The preaching has got to stop



  • pinksultana
    pinksultana Posts: 162 Member
    I think the thing I left out of my OP is that I dont think that people delibertaley mean to come across harshly in this forum. I think everybody is quite friendly, and there is not deliberate disrespect. i think people genuinley want to help others. But i think if people genuinley do want to help then they should be aware that certain ways of approaching threads arent encouraging - so if theyre trying to be encouraging then I suppose they will appreciate knowing that some ways of encouragment are more effective than others, and that wording is very important especially on boards where all you can go by is the words written when you dont know the people behind the words. I know if I came across as harsh on these boards I would want to know so I could alter the way I express myself so as to come across more encouraging.


    Lets have verbal :heart: in the threads, not verbal :explode:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    This thread is lame. I wanna shoot everyone with nurf-bullets right now. *POP POP POP POP POP*
    :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    This thread is lame. I wanna shoot everyone with nurf-bullets right now. *POP POP POP POP POP*
    :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
    everyone just blame sarge

    and some people are just blunt by nature...and then again i think sometimes we just need to be criticized to get us back on track, but if someone says "cut out every bad food for u" then no offense to them, but they must be high :laugh: because if u go from having a diet of nothing but junk to super healthy all the time it's not going to work well i guess it could work but u have to have amazing will power....and congrats to those that do it...but we are normal human beings who have normal cravings...but i must cut this short and go because my baby is tearing apart all the neatly folded clothes i just put in the basket :explode: :grumble:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Pink -- I agree that the tone around here has been 'Drill Seargent' in nature, and it's offensive, even to someone like me whose been on the boards for some time. Chime in by all means, but do it in a manner that is supportive and not judgemental. There are those 'losers' who are going to want and need to go 'hardcore' at once in order to effect that change; others, not so much. It took a lifetime to learn bad habits and self-indulgence. Those bad habits don't leave overnight. If I had taken that hardcore approach immediately, I would have given up months ago.

    :smooched: EVER see me be too hardcore you PM my butt and I will go for a recheck!! Ok??

    DROP AND GIMME 20, &%#(*!!!! Just kidding!!! xoxoxo :heart: You are just the right mixture of firm and sweet!
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    This thread is lame. I wanna shoot everyone with nurf-bullets right now. *POP POP POP POP POP*
    :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
    everyone just blame sarge

    its a little hard to play the blame-game when your dead in the nurf-world. duh
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    This thread is lame. I wanna shoot everyone with nurf-bullets right now. *POP POP POP POP POP*
    :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
    everyone just blame sarge

    its a little hard to play the blame-game when your dead in the nurf-world. duh
    dude i got super sonic powers and can dodge all ur nErf balls :bigsmile:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768

    its a little hard to play the blame-game when your dead in the nurf-world. duh
    dude i got super sonic powers and can dodge all ur nErf balls :bigsmile:

    You were always the last one picked in kickball at afternoon recess, weren't you?
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I try to eat 'clean'...but it doesn't happen. I'm a vegetarian...I need to eat soy based products sometimes. Also...during TOM....I will have doritos or doubt about it...I need the artificial cheese crap. It's my once a month bust. It's not healthy or even remotely good for me...but I'll eat it anyway.
    I try not to shove my preferances down someone elses throat. I'm a vegetarian and eat as clean as possible...most people cannot live my lifestyle. I've been a vegetarian my entire it would be a shock if someone who has always eaten a meat and potato diet to switch to eating the way I eat.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613

    its a little hard to play the blame-game when your dead in the nurf-world. duh
    dude i got super sonic powers and can dodge all ur nErf balls :bigsmile:

    You were always the last one picked in kickball at afternoon recess, weren't you?
    :sad: :sad: how'd u know?....but wait a second reccess was over 12 yrs ago...since then i've found my super powers...puppy dog eyes with just a single tear from EACH eye and say ..."puh-puh-pwease mista dont peg me with that nerf ball *sniffle*" hahaha the super power of being a female :bigsmile:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768

    :sad: :sad: how'd u know?....but wait a second reccess was over 12 yrs ago...since then i've found my super powers...puppy dog eyes with just a single tear from EACH eye and say ..."puh-puh-pwease mista dont peg me with that nerf ball *sniffle*" hahaha the super power of being a female :bigsmile:

    Right, super powers. Reality check, there is no Santa Clause or Easter Bunny.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Very nicely said!!!

