

  • unfortunately it only goes in 5lb increments....bummer huh??? I had lot 9lbs and was happy and it rounded me up to 10!!! Not a good idea in my eyes.... anyway good luck!
  • Well Roadtrip...looks like you have lots of ladies to support you....:bigsmile: Enjoy, work hard and it will pay off in more ways than you can imagine. Starting now to take better care of yourself will be so beneficial when you get older. Avoiding high cholesterol, high blood pressure....and learning to eat the right foods…
  • Welcome.... you will get lots of support here and make a few friends too! Your hubby will be so happy to see you back in shape. Babies really take a toll on the bod. I wanted to say thank you for sharing your husband with all of us to protect our country. God bless you for that. I can't imagine the sacrifices your family…
  • Ditto to the bride!! Good for you lady!:drinker:
  • OK... I did nothing this week. hospital since Monday. Just got home last night. On a liquid diet loss this week.... I am confused...... are we starting week 3 or 4??? :frown:
  • OK.....I am down 1.5lbs!! Moving in the right direction....ate horribly today.... I need to get back on track!! starting weight for week 3 is 233.5. Good luck everyone!!:flowerforyou:
  • OMG!!!! I feared this would happen!!!:sad: I have no stomach muscles at all Cescarian ( spelling???) section and a colon surgery left me with NO..and I mean NO stomach musclkes.:grumble: :grumble: The kid is worth it but OMG!! I also have a horrible low back. Give up the good advice for options for the gut other than sit…
  • problem...exercise....huge for me!! I still struggle with my left knee pain. I give it a rest and then even 15 minutes of walking causes swelling and pain. Then I am out for a few days...then it starts over!!! No excuse. I did alot of housework and gardening over the weekend so at least I am moving. Just can't…
  • Welcome to MFP. This is a great and supportive community! No topic is off limits. We do have lots of opinions so lots of info to weed though and take want you will from it! Good luck on your 55 lb journey. I have about 69 to go!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Diet soda is also a diaretic so it actually will dehydrate you faster than anything else!! You will notice you pee more and you need water to keep your body functioning at optimal levels and to actually burn calories... try water with 1/2 lemon in it!! It may surprise you how much you enjoy it!! If you just put a slice of…
  • I runs from Friday to Thursday and Friday morning we will get our new weeks challenge. Not Friday to Friday. :happy:
  • You should be proud of yourself Soxygirl!! that is a fantastic amount of cardio!!!:drinker: My body aches jut thinking about it!!:cry: Good for you!! :bigsmile: You only have 4 more to go and I know you can do it!!!
  • ok....starting weight 239...down 4-lbs- goal met!!! cardio goal was for 90 minutes, only did 60. No excuses!!!!!!:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: Next week focus,focus,focus!! I noticed my calorie intake dropped lower this coming week for jut 2 lbs lost! Good luck to everyone and great job... even if nothing changed you are…
  • hubby and I are alone for the first time in 11 yrs ( since my son was born) he has been away for a night here and there but he is gone for 3 days on a school field trip. My hubby and I are playing honeymoon. I went out to dinner and had a french dip and a piece of pie. With my exercise i still met my calories…
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome. I have only been on this site since April 23rd and have already lost 7lbs!!! I am not updating my ticker until Friday when I do a weigh in with my May Motivational group!! REad lots and you will get tons of advice both good and some very opionionated. Take what you want…
  • :love: Yummeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I love french toast!! I will be getting some of that bread and having that for breakfast soon!!!! Or even a great snack for TOM sweet tooth!! Thanks:flowerforyou:
  • I take 3 grams ( or 3 1000 mg capsules) of fish oil a day for dry eye syndrome. I can notice a difference in my skin too since I started taking it. I do burp it now and then but if you get good pharmaceutical grade or liquid fish oil it doesn't repeat much! :blushing: My doctor told me there is no such thing as too much…
  • you guys inspire me.... Ive been stuck inside Walmart picking up little travel bottles for my son who is leaving for a camping Fieldtrip Wednesday....its pouring rain....I want to walk but its too rainy. Guess I will have to put on the tunes and dance around!!! Actually I may not today, the knee is really swollen and so is…
  • YIPPEEE!!! I am pulling for you and just know you will make us all proud!!:wink:
  • Hey....a goal is meant to be set high...if you don't set the bar high what is the point? Give it your best shot and anything you lose along the way is a great, great job!!! It's less weight than you started with right? No beating yourself up before you even try or for that matter after you try.....Go for it…
  • Girl you rock!!! Thanks.. I am going to turn on the music today and bounce around and try not to injure my knee being the clutz that I am.... I am ready!!!!!:devil:
  • One day at a time.....tomorrow is another day!! Guilt is useless. Glad you enjoyed a treat! This is not and be happy you have a loveing family.... I don;t ever want ANY foods to be off limits. Sometimes its a good reality check as to what you really want. Have a great day and smile!:flowerforyou:
    in Today i.. Comment by Rottiemama May 2009
  • By the way.... I appreciate Dav'e's blunt time for *****footing around. Weed through what you want and don't want for yourself.... Go DAVE....and anybody else with an opinion. Isn't that the point of these forums???:wink:
  • I always thought it was the folk in the UK that were outspoken!!:flowerforyou: :tongue: Please, please don't take these words of wisdom the wrong way, you are correct, it is your body, your choice, we are just speaking our minds,& opinions. This is sometimes tough love here on these pages. My husband was on a weight loss…
  • I would keep the wetter veggies out of the lettuce, it will break it down faster....keep them in a separate tupperware and add them right before eating!! :tongue:
  • Way to go!!! You post whereever you choose!!! You should be so proud of yourself!!! weeeehooo!!!!:flowerforyou:
    in Today i.. Comment by Rottiemama May 2009
  • his cheeks apart:laugh: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I am not quite on crutches...just overdid walking earlier this week and have a swollen knee and left foot ( same side) I truly think getting older sucks. I'm only shouldn't be this hard already???? Thanks for the advice, I will see what I can find to keep me busy!:wink:
  • Any suggestions for a person trying to get some cardio done when it is rainging cats & dogs and also an injured knee??? HELP!!!!:sad: