The preaching has got to stop



  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Me too!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    My yogi / haematologist / nutritionist says ice cream toppings are basically a mixture of sleeping pills and gasoline. She says that if I drive by Dairy Queen again she'll stop seeing me. Plus, she'll unfriend me on Facebook. And kill me with a hammer.

    I now live on a gruel of (probiotic, gluten free, organic) grass clippings and shortening.

    You eat bread? You're gonna die!!!

    (((Hehehehe,,, :drinker: ))).
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    My yogi / haematologist / nutritionist says ice cream toppings are basically a mixture of sleeping pills and gasoline. She says that if I drive by Dairy Queen again she'll stop seeing me. Plus, she'll unfriend me on Facebook. And kill me with a hammer.

    I now live on a gruel of (probiotic, gluten free, organic) grass clippings and shortening.

    You eat bread? You're gonna die!!!

    (((Hehehehe,,, :drinker: ))).

    Please Sir, I want some more. (article about gruel)
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Lots of people have posted important and significant points-of-view on this thread and I agree with so many of them.

    I, for one, appreciate opposing thoughts and points of view when it comes to advice. I try to keep an open mind, and understand that everyone has something DIFFERENT that works for THEM. We are not words on a forum here, we are people who are on a journey, and if we all took the same path, we'd run down all the flowers and scare away all the birds on our hike. :laugh: Sure, there may be several people all doing the same thing and having success, but that's not the case for everyone here.

    I firmly believe in the "To Each His Own" philosophy.

    I used to have a quote I posted in my forum profiles: "Fare thee well as you traverse this land, alone or with another... and may each person you meet along the way be better for knowing you."

    Touch lives for the better. Take the best of what you can along your journey, and make it work for you. Let negativity slip away from you, if the person doling it out is important in your life, address it, resolve it..... if not, ignore it and move on.

    Yes, there's a reason I earned "MFP" as a nick name. I like sunshine and roses. I'm willing to do the work to get them........Yep, I'm a Mary Eff'in Poppins.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    So what you're saying is eat the ice cream with toppings before bed so you'll sleep well but save a smidgen to put in the gas tank in the morning.:laugh:

    I'm not mocking you. I'm just kidding.

    I wish people took organic and inorganic chemistry and realized how close most substances are moleculary and wouldn't be so horrified when they here these statement.
    My yogi / haematologist / nutritionist says ice cream toppings are basically a mixture of sleeping pills and gasoline.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    :laugh: :laugh: I know one thing people on this site have scared me away from cool whip and margarine
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Margarine contains enormous concentrations of Lead paint chips and arsenic and old lace.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Margarine contains enormous concentrations of Lead paint chips and arsenic and old lace.
    lol like i said i've been scared away from those two things...and now a 3rd soda (Which I do heart oh so much) :grumble: :grumble:
  • fondawanda
    fondawanda Posts: 11
    It's difficult to cut out something that you have been eating for the best part of your life:frown: and I appreciate where you are coming from, but i also think its okay to have treats as well, in fact I think its important. If you try and cut out all the supposed junk straight off you are aiming to fail. Some people can do it and good for them:flowerforyou: But you are right take it at your pace, unless the doctor has said dont eat it it will kill!:noway: you take it easy and cut it out gradually. I still have to have the occasional chocolate:bigsmile: I had a mexican on sunday:bigsmile: but I'm back on course this week and running it off:grumble: I wont ever criticize just encourage:drinker: :bigsmile:

    How big was the mexican you had on Sunday? :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • mcohan
    mcohan Posts: 116 Member
    all that matters is that you are on the right track for YOU...whether that means losing a million pounds, or just becoming aware of the decisions that you are making. i think we all deserve a pat on the back for at least thinking about our health and the alterntaives to processed food.

    p.s. this is totally the place to vent and let out all your frustrations whether or not people agree...thats the fun part! haha no ones feelings really get hurt here,ya know? good luck with everything! you can totally do it!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I am a very sensitive person who hates confrontation. I believe encouragement is the best medicine.
    (if you knew what I did for a living, you would LOL............God only knows how I got into it!!)

