Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I met one of my long set goals yesterday, I ran an entire 5k. Feels good to have this ticked off my bucket list. I was hoping to finish under 36, and I finished in 33:47.

    Good luck to those of you racing this weekend!

  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member

    Beth, you are a rock star, you will totally by there. Do you have a race in mind? Mine will be mother's day :) we can cheer each other on!

    Today was a tough 4.6, but with get BEST views and foliage. The beauty totally rocked my run.

    Your run sounds awesome, Jessie!

    I do have a race in mind. It's the day before Mother's Day!!! May 3rd, I think... and I just committed to in a HUGE way, because not only did I commit to running it, I also committed to being a coach for the 13.1 completion group in my women's running club. Yikes! When I said would be honored to coach, I never thought they'd put me with my peers! Eeek. Help!

    The club starts up each year at the beginning of February and runs for 10 weeks ending with the race I signed up for. I really thought she'd put me with beginners and I would just count Tyesdays as a "rest" day. Oh, boy...yup that'll keep me on task! Now I'll be shooting to have the distance nailed BEFORE Running Revolution starts up. Oy!

    Yes! Let's keep each other motivated! :-)
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I met one of my long set goals yesterday, I ran an entire 5k. Feels good to have this ticked off my bucket list. I was hoping to finish under 36, and I finished in 33:47.

    Good luck to those of you racing this weekend!

    Wow! I would have loved to run my first 5K in that time! Congratulations!
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member

    That's a neat idea to complete rather than start somethng on Jan 1.

    Jan 2 is my 1yr running anniversary. I need to think of something special to do that day. Maybe W1D1 all over again, but with a spin on it.

    Maybe run it backwards, I would say on your hands, but that won't do.

    You are funny! (I didn't catch this post earlier. )
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I did my first 5 mile run yesterday. I did 4.5 miles last week and felt like I could run further, so I know I could do it, but for some reason all afternoon I was really nervous about it. The last mile I felt really awesome. My pace seems to work for me with the longer runs. It took me 69:57 to complete the 5 miles, a 13:59 min/mile pace. I'm so slow! Hopefully down the road, with more miles and more of this weight gone, I'll be able to pick up the pace some.

    It was 40 degrees and rather windy. The park I run at it usually windy, and that helps in the warmer weather, but not liking it with the colder weather. I really need to get a windbreaker to wear. I had on a long sleeve shirt with a short sleeve shirt over top and the backs of my arms were freezing the entire time. My legs from the knees down were bare and they weren't cold until my cool down walk.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Got a 3 mile run in after work yesterday. My left knee was hurting bad for about the first 10 steps of the run. I almost stopped, but the pain eased the more I ran and eventually went away completely. Arthritis never bothered me much before I became so active. Now, my knees hurt if I'm not moving. (Edit: The colder weather isn't helping it either!)

  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    You all are very inspiring. I finished the c25k program about a month ago, and was lost for a bit before deciding to do the 10k app. I finished wk2 d2 yesterday of the Five to 10k Run Double app. Not my best run, but I am usually pushing the stroller, so my best runs are those without the stroller. Anyway, my time is not an issue for me. I average 10:34 when I run alone, so I am satisfied with that. My current issue is my arches are killing me. I have learned I am an over pronator. :-(

    I know everyone is going to tell me to go to a running store and get fitted with a decent pair of shoes. That isn't even a possibility. I have a large family living on one income. So there is no budget for mom. Yes, I know you will tell me I am risking injury, and the shoes will pay for themselves... But work with me as you can't milk a bull. When you don't have it, you don't have it... So I am putting up with the shoes I have for now, I just need to know if anyone has advice on some budget priced arch supports to get me through til I can afford better shoes?

  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I just need to know if anyone has advice on some budget priced arch supports to get me through til I can afford better shoes?

    Spenco and Superfeet are pretty good. I use the Superfeet green inserts in my running shoes (for normal to high arches). I haven't been impressed with any of the Dr. Scholl's stuff for running, although I use their gel inserts for hiking.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I have high arches, so the superfeet sound perfect. Where can I purchase?
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I have high arches, so the superfeet sound perfect. Where can I purchase?

    Amazon has them. Search Google and you might find a better price.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member

    Welcome Beth!!! I'm doing a half in Jan and maybe another in May.

