Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    The book Run Like a Mother includes a bucket list with things like:

    - Get a non-running friend to drink the Kool-Aid, then guide her through her first race. (Bonus points for letting her cross the finish line in front of you.)
    - Plan a vacation around a race.
    - Register for a race the day before, just because you feel like it.
    - Wear a shirt with your name on the front in a race so spectators can cheer for you.
    - Be on a relay team, either for a marathon, triathlon or longer 12-person relay race.
    - Use the phrase “track workout” casually in conversation.
    - Write down all the thoughts you have after a great run or race, then refer to them when your mojo goes MIA.

    One of the items is "go pee in the bushes while out on a trail run" I've checked that one off.

    My friend just did a marathon on his birthday and he colored a shirt announcing it, plus they got custom bibs and his said it on that as well. He got so much attention from other runners and spectators. It was fun (he kept sending me pictures), because it's something both of us would never really do.

    Those are fun ideas.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Hal Higdon 10K W4D1 (repeating W4 after a few weeks break from it) Should have been 2miles but missed the beep so did 2.5 instead at a pace of 10.8 average. No idea why I went faster, maybe my new dayglo running top cuts through the air better than the black one :bigsmile:
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    My wife & I are usually doing different distances and paces at our Tue/Thu group runs but last night we ran 4 miles together and pushed each other to a 8:38 overall pace. The best part was that this was the first run in months with zero hip pain. Thursday I will back off the pace & distance and get ready for this weekend's 9-mile long slow run. Let's hope I can stay pain free.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm pretty much mourning the not knowing too.

    I TOTALLY feel like this. It drives me crazy. And then I feel selfish. So then I feel crazy and mean for a couple of days.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My wife & I are usually doing different distances and paces at our Tue/Thu group runs but last night we ran 4 miles together and pushed each other to a 8:38 overall pace. The best part was that this was the first run in months with zero hip pain. Thursday I will back off the pace & distance and get ready for this weekend's 9-mile long slow run. Let's hope I can stay pain free.

    That is great Tim! I so happy you're back online...and getting faster!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Today I ran an interval training run of 6x 10 minutes run, with walk sessions in between ranging from 1-5 minutes, on my hilly route.
    I felt really good throughout the run and ran at a quicker pace than normal (1.3Km/10 run). The sun was shining and the air was cool. It's wonderful to run outdoors at this time of year.

    I remember the first time I ran this route. I stopped running twice going up the first hill and more than that at the second hill. It tired me out. Now, I run the entire distance of both hills and beyond (which is flat, then downhill) without stopping. It's such a good feeling to conquer those hills each time I run them.

    ETA: I have new shoes (ASICS GT-2000 Lightning). I've worn out my first pair of running shoes! I celebrated by buying new socks and a running jacket for the inclement weather coming up.

    Conquering the hills is the best feeling in the world.

    It truly is. Have you named the hills yet?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hal Higdon 10K W4D1 (repeating W4 after a few weeks break from it) Should have been 2miles but missed the beep so did 2.5 instead at a pace of 10.8 average. No idea why I went faster, maybe my new dayglo running top cuts through the air better than the black one :bigsmile:

    I wouldn't doubt it.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    I'm guessing this is the posting place for updates post C25K..

    Today was my first go at speedwork.

    4 miles total

    1 mile warm up
    1 mile @ 9:07
    1/2 mile recovery jog
    1 mile @ 9:07
    1/2 mile cool down

    Felt that it went great, been sticking to the smartcoach half plan...this Friday(or Saturday) will be my first 5 mile run..pretty nervous but excited nonetheless.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Today I want to run, but haven't figured out what my goal should be, I ran 2 miles on the treadmill on Monday. That was my first run on a treadmill. It went well enough, but I couldn't believe how hot I got. The temp wasn't worse than some days I had done during the summer. I guess that I've gotten used to Fall now. I followed it by some stretches and then doing about 20 minutes on the various arm and core weight machines.

    After going to water aerobics on Saturday morning, last night I bought the card for 15 drop in classes. It's much less expensive that way. I used it for a class last night. Since I arrived a bit early I swum laps for about 15 minutes and than had the class. I decided to do a couple more laps immediately after, but got a huge cramp in my right calf when I started to swim. Rubbed it down and then did some easy swimming and then got out. Today both of my calfs ache a little and have that "you move us too quickly we'll cramp on you" feeling. Not surprising since I've just started exercising them differently.

    I'll probably aim for doing a 5k tonight on the bike path with Fells. He's not enjoying my treadmill run followed by swimming the next night. Neither is Colin since Fells is expending his excess energy on him.

    It is terrific how well everyone else is doing. I was feeling bad about not running more than 5k at a time for a couple weeks now, but then realized that there is nothing wrong with running just 2 or 3 miles three or four times a week, and cross-training, strength training, and stretching, if I really feel that it's not hurting my knee and might be helping it. I'm not just lying on the couch at home. I am doing something. I'll probably keep the low mileage for a month and then ramp back up again in early November.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Welcome joedfro! You will find a very supportive group of people here!

    I should have gotten up early this morning to run, but dang it was cold! (40F)

    I did bring my running gear to work and will get a run in before I go home today! It should be in the low 60's this afternoon.

    Forgot to add: I rode my bicycle just over 10 miles yesterday. When I added the exercise to my diary using my phone, "cycling" became "crying". LOL I burned almost 500 calories crying for 10.14 miles yesterday!

  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Thanks Ceci..

    42 degrees here this morning... I wore a dry fit long sleeve top, shorts, my NEW running shoes, and a watch cap. Wasn't too bad, however next time I will bring some light gloves.

    Seems my hands and nose felt cold...wish I could find a nose sock or something
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Becky - how'd the half go? How are you?

    Great! No soreness, minimal injury (have a blister on my foot that is about 75% healed) and ready for an easy 30 minute recovery run after my strength session tonight. I am going by time this week, so may or may not hit my 9 mile mark. Next week is a big jump back into running as part of my reverse taper.

    Finished the HM in 02:33:31.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    It is terrific how well everyone else is doing. I was feeling bad about not running more than 5k at a time for a couple weeks now, but then realized that there is nothing wrong with running just 2 or 3 miles three or four times a week, and cross-training, strength training, and stretching, if I really feel that it's not hurting my knee and might be helping it. I'm not just lying on the couch at home. I am doing something. I'll probably keep the low mileage for a month and then ramp back up again in early November.

    Only a few miles... you know.
    No soreness, minimal injury (have a blister on my foot that is about 75% healed) and ready for an easy 30 minute recovery run after my strength session tonight.

    Glad to hear it wasn't your actual foot!
    42 degrees here this morning... I wore a dry fit long sleeve top, shorts, my NEW running shoes, and a watch cap. Wasn't too bad, however next time I will bring some light gloves.
    The hands always get cold first.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm pretty much mourning the not knowing too.

    I TOTALLY feel like this. It drives me crazy. And then I feel selfish. So then I feel crazy and mean for a couple of days.

    Thank you for saying that! I don't need to actually have run the race...I just wish someone could say "you would have done it in X."
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I skipped Monday's run because I wasn't feeling well, my shins & knees were sore, and I opted to go buy new running shoes instead of running.

    There is a Lakewalk (bike/pedestrian trail) that goes for several miles along the north shore of Lake Superior, part of which was the race course on Saturday. There's access to it across the street from my office and I didn't have my trainer session until 7:00 tonight so after work I laced up my new running shoes and hit the Lakewalk. I intended to run 3 miles (or let's be honest 3.1) and had to stop at 2.85 because I had such a horrible stitch in my side. Turns out I was cruising, for me. My last 3 mile run was 12:46/min mile, although my typical 3 mile run is closer to 12:30. Today I was averaging 11:19 (11:21, 11:20, 11:15).

    The Lakewalk has just enough hills to be interesting, and the view is spectacular, but man the people aren't friendly. Of all the walkers & runners & bikers (and it was crowded) only 2 people smiled back at me. I've gotten used to runners being more amiable.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks Ceci..

    42 degrees here this morning... I wore a dry fit long sleeve top, shorts, my NEW running shoes, and a watch cap. Wasn't too bad, however next time I will bring some light gloves.

    Seems my hands and nose felt cold...wish I could find a nose sock or something

    I usually have my hands tucked into my sleeves at first, but around a mile or so I'm finally ready for them to come back out again, and eventually I'm shoving my sleeves up.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Today I want to run, but haven't figured out what my goal should be, I ran 2 miles on the treadmill on Monday. That was my first run on a treadmill. It went well enough, but I couldn't believe how hot I got. The temp wasn't worse than some days I had done during the summer. I guess that I've gotten used to Fall now. I followed it by some stretches and then doing about 20 minutes on the various arm and core weight machines.

    After going to water aerobics on Saturday morning, last night I bought the card for 15 drop in classes. It's much less expensive that way. I used it for a class last night. Since I arrived a bit early I swum laps for about 15 minutes and than had the class. I decided to do a couple more laps immediately after, but got a huge cramp in my right calf when I started to swim. Rubbed it down and then did some easy swimming and then got out. Today both of my calfs ache a little and have that "you move us too quickly we'll cramp on you" feeling. Not surprising since I've just started exercising them differently.

    I'll probably aim for doing a 5k tonight on the bike path with Fells. He's not enjoying my treadmill run followed by swimming the next night. Neither is Colin since Fells is expending his excess energy on him.

    It is terrific how well everyone else is doing. I was feeling bad about not running more than 5k at a time for a couple weeks now, but then realized that there is nothing wrong with running just 2 or 3 miles three or four times a week, and cross-training, strength training, and stretching, if I really feel that it's not hurting my knee and might be helping it. I'm not just lying on the couch at home. I am doing something. I'll probably keep the low mileage for a month and then ramp back up again in early November.

    I get SO hot on the treadmill. It's ridiculous. I'm also bright red which is not pleasant at the gym.

    I started the Hal Higdon novice 15K training after finishing the 10K one, and for the first few weeks it's all 2 & 3 mile runs. Saturday is 4 miles and it will be my first 4 mile run in weeks, so there's nothing at all for you to feel bad about. Your body is telling you that it's time to switch things up so I think it's fantastic that you're doing new things.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Welcome joedfro! You will find a very supportive group of people here!

    I should have gotten up early this morning to run, but dang it was cold! (40F)

    I did bring my running gear to work and will get a run in before I go home today! It should be in the low 60's this afternoon.

    Forgot to add: I rode my bicycle just over 10 miles yesterday. When I added the exercise to my diary using my phone, "cycling" became "crying". LOL I burned almost 500 calories crying for 10.14 miles yesterday!


    Lol... Love it. That's a lot of tears!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    4 miles today, "easy" pace. First run since my 7.5 Sunday, and it felt good, no leftover soreness, etc.