you don't need to carb load for a 5k & other running wisdom



  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    Don't ever eat bok choy the night before a race. Everyone around you will hate you and you'll probably end up in witness protection.
  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    Love this thread SO MUCH! I'm still new to running, but here's what I've learned

    ~ Invest in a foam roller - oh it hurts so good!

    ~ Lunges and squats will keep your leg muscles balanced and help prevent injury. (I also like to use a rowing machine for this when I can get access to one)

    ~ It's OK to call your workouts "runs" even if you're doing intervals.

    Already mentioned, but I'm going to reiterate:

    ~ Hydrate the day and hours before your run and you won't need water while you're out.

    ~ Stretch those IT Bands! Foam roller will help this, too.

    ~ If both of your feet are leaving the ground at the same time, you're a runner. "Jogging" is just another word for it. :-)
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member

    I'm just starting to run myself. And one thing I've noticed is-- those running in the streets. And I'm generally interested as to why. Why not run on the sidewalk? Is it due to cars coming in and out of driveways?

    For me, it's because I can't stand the up and down, up and down, up and down you get when you run on the sidewalk... every driveway and cross-street... off the curb, up onto the curb, driveway dip, driveway dip, more curb.... ugh! I just want to stay on one level surface!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Bump for later :)
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    When you find the perfect pair of running shoes, buy multiple pairs. As many as you can. Put the extras in the closet for when you need a new pair. Inevitably, the shoe manufacturer will come out with an updated model, which will be at best slightly different from the one you have and not quite perfect anymore.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I always double knot my shoes~I'm superstitious.

    Join a running group is there is one nearby. Great for company, encouragement, friendship...

    Keep track of how far/how fast you run. The progress you make is amazing!

    A good running partner is worth his/her weight in gold.

    Running in the rain is the BEST!

    It is never too cold to run.

    It is never too early to run.

    Never give up~never surrender.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Love this!!!

    Don't use the weather as an excuse NOT to run. It can be below zero and snowing but I am still running!

    If you find yourself getting defeated on a long run, it is ok to start dancing and yelling at yourself to get you moving and energized. Yes I received some weird looks from drivers but who gives a what.

    Sprint training is hell of fun. :)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I am just starting to learn to "jog". Can now do a minute!

    "Joggers" are runners with inferiority complexes. If you can go faster than a walk, you are a runner. Now go work on being a better runner!

    Awww... Thanks for this! I love it & needed to hear this tonight. First straight 5K (did the Dirty Dash but it has obstacles throughout) is tomorrow and I'm nervous! Gonna keep this in mind.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member

    hubbys tend to love the flushed, hot sweaty mess that you come home as. :)

    LMAO. nice!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    You must learn to master the downhills as well as the uphills.

    This!! And all the other great tips!! I ran a mostly downhill body felt like jello when I was done and I was having trouble sitting on my bum for a couple days, my glutes felt the effects well after I got the feeling in my legs back LOL!!
  • My two cents:

    -Smile while you run and/or sing to your playlist/radio - this is GREAT for the mental game!
    -Running shorts are a no-go for me. Good running capris w/spandex are great for keeping everything from moving too much and causing broken veins.
    -I second throwing vinegar in your wash water - deodorizes & kills bacteria. Add another 1/4 cup to the rinse cycle instead of softener. is an excellent tool to figure out the distance on your route, find new routes, and figure out elevation changes.
    -Busty ladies - wear an underwire sports bra for support, then cover with a traditional sports bra one cup size down to keep the girls from moving.
    -Vaseline is your friend! Cheap, a little goes a long way, you can get a small tube to carry with you, and it instantly stops chaffing wherever it's happening.
    -Tuck a credit card & cell phone in your pocket/sports bra. If you need a drink or a cab ride home (injury & no one's answering the phone!), now you have a way to get what you need!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    I don't know if it has been posted yet, but :

    A Road ID is a very cheap thing that could be very important. I always wear mine on runs and bike rides.
  • teletubbie87
    teletubbie87 Posts: 78 Member
    - Don't ever let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. And trust me, there will be lots of "experts" offering their opinion. Dream big!!

