Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So, Sergie is sick, which put a cramp into my 8 mile long run last night. I ran for half an hour (2.3 miles) and then picked up the girls. Two hours later, when they were in their PJs, I told Sergie to keep an eye on them and went out for another 5.4 miles for 7.7 total. Not quite the same thing as an 8 mile run, but it was what I had to give...and I gave it.

    I'm beginning to feel more confident about finishing my 21.1K race. I have 6 more runs and nothing over 6 miles, so what is done is done. This is not going to be pretty, but I think I can finish it.

    The Plantar Fascia soreness is gone. I'm happy I learned that trick about changing up shoes in "Tread Lightly" to keep me running without aggravating it once I got it to a point where it wasn't hurting anymore.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    The Plantar Fascia soreness is gone. I'm happy I learned that trick about changing up shoes in "Tread Lightly" to keep me running without aggravating it once I got it to a point where it wasn't hurting anymore.

    Good to hear that! I battled with that early this year and haven't been bothered by it much any more.

    Good luck on your half marathon - you'll do fine. I think you are doing the same one as my boss at the Silver Comet Trail. Just have fun with it.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Speedwork today. Wow, 2.5 miles and my butt is kicked!
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I ran 4 miles today, slowed it down some more and felt good the entire way. I love runs like that.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Speedwork today. Wow, 2.5 miles and my butt is kicked!

    What do you do for speedwork? Certain intervals, or just consistently higher paced?
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    I didn't run my planned run today because I wasn't feeling particularly motivated. But I did get out and do 2 miles at 90% effort just to burn off some stress. Ended up with a 12:30 pace which is awesome for me!!! Felt so weird to come home and say to my husband "I only did two miles today" when a few months ago I would have keeled over at 200 yds.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Felt really tired and "heavy" today and did not feel like moving much. I took my run real slow and loped along for 5K (felt like more, sadly).

    I think I need new shoes. I'm beginning to feel a bit of jarring around the knees while running. My shoes have just over 500 Km on them and the soles look quite worn.

    (I can't believe I've got shoes with over 500K of jogging on them) (some of that mileage is walking but by far most is running)
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I don't know if it was the cool, dry weather or my new shoes, but I ran my fastest 3 miles ever last night. Average pace was 7:41. My plan was to run a 9:00 pace but I lined up with the front pace group of our group run and took off with them. I stayed with them, never feeling like I was struggling and not feeling any soreness in my hips. In the last half mile a woman came flying by all of us and we looked at each other a bit shocked. I talked to her later and found out she only runs 5K's right now and is trying to get below 18 minutes for her next race. All I could say is "wow" and then ask her how she trains. She does speed work with a group organized by the same running store as our usual group runs. The leader of the group is in his 70's and an amazing runner. I think I can learn a lot from him and will be joining their speed work group soon.

    That is awesome. I am thinking about starting a training program at the Running Room near me. I have never run with a group, but I hear that it can be better in terms of speed, since the group can bring out that competitive spirit.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    1st run today for what feels like years but in reality was only a couple of weeks since I'd last pulled my shoes on.

    Took it easy - 2.59 miles mix of running and walking (had to walk some parts just so I could have a good old cough!) in 29 minutes.

    Felt good to be back out there which is weird as it was pitch black and a really bitter cold wind was blowing!

    i'm going to do the same run a couple more times then get back on track with the 10k programme. i was up to 4miles before my enforced lay off so I'm hoping to break 5miles by the end of the month.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Just to pull back for a minute. Wow! Look at all your posts! It's incredible how much we have become runners.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Congratulations to everyone who got out and did their running yesterday and this morning. Terrific!

    I didn't. I planned to run a few miles, but was late out of work, needed to get up early today, and it was pouring rain and dark. I bailed.

    I'll do the run tonight, which means I can't get my strength training in tonight. So tomorrow, which is only a 4 hour work day for me, I'll do my strength training and run a couple of miles and get myself caught up. Then I can get on my bicycle on Saturday and do my long run on Sunday as planned.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Wow! Look at all your posts! It's incredible how much we have become runners.

    Isn't it amazing? I'm still surprised at being a runner and thinking of myself as one. It's a great feeling.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    YAY! a new group :) I am on wk2 of my Bridge to 10K and it's kicking my butt :( Ran my first 5 K last weekend and I feel a little lost about what to do. I HATE the fact that I have to walk again when I was running non-stop, but I understand it will make me faster in the long run. (No pun intended) Also, I never missed a workout to full capacity with C25K and I have not fully completed 1 each of the 2 weeks on the bridge app - one was 2 days before race with a sore hip flexor, and then Monday this week in full sun + 80% humidity, I could only do 2/3rds of each workout, which made me sad... So now it's deciding whether to run 5k races every weekend or what to do? I want to get faster, but feel like I'm going so backward...
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    YAY! a new group :) I am on wk2 of my Bridge to 10K and it's kicking my butt :( Ran my first 5 K last weekend and I feel a little lost about what to do. I HATE the fact that I have to walk again when I was running non-stop, but I understand it will make me faster in the long run. (No pun intended) Also, I never missed a workout to full capacity with C25K and I have not fully completed 1 each of the 2 weeks on the bridge app - one was 2 days before race with a sore hip flexor, and then Monday this week in full sun + 80% humidity, I could only do 2/3rds of each workout, which made me sad... So now it's deciding whether to run 5k races every weekend or what to do? I want to get faster, but feel like I'm going so backward...

    That a common feeling. It's going backward to go forward. You need to back off on speed to gain endurance, and then build the endurance back up again. The other thing is that most running plans have a weekly cycle and then a monthly one. So the first week will have runs that will be slower and shorter, then the running will get progressively harder over three weeks. Then you'll have an "active recovery" week again. So, if you feel like you've stepped backwards, it's because the plan starts with an active recovery week.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hey hey hey!

    Guess what is this weekend! Half marathon! Tonight is a 2 mile jitters run! Getting nervous!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Hey hey hey!

    Guess what is this weekend! Half marathon! Tonight is a 2 mile jitters run! Getting nervous!

    Good luck!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hey hey hey!

    Guess what is this weekend! Half marathon! Tonight is a 2 mile jitters run! Getting nervous!

    Hunh. My last run is the Tuesday before the race.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Hey hey hey!

    Guess what is this weekend! Half marathon! Tonight is a 2 mile jitters run! Getting nervous!

    Good luck! Not that you'll need it :)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Hey hey hey!

    Guess what is this weekend! Half marathon! Tonight is a 2 mile jitters run! Getting nervous!

    Awesome! Can't wait to hear how great you did.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hey hey hey!

    Guess what is this weekend! Half marathon! Tonight is a 2 mile jitters run! Getting nervous!

    Hunh. My last run is the Tuesday before the race.

    And, yeah, you'll be f'n FABULOUS!!!