May 2009 Challenge: Week 2

abagwill Posts: 222
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Challenge: Water Challenge

This week, I want you to COMBINE last weeks challenge with THIS weeks challenge! I want you to keep up that cardio, maybe even up it AND.... Drink AT LEAST 64 oz of water. I want you to report your water intake and cardio to the board. Remember, nothing with sugar in it counts, therefore, WATER, Water with lemon/lime only count... The reason sports drinks, diet sodas dont is because of their sodium, caffeine and sugar contents.... Focus on this challenge and you are sure to see some pounds gone....



  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Challenge: Water Challenge

    This week, I want you to COMBINE last weeks challenge with THIS weeks challenge! I want you to keep up that cardio, maybe even up it AND.... Drink AT LEAST 64 oz of water. I want you to report your water intake and cardio to the board. Remember, nothing with sugar in it counts, therefore, WATER, Water with lemon/lime only count... The reason sports drinks, diet sodas dont is because of their sodium, caffeine and sugar contents.... Focus on this challenge and you are sure to see some pounds gone....

  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    Good One! How did you know I need to drink more water :wink: , i haven't been working on that at all yet. Glad to give it a try this week! :flowerforyou:
  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner Posts: 382
    EXCELLENT!!!!! I really need to work on my water intake too. I look forward to the weight peeling away. :love: :bigsmile: :wink:
  • sheofthesea
    sheofthesea Posts: 123 Member
    What a good challenge! Thanks for making it part of the fun.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    This is a great challenge...I have been working on this but always need more help with it. Plus having to report it makes me drink more :drinker: .

    :heart: J
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    Great idea! I definitely need to up my water intake because I am really pumping out the cardio.

    For the purposes of this new thread:
    My starting weight was 153, and I didn't lose anything this week, despite the 360 minutes of cardio (in addition to strength training) I logged.

    However, my new HRM arrived yesterday, and I used it today on my 5 mile walk. According to it I am burning way more calories than I thought I was (using the MFP numbers and a pedometer that doesn't have a chest strap). So, I'm now wondering if maybe I'm not eating enough, which is why I'm plateauing. I am going to up my calories a bit this week and see if that moves that scale!

    Congrats to everyone that saw a lower number today! Keep it up!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    soxy girl: Good job! What type of HRM did you get? I want to get one but I am thinking about getting the body bugg from 24 hour fitness. You may not be eating enough so make sure you eat enough!! and watch that SODIUM! Good job though. seriously, even because you did 360 minutes of cardio, that is a success to me!
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    soxy girl: Good job! What type of HRM did you get? I want to get one but I am thinking about getting the body bugg from 24 hour fitness. You may not be eating enough so make sure you eat enough!! and watch that SODIUM! Good job though. seriously, even because you did 360 minutes of cardio, that is a success to me!

    Thank you! I know it's not the sodium -- I am really careful about that. I am hoping that adjusting my calories will do the trick!
    I got the Polar F6 HRM -- It's on the pricey side, but totally worth it!
  • sbjg2430
    sbjg2430 Posts: 19
    i'm pretty good about my water intake so I'll make sure I stick with it and use this week to focus on my cardio more b/c i had such a crappy last week in that department! Here's hoping it quits raining long enough for me to get my walk in this evening! :drinker:
  • eri1mani
    eri1mani Posts: 42
    Challenge: Water Challenge

    This week, I want you to COMBINE last weeks challenge with THIS weeks challenge! I want you to keep up that cardio, maybe even up it AND.... Drink AT LEAST 64 oz of water. I want you to report your water intake and cardio to the board. Remember, nothing with sugar in it counts, therefore, WATER, Water with lemon/lime only count... The reason sports drinks, diet sodas dont is because of their sodium, caffeine and sugar contents.... Focus on this challenge and you are sure to see some pounds gone....

    Loves it!!! Great challenge for the week, I need to up my H2O intake :drinker:
  • robynd
    robynd Posts: 35
    I switched from high calorie soda to diet. I need to start transitioning to more water but I just struggle to even drink one bottle of it. Does it court if I drink decaf tea (with splenda)? Any suggestions to help me ease into the water thing?
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I love this challenge i drink maybe a glass or two of water a day i hate water if im thirsty i grab a diet coke or juice but this will help me to challenge my self to work out more and drink more water!!!!
  • dezmoore
    dezmoore Posts: 24 Member
    Hey- i forgot to get on my scale this morning... are we suppose to report this every friday? It is 5 pm now and I will get on in the morning...

    Cardio- check
    water-- will make me think more about it.... so I need to do this too...

    have a great weekend and I will check back in tomorrow!:drinker:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    robynd: splenda=sugar... I know water is no fun, but it offers so many vital necessities you need and it really helps shed the pounds... I would suggest for those of you that do not like water to get crystal light over anything else... You will have to account for the calories but it definately helps ease into water. tea, i suppose could do as long as it is decaf. I am leaving it up to your discrestion but after all, it is a challenge and challenges are supposed to make you work hard and overcome obsticles, I want you to really try to drink your water, as pure as you can!

    GOOD LUCK! :happy:

    PS, I am moving this weekend so I may be alittle unaccessible tonight and most of the day tomorrow... If you have questions, send me an email, I will get it on my blackberry...
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    I think the water challenge is good. I read an article about a study that some college did about water. Basically the reason people don't like the way water tastes is because they have conditioned their body to crave other things instead of water when they are thirsty. The real challenge is re-conditioning your body to recognize and crave water when you are thirsty instead of other drinks like soda or juice. The article said that to help begin the transition back to water you should try to drink water when you are thirsty and leave the sodas and other drinks for meals, ie milk w/ breakfact, soda/juices w/ lunch and dinner. Hope this helps.
  • tabbyh25
    tabbyh25 Posts: 66
    I really started drinking water when I started dieting 3 weeks ago. I only get about 30 oz. in a day so 64 oz. is going to be a real challenge. I will also work on the cardio thing. Hopefully I will not have anymore cramps.:sad:
  • smbrownl
    smbrownl Posts: 6
    LOVE this challenge!! I probably drink a total of 2 bottles of water per WEEK...I'm bad :embarassed:
  • cryt11
    cryt11 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey everyone. Good Luck this week.

    Starting wt:146
    5/8/09: 147

    not happy but I did go over on 1 day.

  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    I switched from high calorie soda to diet. I need to start transitioning to more water but I just struggle to even drink one bottle of it. Does it court if I drink decaf tea (with splenda)? Any suggestions to help me ease into the water thing?

    Diet soda is also a diaretic so it actually will dehydrate you faster than anything else!! You will notice you pee more and you need water to keep your body functioning at optimal levels and to actually burn calories... try water with 1/2 lemon in it!! It may surprise you how much you enjoy it!! If you just put a slice of lemon it may not taste like enough to make you want to drink it. Diet is still way better than sugary soda so you are moving in a better direction. Another good trick for me is to drink water before my feet hit the ground in the morning. I chug a 16oz glass first thing and it really makes me thirsty for the rest of the day. If I don't start out drinking water it is hard for me to keep drinking it....let me know if any of this works for you!!! Good luck!!! I know you can make the switch!:flowerforyou:
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    Today, I got in 30 minutes of cardio on my stationary bike. I also drank 96 oz of water today.That is a great accomplishment for me, because I usually drink about 4-5 glasses of water a day on average..It was really hot today here..It was like almost 100 degrees outside.
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