    - And, don't EVER give up! :D

    I LOVE THIS =)

    I used to say I couldn't run, I couldn't lose weight, etc, Until I realized my 3yr old nephew's favorite word was
    I CAN'T DO IT... He would mainly say this when he would reach the end of a level on Metal Slug, he would want to
    give up... Then I kept telling him, Damien " YOU CAN DO IT, YOU JUST HAVE TO TRY A LITTLE HARDER".

    Well that advice I had to apply it to my own excuses, and
    Now, am 42pds lighter, and am not the fastest runner,
    I am still training for a 5k at my own pace, but I know I will get there soon. =)
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    Bumping to check out later.
  • Zoggy3333
    Zoggy3333 Posts: 43 Member
    Lots of good info here, I have been hitting the treadmill for about two weeks now, I would very much like to find a 5k in my area this fall and hit the road.

    Thanks for the tips. I shall put them to good use
  • tajour
    tajour Posts: 134 Member
    "Joggers" are runners with inferiority complexes. If you can go faster than a walk, you are a runner. Now go work on being a better runner!

    I needed to hear this. THANK YOU!

  • And yes, you do look like a rockstar while you run. Everyone does. NO ONE looks stupid running.

    I love this! Every time I see someone running when I'm in my car I get jealous.
  • Crysti
    Crysti Posts: 17
    This is the most positive, supportive topic I've seen on here! Runners, unite! I wanted to comment on almost every post.

    Rockstars- yes, ma'am! Even when we're making the awkward, gasping faces when we push through a particularly rough patch.

    Snot rockets- I used to be morally opposed, but I now understand their purpose. I cannot execute one and this is sad.

    -Don't be afraid to call yourself a runner. Own it. You earn it with every step you take.

    -Foam roller- get one.

    -Chafing sucks. Lush Ultra Balm seems to be a good alternative for those of us with sensitivities to petroleum based products.

    -Ladies, a good sports bra is essential, even if you think you're flat. Read reviews, try them on (hop around in the fitting room), and really invest.

    -Push it. Just do it! Work it! Get it. You got this. Whatever words push you through, keep on going!
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    I'm just starting to run myself. And one thing I've noticed is-- those running in the streets. And I'm genuinely interested as to why. Why not run on the sidewalk? Is it due to cars coming in and out of driveways? That is what I'm assuming.

    I often run in the street if the sidewalk is in horrible shape. I have accidentally tripped on broken sidewalk concrete and faceplanted on said broken concrete too many times. I've got scars on my chin and hands and knees. Luckily, I have never broken a tooth!

    Anyway, I know it is annoying to see a runner in the street if you're in a car or on a bike, but I swear we're safer there than on broken concrete!
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Here are my tips:

    - Read "Born to Run." It is a fun read and very inspirational! Give barefoot running in the grass a try. It is like being a kid again.

    - If you're just starting out, practice knee highs (like running in place, but you lift your knees in front of you and slap them with the palms of your hands -- get those knees as high as you can!). Start with 10 and see if you can do at least 100 on each knee daily.

    - Who cares if you are slow or if you don't go far? YOU ROCK for even trying to run. It is a very intimidating sport. I started running when I was 16. I didn't go more than a mile until I was 28. I ran my first 5K (well, I walked/jogged it) and was hooked. Now I am doing distance challenges at age 36. I still don't understand all the running lingo! Some of us are just slow to warm up ;-)

    - I'm not really into listening to music when I run, I find the rhythm often throws me off my natural or intended pace. I love to listen to comedy (laughed my a** off listening to Louis CK when I ran a half marathon earlier this year, best way to run ever!) and audiobooks. I find this kind of stuff helps distract me from the pain or monotony of a long run. Plus, if I read business books, it is like killing two birds with one stone! (Can I write off all of my gear, do ya think?)