    If I dont like what someone is saying, I have the choice to not read it. Everyone has their opinion, and has the right to express it.

    If you are on diet drugs, and ASK everyones opinion, then expect it.
    If you are ASKing what everyones opinion is on eating icecream toppings, then expect an honest response.

    Now I have posted threads and was specific about what I am looking for, especially if I dont want a negative response. I know it gets out of hand sometimes, and ppl go over the top, but isnt that the case at a party where everyone doesnt know each other???

    We cannot expect every answer to be what we want to hear, and sometimes hearing what we DONT want to hear is exactly what the doctor ordered.

    I would quit this site if :flowerforyou: was the only smiley to use (although, she is my favorite!)
    The :angry: :grumble: are there for a reason, it is a part of human nature.

    "Take what you want and leave the rest"

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Of all the posts in this thread I heart this one the most.

    You know, I used to exercise 3 times a week and thought I was watching my calories, and I couldn't lose the weight, until someone showed me what I was doing wrong. I could have been hard headed about it and refused to listen or try, but I changed up my habits, and learned about whole foods, and better exercise, and the weight started to come off, the muscle started to build.

    There are pages and pages of great information, a lot of it provided by Banks, that will help you if you want it to.

    There are also pages and pages of threads with lousy information and I really don't see anything wrong with trying to give more correct information that will be more useful. I think most people would want to know what genuinely works for being the healthiest you can be.

    That being said, I generally stay off the forums, because it's just too stressful most days.
  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    I think we should all just have a glass of wine and relax :laugh:

    Seriously, no here means to offend everyone and is hard to undertstand the tone of a written post. I completely understand your point but at the same time the "preachers" mean well and tend to have a lot of experience and education behind them.

    Support and encouragement comes in many forms. For some people it is just lending an ear, for others it is a few kind words and for others it may be a kick in the pants. The point is, it is all well intentioned and no need to take offense.:flowerforyou:

    I agree with you completely! Well put....
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I've always thought that there are many different ways to eat healthy- just like exercise.

    Some of us run, some swim, some bike, some dance, some take a class, some do a DVD, some do physical labor... etc.

    Similarly, some of us focus on low-calorie diets, some on low sodium, some on clean eating, some on low cholesterol, some on vegetarian eating...etc.

    To me, there is no *right* way to eat, or to exercise. It's all about finding what works for you, or you'll never stick with it (food or exercise) long term.

    Just like in real life, sometimes we ask a question for an actual answer, sometimes we ask when we already know the answer, sometimes we ask because we want a "tough" answer, sometimes we ask as a b*tching session in disguise, etc.

    It's not always ideal, and you've all raised good points. It is what it is, like it or leave it :wink:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    A lot of the people here are very excited at how they have achieved their success and want to share. The preachy thing I have not really experienced, however I have seen a bunch of "How much ice cream can I eat and still lose weight?" type of postings, this is an attempt to get others to pat them on the head and say, "oh, you poor thing, who shoved that whole cheesecake down your throat!"

    Not you per se, so no intent to be snide, but when you ask for advice you will get it, sometimes we do not like hearing that we just have to change! How much Ice cream can I eat and get away with it? as much as I want, but I won't lose weight doing it either!

    Good luck in your journey and win the battle you have chosen to fight! We are all here doing the same thing.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    A lot of the people here are very excited at how they have achieved their success and want to share. The preachy thing I have not really experienced, however I have seen a bunch of "How much ice cream can I eat and still lose weight?" type of postings, this is an attempt to get others to pat them on the head and say, "oh, you poor thing, who shoved that whole cheesecake down your throat!"

    Not you per se, so no intent to be snide, but when you ask for advice you will get it, sometimes we do not like hearing that we just have to change! How much Ice cream can I eat and get away with it? as much as I want, but I won't lose weight doing it either!

    Good luck in your journey and win the battle you have chosen to fight! We are all here doing the same thing.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • amandadaisylotus

    I've read all the posts and you all have good (and repeated) points. There's no one way to go about anything in life, including a healthy diet.

