Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Went out with the idea of running a 5k to get me properly back in the swing of thing but for the first time ever my Garmin didn't seem to want to find a satellite so I set off running and let it kick in on it's own, which it did eventually. It did mean I was winging it somewhat with the distance so ended up doing 3.93 miles instead of 3.1 (worked it out when I got home and plotted it on map my run) but I'm happy enough as it was a constant run and I didn't have to walk or stop and cough up a lung enroute, which was nice!

    Average pace overall was 10.56min mile which I'm happy enough with considering my lack of running recently and I'm more than ready to start back on my programme from Wednesday, rolling back to the start of W4.

    It's set me back a bit but as I don't have anything lined up my aim is purely to finish the plan and be able to run 10k rather than finish the plan in a certain time so it's all good.

    The rest of you are all doing so well, some big surges in performance! Looking over the posts I can see big leaps in mileage and such improvements in time, you're all doing fantastically well; I feel quite the slouch lol
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Had a lazy weekend. Feel a little bad after how well everyone else is doing. Really want to know how Becky's half marathon went.

    It rained steadily here for four days, Thursday through Sunday. Did my 5k run on Thursday in drizzle and then ran 2 miles on Friday, in light rain, but flooded pathes, with the plan to do my long run on Sunday. At weight training on Friday, before my run, I noticed that my right knee, which has been giving me the problems, was swollen compared to my left. I just did arm and core work once I realized this and ran just the 2 miles rather than doing 5k again. On Saturday, instead of riding my bike in the rain I decided to check out the county pool. They have two water aerobic classes there on Saturday morning. Went to the earlier one and really enjoyed it and then did some laps for about 15 minutes afterward. It has been so long since I have seriously swum rather than just splash around in the water. I'm going to try to get over there as many Saturdays as I can from now on.

    On Sunday it was still raining, my knee was still protesting movement, and I had a lot of computer work that I had to get done and so I didn't do anything. I really should have done something, even if it was just arm and core body weight training stuff, or some light yoga, but nothing. My knee does feel better now though. It's strange to me that it really doesn't bother me when I'm running, as long as I'm not doing grass or trail running or walking, just after. It's never really bad, just annoying.

    I think that I might do a 2 mile run today and see how it goes.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did a 5K race this morning with a friend, at her pace. She unfortunately hasn't been training (she starts but doesn't stick with it) but still she knocked 2 minutes off her PR, so that was awesome. She told me during the race I could go ahead and I told her I didn't want to, which was true. For me this was about supporting & encouraging her, and she rocked it. But when I saw how fast we finished (42 minutes and again she hasn't been running) I had a wee bitty pang wondering how fast I could have done it on my own. At no point during the race was I even breathing hard so I think this could have been my sub-35 race. But that's okay because it wasn't about me.

    Love this, Laura!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I did a 5K race this morning with a friend, at her pace. She unfortunately hasn't been training (she starts but doesn't stick with it) but still she knocked 2 minutes off her PR, so that was awesome. She told me during the race I could go ahead and I told her I didn't want to, which was true. For me this was about supporting & encouraging her, and she rocked it. But when I saw how fast we finished (42 minutes and again she hasn't been running) I had a wee bitty pang wondering how fast I could have done it on my own. At no point during the race was I even breathing hard so I think this could have been my sub-35 race. But that's okay because it wasn't about me.

    Had some errands to run so got home a few hours later & went for my own 3 mile run then, which was my scheduled run (W2D3 of HH 15K). I actually had a really good time compared to my recent 3 mile runs (36:59), especially considering my legs were awfully tired by the halfway point. They still hurt from my Thursday night training session so this might have been all kinds of stupid.

    Do you think she will be inspired to train more consistently now?

    There will be more 5Ks to run and get that time. And you will. ( 'Though I'd have mourned the "not knowing".)

    I wish she would be inspired. She's told me after 2 other 5Ks this summer that she was...and then she didn't.

    I'm pretty much mourning the not knowing too.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Today I ran an interval training run of 6x 10 minutes run, with walk sessions in between ranging from 1-5 minutes, on my hilly route.
    I felt really good throughout the run and ran at a quicker pace than normal (1.3Km/10 run). The sun was shining and the air was cool. It's wonderful to run outdoors at this time of year.

    I remember the first time I ran this route. I stopped running twice going up the first hill and more than that at the second hill. It tired me out. Now, I run the entire distance of both hills and beyond (which is flat, then downhill) without stopping. It's such a good feeling to conquer those hills each time I run them.

    ETA: I have new shoes (ASICS GT-2000 Lightning). I've worn out my first pair of running shoes! I celebrated by buying new socks and a running jacket for the inclement weather coming up.

    Conquering the hills is the best feeling in the world.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I didn't really want to get up this morning to run, but I did it anyway.

    Decided to do intervals- 10 sets of run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute.


    I'll be so glad when "my" local National Park can reopen so I can run/ ride there!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member

    I'll be so glad when "my" local National Park can reopen so I can run/ ride there!

    Have they really closed all the parks over there? I saw on the news here that they'd reopened the Grand Canyon .... I can't even comprehend how you could 'close' something that big in the first place! Hope it sorts itself out soon just so you can all get back to using the parks again :)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    There's so much energy in this thread. Everyone is doing so well. Way to go!!

    Today's run was 5 12minute intervals and some walking before & after. I did a steady 1.5Km in each 12 minute interval for a total of 7.5Km of running. I'm pleased with that.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member

    I'll be so glad when "my" local National Park can reopen so I can run/ ride there!

    Have they really closed all the parks over there? I saw on the news here that they'd reopened the Grand Canyon .... I can't even comprehend how you could 'close' something that big in the first place! Hope it sorts itself out soon just so you can all get back to using the parks again :)

    Some states are funding the National Parks within the state, but not mine. My National Park is pretty small. They just locked the gates. (Pea Ridge National Military Park- I was going to post a link to the website, but they've shut that down too! LOL)

    I think it's ridiculous that they closed all the monuments in Washington, DC! Those are open access, public areas. They had to put up barricades to close those.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I went to the Chattahoochee trail the other day and it was locked. I hate that.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I went to the Chattahoochee trail the other day and it was locked. I hate that.

    People have been running the local trail along the 'hooch up here. The rangers have just ignored them.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    I didn't really want to get up this morning to run, but I did it anyway.

    Decided to do intervals- 10 sets of run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute.


    I'll be so glad when "my" local National Park can reopen so I can run/ ride there!

    That looks like a great workout! Great times! Are you working on speed? I probably missed it, but what are you using to produce that chart?
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    so great to hear everyone's progress!! I should clarify that I am on the bridge to 10k before I actually start the actual 10k training program (if that matters)

    Today was just over 4.5 miles and a major need to go to the bathroom for THE ENTIRE RUN! I missed the last 3 minutes, because I couldn't handle it any longer :( Possibly shouldn't have read an article in Runners World about runners and mid-run bathroom breaks this weekend, I'm sure it was half psychological but man, that sucked! LOL Apparently I need to be on a schedule like Fells! :)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    LOL! That reminds me of the time I went out for my run, had to go to the bathroom, headed back home. My husband thought something was wrong because I was home so early and then laughed when he found out I just needed the facilities.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    That looks like a great workout! Great times! Are you working on speed? I probably missed it, but what are you using to produce that chart?

    I'm not necessarily working on speed, just didn't want to do a long run yesterday (lazy).

    I use the RunDouble app- it has lots of options for runs beyond the C25k and 5 to 10k programs. The results are uploaded to the website rundouble.com and also now syncs with mfp! I get the chart from the website.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The book Run Like a Mother includes a bucket list with things like:

    - Get a non-running friend to drink the Kool-Aid, then guide her through her first race. (Bonus points for letting her cross the finish line in front of you.)
    - Plan a vacation around a race.
    - Register for a race the day before, just because you feel like it.
    - Wear a shirt with your name on the front in a race so spectators can cheer for you.
    - Be on a relay team, either for a marathon, triathlon or longer 12-person relay race.
    - Use the phrase “track workout” casually in conversation.
    - Write down all the thoughts you have after a great run or race, then refer to them when your mojo goes MIA.

    One of the items is "go pee in the bushes while out on a trail run" I've checked that one off.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    That looks like a great workout! Great times! Are you working on speed? I probably missed it, but what are you using to produce that chart?

    I'm not necessarily working on speed, just didn't want to do a long run yesterday (lazy).

    I use the RunDouble app- it has lots of options for runs beyond the C25k and 5 to 10k programs. The results are uploaded to the website rundouble.com and also now syncs with mfp! I get the chart from the website.

    One of the best pieces of advice I've read is to be unapologetic about swapping workouts to fit your needs. I mean, if you're going for a PR, that's one thing. But if you're just keeping it alive between races, make it work for you.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    One of the best pieces of advice I've read is to be unapologetic about swapping workouts to fit your needs. I mean, if you're going for a PR, that's one thing. But if you're just keeping it alive between races, make it work for you.

    Ooohhh.....I like that advice. I tend to be too rigid ("this is what's on my spreadsheet so this is what I must do").
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    One of the best pieces of advice I've read is to be unapologetic about swapping workouts to fit your needs. I mean, if you're going for a PR, that's one thing. But if you're just keeping it alive between races, make it work for you.

    Ooohhh.....I like that advice. I tend to be too rigid ("this is what's on my spreadsheet so this is what I must do").

    I mostly do the "it's on the calendar so I'm going to do it."

    However, when your back's against the wall and its Thursday so you have ballet and work and disease and crisis and you can't make it to the track for speed work.... Take a deep breath. Do an easy run during the ballet class and save the speed work for Sunday. You aren't going to lose all your conditioning by substituting two runs.

    Just remember: 10 miles > two 5 mile runs > one 5 mile run > no run at all.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    That looks like a great workout! Great times! Are you working on speed? I probably missed it, but what are you using to produce that chart?

    I'm not necessarily working on speed, just didn't want to do a long run yesterday (lazy).

    I use the RunDouble app- it has lots of options for runs beyond the C25k and 5 to 10k programs. The results are uploaded to the website rundouble.com and also now syncs with mfp! I get the chart from the website.

    Thanks. I will check it out. I'm not technical at all, so just not familiar with apps. I am trying to figure out a GPS watch purchase, b/c my phone and the apps I tried on it were clearly wrong. I have been wondering if phone apps might be better (and cheaper!), but don't trust my phone service at all.