    I have to say that one of the first times I posted a question I did get a lot of change the way you eat (even though I was eating a mighty clean diet as my kids have MAJOR food allergies) and it was not nicely put. But I have to tell you as much as it hurt my feelings at first and made me want to go eat some junk food it really made me think.

    But I agree there are some people that would take what is said and just think they can't do it and give up. I do my best to be positive and not push what I do on others. I have to allow myself to eat some kind of junk around TOM or else I would eat myself into a deep hole that would be hard to get out of lol.

    Thank you for speaking your mind and so kindly at that :flowerforyou:

  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613

    :sad: :sad: how'd u know?....but wait a second reccess was over 12 yrs ago...since then i've found my super powers...puppy dog eyes with just a single tear from EACH eye and say ..."puh-puh-pwease mista dont peg me with that nerf ball *sniffle*" hahaha the super power of being a female :bigsmile:

    Right, super powers. Reality check, there is no Santa Clause or Easter Bunny.
    :noway: :noway: :noway: what?!?!?!...:sad: YES THERE IS!!! ssanta got me a nice new pair of socks this year....:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: cheap pr*c.....k
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Oh, and PS... Jillian Michaels is an obnoxious, well paid entertainer. I am not impressed.

    Yes! I got one of her tapes from the library and was totally turned off by her manner. She pointed to one of the very beautiful women who are modeling the exercises and said something like "work hard and you will look like this" - yeah, if I can grow ten inches while I'm at it and get a face transplant! And I wouldn't do anything until I puke, not eating, and not exercising.

    Regarding the posts, I've got to agree with lots that has been said. Yes, some posts do sound very harsh, but, I don't have to internalize it. I'm working out with 20-year-olds in my karate club and I'm well aware that I can't compare myself with them. The only challenge is with myself. That's the same for changing my life-long couch potato habits. I'm taking baby steps because they work for me, and I celebrate every success no matter how small.

    I also give people the benefit of the doubt - if they seem to be on a soapbox I'm considering that maybe they haven't got the maturity and the skill to put their points across in a way that doesn't turn others off. It will come with time and practice, and the feedback that started this thread is very valuable for this. Thanks, Pink!
  • healthychic
    healthychic Posts: 298
    I didn't see the bulletin you posted prior to this one but I know what you mean about preaching. Everyone has their own way in doing things and people shouldn't nessecarily "preach" to you, but they should help IF you ask for it. Although the people who are telling you that eating clean is the best way to lose the weight fast, they are right, but you have to do what fits your lifestyle. I have found that for me it is a lot easier to just cut out ALL fastfood and leave in a few snacks but not to indulge in Chips Ahoy cookies but make healthier changes by eating 3 cookies at a time or eating the 100 calorie snacks instead. But that is just what works for me, you have to find your own special way that is helping you lose weight. However if what you are doing isn't working the way you want it to, I would take other people's advice especially people who have lost considerable amounts of weight. But you are right, everyone is on here for encouragment and uplift, however if you do ask for advice don't think you won't get any because you will!:happy:

    :heart: Danielle
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    Oh, and PS... Jillian Michaels is an obnoxious, well paid entertainer. I am not impressed.

    :laugh: :wink: me like...
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    The clean living is an awesome end goal, but its not the only way to get there. In programming there is this guy who is important to meet, his name is TIM TOWTDI. Actually, it isn't a guy, its an acronym meaning "There is more than one way to do it." If you are looking to keep the same diet and just cut out stuff with chemicals, than go for it. It will work. Do it with exercise.

