pinksultana Member


  • Banks = way smart...thanks for the info :drinker:
    in Protein Comment by pinksultana July 2009
  • Thanks heaps for that Banks, thats brilliant. A lot of people on these boards have said over time that ging over on your protein allowance within your calories is fine and not to worry, but your saying that it should be pretty much spot on or a little bit over the allowance?? (sorry im a bit slow on the uptake)
    in Protein Comment by pinksultana July 2009
  • what is cool whip? im assuming its an american it canned whipped cream??
  • hah its rare for me to be called intelligent so ill take that without protest :happy: :happy: haha...
  • I think having a good water drinking routine really helps the boredom if you have goals at certain points in the day - I have a litre before getting to work and 1.5 litres more until late lunch, then sip maybe 5 - 7oo mils in the afternoon, and by evening i have a glass because I want it, but can also enjoy…
  • thats awesome darls! well done!! im getting into the cycling a bit too latley, due to ankle injury, but am now realising how enjoying it is
  • i just want to thank everyone for their input on this post, I have found it truly beneficial and it makes me appreciate more the genuine people found on the MFP website. xxPINK
  • I think the thing I left out of my OP is that I dont think that people delibertaley mean to come across harshly in this forum. I think everybody is quite friendly, and there is not deliberate disrespect. i think people genuinley want to help others. But i think if people genuinley do want to help then they should be aware…
  • [ [/quote] Everyone needs a shove- it's just in how we're shoved lol [/quote] Haha...yes exactly!
  • Arewethereyet...I hear what your saying and its a good point in that we all benefit from hearing about other peoples ways of thinking and how they got to where they are! Opposite points of view are fine, theyre welcome in fact when theyre given in an encouraging way, I suppose its as much around the spirit of the way it is…
  • hi ya im up for it whats this weeks challenge??
  • Hi guys i havent checked in for awhile - went camping of the weekdend, ate and drank way too much and am so bloated today so not weighing in until the end of the week to ensure I dont get discouraged. So sunburnt from the weekend too - i think ill rest up tonight and not excercise, and get back into the gym…
  • TO Original Poster I am not a parent, so I cant even imagine how hard it must be for you, and worrying too! I can only go by the experiences I had from my parents when i was in my 'wild child' stage. As mad and annoyed as i got i alwaysd appreciated the way my parents sat me down calmy and explained why theyre concerned…
  • Are you stressed? or extra worried about something?
  • Im no expert - but ive hear if you drink more than 4 litres a day you should add salt to the water as otherwise your body gets depleted of its own electrolytes and salt assuming its like not normal table salt that you put in though hah, that would taste ick!!
  • im feeling the same today!!!! Im at work and a mork mate came in with all these sweets and cakes for the team today, but im steering clear!! I am having a sweet cup of tea to curb the sugar cravings and will get on with it.
    in oh, NO! Comment by pinksultana July 2009
  • been on zoloft or citalopram over 8 years and have got to say that my weight gain was not as a result of them, but as a result of unhealthy habits associated with the depression.
  • having a down day / week / month,,,,,i dont know why. Im living in the UK but returning to australia in october....I think the closer it gets the more i allow myelf to feel homesick, and it is getting parents are coming over in 4 weeks so that is keeping me going for now....its been 23 months without parental…
  • only 2 days left of quarantine - thanks gooness!!!!!!!!!!!
  • there are clean eating mags? hmm i may go look out for some...hopefully theyre available in the UK xxPINK
  • im loving the billy blanks tae bo dvds....theyre hard work but good fun
  • oh my goodness i was just going to post the same question - my hunger woke me up at 4am this morning, i tried drinking water but it didnt touch the sides, i ended up eating about 5 grapes which took the edge off so i got back to sleep, but woke up ravenous again at brekky time!!! I didnt know what to do as I didnt want to…
  • Hah no definitly not gonna be on the news. I spose it's just getting more common coz it's spreading quickly so they didn't treat it as a big deal. Anywho will be taking it well easy for the rest of the week!!!!
  • 1. I got married when I was 21 2. I cry at just about anything when im tired including many tv ads.... 3. I am utterly and totally addicted to coffee...non of the instant stuff though... 4. I have fallen down the stairs 3 times in the last year, fracturing my ankle and 3 ribs, and spraining my elbow and neck in the process…
  • hey - I know its kind of healed up for you but I thought id still get in here....I suffer plantar fascitis, that comes out throgh the arch rather than through th heel and achilles. I have had a lot of podiatrist support because i have other foot probs but the best excercise to ease the pain when it flares i have found it…
  • Sorry but ust a side-note question - there is much speak of sodium at times on the site and Im wondering what a hig intake of sodium would be considered to be? MFP gives me allowance of 2500 a day but i average between 1500 - 2000 a day and am wondering if somehow ive missed something?? because it is easy for me to stay…
  • will play... But am starting from the lowest fitness ever so am at 35 seconds .. Can only improve tho and am inspired by those of you who can do it for minutes on end xxPink
  • Have you approached yur doctor about perhaps changing up yur meds?? it took me 3 tries before i found anti depressant medication which worked for me.
  • I LOVE getting these, when at a chinese retaurant although they call them ...San Choy Bow... they do chicken and beef ones and theyre LUSH!!!
  • why not try cutting down and gradually over a period of time cut them out completley, which will hopefully ensure you dont get the migrines?? How much of these type drinks would you drink a day do you think? You could try swapping half the amount for sugar free caffiene free options, because it may also be the caffiene if…