KimJohnsonsmile Member


  • 30 DS was the first DVD program I ever did (3 years ago) when I started MFP. I lost weight and I lost inches, and I got stronger and a little bit more flexible. I followed the program exactly. You mention "several days a week"... is several 3 days? 4 days? I don't think you'll notice a huge differnce unless you stick to it…
  • These are my favorite posts! Congrats to everyone, not just on your NSV, but on stopping and taking the time to think about your hard work and how it is making a difference in your life! Reading these just make me happy! I was having a really hard time trying to think of one for myself, because, frankly, I've gained 4 lbs…
  • No personal experience, but have watched friends and my sister try supplements. They did work for the short term, but the weight came right back once they stopped.. My opinion is not to waste your money. Research other ways to boost your metabolism instead and focus on eating healthy and being active. Good luck!
  • Damn, I got a teeny bit teary at the end there. Love this post. And, COMPLETELY love the pic series with Dwayne Johnson clapping at the end. I'd quote it, but it just takes up space.
  • Reading these make me so happy! It's not just about the number on the scale! It's about seeing results by making good choices. It's about gaining self confidence and being a happier healthier YOU! Mine: I did 4 pushups the day before yesterday! Unmodified, sucky, regular, buy pushups. Didn't quite get my chest to the floor…
  • I have the Polar FT4 and love it. Comparing MFP calculations to what I'm actullay burning is quite a difference. Plus, I like checking cals burned while I'm working out... it's motivating for me to work harder and see that number climb.
  • Me again. How do heels make your *kitten* look good? I'm not being snarky... real question. I'm super tall and do not wear heels, so I don't get it. Calves I get... that's just logistics, so to speak. Is it the way you walk that makes the butt appear perkier or something???
  • You're on a roll today, OP. From cheating on your spouse (the most asinine post ever, btw) to women in high heels. Where will your mind go next?
  • Yay for you both! I did my 1st mudrun last October, then MuckFest MS in Boston this past April, and am heading to do Tough Mountain TOMORROW! They are so much fun! I'm by no means a professional, but I've learned a couple things: - Get muddy/wet/dirty as soon as possible so you just stop thinking about it and can focus on…
  • I agree with all the "race yourself" posts. That really is the best advice. Run at a good pace for you then try to beat it the next time out. And, so on. To give you an actual number, I average about an 11 min/mile. I'm 37. Nope, it's not fast, but it works for me. My goal this summer/fall is to get to 10.5. My sis-in-law…
  • I just love this post! Loved all the responses and agree with so many of them! For me I love: - getting through mile 1, and actually enjoying the next 2 - looking down and seeing my nice quad muscles (because I haven't always had them) - the wildlife I see (3 deer and a rabbit last week, and 4 turtles this month) - that my…
  • I'm 5'11" and weigh between 161-165. :) I've been arguing with 4 lbs for about 9 months now. I wear a size 10 dress - sometimes an 8, depending on the cut. I carry all my extra in my butt/thighs and am very small up top. Jeans are 10, dress pants are a 10 or 12. Tops are a M. Shoes are a 10...
  • On super hot days I workout in my bedroom in front of a fan. Either youtube videos, or I pick from my large stock of workout dvd's.
  • I drink it as a breakfast smoothie every day (I add milk and fruit). I buy it off ebay, so it's cheaper and mostly because I don't want to get hounded by the BBcoaches. It's expensive, but I'm at a place in my life where I can afford to buy it. One bag lasts me almost 2 months. I love the taste and the added health…
  • My children are a bit older, but we have the same hectic schedule. It comes down to priorities. Getting at least a 30 minute workout is a priority and I've worked it into my schedule. My family knows that when I walk through the door after work, I strip out of my work clothes, put on my workout gear, shut my bedroom door,…
  • My MFP friends would attest that I HATE morning workouts, and rarely do them. For me, it's mainly that I "can't" give the 100% at 5am that I can give at 5pm. The few times I've made myself do it, I've succeeded by getting up early enough to have 1 cup of coffee first. I've also found that I can lift weights and circuit…
  • My motivation comes from knowing if I don't make the time to exercise I'll regress. And, if I don't eat healthy I won't feel as good. I feel sluggish and crappy when I don't eat well. And, if I don't work out for a week due to my work schedule or my children's schedules it's hard to jump back in at the same level I was at…
  • I don't know how to post a pic on here, but check out this photo. This is a pic I've seen a number of times online. Each of these women weigh 154 lbs.... they are all different sizes, shapes, heights, etc. I would have guessed…
  • You are curling 80 lbs?!?!?! As in curling that works your biceps??? Holy crap. HUGE kudos to you.
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE that show! I cheered when Casey made it over the wall! I would love for a chance at the course! Last year's course to be specific... this years seems to really push on upper body strength! I'm a weakling, but working on it!
  • Love this! :-) I do think it's odd if a drool-worthy man has loads of sexy dark hair and a shaved just doesn't match, you know? My man is hairy and I love it. But, I'd love it if he wasn't naturally hairy - natually being the key. I think chest hair is manly. A naturaly bare chest is manly. My hubs doesn't care…
  • Funny! This JUST happened to me! Had to return the 2nd (untried on) pair because I had only tried on the 1st color (which fit perfectly). Very annoying.
  • Mine activity level is set to sedentary (desk job), set to lost 1/2 lb per week based on my current weight, and I do eat back most of my exercise cals. I work out 5-6 days a week and mix it up between cardio, weights, HIIT, running, etc depending on my mood. I haven't lost weight in a while, but my goal at this point is to…
  • Agreed! Sounds like you are on the right track though. Make healthy choices and take it one day at a time. This is a lifestyle! Good luck!
  • I usually jog on snowmobile trails in my town. Sometimes my children ride their bikes with me and sometimes I go alone. My children know where the closest "ok" houses and businesses are, and have been told to go there as quick as they can if anything happens. I always carry my phone in my hand with headphones attached, but…
  • Good for you! Love hearing how far you've come! Love your comments about sleep... I too used to "survive" on 5 hours. Now I can't function properly without 7-8. Keep it the good work! You look great!
  • This for me too. I'll do a big workout that day to offset the extra calories and will enjoy the day with my family.