    I started out that way myself. But then I started cutting out the chemicals, and I started feeling better and better.
  • Deniself
    Deniself Posts: 5
    I agree with you :)
    Everyone is different and needs to take things on at their pace. It takes a lot to change a habit- and that's what a lot of unhealthy choices are-bad habits we develope. It's like pushing a stalled car- if you are at the backa nd are pushing nad pushing to get the car moving ahead your deleriously happy with EVERY inch that car is moved foreward. Loosing weight, excersiing and being healthy in this Junk filled world our society has created is difficult and is a daily push to move foreward towards being healthy. No one shuold be belitted for every inch they move foreward.
    My friend and I are being asccountable to each other for our weightloss- which is helping me emensly. Last month I was talking with her and I told her I had conquered the Vending machine at work-I wasn't back to the gym and my efforts at excersising were by now means even considered an effort yet - but she applauded me. She understood that for me I eat junk becusae I am frustrated and stressed out- my job does both to me on a daily basis. She asked when I replaced my vending machine visits with and I told her I had picked up some of the quaker 100calorie snacks and when I felt stressed and craved junk I had ONE of the snacks and logged in my daily food diary. I also started takign a break from whatever was frustrating me at the time- moved on to another issue then went back to the origional problem.
    Little by little my bad habits are being consumed by good ones.
    After the first month I saw how much more progress she had had by being more disciplined so this month I have stepped it up a notch- A NOTCH- not a gianormous leap because I already know nad understand myself and I will aim way way to high and not obtain it and spiral down into the same bad habits.
    Progress, no matter how slow, is still progress. Just like support should be unconditional - especialy between people who are in the same boat.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    My name is Kathy, and I'm addicted to sugar....I agree with what some of what you've said. I have done a huge lifestyle change over the past 2 years, and have educated myself a TON since I've been off. I have given fitness/nutrition tips in the past, but only as a resource for some who don't seem to know. I hope I've never come across preachy, as I by far don't follow all the things I know about the body. I KNOW what sugar does to insulin, yatta yatta, but still can't give up my sweets. And then I think-do I even WANT to eat clean for the rest of my life? I've given up so much already to make changes (I'm a party girl at :heart: ), at what point do we sit back and enjoy life? So my last 10 pounds isn't coming off...(:sad: ), I know how to change, but I don't. Is it the lack of control that gets me so dissappointed, or is it the 10 lbs? I hope that with time change will happen, and we have to be there for each other in the good and bad times. After all, health and longevity is the goal for everyone, and I think that's what most people post for, not to make anyone annoyed. :drinker: Was that preachy? Didn't mean to be. :flowerforyou:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Pink -- I agree that the tone around here has been 'Drill Seargent' in nature, and it's offensive, even to someone like me whose been on the boards for some time. Chime in by all means, but do it in a manner that is supportive and not judgemental. There are those 'losers' who are going to want and need to go 'hardcore' at once in order to effect that change; others, not so much. It took a lifetime to learn bad habits and self-indulgence. Those bad habits don't leave overnight. If I had taken that hardcore approach immediately, I would have given up months ago.

    Oh, and PS... Jillian Michaels is an obnoxious, well paid entertainer. I am not impressed.

    I agree. I had to make a lifestyle change that I could live with. If I killed myself with exercise and cut out all "bad" foods I would have never lost the weight.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    If you are on diet drugs, and ASK everyones opinion, then expect it.
    If you are ASKing what everyones opinion is on eating icecream toppings, then expect an honest response.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Gee, the ice cream topping thread was the one that popped into my head when I read this one too! Luvs ya Jeannie!

    I personally backed away from posting for a while, just sticking to my favorite 2 or 3 threads for a while. You find a good group and stick with it. Now, I'm kinda dipping my toe into the forum pool again. Mostly lurking, but every now and then I see something and have to comment.
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