Nutritionists? Fish Oil and Fat Loss Question

JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
To any nutritionists out there....or anyone more knowledgeable than me.....I've read that fish oil can actually help you lose fat. Of course, this is combined with exercise and eating right in general. I can't tell if the articles I've seen are current, though. I certainly don't think it would be a magic pill, but I am rather curious. Also, is there such a thing as taking too much fish oil?


    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    To any nutritionists out there....or anyone more knowledgeable than me.....I've read that fish oil can actually help you lose fat. Of course, this is combined with exercise and eating right in general. I can't tell if the articles I've seen are current, though. I certainly don't think it would be a magic pill, but I am rather curious. Also, is there such a thing as taking too much fish oil?
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I am not a nutritionist, but I have read a lot on the subject. I have also read that taking fish oil is helpful for weight loss. I have been taking fish oil for a few years now although not at a high level to influence weight loss. Some authors (Nicholas Periccone) recomment taking up to 9 fish oil capsules per day for weight loss.
    Taking too much fish oil may give you some indigestion. Take it with vitamin C or E to prevent it from going rancid and releasing free radicals once in your body.
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    posting so I can find this later. I'm interested in responses. I don't know much about fish oil but have heard of it.
  • jesse1117
    jesse1117 Posts: 124 Member
    from what i have read it seems that fish oil is really good for you but not *that* helpful with weight loss. I don't know though, I am interested to see responses too.
  • angelofmedicine
    angelofmedicine Posts: 6 Member
    I can not say much about the weight loss, but I can say that fish oil is a great Idea. I am a ER Physician Assistant (PA-C) with a Masters Degree. I see many people come into the ER with heart disease. My mother also has had a large heart stent and 3 heart cath's. I have talked many times with the cardiologist (as well as my mothers cardiologist) and they all say that fish oil saves lives. They recommend 2000mg for my mother (she was taking 1000mg), and since there is a "heart history" in my family, the recommend that I start taking it as well even thought i am only 30. I always suggest talking to your own doctor if you have any questions, but this is just a little bit of info that you might find helpful.
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    I take 3 grams ( or 3 1000 mg capsules) of fish oil a day for dry eye syndrome. I can notice a difference in my skin too since I started taking it. I do burp it now and then but if you get good pharmaceutical grade or liquid fish oil it doesn't repeat much! :blushing: My doctor told me there is no such thing as too much fish oil, only that you may smell a little funny:noway: I too am interested to see responses on fish oil helping with weight loss. I have never heard that. I think it is an important supplement sine I can't stand oily fish like salmon or Mackerel...yukky....:frown: I sure wih I did cause its so good for you! OK...nuff said about that!! Good nite all!
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    Sorry, once again, no knowlege of fish oil and weightloss. I live in Alaska, and our docs recomended my kids and I take cod liver oil in the winter months when the sun is gone, for vitamin D replacement. I know wild caught salmon is good for that too. Don't know if anything like that will help weight loss more than its ability to build muscle though.
  • McPushup
    McPushup Posts: 12
    It does not do much for weight loss but it is a supplement that you should be taking. For weight loss try CLA.
    Good Luck
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  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Just read an article in Hers M+F. They say it DOES aid in weight loss. Not just fish oils, but nut, avocado-the good fats. Women should cut back the carbs, eat them earlier in the day (complex of course-except for post workout, then have simple with some protein (like chocolate milk). Add more good Fats, about 30% and lean Proteins-30% or so. Hope this is right, the "Professionals" keep changing their minds. :grumble: Kath
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    To learn more about this, look for the book by Dr Barry Sears, creator of the Zone Diet. The title is "The Omega RX Zone: The Miracle of the New High Dose Fish Oil"

    It is available in paperback, and has info on the Zone Diet program, and LOTS of readable info about fish oil. The most important point to make is that there is fish oil, and there is fish oil. If it is not pharmeceutical grade, you can probably pass on it. The one exception I have found is the Enteric coated fish oil available through Costco (Kirkland brand).

    With regard to salmon,--WILD salmon does have good amounts of Omega 3, BUT, farm salmon isn't worth eating. There is fish oil available from wild salmon, but it does not contain as high a concentration of the compounds that are found in fish oil from other sources. Another consideration is the limited supply of wild salmon in existence. I am not sure it is ecologically responsible to consume fish oil made exclusively from wild salmon, but that is a question for a different thread.

    I am no doctor, and no nutritionist, but Sears is both, and below is a link to the page that will allow you to read excerpts from the book. You don't have to get it online. Most bookstores with a decent selection of diet and nutrition titles should have it:,M1

    It is worth a look. In addition to weight loss, if you have inflammatory related diseases such as arthritis, are concerned about menopause, infertility, or how well your brain is working...or just because you want to know more about fish oil. This book is a wealth of information.

    My parents have taken fish oil religiously for the last 4 years. My mother is 93, still gets up every morning, cooks all their meals, and keeps up their apartment. My dad is 83, still drives. Both exercise and swim each day. I am not saying fish oil is the reason for this, but I hope I am half as healthy as they are if I live that long.

    I noticed a great increase in my energy level after I began taking it, and I don't think I could maintain the work schedule that I do if I weren't taking it.
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Wow, some really good info! Definitely worth asking my dr. about then.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Thanks, all. good comments. I do take the Kirkland brand Fish Oil, Enteric Coating is a MUST! It eliminates the fish burbs for me. Looks like I have some reading to do. Thanks again, everyone!!
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