, get ready the night before.

    I used to drive to the gym and be there when they opened the door at 5, run for 10 min, workout, then run for 30-45 min. The problem is that I have calls starting at 7am many days so this does not leave much margin.

    During the nice weather of summer I started running to the gym (short route-15 min), workout, then run home (longer route-30min) This is AWESOME! unfortunately it is now getting cold in the morning and it will start raining soon.

    I set my cloths out the night before, get my work cloths and gym back packed, and have my breakfast (cereal and spoon) in container and milk in a separate container. Lunch is also packed and ready to go.

    When I get up, I fight the urge to stay in bed and know that every min I drag is one less min I have to get there before the gym opens, which means one less min to work out. Once I am up and dressed, it is much easier to motivate and keep moving.

    If you are just looking to run then you may have more flexibility.

    My advice is don't have flexibility, tell your self you must do it and you must follow a schedule, there are NO outs.

    if I miss a workout or I get moving late, I feel disappointing all day and normally end up doing something later in the day to make me feel better.

    Working out is not supposed to be easy. The more you do it the more you want to do it, occasionally you will want to not do it, but you will always feel bad about what you missed. GOOD! use that motivation.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Do you all warm up before running in the a.m.? How do you work the stiffness out of your body before a run?

    A little light stretching as I am getting dressed and pulling my hair back. I would walk the first few blocks, taking each block faster and faster until I reached the fourth block and then start off running. The stiffness went away quite quickly!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    One of the things that has prevented me from running in the mornings is that I hate running with my glasses on so I have to put in my contacts, wrestle to get my sports bra on (the only one I have that is supportive enough for running is tricky to get on) and the combination of those things just seems like way too much effort at 5:15am. I usually run at night but I think if I could push myself to go in the morning I'd really like it and do it more often.

    I'm also not very good at going alone. I usually run with my best friend but there is no way she will join me that early. So I need to get over my aversion to going alone.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I tend to run away from work myself...
  • I like to run before work as much as I can so I can relax and spend more time with my son after work. My problem is that when I run before work (usually 6 miles) I am exhausted and close to falling asleep until late afternoon.
  • renkatrun
    renkatrun Posts: 111 Member
    I run at 5 am, too. But it is dark now this time of year and I have to sit in front of a little blue light for a few minutes to jump start my brain. I highly recommend the little blue light if you have seasonal issues.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Loads of good advice given here already.

    I really struggle with motivation to run before work because I can delay it till later (which rarely happens). I find it easier to book gym classes so I feel I have to go.

    Also, a small thing, but I set my iphone alarm with a message to myself to combat the lazy thoughts! So, 'get up and RUN!' or 'do not be lazy' or something - it helps kick me out of bed!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    You have to 'just do it',....and after a while it gets easier to keep a morning routine. Its not for everyone though, and unless you're somewhat of a morning person, it might not be your best option.

    I've been doing gym before work in the morning for years, so not going is a non-option, but I'm a morning person (not happy and in your face cheery...but once I'm up, I'm up and that's it).

    Anyway..good luck giving it a go. Its worth trying to establish a routine. Nothing feels more satisfying than having your daily workout done before most people have had their first cup of coffee :drinker:
  • Just do it! Honestly it took me a few weeks to get used to it, but now I'm so bummed when I miss a morning workout that it's extra motivation to get up in the morning.

    I work out and then have breakfast.

    Also getting out and enjoying the fresh air helps to wake me up and get me moving. I hate days where I'm stuck inside.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Do you all warm up before running in the a.m.? How do you work the stiffness out of your body before a run?

    A little light stretching as I am getting dressed and pulling my hair back. I would walk the first few blocks, taking each block faster and faster until I reached the fourth block and then start off running. The stiffness went away quite quickly!

    Ditto. Google "active stretching" for some good ways to loosen up, and make sure you do a warm-up walk first (and a cool-down walk and some stretches at the end!)
  • lululucky1
    lululucky1 Posts: 39 Member
    I sleep in my workout clothes!! its easy i dont wake up the house. I use to sleep in all the time. Two years ago I started waking up up at 5 am would have my coffee read a little and then work out. My work outs started out short and then got longer with time. Now I wake up early just because I love the routine and the house is quiet so its me time:)