    I think the post I thought about most when I read this one was the Skinny Cow post. Like it has been said, for someone who has been eating something really bad for them all their lives, a small change, like eating a low fat/reduced fat substitute is a step in the right direction. But then some people come up and literally try to scare them off of the substitute by quoting the chemicals and processing that is required to make them low fat/reduced fat.

    People can read the nutrition label, they can google the ingredients that are on them. Let them make their own decisions what chemicals they put in their body instead of basically telling them that they're going to kill themselves by eating "unnatural" foods. I think being obese is a more likely killer than the chemicals in the reduced fat foods. Especially for those of us that still have problems with moderation.

    I don't mind reading post that are specifically about these things though, like the KFC grilled chicken post. But I went into that post knowing that I was going to be reading about the chemicals/processing facts. I went looking for that information.

    For someone who just wants to have a nice "Well I love this particular thing!" convo with like minded people, having someone come on raging on the scene and destroying buildings with their "RAWR CHEMICALS RAWR" posts is just plain annoying.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Well put. I remember not too long ago there was a newbie - who did have a negative outlook to be sure, but she was just new. Some people jumped all over her and she hasn't been seen since. Sometimes people do need to vent, especially when they're new and feel overwhelmed by the changes their doctor has told them they need to make. They don't want to be patted on the head, they just want somebody to understand how they feel. Change isn't easy, especially when you're told to change instead of it being your idea.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    It's difficult to cut out something that you have been eating for the best part of your life:frown: and I appreciate where you are coming from, but i also think its okay to have treats as well, in fact I think its important. If you try and cut out all the supposed junk straight off you are aiming to fail. Some people can do it and good for them:flowerforyou: But you are right take it at your pace, unless the doctor has said dont eat it it will kill!:noway: you take it easy and cut it out gradually. I still have to have the occasional chocolate:bigsmile: I had a mexican on sunday:bigsmile: but I'm back on course this week and running it off:grumble: I wont ever criticize just encourage:drinker: :bigsmile:

    How big was the mexican you had on Sunday? :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    :bigsmile: howls, just howls of laughter here! I remember thinking that when I read it :bigsmile:

    dang & I've just woke the baby with my laughing!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member

    I've read all the posts and you all have good (and repeated) points. There's no one way to go about anything in life, including a healthy diet.

    I think the post I thought about most when I read this one was the Skinny Cow post. Like it has been said, for someone who has been eating something really bad for them all their lives, a small change, like eating a low fat/reduced fat substitute is a step in the right direction. But then some people come up and literally try to scare them off of the substitute by quoting the chemicals and processing that is required to make them low fat/reduced fat.

    People can read the nutrition label, they can google the ingredients that are on them. Let them make their own decisions what chemicals they put in their body instead of basically telling them that they're going to kill themselves by eating "unnatural" foods. I think being obese is a more likely killer than the chemicals in the reduced fat foods. Especially for those of us that still have problems with moderation.

    I don't mind reading post that are specifically about these things though, like the KFC grilled chicken post. But I went into that post knowing that I was going to be reading about the chemicals/processing facts. I went looking for that information.

    For someone who just wants to have a nice "Well I love this particular thing!" convo with like minded people, having someone come on raging on the scene and destroying buildings with their "RAWR CHEMICALS RAWR" posts is just plain annoying.

    :noway: :noway: There's something wrong with Skinny Cow and Cool Whip?:sad: Actually, I don't care, if I don't die from soup in aluminum cans, the air conditioner blowing on me in a close up car, the chemicals in my cleansers, or the artifial sweetners, something else will -the lists don't end. Hell, I could get hit by a car crossing the street tomorrow (I hope I didn't jinx myself). I've given up and changed a lot already-I'M NOT GIVING UP THE COW OR THE WHIP!:tongue:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    You have a good point - just keep in mind that when you ask for people's opinions you can't get mad when they give it. Just take the information that is useful to you and let the other's roll off your back. :flowerforyou: