Running....TRULY an addiction!



  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    *Raises Hand*

    My name is Linda and I am now a running addict...

    I, too, started running in May. After not running since middle school track! I started with C25K but it seemed too easy so I just started doing my own thing. I ran a 2 miler over the Fourth of July where my only goal was to finish, and I did my first 5K last weekend (26:06 finish!).

    I love the time out by myself to clear my mind. I love what my legs look like right now. I love the caloric burn!

    Plotting my next race currently. A little worried about how much I will still love running as the weather gets colder here in New England...
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I need to get back to running at least on a part time basis. Recent knee surgery and the beginnings of arthritis had my doctor told me to avoid impact stuff if possible, but the feeling you get from a good run is something I miss.

    Years ago I ran the Boston Marathon (2000) and had never run before I began training for it. I remember a friend telling me how much he loved the meditative aspects of running when you sync up your pace to your breathing and just start chewing up miles. I thought he was nuts until it happened to me and I "lost" about five miles of a ten mile run.

    I'm gonna need to start C25K again.
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    Yes it is! I started C25K earlier this year thinking I would die on those 60 second runs. Now I can run 5 miles regularly with no problem, and am tackling a 12 mile trail run this weekend (there may be some walk breaks). I've been focusing on distance over pace and am looking forward to half-marathon training soon.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Yep! I've never felt better about myself than I have since getting serious about my running six weeks ago. I was a "do not run" kind of gal until I did couch to 5k four years ago, but running Ragnar this past weekend is what kicked my training into high gear. I've gone from having never run more than a 5k to running 14 miles in three legs over 36 hours. Just in the past few weeks both my 5k pace and 10k pace have improved by a minute per mile each.

    Now I try to convince my friends that running is the Best Thing Evar, but so far only one of them has taken the bait!

    And note... I've been on MFP forever but this is the first post that has brought me out of lurkdom!

    Ha ha! Success! :)
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I love love love running....but I hate racing!

    Did I mention that I hate racing?

    It is very addicting!! And the more you do, the more addicted you become.

    Welcome to the world of runners :-)
  • I'm addicted to the feeling of progress and looking back to see how far I've come. My first race was a 5K in October 2011. I'm addicted to setting my sights on a goal and getting there, like longest distance (my first half-marathon is October 7th). My next goal will be to beat my time at my second half marathon in February. The next goal to check off will be distance again with a full marathon. I'm addicted to pushing boundaries.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Yep I'm an addict too!
    I used to refuse to run for ANYTHING now I've joined a running club and am building my times and distances gradually. I love to run, its the one exercise that truly gives me the "exercise high" I always refused to believe existed. I'm hoping to run my first 5k or even a 10k by christmas which I would never have dreamed of a year ago :bigsmile:
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    It's the best addiction I've ever had....and I love it!:drinker:

    This!! I started running this year and can't see myself stopping!! :)
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    I've just starting running...with lots of walking in between! One day, I will run a race along with my oldest son (15) and my younger brother (42). :smile:
  • just started running and iv lost 40 pounds since april... will running help move along the platueas??? iv been stuck at 40 for a while now. trying to run every day. what are the benifits you all have seen or results???? thanks
  • I've never been a runner, but drop me in the woods with a 65lb pack, tell me I have to be 12+ miles before the sunsets and I'm off and going. I'm not sure if it's the desire to hit my destination before the final second ticks off the clock or if I just like the rush of looking back, once I'm finished, and thinking "damn...I just did that?!?" - either way, there's just something about it...
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    To date, I've run 2 5K races and have now signed up for 2 more...within 7 days of each other! What has happened to me? I've NEVER been a runner in my LIFE and now I can't go more than 2 days without getting the itch!

    I always joke that C25K is the gateway 'drug' to running addiction! Good for you - I don't think I could do a race w/in 7 days of another one... :flowerforyou:
  • theamorash
    theamorash Posts: 13 Member
    Or is it more the races that are addicting? I started the c25K program on May 29th of this year. To date, I've run 2 5K races and have now signed up for 2 more...within 7 days of each other! What has happened to me? I've NEVER been a runner in my LIFE and now I can't go more than 2 days without getting the itch!

    Don't get me wrong, I love it, but at the same time...what is it? I've never done any other kind of workout that has done this to me before!

    I just had to put this out there in the hopes that I'm not the only one! :flowerforyou:
    I think I might finally be starting to feel that running addiction too. The beginnings of it, anyway. I haven't run any races yet, but I'm working toward completing 5 K (with no walking breaks) so I'm wondering if I should register for one, to give myself a concrete deadline..

    I've made some good progress over the last couple of weeks, and I do find myself thinking about when I'm going to fit in my next run; that's got to be a good, sign, right? :)
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    just started running and iv lost 40 pounds since april... will running help move along the platueas??? iv been stuck at 40 for a while now. trying to run every day. what are the benifits you all have seen or results???? thanks

    I don't know if it'll help your plateau or not, but I will tell you, I've never lost as many inches as I have with running. I've always had a bigger bottom and thicker thighs (i.e. saddlebags) and those are almost gone and my butt is close to being the smallest it's ever been! I've never seen results with any other cardio workout as I have with running!
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    I soooo hope to be one of you guys some day!!

    I started the C25K last year. My asthma gave me so much trouble I couldn't progress beyond week 3. Even getting to week 3 was torture. It's bothered me that I couldn't do it so I started up again 3 weeks ago. And again started having the same problem. I know lots of asthmatics are runners so I began researching running, breathing and asthma and found a website that was a tremendous help. I did week 1, day 2 (for the third week in a row LOL) today and to my surprise, it wasn't my breathing that caused me to stop this time. It was muscle fatigue. Which is ok. That I can work with and improve. I'm not claiming victory just yet, but I do see a glimmer of hope :).

    Your stories are very inspirational to someone like me who never, ever thought they could be a runner. Thanks for posting them!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    For me it's not the races or the mass participation events.. I have yet to enter one, but I will. I love running as it frees my mind and fuels me with hope and pure joy of the cerebral challenge it provides every single time. Like all lovers it can hurt you too... I've sustained a bad injury and can't run my half marathon race. I miss running like I miss a vital organ... And I'm THAT GUY who hated running, refused to understand why anyone could enjoy it...c25k changed my life.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    races cause me to fall into a paralyzed state of catatonic fear and eye poppage....
    but I can run 4 half marathons a month.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Same here! Never been a runner, always hated it, but challenged myself at the start of this year with c25k. I've also run two 5k races, started training for 10k (got derailed in the heat of summer, may start again if it EVER cools down in California!), and have two or three more races coming up before the end of the year.

    Never though I would say that I'm a runner, but I am. Love getting out there, miss it when something keeps me from it.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I love love love running....but I hate racing!

    Did I mention that I hate racing?

    It is very addicting!! And the more you do, the more addicted you become.

    Welcome to the world of runners :-)

    This exactly