
The fact is, my metabolism is crawling at this point in life, and eating my feelings is NOT helping. I've been thinking seriously about trying some sort of supplement to help get things going. Not drastically, just a nudge. Do any of you have any experience or suggestions?

**I'm not looking for a miracle pill, and it will of course be in conjunction with diet and exercise.**


  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    No personal experience, but have watched friends and my sister try supplements. They did work for the short term, but the weight came right back once they stopped.. My opinion is not to waste your money. Research other ways to boost your metabolism instead and focus on eating healthy and being active. Good luck!
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    As a previous eater of my feelings, I too think you should skip the supplements and find another way to lose weight. I know that when I was able to recognize why/what/when/where would cause me to eat emotionally I was able to get a better control of my diet. I think that if you focus on this then you will see great results, not just in weight loss, but overall health!

    Good luck to you!!
  • Ms_Lemgo
    Ms_Lemgo Posts: 12
    Google "increasing metabolism rate"; you'll find some pretty good advice for revving up you metabolism. Don't beat yourself up, it doesn't take much to achieve positive results. Good Luck!
  • ItsJordanNicole
    ItsJordanNicole Posts: 110 Member
    I started taking a supplement in March to help kick start my weight loss. It mostly just helped to curb my appetite and made me more energetic during workouts. I ran out, and while waiting on my next shipment realized that I had learned self control and kind of trained myself when to eat so I didn't need it anymore. I still have them, in case I'm ever having one of those days where I NEED to eat everything that I see, but they aren't necessary.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I will probably get a lot of hate for this. But I hope not.

    I tried out Cellucor HD and I loved it. It really helped curb my appetite so I don't eat everything in sight like I use to. It also gave me killer energy from the caffeine, and I took it before my workouts in the morning. The only downside if that you have to stop taking it for 4 weeks :brokenheart: And when I stopped taking it, I wanted to eat everything in sight again.

    Another downside is that it's expensive! :sad:
  • Hi! how are you? :smile:
    question: how can I add the square weight track thing????
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The best way to increase your metabolism is to exercise regularly. Cardio is good, but resistance is even better. When you have more LBM and less body fat, your metabolism for the same weight is higher. (And exercise has so many other benefits, too!)

    Chances are, your metabolism isn't as slow as you think. It's super easy to eat more than you think (especially if you aren't weighing solids, measuring liquids, etc) and that makes it look like your metabolism is slower. (The biggest thing that would slow your metabolism is a medical condition, in which case you should be working with a doctor and probably an endocrinologist or other specialist)

    Either way, give regular exercise and careful measuring a solid try and see how well it works before paying out the nose for any "supplements" that mostly just lighten your wallet.

    ETA: I was just looking at your profile, and if you have heart problems you need to be VERY careful about any "metabolism booster supplements." Many of them have caffeine or other stimulants, which could affect heart conditions in bad ways. Appetite suppressants are also generally considered not safe with many heart conditions. Talk with your doctor before you take anything!