Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Feeling frustrated right now. Really looking forward to my long run this weekend. Usually I run on a Saturday morning, but my husband asked tonight if he could go to a yoga class tomorrow morning. I said yes, I'll go running Sunday morning instead, but no, he has his Brazilian ju jitsu class then. He wants me to give up my long run so he can go to his classes!

    Ekes! Perhaps a simple counter of, "ok, but first let's commit to when I can do my long run if it won't be Sat am." Ugh, I'm sure I'm oversimplifying, just feeling righteous for you! Good luck!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    One wrong turn at a reservoir when deep in thought turns a 3 mile run into 4.5 with EXTRA steep hills. I'll be hurting tomorrow:) The government needs to get back to work or my deep in thought wrong turns will take me to a half-marathon soon (2nd oops this week)!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Well I got in my long run this morning, 12k in 93 minutes. I think my husband realised he was being a bit unreasonable and said I could go running whenever I wanted and he would fit in around me, I think he was trying to make me feel guilty but I pointed out that I have been running on a Saturday morning since January and it had never been a problem. He goes to bjj classes Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Sunday morning, and with his shift work some weeks he hardly sees me and our children so I don't think he should be adding extra classes on a Saturday (he also spends most of his day at work in the gym so he doesn't need the exercise!) Hopefully harmony is now restored!

    The sheep were lying in front of the gate again this morning, thankfully only about half the herd, and none of them were feeling bold enough to confront me! I stopped to snap a picture.

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    One wrong turn at a reservoir when deep in thought turns a 3 mile run into 4.5 with EXTRA steep hills. I'll be hurting tomorrow:) The government needs to get back to work or my deep in thought wrong turns will take me to a half-marathon soon (2nd oops this week)!

    Just think of the extra training you're getting in, lol!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I got in my long run this morning, 12k in 93 minutes. I think my husband realised he was being a bit unreasonable and said I could go running whenever I wanted and he would fit in around me, I think he was trying to make me feel guilty but I pointed out that I have been running on a Saturday morning since January and it had never been a problem. He goes to bjj classes Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Sunday morning, and with his shift work some weeks he hardly sees me and our children so I don't think he should be adding extra classes on a Saturday (he also spends most of his day at work in the gym so he doesn't need the exercise!) Hopefully harmony is now restored!

    The sheep were lying in front of the gate again this morning, thankfully only about half the herd, and none of them were feeling bold enough to confront me! I stopped to snap a picture.


    Glad you were able to get your run in, and I love the photo of the sheep!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Just got back from my long run. 6.2 miles this morning at a 10-min/mile pace. My hip felt good, a little sore at first but the pain faded away.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Wk4D3 completed. It was an awesome 73 degrees when I started out but the humidity was sitting right at 93%, so not fair. But it's done and I have to say I enjoyed it immensely. Nothing like watching the countryside wake up.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Those sheep certainly brightened my morning!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Love the sheep pic!

    Busy day for me. I can't believe that we were getting temps up to 89F today and it's forecast for tomorrow, as well. It's October! This is ridiculous!

    Fells and I got out just as the sun was rising this morning. I only wanted to run 5 miles, but the app never told me that I had gone halfway. I know 1.5 exactly, so as I was running, I was thinking that maybe it really should have gone off. I started walking so that I could get the phone out of my waist pack, looked at the display, and I had run 3 miles, so I just turned and ran back. I did start walking a little before where I had started, so I judge that I ran about 5.5 miles. Long run done for the weekend!

    Then I took the two dogs to a local DogFest where we had agreed to do a flyball demo. I hauled the their small (2 foot tall) expen, my lunch, some water w/bowl, and they on their leashes for quite a distance until I got to where the demo was. We did two demonstrations at 12 and 2 running flyball and then challenging the kids in the audience to race the dogs. Fells enjoyed it and both demos went well, despite the heat.

    Before and between them, each dog had a chance to walk around with me and look at the booths. I got a free chiropractic evaluation and he showed me that I was 7lb heavier on my right side than on my left and that my hips, waist, and shoulders reflected the imbalance. He indicated that the intermittent IT band and knee issue on my right leg is directly related. He suggested two names of chiropractors in my area, since he and the DogFest were quite a ways out of it. I really don't want to spend the time and money, but it might be a good idea to check one of them out.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Love that sheep picture!

    I'm feeling today's workout. It feels good and it reminds me of when I started running.
    Today's workout were 10 minute runs (6), separated by 1 min, 2min, 3 min, 4 min and 5 min walking breaks. That last 10 minutes felt l-o-n-g.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I've been icing my left foot for the last couple days. I'm almost back to normal.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Took a rest day yesterday, so went out first thing this morning to do yesterday's run. It was cool, overcast & drizzling. I was scheduled for a 2 mile run (W1D3 Higdon 15K program) so I did hill repeats on a loop around a park close to my house. Steep hill up, flat along the back, gradual hill down, flat along the bottom (I started & ended in the middle of the bottom by the Park sign so I'd have an easy indicator where each lap was). Loop ended up being .71 miles so I only got 3 laps in. Trainer told me to aim for negative splits, which I was able to do - 8:37 first lap, 8:32 second lap, 8:04 third lap. My legs were pretty tired by the third time up the hill but the first two felt surprisingly good.

