Walked for almost an hour today
Got my eight cups in as I don't have cable
No cable, so water for me as well :smile:
You can add me. Just restarted.
Hi, I am Sherrie and will be 42 on December 8. I will be celebrating this by doing the Santa Shuffle fundraiser. Ultimately that is my goal, to live a longer and healthier life by staying active.
Did week 4 day 3 on couch to 10k last night. Hard but finished. Tendon of knee a little sore today.
I'm game and looking for new exercise compatriots :smile:
Doing the couch to 10K ap and just finished week 4 day 2. Still a challenge and have to work for it. 5k this weekend and next with my sister who is rocking it!
Just began week 5. Had to take a few days off to recover from slight overuse on inside of knee but was back. No problem and two pounds lighter! :)
On week 4 and really noticing a difference. I have found that I have to do every workout twice to build up my endurance to go onto the next step and not want to die.
I did W3 D2 yesterday and when I hit hills on a run it just killed me. Had to start walking 30 seconds early a couple times. May have to put in an extra week 3 workout before going onto week 4.
Haven't been able to get in run for a few days. Going to try and squeeze in w2d2 tonight after teaching and my meeting. Hopefully it will be cooler outside as my gym closes early on Sunday.
Just completed W1 D3 and for variety(in gym because heat outside) I put the treadmill on variable height. So I'd be jogging away and the incline would go up! lol. practice for hills when I get back outside.
First day back in gym and kept it simple but now excited to get back!
Just completed W1 D2 Running in AC is so much easier than dealing with heat &
My name is Sherrie too! I find the groups are awesome motivation! :happy:
FInding that logging in helps. Haven't been to gym to weight myself but think I'm up after a 4mth hiatus from gym. Just restarted again.
Couldn't do it after run but will try later when temp cools down a bit.
Just did W1 D1. 35 degrees out and could not do last run. Holy cow is it ever hot!
I've had that comment before.
Will try after my couch to 5k run. Hopefully energy to do Will keep you posted.
To lose 40 -50 pounds healthfully and complete a tri a tri then sprint distance Triahlon.
Do youuse the zen labs app?
I'd be game to start although I will be several days behind you. Fell off the workout bandwagon and need to get back on again.:blushing:
I usually run inside when hot out...or swim. Will send you a friend request :)