Questions for runners about migraines

I have just started running again over the last couple of months, and it seems every time I run outside, I get really hot and end up with a migraine. This will happen if I run on the treadmill too, and get too hot, but I seem to have more control over not overheating at the gym. I want to continue to run outside since I'm training for a half marathon in November, and I need to train outside when I can. Just wanted to see if anyone else deals with migrains from running, and if you have any tips or tricks to avoiding them.


  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I don't get migraines but if it is a hot day I will get that pounding headach after a good run. I'm not sure what others would say but I would suggest to drink LOTS of water before a run and throughout the day of a run.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    Lots of water!! You could be getting the migraines from dehydration. Also dress like it is 10 degrees hotter than the actually temp during your runs, this way you are prepared for your increased body temp! I also try to run early in the morning or late at night when temps are cooler, but if you have to stick with the treadmill in the a/c at least your still getting your runs in and once it cools off a bit you can take it outside! :) Good luck! :)
  • kimg68
    kimg68 Posts: 64
    Thanks for the replies, I drink a lot of water all day, other then my coffee and smoothie in the morning, it's the only thing I drink all day, and I bring a water bottle on my run too. I will try wearing lighter clothes, I think I need to invest in some better gear anyway, so I will keep that in mind when I'm looking.

    Maybe I'm not actually getting a migraine, maybe it's just a pounding headache? I tried not taking migraine meds last night, just took some advil sinus pills, but woke up today with the same headache/migraine, so I just broke down and took the meds.

    I'm going to meet with my trainer tonight, we have a marathon nutrition class tonight, so I will ask him what he thinks too. Maybe I should just stick to running inside until it gets a little cooler here. Running outside is just more challenging for me, I feel like I can run much longer on the treadmill, I think that's the same for most people though.

    Again, thanks for the replies :)