    Varda I'm happy to hear your foot is getting better! Hope you're 100% soon.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I'm feeling a bit sore after my long run yesterday, ran up one long steady hill about 1.5km long and another steep hill about 500m long. I usually take some ibuprofen after a long run but was out of yesterday. Today I did w1d3 of c25k with my kids, we took our dog Toby to the beach, and my legs are feeling alot better now.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    This morning I cheered on my wife in the AllState Atlanta Half Marathon. She did great - finishing in 1:51. Wish I could have been out there running with her but I think it was a wise decision to sit out the race. I need to focus on building back up for future races and not getting injured again.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Impressive time! I think you did the right thing too.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got a free chiropractic evaluation and he showed me that I was 7lb heavier on my right side than on my left and that my hips, waist, and shoulders reflected the imbalance. He indicated that the intermittent IT band and knee issue on my right leg is directly related. He suggested two names of chiropractors in my area, since he and the DogFest were quite a ways out of it. I really don't want to spend the time and money, but it might be a good idea to check one of them out.

    That's an amazing difference from right to left! I see a chiropractor every 6-8 weeks, mostly for my neck but he also adjusts my mid and low back. Last time he told me my SI joint was in the best condition it has been since I've started seeing him.Those are the random NSVs you don't get every day. You've lost a lot of weight so your spine/structure has had to change with it, and it doesn't always change the right way. My insurance does cover a portion of my visits so look into that.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I got a free chiropractic evaluation and he showed me that I was 7lb heavier on my right side than on my left and that my hips, waist, and shoulders reflected the imbalance. He indicated that the intermittent IT band and knee issue on my right leg is directly related. He suggested two names of chiropractors in my area, since he and the DogFest were quite a ways out of it. I really don't want to spend the time and money, but it might be a good idea to check one of them out.

    That's an amazing difference from right to left! I see a chiropractor every 6-8 weeks, mostly for my neck but he also adjusts my mid and low back. Last time he told me my SI joint was in the best condition it has been since I've started seeing him.Those are the random NSVs you don't get every day. You've lost a lot of weight so your spine/structure has had to change with it, and it doesn't always change the right way. My insurance does cover a portion of my visits so look into that.

    I'd see a chiropractor that specifically works with athletes though.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So I've had Plantar Fascia soreness. I rested and iced for a couple of days until it was gone. There is some soreness on the ball of my foot, but I'm not sure if its related. So, for a number of reasons I switched today's tempo run to a 3.5 mile stroller run. I also wore my sauconys which are stabilizers, so they are more constructed and padded. I felt my PF during the run, but there wasn't pain. I walked for another mile to continue the naps and then we went to the park. Walking around the house barefoot, there isn't soreness, but I can feel it so I'm icing. My next fun isn't until Tuesday, so I should be good by then.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I've had Plantar Fascia soreness. I rested and iced for a couple of days until it was gone. There is some soreness on the ball of my foot, but I'm not sure if its related. So, for a number of reasons I switched today's tempo run to a 3.5 mile stroller run. I also wore my sauconys which are stabilizers, so they are more constructed and padded. I felt my PF during the run, but there wasn't pain. I walked for another mile to continue the naps and then we went to the park. Walking around the house barefoot, there isn't soreness, but I can feel it so I'm icing. My next fun isn't until Tuesday, so I should be good by then.

    I had pretty severe PF several years ago, to the point where I could barely walk first thing in the morning because it would tighten up so much overnight. On my doctor's advice I bought better shoes (Brooks) and took a lot of ibuprofen for 6 weeks and that finally took care of it. Now I have sauconys for both my gym & running shoes and haven't had any problems. I wear a more minimalist shoe for daily wear and I'm always barefoot at home.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got a free chiropractic evaluation and he showed me that I was 7lb heavier on my right side than on my left and that my hips, waist, and shoulders reflected the imbalance. He indicated that the intermittent IT band and knee issue on my right leg is directly related. He suggested two names of chiropractors in my area, since he and the DogFest were quite a ways out of it. I really don't want to spend the time and money, but it might be a good idea to check one of them out.

    That's an amazing difference from right to left! I see a chiropractor every 6-8 weeks, mostly for my neck but he also adjusts my mid and low back. Last time he told me my SI joint was in the best condition it has been since I've started seeing him.Those are the random NSVs you don't get every day. You've lost a lot of weight so your spine/structure has had to change with it, and it doesn't always change the right way. My insurance does cover a portion of my visits so look into that.

    I'd see a chiropractor that specifically works with athletes though.

    That's an excellent point! I switched to one a couple years ago who does.