Night splurging?????

Typically I'm pretty good about watching what I eat during the day but I just explode at night. I mean I'll eat seconds/thirds of whatever we' re having, even if it's just mediocre. And typically that's okay cause we have a stir fry thing, Meat and vegetables cooked in one pot over about half a cup of rice, and that's pretty healthy. But last night it was awful, I had two chili dogs, One just plain hot dog and then one without a bun. And then ice cream muuch later that night, because my mom woke me to take out the trash (which I'd forgotten cause I was too busy eating). I was 280 calories off of my 1380 cal goal even after I had earned 950 cals from exercise because I started a new workout (still sore!). I was really freaking pissed at myself, I ate +1000 calories in one sitting! :sad: Tips???????


  • theJTfitness
    theJTfitness Posts: 142 Member
    Just remember how bad you felt after splurging next time you want to do it. What kind of workout do you do?
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    I have this problem myself. I just don't buy the stuff to keep in the house to splurge on. If I want to splurge on fruits and veggies I figure it won't do too much damage
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Try just putting one helping of everything on your plate. And put the leftovers away as you would if you didn't want to eat those.

    Out of sight, out of mind.

    Then have a low calorie snack and drink lots of water until you go to bed. Try not to go in the Kitchen unless it is for water!
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Plan for it? I typically save half my daily calories for dinner and evening snacks. I know that I am hungrier in the evenings and I like to have my biggest meal of the day at supper. Doing this allows me to stay under or at my goal number, a frequently means that I get to have dessert, or chips (small portion), or other treat so I never feel deprived.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I save a few hundred calories for the end of the day because of this /:
  • threshkreen
    threshkreen Posts: 79 Member
    I fight night time bingeing as well. The best thing I discovered to curtail it is to be sure I eat all the calories I want to eat before bed. If you are skimping on breakfast and lunch, you will probably start and not stop eating late in the evening. Have your best meal at breakfast - always eat a meal with protein, and don't eat too many carbs if you are sensitive to them (blood sugar swingsj).

    I read on one of these posts that someone's doctor or trainer told them when they craved carbs at night, they were probably just tired. I thought about that and found it to be true! My best advice is eat well during the day. I think you will see a difference.

    Also, good idea also stated here...don't buy the stuff. When its not there you can't eat it. You are forced to eat something you have on hand and if it is all healthy stuff, so much the better!
  • wannagonavy
    wannagonavy Posts: 12 Member
    Just remember how bad you felt after splurging next time you want to do it. What kind of workout do you do?

    Um usually it's balance ball stuff, but yesterday I was trying to amp it up so I did 5 minutes of squats, 10 minutes of lunges, 10 minutes of burpees and 10 minutes of butt plank lifts.
  • m1ke1984
    m1ke1984 Posts: 15
    yes, go ahead and brush your teeth after dinner. it's hard to want to eat with a fresh clean mouth, especially knowing that that food might not go with the minty taste in your mouth.

    if you just have to eat something, popcorn is a good low cal snack.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Plan for it? I typically save half my daily calories for dinner and evening snacks. I know that I am hungrier in the evenings and I like to have my biggest meal of the day at supper. Doing this allows me to stay under or at my goal number, a frequently means that I get to have dessert, or chips (small portion), or other treat so I never feel deprived.


    If you have always been a night time eater, then just plan your day so that you have a majority of your calories for dinner and night time snacking. I do this all this time and lose consistently.

    But if you are not normally a night time eater, then you need to take a look at what you are eating during the day. Try eating more protein with your meals and snacks and see if that helps.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    Just my initial observation - but if you're eating at 1350 and balz-out exercising that much, perhaps your body is not getting what it needs and is causing your feelings of deprivation. Human nature, if we can't have it, we desire it. If you can't raise your calories, or save enough for your end of day splurges, then try eating very low one day, being strict and honest, and then the next day, eating at your maintenance level (what I do), which allows you to splurge and at the end of the week still come out at a deficit. The low day might be tough, but knowing that you can have two slices of pizza the next day always sees me through. If you can't sustain your habits for one week, you're not going to do it for life, and will only cause regain, plus.
  • wannagonavy
    wannagonavy Posts: 12 Member
    Try just putting one helping of everything on your plate. And put the leftovers away as you would if you didn't want to eat those.

    Out of sight, out of mind.

    Then have a low calorie snack and drink lots of water until you go to bed. Try not to go in the Kitchen unless it is for water!

    I will totally try that, I've noticed I spend alot of my time in the kitchen, either cooking or cleaning it. I mean obviously still have to do that but I'll try to cut it shorter and get out of there.
    . If you are skimping on breakfast and lunch, you will probably start and not stop eating late in the evening. Have your best meal at breakfast - always eat a meal with protein, and don't eat too many carbs if you are sensitive to them (blood sugar swingsj).

    That would probably would help, I typically eat fruit and toast at breakfast..
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    I use an appetizer plate for my meals. You can trick your brain into thinking what you are eating is a lot because the food crowds the plate so much. As far as seconds, thirds, and other snacks before you go for it try drinking a glass of water and ask yourself "am I eating this because my body needs it or because my mind wants it". If you are staying inside your calorie goal I wouldn't be so hard on yourself, you need to watch out for what you are binging on however. A chili dog for supper is okay as long as it fits in your calories and macros but over indulging isn't going to bring you any positive results in the end. Today is a new day, you can't change it so just move forward and keep working hard.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Have you tried 4pm -4pm eating. My friend tried and has been very successful. She starts her calorie counting at dinner until dinner the next night. She said she eats out often with friends and was sick of always having few calories left at night. Then the next day she has a low cal breakfast and lunch. Sounds simple, but I like to plan out my day. She has lost quite a bit by doing thIs. Just a thought.