    4 miles done tonight, averaged 13:23 pace according to my new Garmin. It was a birthday present, arrived yesterday, and I'm so excited to have it. Now I don't have to worry if my phone app is accurate or not!!

    Thanks for the welcome! :-)
    I am asking Santa for a garmin! Keep me posted on how you like yours. I know I want one, but I don't really had a clue which one to get.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    My current issue is my arches are killing me. I have learned I am an over pronator. :-(

    I know everyone is going to tell me to go to a running store and get fitted with a decent pair of shoes. That isn't even a possibility. I have a large family living on one income. So there is no budget for mom. Yes, I know you will tell me I am risking injury, and the shoes will pay for themselves... But work with me as you can't milk a bull. When you don't have it, you don't have it... So I am putting up with the shoes I have for now, I just need to know if anyone has advice on some budget priced arch supports to get me through til I can afford better shoes?


    I wore Superfeet green until recently replacing them with orthotics from a podiatrist. They worked really well to help my arches, knees, everything. They were $40 at a run shop. Good luck!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I did my first 5 mile run yesterday. I did 4.5 miles last week and felt like I could run further, so I know I could do it, but for some reason all afternoon I was really nervous about it. The last mile I felt really awesome. My pace seems to work for me with the longer runs. It took me 69:57 to complete the 5 miles, a 13:59 min/mile pace. I'm so slow! Hopefully down the road, with more miles and more of this weight gone, I'll be able to pick up the pace some.

    It was 40 degrees and rather windy. The park I run at it usually windy, and that helps in the warmer weather, but not liking it with the colder weather. I really need to get a windbreaker to wear. I had on a long sleeve shirt with a short sleeve shirt over top and the backs of my arms were freezing the entire time. My legs from the knees down were bare and they weren't cold until my cool down walk.

    I know what you mean about getting nervous. I am all psyched to run a longer distance, but I sometimes I feel intimidated too, especially if my previous run was really great. My biggest challenge is relaxing and not going off too quick in the first two miles. Especially if I'm feeling good. I end up slowing down on the final mile or two if I don't watch it at the beginning. You finished strong which is perfect! :-)
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member

    I wore Superfeet green until recently replacing them with orthotics from a podiatrist. They worked really well to help my arches, knees, everything. They were $40 at a run shop. Good luck!

    Thank you! I am shopping for some now!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Did an easy 3.1 miles last night with the group. I had to finally break out the gloves and long-sleeve running shirts! That was my last run before Sunday's race.

    Yesterday was my last visit with the doctor (I hope). She checked out some new pains I am feeling below my left knee and the left back side of my pelvis. Nothing major, just some nagging aches. She said it's probably due to my left side finally taking its share of the load. Since I started running I had injuries and frequent pain all on the right side. That side was doing more work due to a weak left side. Now my right side is pain free but the left side is complaining a bit as my body gets more balanced. All it took was some simple core exercises to bring my body back in balance.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    10.3 on the bike yesterday. Frustrated today with a 2 lb gain this week. (Friday is my weigh in day.) I'm sure it's just water weight, but still. UGH! :-/

    Plan to get out for a run this afternoon.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    10.3 on the bike yesterday. Frustrated today with a 2 lb gain this week. (Friday is my weigh in day.) I'm sure it's just water weight, but still. UGH! :-/

    Plan to get out for a run this afternoon.

    Unless you've been living on Pizza Hut this week I'm guessing you're right about the water weight! I yoyo by about 4lbs either way usually but yep, it's still pants to see it on the scale even if your head tells you otherwise!

    Enjoy your run - I slept in this morning for the first time in ..... must be a decade! So I've shifted my run to tomorrow before work; I'll set the alarm :bigsmile:
  • sherrielynned1
    sherrielynned1 Posts: 26 Member
    Did week 4 day 3 on couch to 10k last night. Hard but finished. Tendon of knee a little sore today.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    When I start running tomorrow it will be 30. When I stop running it will be 48.

    Is tomorrow a long run (I mean, come on, I'll probably be averaging a 14 minute mile) or a race?

    Because the clothes I should wear for a 30 degree long run (Jacket, hat, tights) are very different than for 48 degree race (singlet, shorts)