threshkreen Member


  • Will remember to log food in today. Will stretch as instructed. Will eat 3 balanced meals and no snacking. These are my mini goals for Tuesday.
  • Today I will start my zero sugar goal. Today I will start wearing activity monitor again. Today I will force myself to try the greens powder my son and I bought which we have both been too chicken to try!
  • Hi please add me to the group if it is not too late. Thanks.
  • Way back on page one someone was talking about Quest protein bars. The flavors I like the most are the white chocolate/raspberry and the chocolate chip cookie dough. Someone at the gym told me you can soften the Choc. Chip one, roll it out, bake it at 350 for a little bit (he was not sure exactly how long) and voila...a…
  • Could you get calories to show from strength training on exercises on the phone app? I finally found where to add the strength training, but after several searches did not get the results I needed in any hits....I must call various exercises by either shortened or odd names because what I did were all common shoulder…
  • Hello - you can add me as well. Support is important and I would be glad to help! Let's inspire each other to success!
    in join Comment by threshkreen June 2015
  • Hello - Denise you can add me as well. I too have a lot to lose and would love to be friends with someone that has a long journey ahead of them!
  • Congratulations. Depending on your age, you may only be able to get rid of the loose skin surgically. Usually plastic surgeons will give first consultations for free and they may give you an idea what you may continue to see shrink and what you may not see shrink. Don't be too disgusted with your body worked…
  • I like the last post over mine..tarcotti (?) (at least when I started typing) If you eat too little you run the risk of developing an eating disorder....I know I did. Pain in the neck to shake...I say that lightly, but I really had a serious battle on my hands. I finally discovered I didn't binge if I ate enough. Don't…
  • Hi - you can add me as a friend if you like. I have a little less than you to lose and also battle a sugar/carb addiction. If you are interested just send me a friend request and I'll reply! Good can do it and are lucky enough to be catching it young! Trust me, it is easier to lose weight the younger you are!…
  • I would definitely do it. My son started training with a trainer when he was 11, believe it or not. He was doing olympic weight lifting and competed all through high school and consistently medaled at school age nationals. He still has a love for the sport and for weight lifting. I take him with me to all my training…
  • I fight night time bingeing as well. The best thing I discovered to curtail it is to be sure I eat all the calories I want to eat before bed. If you are skimping on breakfast and lunch, you will probably start and not stop eating late in the evening. Have your best meal at breakfast - always eat a meal with protein, and…
  • Every one starts some where. When you are new to lifting, you will see your progress ramp up quickly! Don't worry one bit how much you lift and certainly don't be embarrassed. All the suggestions given are great. Chose your weapon and just start where you can and keep going. One caution I always throw in...make sure your…
  • You blocked off your face, but it could be if that is the only place you let your mom see that this could be where you lose your weight first. I can see a smaller arm and shoulder. People lose first in different places. I lose first in my face, next my boobs and mid section, and dead last seems to be my hips and legs.…
  • Some days, weight seems horribly heavy and some days it seems to be no issue. I cannot explain the physiology but can just give an observation from experience. First there is over training....taking yourself to the gym and forcing yourself to failure every day can work against you. When you see weights lifted fall or not…
  • IMO, you are not eating enough. 900 calories is really not enough if your calories burned on exercise are accurate. I'd either consult your physician or keep reading and researching. Most sources would put your 900 as too low. I would increase calories slowly and see what happens. I personally wouldn't jump all at once - I…
  • Hi - I am over 50 and would be glad to provide encouragement and help. I'll send a friend request.
  • IMO, the quickest way to lose all credibility on MFP is to assume that only your posts are correct and everyone else is stupid. I live with someone like that and it is not fun. I believe the fastest way to lose credibility on MFP is to snark off at someone who is trying to learn. There have been 7 pages of posts on people…
  • I think the new Nutrient label coming out will show added sugars. But, and this is silly, the sample I saw had dropped calories from fat. I know that that number was not a true reflection of how high the fat was unless you did a little mental math, but it was always a good starting point for me! I do like the added sugar…
  • Well, some people are hard-gainers...just tough to put on mass. Also, nutrient timing for bulking up is very important - especially after a work out. There's is a ton on line about this.
  • 4g sugar = 1 tsp of granulated sugar. Remember that when you look at a bottle of soda...but do that sitting down because it will knock your socks off when you figure out how many tsp of sugar are in your favorite soda! I know someone that lost a lot of weight and has kept it off for years with an older diet called Sugar…
  • Yup..;..sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees. I knew what tare was, but it never occurred to me that it was the same as zero. Don't ask why, sometimes I am too literal. If it doesn't have it labeled, it must not exist. . This habit can really frustrate people around me sometimes. I tell them it is just part of my…
  • Yup, forgot about that one. What's lounging around in your gut does get weighed!
  • Well, I just read the above posts and learned that tare = zero feature. Never really thought of that, but the way it operates I guess it does. Silly me. Amazon is ALWAYS the way to go as far as I am concerned. Especially if you have 2 day shipping -almost instant gratification on line!
  • Yes, get the tare feature. Really helps when assembly various ingredients for a recipe. I have one from pampered chef which I like - except I don't remember if it has the zero feature to use after putting a container on the scale. I keep that one a work, so i usually am just weighing one thing on a papertowel. The one at…
  • Maintenance is not hard IF you realize that it does not mean going to back to the way you "used" to eat. If you want to eat fast food, pizza, fancy coffee from Starbucks all the time, you will zip right on back up the scale. The successful way to maintain is to eat the way you learned to while losing, but perhaps just a…
  • Um,Beeps, you may have explained this, but I did not read all the past threads. How did you get a sea urchin to attack you? Just kidding. I thought they were fairly sedentary. Did you accidentally touch one while swimming? This is why I do not swim in waters where anything is alive. Totally creeps me out. I am a real sissy…
  • Sculler62 - oh hey...I just got your name. You row! takes me a while. Congrats on the 20 lbs. I am slowly losing...about 7 pounds over past month. But, hey it is going down. Better than the last 2 years when all it doe was go up. Office is closed today due to snow and I will have to cancel trainer so all home exercise…
  • I think that no matter how much exercise you do, when you switch types it just works everything so differently it's like you are coming from a sedentary position! I did boxing for the first time in a while recently (love, love love it, but believe it or not, it is hard on my bad knee...lots of torgue and being in constant…
  • I do not like burpees, no I do not. What in the world is a jumping jack Burmese?