May 2009 Challenge: Week 2



  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    Oh, I looooooove my H2O. I worry sometimes that I drink too much, but the feedback I'm getting is that my usual 96-128 oz a day won't hurt me. :laugh: I honestly get super cranky without it, so my advice to those who struggle is to start with a caffeine/sugar free beverage (like Crystal Light) and continue to water it down more and more, until you are "weaned" off the sweetness. I'm no Jedi Weight Loss Master, but I can all but guarantee that you will see a loss if you do nothing but get your 64 oz in each day! My co-worker struggled mightily, but when she finally managed to do it for a whole week, she was down 3 lbs. :happy:

    I was *horrible* for the first week of this challenge with my exercise, but I did get back on my routine today: 30 minutes of hilly walking to and from the YMCA and 33 minutes on the elliptical while watching What Not To Wear. Ahhhhhh, like a little vacation in the middle of the day. I had been doing 30 minutes of weights 5x/week, but for the sake of this challenge (and to change things up a bit), I will stick with 1 - 2 hours of cardio instead.

    Happy sweating and chugging! :drinker:
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66 problem...exercise....huge for me!! I still struggle with my left knee pain. I give it a rest and then even 15 minutes of walking causes swelling and pain. Then I am out for a few days...then it starts over!!! No excuse. I did alot of housework and gardening over the weekend so at least I am moving. Just can't stand for any period of time..especially walking. ...:grumble: :mad: :sad: I will see how it goes but I think I am going to give it the rest of the week off.
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member

    Bike 25km(15m)h - 25 minutes
    Walk - 42 minutes
    1 hour 7 minutes

    10 X 16oz = 160oz
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I was wondering i drink a lot of green Tea it has nothing in so there's no calories, sugar nothing!!! So can i log that as my water intake????
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member problem...exercise....huge for me!! I still struggle with my left knee pain. I give it a rest and then even 15 minutes of walking causes swelling and pain. Then I am out for a few days...then it starts over!!! No excuse. I did alot of housework and gardening over the weekend so at least I am moving. Just can't stand for any period of time..especially walking. ...:grumble: :mad: :sad: I will see how it goes but I think I am going to give it the rest of the week off.
    how bout biking, supposed to be easier on the knees, of course swimming is the least impact but it;s hard to find a pool to swim laps in. Our highschool allows a swim master program swim time in the morning before school, you could check out swim master programs in your area. I'm dealing with a Frozen Shoulder so no swimming for me right now, it is frustrating having an injury.
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member

    I think green tea is not going to count for water. javascript:add_smiley('wink','post_body') There's definitely been times in my life where I didn't like water either. The thing is, once you start drinking plain water, you'll start craving it. It takes a like anything you do (including following many things on this websitejavascript:add_smiley('grumble','post_body')), it's mind over matter.

  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Thanks Sally!!!
    Im trying to drink water with a wedge of lemon so it has some kind of flavor...
  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner Posts: 382 problem...exercise....huge for me!! I still struggle with my left knee pain. I give it a rest and then even 15 minutes of walking causes swelling and pain. Then I am out for a few days...then it starts over!!! No excuse. I did alot of housework and gardening over the weekend so at least I am moving. Just can't stand for any period of time..especially walking. ...:grumble: :mad: :sad: I will see how it goes but I think I am going to give it the rest of the week off.

    I have a similar problem (foot pain) and I am unable to do any impact exercises. I don't have a gym membership and no access to a pool until next month. I've been trying to do yoga and pilates. They both are no impact, but I'm not sure how your knee will be affected by it. My mother just had knee surgery and her physical therapist showed her some cardio exercises that she can do while sitting down (ex siting jumping jacks). Maybe you can do something like that...

    My problem has been getting in my water and finding time to workout!!! :grumble: :noway: Its been a stressful week for me since my sister and my niece have both been sick (we all live together):sad: !!! So my minutes of working out are non exisistant:sad: , but I am going to get in at least 10 min a day from now til Friday so the week won't be a total bust. :embarassed: :ohwell:
  • AndreaRBell
    AndreaRBell Posts: 11
    This is a great challenge... I sweat so much doing the cardio I think part of my problem with weight loss has got to be dehydration... and my salt intake can't help. I'm bad about trying to supplement it with sports drinks too... :-(

    Going to get water now...
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member

    Bike 25km(15m)h - 25 minutes
    Walk - 42 minutes
    1 hour 7 minutes

    11 X 16oz = 176oz
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member problem...exercise....huge for me!! I still struggle with my left knee pain. I give it a rest and then even 15 minutes of walking causes swelling and pain. Then I am out for a few days...then it starts over!!! No excuse. I did alot of housework and gardening over the weekend so at least I am moving. Just can't stand for any period of time..especially walking. ...:grumble: :mad: :sad: I will see how it goes but I think I am going to give it the rest of the week off.

    Are you able to get a hold of a recumbent bike? I picked one up on Craigslist or Kijiji (can't remember which) for $50 back in early 2008. It isn't fancy, and a bit older, but it works fine. You can also try asking for one on Freecycle.
    I found that it was the perfect exercise after I had my knee surgery, and it really didn't bother my knees at a time when I still couldn't walk 100 meters without extreme pain. There is no weight bearing down on them at all.
    It took me months after my surgery to be able to do anything, though. And before surgery there was absolutely no way I could have done anything. I take Naproxen twice a day, and sometimes I have to add a Tylenol, but the more I exercise the better my knees feel.
    Of course, this all depends on what is wrong with your knees in the first place.
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    monday-water/64oz Cardio Minutes/30 minutes
    tuesday-Water/78oz Cardio Minutes/30 minutes
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    I am so excited! My fiance got me a Brita water filtration system so I can now drink tap water! WOO HOO!!!! I am hecka excited :-) This week I have been drinking at or around 64 fl oz... I have a 1/2 gallon jug that I drink each day throughout the day so that equates to 64 fl oz!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Tammietifanie: Sorry I didn't back to you sooner, I try to scan the posts each day and reply but dang, sometimes I just can't get to all of them :grumble: Anyway... Good job on trying to get in water even though you have a strong distaste for it :frown: Try crystal light, decaf teas, lemon and lime those will all count... I know it is difficult for someone who doesn't get in any other water... but it is definately something to think about, your body cant function at its optimal levels if it is only getting water through veggies, fruits and other sources, so drink up! Trust me you will feel like a BIZZILION bucks after a few days :bigsmile:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Thank you Amannisto for getting back with me.. Im trying to drink water by putting it next to my bed, in the car i put some water bottles, and in my diaper bag i stuck on in there so i would buy a soda while being out with the kiddo's... You wouldn't think drinking water would be so hard but wow it hard to remember to drink up :drinker:
  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    This is a good challenge..... I have been slacking on everything this week.. water intake, exercise, eating good! I'm getting back on track today though!!!!
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    It's RAINING!!!! Guess the workout is gonna have to come indoors today!
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I gotta digure out how many ounces are in a liter since I always get a 1 liter bottle of water! I'm sure I need to drink more than one of them to get to 64 ozs. I usually drink 1 of those and then drink a couple of glasses when I get home.
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    Struggling this week, TOM, haven't felt much like doing cardio or drinking h2o. I am going to Run tonight and tomorrow and hope for the best on Friday's weigh in.:ohwell:
  • Cariñosita
    Cariñosita Posts: 184 Member
    Been doing good with the water this week....and the cardio SO FAR. I hope everyone is having a good week.
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