Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So I've had Plantar Fascia soreness. I rested and iced for a couple of days until it was gone. There is some soreness on the ball of my foot, but I'm not sure if its related. So, for a number of reasons I switched today's tempo run to a 3.5 mile stroller run. I also wore my sauconys which are stabilizers, so they are more constructed and padded. I felt my PF during the run, but there wasn't pain. I walked for another mile to continue the naps and then we went to the park. Walking around the house barefoot, there isn't soreness, but I can feel it so I'm icing. My next fun isn't until Tuesday, so I should be good by then.

    I had pretty severe PF several years ago, to the point where I could barely walk first thing in the morning because it would tighten up so much overnight. On my doctor's advice I bought better shoes (Brooks) and took a lot of ibuprofen for 6 weeks and that finally took care of it. Now I have sauconys for both my gym & running shoes and haven't had any problems. I wear a more minimalist shoe for daily wear and I'm always barefoot at home.

    Ive had pain in the morning as long as I can remember. Actually running seems to have cleared it up some. I'm usually barefoot at home, but it seems to be aggravating whatever is happening, so ive been in the sauconys since Friday. I need an ice bath pretty bad though.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    So I've had Plantar Fascia soreness. I rested and iced for a couple of days until it was gone. There is some soreness on the ball of my foot, but I'm not sure if its related. So, for a number of reasons I switched today's tempo run to a 3.5 mile stroller run. I also wore my sauconys which are stabilizers, so they are more constructed and padded. I felt my PF during the run, but there wasn't pain. I walked for another mile to continue the naps and then we went to the park. Walking around the house barefoot, there isn't soreness, but I can feel it so I'm icing. My next fun isn't until Tuesday, so I should be good by then.

    Sounds like you have it or at least are getting it under control. Hope that your Tuesday run (or fun? :wink: ) goes well.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    After riding the bicycle 50 miles (in the cold rain) on Saturday (tinyurl.com/CeciRider) I wasn't sure if I'd feel like doing anything on Sunday or not. I packed my running gear to go to my in-laws, just in case.

    I decided to go for it and headed to the park closest to their house for a quick run!


    Now that the Tour de Cure is done, I'll start concentrating on my upcoming 10k.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    After riding the bicycle 50 miles (in the cold rain) on Saturday (tinyurl.com/CeciRider) I wasn't sure if I'd feel like doing anything on Sunday or not. I packed my running gear to go to my in-laws, just in case.

    I decided to go for it and headed to the park closest to their house for a quick run!


    Now that the Tour de Cure is done, I'll start concentrating on my upcoming 10k.

    Warning: The Monster Is Loose!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    After riding the bicycle 50 miles (in the cold rain) on Saturday (tinyurl.com/CeciRider) I wasn't sure if I'd feel like doing anything on Sunday or not. I packed my running gear to go to my in-laws, just in case.

    I decided to go for it and headed to the park closest to their house for a quick run!


    Now that the Tour de Cure is done, I'll start concentrating on my upcoming 10k.

    Warning: The Monster Is Loose!

  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Today is my last day off of work and I decided to go on a "long" run. I ran 7x 10 minutes (approx. 1.2Km each 10 min). At the moment, I feel really good (and very hungry). With the walking intervals, this is too long a workout for me to manage on work days but I'm going to try to do a longer run on the weekends and see how it goes.
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I got my 3 miles in today. More than half of that was running into the wind and by the time I was done, I felt like I ran 4 miles.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Everyone here is AMAZING! Varda, love how well you take care of yourself. I know it's hard, especially so close to your half, but you rock, truly.

    Today was 4 very hilly and very wet miles. It was fun. A little snow but I enjoyed the rain.

    I have a new goal. From my house, I can run a route that leads to a "castle." It's a total elevation of 1000 feet, and from home it's 7.5 total miles. While hilly throughout, most of the elevation is in one mile. The castle itself is 6 flights of stairs, then it's back down and back home again. I want to be able to run to the top of that observation deck from my home, and back, sometime in 2014. It takes my spouse and I about 2.5 hours to walk it, and even walking is tough. We'll see!

    Today was 2 miles in, 2 miles out. If I just push a little further every time, I have a chance. It's not plowed in the winter, so this may be a seasonal adventure unless we have a mild one.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jessie that sounds like an awesome goal, and a challenging one. Can't wait to hear your progress!

    Today was W2D1 of HH novice 15K, which was another 2 mile run. Took the advice of some wise people on this board :smile: and slowed way down - instead of running at a 12 minute mile (which is my outdoor pace for a 2 mile run) I went just under 14 and that felt much better. I wasn't breathing very hard but my legs were pretty sore by the end, so they obviously need some time to adapt to treadmill running. My stride felt less forced than last time so I consider that good progress.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Ceci and Plexgut, terrific workouts!

    Rinty, good sticking it out, despite the wind!

    Jessie, love your goal! Make sure you get a picture of you at the top when you do it. That is some challenge!!

    Glad you got your inside rhythm, Laura.

    Good luck in your long run today, Varda..

    Last night I just did a short 2.5 mile run. I'm planning on two more 5k or less runs on Wednesday and Friday, and then trying to do a 10k training run on Sunday.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    10.39 mi on bicycle yesterday after work, then an early morning run this morning. It was cold, but great!


    Love reading everybody's updates!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Yesterday I did a 5K run, my first run in almost 3 weeks. Initially I planned to take a week off for my ankle to recover, then I got a cold. But even after getting better I struggled to hit the pavement, I guess I had lost my rhythm. So I forced myself out yesterday. It was slow, but it felt good to be back out there.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yesterday I did a 5K run, my first run in almost 3 weeks. Initially I planned to take a week off for my ankle to recover, then I got a cold. But even after getting better I struggled to hit the pavement, I guess I had lost my rhythm. So I forced myself out yesterday. It was slow, but it felt good to be back out there.

    Good for you!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yesterday I did a 5K run, my first run in almost 3 weeks. Initially I planned to take a week off for my ankle to recover, then I got a cold. But even after getting better I struggled to hit the pavement, I guess I had lost my rhythm. So I forced myself out yesterday. It was slow, but it felt good to be back out there.

    Glad you were able to get back out!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Yesterday I did a 5K run, my first run in almost 3 weeks. Initially I planned to take a week off for my ankle to recover, then I got a cold. But even after getting better I struggled to hit the pavement, I guess I had lost my rhythm. So I forced myself out yesterday. It was slow, but it felt good to be back out there.

    Awesome! It can get tough, good for you!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Yesterday I did a 5K run, my first run in almost 3 weeks. Initially I planned to take a week off for my ankle to recover, then I got a cold. But even after getting better I struggled to hit the pavement, I guess I had lost my rhythm. So I forced myself out yesterday. It was slow, but it felt good to be back out there.
    Great that you got back out!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks. It is good to know that even after taking time off, I'm strong enough to run 3+ miles, even if it is a slow 3.1 miles. But I don't want to lose the momentum again. It was really hard to get off the couch
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I don't know if it was the cool, dry weather or my new shoes, but I ran my fastest 3 miles ever last night. Average pace was 7:41. My plan was to run a 9:00 pace but I lined up with the front pace group of our group run and took off with them. I stayed with them, never feeling like I was struggling and not feeling any soreness in my hips. In the last half mile a woman came flying by all of us and we looked at each other a bit shocked. I talked to her later and found out she only runs 5K's right now and is trying to get below 18 minutes for her next race. All I could say is "wow" and then ask her how she trains. She does speed work with a group organized by the same running store as our usual group runs. The leader of the group is in his 70's and an amazing runner. I think I can learn a lot from him and will be joining their speed work group soon.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I don't know if it was the cool, dry weather or my new shoes, but I ran my fastest 3 miles ever last night. Average pace was 7:41.

    Thanks. It is good to know that even after taking time off, I'm strong enough to run 3+ miles, even if it is a slow 3.1 miles. But I don't want to lose the momentum again. It was really hard to get off the couch

    Exactly how I felt about the bed this morning!

    Just over 16 miles on the bicycle after work yesterday, then forced myself out of the warm bed for a 2 mile run this morning.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I don't know if it was the cool, dry weather or my new shoes, but I ran my fastest 3 miles ever last night. Average pace was 7:41. My plan was to run a 9:00 pace but I lined up with the front pace group of our group run and took off with them. I stayed with them, never feeling like I was struggling and not feeling any soreness in my hips. In the last half mile a woman came flying by all of us and we looked at each other a bit shocked. I talked to her later and found out she only runs 5K's right now and is trying to get below 18 minutes for her next race. All I could say is "wow" and then ask her how she trains. She does speed work with a group organized by the same running store as our usual group runs. The leader of the group is in his 70's and an amazing runner. I think I can learn a lot from him and will be joining their speed work group soon.

    That is awesome, Tim! I can hardly wait to hear your improvements with your new group.